Monday, June 17, 2024


Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | jan. 29, 2024 | PDF |
AFI. (May 31, 2024). North Dakota Gov. Doug Burgum failed to disclose massive financial holdings and interlocked relationships. Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 1—-North Dakota Governor (2016-2024) Douglas J. Burgum. Burgum has played the citizens of North Dakota for the trusting fools. He filed a meager 3-page Statement of Interests in 2020 where he failed to disclose over 80% of his holdings and interlocked relationships. Then, just three years later, he filed a 25-page Office of Government Ethics financial disclosure and 1,501-page FEC donor and lender disclosure during his short-lived run for the American presidency. During his entire political career right up to 2023 he has failed to disclose his interlocking relationships with leaders of the British Pilgrims Society, including Henry Kissinger, Goldman Sachs, and McKinsey & Company, among many others.

​​In his short-lived run for president, Burgum produced a 25-page ethics disclosure and a 1,501-page FEC donor disclosure in 2023.  

​​They prove that his 2020 North Dakota Statement of Interests was a cynical ethics sham. 

Revelation: Burgum is an up to $59.5 million debt slave to goldman sachs.

Burgum had an ethical duty to disclose . . . but he did not.

Goldman Sachs logo

May 31, 2024—​Doug   Burgum’s 2023 disclosures reveal that he is an up to  $59.5 million debt slave to Goldman Sachs.

Goldman Sachs is a leading member of the British Pilgrims Society run by Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-bankers in The City of London and New York. (Sir) Henry Kissinger was a long-time vice president along with Fed Chairman Paul Volcker. Kissinger’s first speech in 1973 as Nixon's newly-appointed secretary of state was to the Pilgrims Society in London where he announced the petrodollar over silver-backed currency.

Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University, was the Pilgrims Society’s long-time American-"branch" president (1902-1945) and mentor to Pilgrim David Sarnoff (AT&T, RCA, NBC, surveillance, propaganda, mind control, communications, satellites) and J. Edgar Hoover (FBI), among many others including (Sir) Caspar Weinberger, (Sir 'new world order') George H.W. Bush, (Sir) Rudy Giuliani, (Sir) Alan Greenspan, (Sir) Dean Rusk, (Sir) George Mitchell. More recently (Sir biowarfare) Bill Gates. These facts beg the obvious question: Who has really been controlling America since the dawn of the 20th century? Burgum is evidently groomed and controlled by this secret group.

​Burgum’s 1,501-page FEC Form 3P donor report is padded with “Winred, P.O. Box 9891, Arlington VA 22219-1891” repeated 3,488 times. It appears to be a donor faking scheme to meet minimum thresholds to qualify for debate participation. Burgum's handlers were evidently eager to expose their no-name groom to a wider audience.

Burgum lied to North Dakotans about his finances, and feigned trustworthiness, while he deceived the public in order to convince voters that he is trustworthy. Gaslighting 101. "By their fruit you shall know them." Matthew 7:16.

On page 1,500 of 1,501, Burgum discloses a $4.5 million campaign loan on Jun. 22, 2023 from Goldman Sachs with dubious terms: no interest, ambiguous collateral, no due date. Sounds like the Rothschild and Warburg loans-never-paid-back to form the Federal Reserve in 1913.  Add this $4.5 million FEC election loan to his federal disclosure of up to $55 million in Goldman Sachs loans and we see up to $59.5 million in Goldman loans.

The "Safe harbor rule" financial disclosure ethics scam

A favorite sleight of hand on federal OGE 278 financial disclosure forms is the ranges used to delineate the amounts held. For example: $1m-$5m, and $5m-$25m, and $25m-$50m, and over $50m. These ranges give a wide swath in which to hide misconduct. Further, in 2000 the Office of Government Ethics issued a tortured opinion changing its disclosure rules so that the actual stocks held in mutual funds did not have to be disclosed. In so doing, a judge, for example, could hold stock in Facebook in his mutual fund without being required to disclose his Facebook holding even when a case involving Facebok came to that court. See Aug. 25, 2000 Proposal, and Sep. 06, 2000 Rules Change. This is exactly what the federal judges did, including Chief Justice John Roberts, in the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement trial. The Federal Circuit (Circuit judges Rader, Lourie, Moore, Wallach, clerk Horbaly, and now Stark, then District Court magistrate) ignored an amicus brief exposing their interlocked Facebook financial interests.

In short, a decision in Facebook's favor in that court boosted the value of that judge's mutual funds that held Facebook stock. This sleight of hand re. mutual funds is euphemistically called "the safe harbor rule" today. Truth is, it is not a rule, not a law, it is only a "concept" applied like a law written in stone. Why? Because every public official can hide their financial interests in companies that come before them as public officials. It is insider trading dressed up to look legal.

Why? Congress never approved this safe harbor "concept." But, politicians, judges, and bureaucrats have adopted it across the board as if it was law. It gives them the excuse to hide their financial interests in companies that come before them as public officials. It is insider trading dressed up to look legal. Untold British offshore secret accounts add to this betrayal of the citizenry.

Goldman Sachs was Burgum’s Great Plains Software underwriter and largest outside investor in 1998. We will reveal these proofs later in this post.

Burgum is an evident groomed cardboard cut-out of the Pilgrims Society. How else would a no-name from North Dakota graduate with a dubious B.U.S. degree (Bachelor of University Studies, huh?), start a chimney sweep business, become BFF with Steve Ballmer, then have the experience to buy an accounting software company, team with Goldman Sachs and IBM and then sell to Microsoft for $1.1 billion. This just does not happen outside of the military-industrial complex bubble of corruption.

Ethics Failure #1—Arthur Ventures interlocks

Burgum's 2020 Statement of Interests failed to disclose 80% of holdings in the venture capital treachery he ostensibly founded named Arthur Ventures.

Those nondisclosures reveal extensive interlocked relationships with BlackRock, Vanguard, Koch, Piper Jaffray, and Microsoft through his partners Patrick Meenan (since 2012), Ryan Kruizenga (since 2016), and David O'Hara (undisclosed).

Ethics Failure #2—Goldman Sachs interlocks

Doug Burgum is an up to $49.5 million Goldman Sachs debt slave. $4.5  million was loaned to his 2024 presidential campaign with no strings attached, not due data, and no collateral. With no mechanism to pay back the loan. Add this $4.5 million campaign disclosure to his federal disclosure of up to $55 million in Goldman Sachs loans and we see up to $59.5 million in Goldman loans. Goldman can certainly make sure that the loan becomes a ball and chain controlling Burgum indefinitely. 

Ankle is ball and chain

​Two-term governor of North Dakota, Doug Burgum, ran for president for 11 months in 2023 (Jan. 07 to Dec. 04). He qualified for the Republican debate on Aug. 23, 2023 by selling $20 gift cards for a $1 donation to reach the required 40,000 donor threshold. In short, he bought votes.

Ethics Failure #3—North Dakota Statement of Interest lies

​Burgum filed a three-page ethics disclosure called a “Statement ​of Interest” in North Dakota. The law required him to disclose all material relationships, holdings, and directorships that might affect his impartiality. Even a cursory review of the public record shows that Burgum failed dramatically to be transparent with the citizens of North Dakota. He failed to disclose 25 pages of interests that he later disclosed in his federal ethics disclosure OGE Form 278e. The public record clearly shows that Burgman scoffed at the requirement to disclose ALL material relationships and holdings, just on his Arthur Ventures venture capital companies alone.

Ethics Failure #4—Great Plains Software interlocks

Burgum's ethics statement hid substantial Great Plains Software material interests and interlocked relationships.

On Mar. 19, 1998, Burgum took Great Plains Software public after investing a modest $250,000 in Mar. 1983 that was raised by mortgaging his portion of the family farm, so the dubious propaganda goes. We also find his unlikely linkup with Steve Ballmer at Stanford dubious as well. In 2000 Burgum sold the company to Microsoft for $1.1 billion.

On Sep. 01, 1998, Burgum’s Great Plains cut a sweetheart outsourcing deal with IBM. Great Plains is an enterprise accounting system now called Microsoft Dynamics 365. 

Burgum became president in 1984, then chairman and CEO by 1997. Just prior to the sell-out to Microsoft, Burgum had also interlocked himself with IBM. 

Great Plains’ largest outside investor was Goldman Sachs Group. Their securities law firm was Hale and Dorr LLP (now Wilmer & Hale LLP—Robert S. Mueller III’s firm). 

Great Plains maintained subsidiaries throughout British Commonwealth dependents including UK,  Australia, Singapore, and South Africa.

In his North Dakota 2020 Statement of Interest discloses on one (1) Great Plains investment, but in his 2023 Office of Government Ethics disclosure he discloses 47 Great Plains investments! No reasonable person can explain such a dichotomy except FRAUD, we believe.

Ethics Failure #5—Uniparty interlocks

Burgum teamed with the Uniparty without disclosing the interlocking relationships.

Doug Burgum for America, Inc. failed to disclose its interlocked relationships with at least 159 other federal political action committees (PACs) by way of his treasurer Paul Kilgore, Athens, Georgia. These relationships include a subsidiary relationship with the NRCC (National Republican Congressional Committee) that funnels funds through a PAC named  “Pit Crew Fund.”

​Kilgore is the treasurer for at least 159 PACs according to the FEC. Burgum had/has a duty to disclose these material relationships. See  List of Paul Kilgore’s clients.

Burgum employs uniparty treasurer Paul Kilgore

RNC Uniparty Treasurer Paul Kilgore
Fig. 2--Paul J. Kilgore, RNC Uniparty Treasurer to over 158 Senate and House "Republican" candidate PACS. Gov. Doug Burgman's treasurer.

Ethics Failure #6—Pilgrims Society interlocks

Burgum failed to disclose his decades-long interlocked relationships to Henry Kissinger, Kissinger & Associates, British Pilgrims Society, McKinsey & Company, and Steven K. Sydness.

When Burgum took Great Plains Software public in 1998, he identified a vice president of International Operations named Steven K. Sydness who was employed by Henry Kissinger Associates and the management consulting firm McKinsey & Company, Inc. in their New York and Tokyo offices. Sydness attended Harvard Business School and Principia College. Burgum supported Sydness for Congress.

At Great Plains Software Sydness had been VP Strategic Planning, VP Sales, VP Business Development, VP, Dynamics Group, VP International Operations.

​In Sep. 1999, Sydness then became founder, executive chairman, and CEO of Endurance International Group, Inc.(EIG).. Henry Kissinger was executive advisor. Endurance was an acquisitions vehicle to consolidate Internet hosting companies into just a few hands globally. EIG acquired more than 70 hosting companies in an evident monopolistic purchasing spree.

​Sydness died in 2014, but EIG went on to be purchased by Clearlake Capital Group brokered, lawyered, and banked by the usual Pilgrims Society suspects including Accel-KKR (James W. Breyer, Accel Partners, Facebook, National Venture Capital Association, American Academy of Achievement, Chinese Premier Xi ​Jinping), Goldman Sachs Group, GS Capital Partners, Warburg Pincus, Wilmer Hale LLP, Sidley Austin LLP, Kirkland Ellis LLP, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank, UBS, Rothschild & Co.

See EIG shareholder agreement for the Clearlake Capital buyout.   

Other Great Plains Software principals (Burgum interlocking relationships) include:

  • ​J. A. Heidi Roizen. Apple, Stanford Trustees, Software Publishing Association, Price Waterhouse, Burgman Law, Threshold Ventures (Draper Fisher Jurvetson—investor in Coinbase, Ring, Sisense, SpaceX, Tesla, Twitter, Unity, Yammer) 
  • Raymond F. Good. McKinsey & Co, Harvard, H.J. Heinz (John Kerry), Munsingware, Pillsbury 
  • Joseph S. Tibbettes. Stanford, Price Waterhouse (Prince's Trust International auditor), Micro Focus, SeaChange, (credit card processing), Novell 
  • William V. Campbell. Apple, GO Corp, Claris, Columbia, Intuit, Kodak, Steve Jobs, Google, J. Walter Thompson, Eric Schmidt
  • Sanjeev K. Mehra. Goldman Sachs, SunGard Data, McKinsey & Co., Harvard, Burger King, World Wildlife Fund, Council on Foreign Relations (CFR)

Doug Burgum interlocked relationships

Doug Burgum's interlocked associations map Fig. 3--Doug Burgum fails to disclose most of his interlocked relationships that dictate his political conduct.

The interlocking relationships are profound:

  • Henry Kissinger was a vice president, along with Paul Volcker, former Fed chairman, of the British Pilgrims Society in America.
  • Accel/KKR is interlocked with Pilgrims Society American organizer James W. Breyer, Accel Partners, National Venture Capital Association (NVCA), American Academy of Achievement (Pilgrims lite), Facebook, and the IBM Eclipse Foundation 
  • PriceWaterhouseCoopers is the auditor for the Prince’s Trust, Prince’s Trust International; Sir Nigel Knowles, DLA Piper Law (UK); Doug Emhoff (former DLA Piper), Pilgrims handler for Kamala Harris
  • Columbia University was/is a breeding ground for the British Pilgrims Society in America 
  • Stanford University is a prime breeding ground for Pilgrims Society/CIA/MI6/IBM grooms, along with Oxford University (UK), and the Senior Executive Service (SES)..
  • H.J. Heinz is interlocked with John Kerry. 
  • Apple,, IBM, Kodak, SunGard are interlocked with “Five Eyes” British-American intelligence conspiracies. 
  • Threshold Ventures is interlocked with PriceWaterhouseCoopers, Coinbase, Ring, Sisense, SpaceX, Tesla, Twitter, Unity, Yammer, among others.
  • J. A. Heidi Roizen interlocks with Apple, Stanford Trustees, Software Publishing Association, Price Waterhouse, Burgman Law, Threshold Ventures (Draper Fisher Jurvetson—investor in Coinbase, Ring, Sisense, SpaceX, Tesla, Twitter, Unity, Yammer)

Henry Kissinger, Vice President, The Pilgrims Society of the United States, 2002

Fig. 4Anne Pimlott Baker. (2003). The Pilgrims of the United States - A Centennial History, p. 149, PDF p. 85. Profile Books (2003). Kissinger was a vice president of the Pilgrims Society in 2003, Anne Pimlott Baker, p. 194, PDF p. 94, at May 6, 2003. Henry Luce III was president of the Pilgrims Society in 2003 and was publisher of Time, Fortune, Sports Illustrated magazines. The influence of the Pilgrims BBC/Sarnoff/Empire Press Union et al is obvious. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Sydness’ association with Kissinger & Associates was removed in the first Great Plains proxy statement on Oct. 15, 1997. The Burgum association with Pilgrims Society leader Kissinger is kryptonite when it becomes know, hence the strong attempt to hide it.

Kissinger’s entire career from hisfirst days with the Rockefeller Foundation in the 1950’s was to promote the “new world order” driven by the Pilgrims Society in London through its Babylonian Radknight merchant-bankers in The City of London. For example, when Richard Nixon appointed Kissinger Secretary of State in his second administration, Kissinger’s first speech was to the Pilgrims Society in London where he announced the death of the silver backed dollar and the rise of the petro dollar.

Mehra’s association with Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) was hidden in the first Great Plains proxy statement on Oct. 15, 1997 and the S-1 Registration on Mar. 19, 1998

By way of conclusion to this section, interlocking relationships rarely expire, they just lie dormant for a while. However, when the needs arise, these interlocks are like spies, they are always on call for the next Pilgrims Society project. 

Put another way, when you have been initiates into the pagan Pilgrims Society Babylonian Radknight merchant-banker world, an invitation to a new ritual cleansing is always just around the corner.

Burgum fails to disclose the vast majority of his Pilgrims Society interlocks.

Can Amer​ica unchain herself from the Pilgrims Society’s 24-pt. plan to ANNEX AMERICA?
Statue of Liberty Chained
We did not heed Lillian Scott Troy’s warnings in 1913

We let her be deported and robbed by England without protest.

Will we listen to her now, 111 years later? 

Time will tell.

"Would Ānnex ĀmericĀ."

The British Pilgrims Society Woulod Annex America - Lillian Scott Troy

Fig. 4--Editor: (May 13, 1913). Would Annex America [says Lillian Scott Troy], p. 20. The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tennessee).

Note: Columbia University president ​Nicholas Murray Butler served as president of the Pilgrims Society of the United States "branch" from 1903-1945. He oversaw the organizing of the British First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, oversaw the recruitment of Franklin D. Roosevelt, David Sarnoff (RCA, NBC), J. Edgar Hoover (FBI), Anglican Bishop Henry C. Potter into the Pilgrims Society.

Elihu Root was co-founder of the Pilgrims Society (1902); former U.S. Secretary of War (1899-1904); U.S. Secretary of State (1905-1909); NY U.S. Senator (1909-1913); founding president, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1910); Nobel Prize (1912); founder, Council on Foreign Relations (1918). He was also personal attorney to J.P. Morgan and Andrew Carnegie.

John Hay was U.S. Ambassador to the Court of St. James where he promoted annexation of America by Britain. He once described (banker) war "as necessary as it is righteous" and described another war as "a splendid little war"--he was a Pilgrims Society merchant-banker warlord par excellence.

American heroine Lillian Scott Troy

American Heroine Lillian Scott Troy exposed the Pilgrims Society

Fig. 5--​Fig. 7—Editor. (May 13,1913). Would Annex America [says Lillian Scott Troy], p. 20. The Commercial Appeal (Memphis, Tennessee).

. . . "[T]he idea of the arbitration treaties was not Taft’s, but that of [Andrew] Carnegie and King Edward [VII] who sent it to America to be labeled “Made in the U.S.A.;” The Hague tribunal is essentially a British product, instituted simply for the ultimate undoing of the United States, and that Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler, president of Columbia University, and others are rewriting American history to disparage the heroes of the Revolution." (Emphases added.)

Who was American Nicholas Murray Butler? Click this link to read his full Pilgrims Society-Columbia University biography. Click here for a PDF.

* * *

On Apr. 25, 2019, then President Trump was served official notice, as the chief executive, that the U.S. government violated the property rights of social networking inventor Leader Technologies--the First Amended Miller Act Notice.

First Amended Miller Act Notice - Leader Technologies in the theft of social networking and demand for repayment for confiscation by the Executive Branch

​Fig. 6--FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE. (Apr. 25, 2019). Leader Technologies, Inc. to U.S. Executive pursuant to 40 U.S.C. §3131 et seq. Leader Technologies, Inc.

Truth Social has parked its Ponzi scheme on Michael McKibben's patented technologies without paying a license fee. Despite having proof that Trump (or at least certain advisors) received formal notice of the theft, these facts are not disclosed to Trump's prospective investors in their SEC filing. This is evident fraud by at least Trump's auditors, securities lawyers, and advisors. Was he being further set up or is he in on this fraud? Time will tell. Given the results of the latest Alvin Bragg show trial, Trump's enemies appear to stop at nothing to compromise the advisors around Trump.

Alvin Bragg corruptocrat

Trump knows all about the theft of social networking. Leader sent him hundreds of Fifth Amendment demands by its shareholders. It was delivered by senior staffers from Rep. Jim Jordan's office. We note that the Truth Social SEC disclosures discombobulate their position relative to potential infringed property. The wording is evidently intended to absolve Trump of any potential liability for a supposed lack of knowledge of his infringement of Leader Technologies social networking inventions.

Rep. Jim Jordan's staff hand delivered the Miller Act Notice to the white House

Leader Miller Act Boxes delivered to the White House.

It is the same Uniparty pattern that we have discovered with Ron DeSantisSarah Huckabee-SandersGlenn YoungkinGavin NewsomJ.D. Vance (Silicon Valley’s man), Vivek Ramaswamy (Soros Big Pharma man), Candice Owens, and RINO Nikki Haley (see her 52-page Wikipedia screed.)  

With each profile, the Uniparty paymaster has a different face, but all roads eventually lead back to the same The City of London Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-bankers in the British Pilgrims Society—the real face of the “deep state.”  See more on the Babylonian Rādhānites below.

Five Eyes criminals in the US, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Canada

Five Eyes, ANCIB(US)-ANCICC(UK). (Mar. 11, 1946). DAY 1: TOP SECRET CREAM, Inauguration Meeting, U.S. - British Signal Intelligence Technical Conference, March 11, 1946, DOCID: 2959299, REF ID: A2666693, National Archives Ref: HW-80-5, PDF p. 108. NSA. 

Note: British MI6 is still redacting many of the names on their delegation, thus committing espionage against the United States in 1946, and still today.

​Five Eyes, ANCIB(US)-ANCICC(UK). (Mar. 11, 1946). DAY 1: TOP SECRET CREAM, Inauguration Meeting, U.S. - British Signal Intelligence Technical Conference, March 11, 1946, DOCID: 2959299, REF ID: A2666693, National Archives Ref: HW-80-5, PDF p. 108. NSA. 

Rothschild Asset Management logo

BlackRock logo

Vanguard pirate ship

FMR Fidelity Investments

State Street Logo

British Royal Crest

King Charles III, tyrannt

​Who Pulls Doug Burgum's Chain?

Babylon to London
Click this image to enlarge
Pilgrims Society Babylonian symbolism logo explained
Fig. 3—British Pilgrims Society Babylonian symbolism in logo explained

The British Pilgrims Society through The City of London and the Babylonian Rādhānite (Radknightsmerchant-banker pagans who control the British Crown.

Their flunkies doing their bidding in the USA are British Spy No. 7 Alexander Hamilton’s American banks, notably JPMorgan, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street along with asset managers like BlackRock, Fidelity, T. Rowe Price and Vanguard, who are controlled by the British Crown  and the Rothschilds in the City of London via the Monarch’s “Golden Share.”

Don’t believe that the British run America? Just look at the false flag they are trying to orchestrate in Poland right now. Poland is historically one of the favorite choke points of the British Empire to try and take down Russia to seize control of Russia’s 11 times zones of resources, again. When will we learn?

Tragically, Kristi Noem's handlers are the ones attempting to depopulate us folks.

Georgia Guidestones
Click this image to enlarge
The Georgia Guidestones is a monument made in 1980 by an anonymous author that details in 8 different languages how to build a new society, with apparent advocacy of population control, eugenics, and internationalism. It was destroyed by an unknown person(s) on Jul. 27, 2022.
Fig. 4--The Georgia Guidestones is a monument made in 1980 by an anonymous author that details in 8 different languages how to build a new society, with apparent advocacy of population control, eugenics, and internationalism. It was destroyed by an unknown person(s) on Jul. 27, 2022. See ​

The City of London
Click this image to enlarge
The City of London is controlled by the Pilgrims Society who carry on the pagan control of the Rādhānite merchant-bankers of Babylon. “The City of London Co​rporation” was chartered in 1067 after the coronation of William I, William the Conqueror, on Dec. 25, 1066 AD at Westminster Abbey.
Fig. 5--The City of London is controlled by the Pilgrims Society who carry on the pagan control of the Rādhānite merchant-bankers of Babylon. “The City of London Co​rporation” was chartered in 1067 after the coronation of William I, William the Conqueror, on Dec. 25, 1066 AD at Westminster Abbey.

William was Norman (French). The Babylonian Rādhānite (demon-worshipping pagans who claimed to be Jews for more than three millennia) already had an extensive banking and trade network through Europe and Middle East, Scandanavia and Africa to China.

The ​Rādhānite merchant-bankers were forced to flee Babylon (renamed Baghdad) ahead of the armies of the Muslim Seljuk Turks in 1055 A.D.—just 11 years earlier. They fanned out along their extensive network of merchant-banking trading post across the known world.

“And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. He said to them, It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.'” Matthew 21:12-13.

“Synagogue of Satan”

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” Revelation 3:9.

In the process, they rebranded themselves as “Ashkenazi Jews.” They had called themselves Jews for millennia while in Babylon, but they had created their unique pagan version that followed the Talmud, Yiddish, and rabbis, rather than the Torah, Hebrew, and Prophets.

Babylonian child sacrifice

The Babylonian Empire codified debt slavery by sanctioning usury (charging interest on the loan of money) in the Code of Hammurabi (1755–1750 BC). They put fake Jews in charge of these practices.

While the Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel ca. 600 BC were decrying usury, exiled "Jews" like the Egibi and Marushu banking families, who had so intermixed with Persians that their Jewishness had vanished, were assigned the task of running all aspects of the Babylonian economy, including Silk Road commerce from Britain to China, leveraging Solomon's Gold, banking, finance, intelligence, propaganda, engineering, agriculture, and trade.

The Babylonian Empire worshipped demon gods who demanded child sacrifice and debt slavery, including Mammon, Moloch, Asmodeus, Ba’al, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Ishtar, Legion, Leviathan, Lucifer, Mammon, Marduk, Moloch, Pazuzu, Satan, Agrat bat Maḥlat, Alu, Alukah, Asherah, Ashmodai, Astarte, Azazel, Belial or Beliar, Bel-Marduk, Chemosh, Dagon, Deber, Dever, Ekimmu, Gallu, Horon, Ilu Limnu, Keṭeb, Kotar Hosis, Labartu, Labartu, Lamashtu, Lilith, Lilu, Lotape, Mavet, Nahar, Nergal, Ninisina, Pentalpha, Rabisu, Reshef, Resheph, Resheph, Samael, Shachar, Shalem, Shamḥazai, Shedim, Shedim, Tannin, Tiamat, Tirosch, Yoḥane bat Reṭibi, and others.

​King Solomon's 600 wives and 300 concubines eventually lured him into building temples to and worshipping these Babylonian demon gods. This is evidently when the ​Babylonian Rādhānite took full control of Solomon's Gold that had been carted off to Babylon. Then, shipped to The City of London ca. 1067 AD.




* * *

Tell the Synagogue of Satan

Jesus Christ: "Get behind me, Satan."
Matthew 16:23

Described above is abject immorality on the part of the British Pilgrims Society and their Babylonian synagogue of satan demons.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice |
Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice—The Perpetrators of this Epic Fraud must disgorge their ill-gotten gain
Click image to open PDF of this and the next slide
How Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice check will help create true Free Speech in our American Republic
Fig. 6—The First Amended Miller Act Notice. Click here to download the PDF (check your Downloads folder after clicking). See also, Complaint against Judge Leonard P. Stark's fraud against his own court in Leader v. Facebook and 2,400 other patent cases.
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

bookmark: #cost-of-merchant-banker-wars |
The Cost of Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker wars
Click this image to play video.
Michael Boldin. (Feb, 27, 2023). The Cost of War is Much More than Financial. Tenth Amendment Center.
Fig. 7—Michael Boldin. (Feb, 27, 2023). The Cost of War is Much More than Financial. Tenth Amendment Center. Source: YouTube. (Raw *.mp4 video file).

Return to return to the beginning of this post.

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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Tuesday, February 6, 2024


Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | jan. 29, 2024 | PDF |
AFI. (Jan. 29, 2024). Is Kristi Noem qualified to be Vice President of the United States? In a colonial annex of the Imperial United Kingdom, yes. Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 1—-Kristi Lynn Noem (​née Arnold). "Big lip" "Big Hair" "No Experience" "British Groomed." Photo: CBS News. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

​​In a meritocracy where candidates are elected, one looks for life experience, professional qualifications, intelligence, moral character, honesty, ability to solve problems, leadership, real success.

In a colony controlled by British merchant-bankers where candidates are (s)elected, one looks for obedience, visage, narcissism, perfidiousness, corruptibility, veneer of success. Candidates need only perfect "the art of looking good" for one's London handlers.

Paper-thin Resume

Apr. 19, 2023Kristi Lynn Noem (b. Nov. 30, 1971; Watertown SD) is a pretty face with a paper thin resume, yet a bloated 39-page Wikipedia. This qualifies her to be the vice president of the soon-to-be annexed British Imperial Colony of America.

Kristi Noem is the daughter of prosperous South Dakota farmers, Ronald and Corinne Arnold.

In 1990, she graduated from Hamlin High School in Hayti, SD and was selected Snow Queen of the South Dakota Snow Queen Festival, then enrolled in Northern State University in Aberdeen, SD. 

In 1992, she married Bryon Noem during her sophomore year. Her field of study is not known. Bryon graduated in business finance, worked on the Arnold family farm, and eventually founded Noem Insurance.  

In 1994, her senior year, Kristi became pregnant. A month before the baby was due, her father was killed at age 48 in a grain elevator accident on the family  farm. He was sucked in and smothered, according to the local papers. Kristi dropped out of school to help her mother, two brothers and sister on the farm and no doubt care​ for her newborn daughter, Kassidy.  

From 1994 to 2012 she worked on the family farm while attending classes at three different institutions: Mount Marty College, South Dakota State University, and online University of South Dakota (USD). 

USD touts 12 Rhodes Scholars in Wikipedia. Rhodes Scholars are notorious imperial recruits for the British Pilgrims Society. This is an unusually high number, but not surprising given the Anglophile subservience of their political science department. By comparison, Ohio State has had 10 Rhodes Scholars. Kristi finally graduated from USD with a degree in political science in 2012.

​The USD political science department was dominated by William O. Farber and is an evident feeder system for new members of the traitorous British Pilgrims Society.   

The “Farber Boys” included:

  1. Tom Brokaw--NBC Nightly News, Today Show, Meet The Press, one of the “Big Three” news hosts of the American mockingbird press (NBC, CBS, ABC) between 1980’s to 2000s; and  
  2. Al Neuharth—founder of USA Today, The Freedom Forum, and its Newseum. He won the Walter Cronkite Award for Excellence in Journalism in 1988. Note: Walter Cronkite (CBS) was a notorious member of the British Pilgrims Society, as evidence by the Congressional Record, Rep. John Rarick, LA, Sep. 22, 1970. Even Wikipedia acknowledges Cronkite’s membership in the Pilgrims Society, as does the Pilgrims own official publication.

Kristi’s resume scrambles her associations with the Pilgrims Society leaders who control the political science department at USD. However, their outsized number of Rhodes Scholars (12), and their public documents, justify the reasonable conclusion that she was groomed by the USD political science department for the British Pilgrims Society. 

As a part of her USD grooming before graduating, she ran successfully for the South Dakota House of Representatives in the 6th district in 2006. She was reelected in 2008. She served four years from 2007-2010. 

She needs to tell us if these associations were all "coincidence." She needs to tell us who was grooming her politically during that time when she attended three different universities, and spent eight years to finish maybe a semester of uncompleted schooling when she dropped out.

South Dakota Republicans made 37-yr. old Kristi Noem, college dropout with no accomplishments, assistant majority leader in 2006

Remarkably, this pretty little college dropout, Kristi Noem, became assistant majority leader. She sponsored 11 bills that became law, including tax reform and increased gun rights. 

She needs to tell us how she possibly qualified to be catapulted to a Republican leadership position after only one term in the South Dakota House. How did she learn to write 11 pieces of legislation that all passed. Did all that skill come from being Snow Queen? 

By comparison, her fellow Pilgrims groom Ron DeSantis introduced only five pieces of ineffectual legislation in his five years in the U.S. Congress (congressional investigations, child predators, Venezuela, follow the law, federal pay).  

Who controls the Republican Party in South Dakota?

Big Ag. Big Energy. Big Chemical.  

​The companies include Cargill, Archer Daniels Midland (ADM), ConAgra, ExxonMobil, DuPont, People’s Republic of China (PRC).

The Noems hold stock in Summit Carbon Solutions. Summit produces ethanol and has partnered with a Chinese government firm to liquify carbon dioxide and shove it in the ground (which will just seep out as life-giving CO2 gas (so what is the point?) Various controversies swirl about that association. However, having conflicts of interest is not illegal, but failing to disclose them is. The in-your-face lack of judgment aside, she disclosed this one, so we will not dwell on that in our investigation.

Who controls these companies? Answer: The British Pilgrims Society in The City of London, Rothschilds, Vanguard, BlackRock, State Street, JPMorgan Chase.

  • Cargill-MacMillan family: ESOP managed by Vanguard
  • ArcherDaniels Midland (ADM): Vanguard (#1: 10.5%), BlackRock (6.96%), State Street (5.5%), Capital World Investors (7.2%)
  • ConAgra: Vanguard (#1: 11.3%), Capital World Investors (10.1%), BlackRock (7.2%) 
  • ExxonMobil: Vanguard (#1: 8.4%) , BlackRock (6.2%), State Street (6.0%)
  • DuPont: Vanguard (#1: 10.8%), Blackrock (9.0%), State Street (6.8%)

Laughably, carries access to many pages of Kristi’s high school yearbooks, but little else. Ancestry was purchased by the Blackstone Group, Stephen Schwarzman, the Rhodes Scholarship wannabe—Schwarzmann Scholarship (China), Pilgrims Society.

​Blackstone is historically affiliated with J.O. Hambro, a Pilgrims Society founder and a family of British spy chiefs from WWI to the present. Blackstone now owns Nielsen Holdings and Hilton. CEO Stephen Schwarzmann is totally aligned with Xi Jingping and the People's Republic of China (PRC).

The City of London Merchant-bankers & Xi Jinping
Click this image to view source.
]Gabriel, McKibben. (May 11, 2023). The City of London Babylonian Merchant-Banker Demon Hoax of all Time. Americans for Innovations, American Intelligence Media.
Fig. 2—List of Participants. (Oct. 31, 2017). James W. Breyer-led (Facebook, Accel Partbers) delegation of American business to meet with China’s dictator Xi Jinping in a program by the Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management (Beijing), including Stephen A. Schwarzmann, Blackstone Group. China Daily.

Kristi was then pushed forward by South Dakota Republicans to serve four terms as U.S. Representative in the District At Large 112th-115th (2011-2019)

​Astoundingly, she sponsored 93 items of legislation. That is one new piece of legislation every month she served! Evidently, Noem’s Pilgrims Society City of London handlers wrote her legislation and she introduced it for them.            

Remarkabl​e! Noem is batting 100​0%  (8 for 8) in Republican Politics

Batting 1000pct

Here is her remarkable rise in the Republican political machine: 

South Dakota House of Representatives (6th district)

2 terms, 2006-2010, sponsored 11 bills, assistant majority leader 

U.S. House of Representatives (at large)

4 terms, 2010-2018

Governor of South Dakota

2 terms,  2019-present;

It is the same Uniparty pattern that we have discovered with Ron DeSantis, Sarah Huckabee-Sanders, Glenn Youngkin, Gavin Newsom, J.D. Vance (Silicon Valley’s man), Vivek Ramaswamy (Soros Big Pharma man), Candice Owens, and RINO Nikki Haley (see her 52-page Wikipedia screed.)  

With each profile, the Uniparty paymaster has a different face, but all roads eventually lead back to the same The City of London Babylonian Rādhānite merchant-bankers in the British Pilgrims Society— the real face of the “deep state.”  See more on the Babylonian Rādhānites below.

Five Eyes criminals in the US, UK, New Zealand, Australia, Canada

Five Eyes, ANCIB(US)-ANCICC(UK). (Mar. 11, 1946). DAY 1: TOP SECRET CREAM, Inauguration Meeting, U.S. - British Signal Intelligence Technical Conference, March 11, 1946, DOCID: 2959299, REF ID: A2666693, National Archives Ref: HW-80-5, PDF p. 108. NSA. 

Note: British MI6 is still redacting many of the names on their delegation, thus committing espionage against the United States in 1946, and still today.

​Five Eyes, ANCIB(US)-ANCICC(UK). (Mar. 11, 1946). DAY 1: TOP SECRET CREAM, Inauguration Meeting, U.S. - British Signal Intelligence Technical Conference, March 11, 1946, DOCID: 2959299, REF ID: A2666693, National Archives Ref: HW-80-5, PDF p. 108. NSA. 

Rothschild Asset Management logo

BlackRock logo

Vanguard pirate ship

FMR Fidelity Investments

State Street Logo

British Royal Crest

King Charles III, tyrannt

When Kristi’s father died, the highly-leveraged farming estate gave her and her two brothers and one sister $18, 918.50 each.

So, her money to run for political office did not come from family holdings. This is further confirmed by her 2010-2018 financial disclosure summary compiled by South Dakota Searchlight showing the slow rise in income from of declared holdings. These reports do not show offshore holdings, or undisclosed holdings held by family members.

We usually prepare a biography timeline for the persons we investigate, but in Noem's case it is not needed. She dropped out of college, then before she graduated she was pushed into eight political posts (State Rep, Congressional Rep, now Governor). There is nothing else to know. She has no distinguishing accomplishments. No writings. Nothing. Oh wait, she was Snow Queen. She is literally a blank slate, groomed by her British Pilgrims Society political science controllers at the University of South Dakota.

Follow the Money does the clearest job of showing us how Kristi Noem is smothered with Pilgrims Society City of London money

She received $7.1 million for her first candidacy for governor in 2018.

Then, she received more than twice that amount, $17.5 million in her second candidacy in 2022.

AFI researchers pulled the institutional donations out of the FollowThe Money database for Noem’s second run for governor (linked above). The results reveal the true source of influence on her:

  • Vanguard
  • BlackRock
  • State Street

    . . . and to a lesser degree JPMorgan Chase, T. Rowe Price, and Fidelity (FMR)

83 companies where Vanguard was one of the top four largest shareholders, 38 of those donors were companies where Vanguard was  #1 shareholder, and another 20 where BlackRock was the #1 largest.

Fidelity, State Street, along with JPMorgan Chase, T. Rowe Price round out the list.

In other words, these The City of London banks tell the companies they control where to place their political money everywhere in the world.

​Kristi "Big Lips" "Big Hair" "no resume" Noem: cardboard cutout for the city of london bankers of the Pilgrims Society

The City of London propagandists are pushing her big lips and big hair in the pantheon of new photos now flooding the zone. They know that Trump is a sucker for a pretty face, puffy lips, and big hair?

Kristi Noem 1 Kristi Noem 2 Kristi Noem 3
Kristi Noem 4 Kristi Noem 5 Kristi Noem 6
Kristi Noem 7 Kristi Noem 8 Kristi Noem 9

Trump knows the Fox formula for hiring trophy faces as news readers.

His son Donald Jr. is dating one in Kimberly Guilfoyle.

Put a nice looking woman in front of the camera and your story becomes easier for men to swallow, even when it is a lie.

But Kristi Noem has no qualifications. She is an evident fill in for her treasonous foreign handlers.

Kristi Noem’s new makeover photos are now flooding the zone in Google search.  See above.

​Who Pulls Kristi Noem's Chain?

Babylon to London
Click this image to enlarge
Pilgrims Society Babylonian symbolism logo explained
Fig. 3—British Pilgrims Society Babylonian symbolism in logo explained

The British Pilgrims Society through The City of London and the Babylonian Rādhānite (Radknightsmerchant-banker pagans who control the British Crown.

Their flunkies doing their bidding in the USA are British Spy No. 7 Alexander Hamilton’s American banks, notably JPMorgan, Bank of America, Bank of New York Mellon, State Street along with asset managers like BlackRock, Fidelity, T. Rowe Price and Vanguard, who are controlled by the British Crown  and the Rothschilds in the City of London via the Monarch’s “Golden Share.”

Don’t believe that the British run America? Just look at the false flag they are trying to orchestrate in Poland right now. Poland is historically one of the favorite choke points of the British Empire to try and take down Russia to seize control of Russia’s 11 times zones of resources, again. When will we learn?

Tragically, Kristi Noem's handlers are the ones attempting to depopulate us folks.

Georgia Guidestones
Click this image to enlarge
The Georgia Guidestones is a monument made in 1980 by an anonymous author that details in 8 different languages how to build a new society, with apparent advocacy of population control, eugenics, and internationalism. It was destroyed by an unknown person(s) on Jul. 27, 2022.
Fig. 4--The Georgia Guidestones is a monument made in 1980 by an anonymous author that details in 8 different languages how to build a new society, with apparent advocacy of population control, eugenics, and internationalism. It was destroyed by an unknown person(s) on Jul. 27, 2022. See ​

The City of London
Click this image to enlarge
The City of London is controlled by the Pilgrims Society who carry on the pagan control of the Rādhānite merchant-bankers of Babylon. “The City of London Co​rporation” was chartered in 1067 after the coronation of William I, William the Conqueror, on Dec. 25, 1066 AD at Westminster Abbey.
Fig. 5--The City of London is controlled by the Pilgrims Society who carry on the pagan control of the Rādhānite merchant-bankers of Babylon. “The City of London Co​rporation” was chartered in 1067 after the coronation of William I, William the Conqueror, on Dec. 25, 1066 AD at Westminster Abbey.

William was Norman (French). The Babylonian Rādhānite (demon-worshipping pagans who claimed to be Jews for more than three millennia) already had an extensive banking and trade network through Europe and Middle East, Scandanavia and Africa to China.

The ​Rādhānite merchant-bankers were forced to flee Babylon (renamed Baghdad) ahead of the armies of the Muslim Seljuk Turks in 1055 A.D.—just 11 years earlier. They fanned out along their extensive network of merchant-banking trading post across the known world.

“And Jesus entered the temple and drove out all who sold and bought in the temple, and he overturned the tables of the money-changers and the seats of those who sold pigeons. He said to them, It is written, ‘My house shall be called a house of prayer,’ but you make it a den of robbers.'” Matthew 21:12-13.

“Synagogue of Satan”

“Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.” Revelation 3:9.

In the process, they rebranded themselves as “Ashkenazi Jews.” They had called themselves Jews for millennia while in Babylon, but they had created their unique pagan version that followed the Talmud, Yiddish, and rabbis, rather than the Torah, Hebrew, and Prophets.

Babylonian child sacrifice

The Babylonian Empire codified debt slavery by sanctioning usury (charging interest on the loan of money) in the Code of Hammurabi (1755–1750 BC). They put fake Jews in charge of these practices.

While the Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel ca. 600 BC were decrying usury, exiled "Jews" like the Egibi and Marushu banking families, who had so intermixed with Persians that their Jewishness had vanished, were assigned the task of running all aspects of the Babylonian economy, including Silk Road commerce from Britain to China, leveraging Solomon's Gold, banking, finance, intelligence, propaganda, engineering, agriculture, and trade.

The Babylonian Empire worshipped demon gods who demanded child sacrifice and debt slavery, including Mammon, Moloch, Asmodeus, Ba’al, Baphomet, Beelzebub, Behemoth, Ishtar, Legion, Leviathan, Lucifer, Mammon, Marduk, Moloch, Pazuzu, Satan, Agrat bat Maḥlat, Alu, Alukah, Asherah, Ashmodai, Astarte, Azazel, Belial or Beliar, Bel-Marduk, Chemosh, Dagon, Deber, Dever, Ekimmu, Gallu, Horon, Ilu Limnu, Keṭeb, Kotar Hosis, Labartu, Labartu, Lamashtu, Lilith, Lilu, Lotape, Mavet, Nahar, Nergal, Ninisina, Pentalpha, Rabisu, Reshef, Resheph, Resheph, Samael, Shachar, Shalem, Shamḥazai, Shedim, Shedim, Tannin, Tiamat, Tirosch, Yoḥane bat Reṭibi, and others.

​King Solomon's 600 wives and 300 concubines eventually lured him into building temples to and worshipping these Babylonian demon gods. This is evidently when the ​Babylonian Rādhānite took full control of Solomon's Gold that had been carted off to Babylon. Then, shipped to The City of London ca. 1067 AD.




* * *

Tell the Synagogue of Satan

Jesus Christ: "Get behind me, Satan."
Matthew 16:23

Described above is abject immorality on the part of the British Pilgrims Society and their Babylonian synagogue of satan demons.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice |
Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice—The Perpetrators of this Epic Fraud must disgorge their ill-gotten gain
Click image to open PDF of this and the next slide
How Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice check will help create true Free Speech in our American Republic
Fig. 6—The First Amended Miller Act Notice. Click here to download the PDF (check your Downloads folder after clicking). See also, Complaint against Judge Leonard P. Stark's fraud against his own court in Leader v. Facebook and 2,400 other patent cases.
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump (the then-current President) It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

bookmark: #cost-of-merchant-banker-wars |
The Cost of Babylonian Radhanite merchant-banker wars
Click this image to play video.
Michael Boldin. (Feb, 27, 2023). The Cost of War is Much More than Financial. Tenth Amendment Center.
Fig. 7—Michael Boldin. (Feb, 27, 2023). The Cost of War is Much More than Financial. Tenth Amendment Center. Source: YouTube. (Raw *.mp4 video file).

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Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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