Friday, October 12, 2018


Creators of this digital dystopia: Hillary’s Acxiom and ENTRUST, FTC, SES, Silicon Valley, In-Q-Tel, Highlands Group, IBM Eclipse Foundation

A persecuted Chinese minority is Hillary's beta testing guinea pig

On Oct. 01, 2018, Hillary’s Acxiom transferred America’s “dark profile” personal data to China where Acxiom also controls China's digital keys via ENTRUST

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Oct. 12, 2018, Sep. 22, 2019 | PDF |
AFI. (Oct. 12, 2018). Chinese social credit digital prison was created in America by Hillary. Americans for Innovation.
Bookmark: #proof-china-social-score-operating |
Proof social credit score is operating in China right now
Fig. iJames O'Malley. (Oct. 29, 2018). Here's a dystopian vision of the future: A real announcement I recorded on the Beijing-Shanghai bullet train. @Psythor. | (Raw *.mp4 video file). For educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.
Source: James O'Malley..
Fig. 1—The Chinese government has already deployed a "social credit score" system in the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region (XUAR) (21.8 million people—more than Florida). On Oct. 10, 2018, the U.S. Congress published findings that China has "expanded collection of biometric data, growing surveillance networks, and continued development of the social credit system. Reports show that social and political management of the Chinese people was aided by smart technology and advances in artificial intelligence (AI) in new ways this past year, including efforts to create 'a pervasive system of algorithmic surveillance.'" The digital dragnet includes low-paid "convenience police stations" laid out in a 500 meter grid across whole cities to preemptively arrest people with low social credit scores.

On Sep. 21, 2018, Google-Alphabet's Eric Schmidt sang the praises of Chinese business while he lied that such totalitarian restrictions on the Chinese Internet would not occur for a decade. They are here now, and Google-Alphabet-Schmidt rogue C.I.A.) is helping the Chinese government repress its people.

H. Rept. 115-NN. (Oct. 10, 2018). Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Annual Report, 2018. 115th Congress, 2nd Session. Congressional-Executive Commission on China. GPO.

Photos & Graphics: Unknown..
Are we witnessing in the social credit score the implementation of "The Mark of the Beast?"

—“It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom.”
The Book of Revelations 13: 16-18

See Fig. 8 below"The BEAST is here. What is your SM number?"

(Oct. 12, 2018)—Most Americans know about a FICO score. It measures consumer credit risk. It is named after the Fair, Isaac and Company data analytics firm based in San Jose, CA. It scores a person’s ability to pay back loans. The higher your score, the easier it is to get a loan on better terms. The lower your score, the more difficult it becomes.

Social networking has created new opportunities for data brokers to collect more kinds of data on you. Vulture lawyers now hover over this new space. In 2001, they re-wrote end user license agreements to lure unsuspecting Internet users into giving away their personally identifiable data in return for free stuff. The typical uniformed user response is "I don't have anything to hide" as the data brokers rub their hands together fiendishly.

Bookmark: #prison-planet |
Learn how Prison Planet operates
Fig. 3Gabriel, McKibben. (Oct. 10, 2018). Learn how Prison Planet operates - your freedom depends on it. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. | (Raw *.mp4 video file).
American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation.
Bookmark: #china-social-credit-score |
Exposing China's (Hillary's) Dystopian Dictatorship
Fig. 4Foreign Correspondent. (Sep. 18, 2018). Exposing China's Digital Dystopian Dictatorship. Australia Broadcasting Corporation. | (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Source: Australia Broadcasing Corporation.

Social End User Licenses: Immoral abuses of the Bill of Rights

For example, the current Google Terms of Service, under “Your Content in our Services, ” paragraph one says “You retain ownership of any intellectual property rights that you hold in that content. In short, what belongs to you stays yours.” So far so good.

But now, the legal sleight of hand follows in the very next sentence:

“When you upload, submit, store, send or receive content to or through our Services, you give Google (and those we work with) a worldwide license to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, create derivative works (such as those resulting from translations, adaptations or other changes we make so that your content works better with our Services), communicate, publish, publicly perform, publicly display and distribute such content.” [Sucker]
Eric Schmidt
Eric Schmidt, CEO, Google / Alphabet, DoD, rogue C.I.A.; gave Barack Obama White House and Hillary 2016 $1.5 billion to create the U.S. Digital Service (Apr. 15, 2014), aka "The Eric Scmidt Project (Cheryl Mills email)" (WikiLeaks) to attempt interference in the 2016 Presidential election.

Google-Alphabet giveth, and Google-Alphabet taketh away.

This is proof positive that freedom loving peoples cannot allow spies, lawyers, bankers, accountants and programmers to control our social discourse.

This is proof that these people, in whom we invested our trust, are criminals and not worthy of that trust.

Abuse of the U.S. Constitution started this slide into totalitarianism

This abuse of the Fourth and Fifth Amendment (rights to privacy and property) has its legal genesis in the Highlands Group, Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie and the Queen’s Privy Council,  IBM [rogue C.I.A.] Eclipse Foundation,  Obama’s eventual Patent Office director and former IBMer David J. Kappos, and law professor James P. Chandler, III who promoted an “IBM Common Public License 0.5” draft. This occurred at the same time that these criminals began giving away to Silicon Valley the social networking invention on (Aug. 29, 2002) that Chandler had stolen from his client—innovator Leader Technologies, Columbus, Ohio. Other innovators, like Dr. Lakshmi Aranachalam (Menlo Park, CA) and Joannes Van Der Meer (Amersfoort, Netherlands), were equally abused.

Obama's Big Data “Datapalooza”—Feasting on The Seven Deadly Sins

With the advent of social networking data, data brokers starting in 2004 after IBM EclipseCon 2004 (Feb. 2-5, 2004), became like wild dogs feasting on red meat. The rush to feed on the new social data was a literal stampede of immorality. By 2007, everyone was jumping on board and the rogue C.I.A. was loving it. Note: Facebook launched during this conference. They did not resist the temptation to engage in the seven deadly sins (i.e., pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath and sloth) to exploit these new kinds of data on social interactions suddenly available to them.

James P. Chandler, III
James P. Chandler, III, chief legal advisor to the SES, IBM Deep State shadow governments under Bill Clinton, George Bush, Barack Obama; former treacherous trade secrets and patent attorney for Leader Technologies, inventor of social networking, from whom Chandler stole then weaponized the invention. See Crimeline.

In an unguarded moment, George Washington University law professor James P. Chandler, III told Leader’s lead inventor and CEO, Michael McKibben (his client), that he believed if a person could invent something, he or she should invent that thing—no matter the moral consequences. He said he believed that the law (lawyers) would eventually catch up to the bad consequences.

McKibben says he pushed back, saying that lack of respect for the image of God reflected in a fellow human being (Gen. 1:27) should be a natural check on an inventor, especially for computer systems where the average person cannot see the bits and bytes. McKibben observed that unchecked technological changes would overwhelm the plodding legal process unless technologists themselves practiced moral restraint.

Hindsight proves that Chandler's argument was self-serving since his conspirators at IBM were busy stripping out the privacy and security controls in McKibben social networking invention that Chandler had fed to them off of Leader's storyboards. . . all in the name of national security and counterterrorism, of course.

By stripping out the privacy and security controls in McKibben’s version of social networking, the data broker rogues have had their way with your personal data.

Techno-Fascist Siren Song: “Privacy is for old people”

NO, privacy is the right of citizens IN A CONSTITUTIONAL REPUBLIC

Reid Hoffman
Reid Hoffman (PayPal, C.I.A., LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram): "Privacy is for old people."

To promote the death of privacy, Silicon Valley bad boy Reid Hoffman (Reid Hoffman (PayPal, C.I.A., LinkedIn, Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram) famously said at a 2010 World Economic Forum seminar that “privacy is for old people.” This was certainly a self-serving Siren Song by one of the world’s most heinous privacy abusers.

On Mar. 09, 2012, President Obama hired Silicon Valley trickster Todd Y. Park as his White House chief technology officer. Park promoted “Datapalooza” across all key agencies of the Executive Branch to “unlock” that data they keep.

Todd Y. Park
Todd Y. Park, Obama and Hillary's Silicon Valley "Big Data" technology shill

In sophomoric rah rah Datapalooza cheerleader gatherings, Park released massive amounts of “Big Data” to his Silicon Valley venture capital cronies in all sorts of fields including healthcare, weather, space, housing, environment, food, agriculture, disease, commerce, financing, banking, geology, census, law, transportation, disasters, oceans, forests, aid, education, science, research, money, shipping, communications, fish & wildlife, recreation, safety, intelligence, policing, insurance, labor, border protection, patents, copyrights, trademarks, animal life, rail, trucking, automobiles and manufacturing

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton

Park disclosed no conflict with his Silicon Valley handlers. As a reward, Obama even let Park take his healthcare data company, Castlight Health, public while Park worked at the White House! That is so illegal. It violates our most basic conflict of interest laws prohibiting a public figure from trading on his public position for private gain. Equally illegal, Obama loaned Park to the Hillary for President 2016 campaign to coordinate the highly illegal collaboration between Facebook and Eric Schmidt's U.S. Digital Service run out of the White House.

Hillary’s Datapalooza

Jerry C. Jones
Jerry C. Jones, Hillary's Rose Law Firm 19-yr. partner, director and officer of ENTRUST (encryption keys, incl. FBI), Acxiom (exploitive Big Data) based in Little Rock, Arkansas.

One of the key beneficiaries of Park’s datapalooza has been Jerry C. Jones, a 19-year law partner with Hillary Clinton in the Rose Law Firm, Little Rock. See Acxiom insider trading report.

As of Oct. 1, 2018 (just eleven days ago), Acxiom moved to Shanghai, China and changed its name to "Live Ramp," but not to worry, Acxiom still holds 100% controlling interest in 27 subsidiaries in the US, Netherlands, China, Australia, Brazil, Germany, UK, France, Poland, New Zealand, Singapore, Cayman Islands and Mauritius. In addition, Acxiom has had 48 contracts with the U.S. government (GSA, State Department, Veterans Affairs).

Acxiom customers include most U.S. social and telecommunications providers including AT&T, Comcast, Cisco, Adobe, Comscore, Dish, Facebook, Foursquare, HP, Gay Network, IBM, Microsoft, Pandora, Pinterest, Spotify, Tivo and Yahoo! These companies are also all IBM Eclipse Foundation members. Every one of these companies is dependent on ENTRUST certification directly, or through a sublicensor. ENTRUST even licenses digital keys to the Government of China Financial Certification Authority, the People's Bank of China, Entrust China Aerospace New World.

Did Acxiom/ENTRUST take America’s data with them to China? Evidently YES (although it was probably already there, but us We The People saps did not get the memo).

Bookmark: #china-ses-entrust-acxiom |
Hillary / SES / ENTRUST / ACXIOM control of encryption keys globally
Acxiom Holdings, Inc. ACXM Co. No. 733269. (Compiled Sep. 21, 2018). Insider Trading Ownership Reports. SEC Edgar.
Fig. 5—ENTRUST 10-K. (1998-2009). Disclosed Material Relationships for Customers, Partners, Directors, Officers, Dependents, Subsidiaries, compiled Sep. 13, 2018. U.S. SEC Edgar. (Raw. *.xlsx spreadsheet file). See also AFI. (Sep. 16, 2018). Hillary Clinton controls 50,000 FBI encryption keys proves Mueller's Russia witch hunt is treasonous. Americans for Innovation.
Graphic: SEC Edgar.

Why China?

Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the Communist Party of China, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission.

Why China? Because China's leader Xi Jinping has already implemented a “Social Credit System” that has combined much more than financial data to create detailed profiles on its citizens. Commentator Douglas Gabriel from American Intelligence Media calls them "digital boxes."

On May 01, 2013, Obama’s Federal Trade Commissioner Anita Ramirez—a long-time member of the Senior Executive Service (SES, Plum Book 2016, p. 178)—gave the green light for Acxiom (the largest data broker she studied) to build a Social Credit System in the U.S. without consequence. She published “an in depth study of nine data brokers” titled “Data Brokers - A Call for Transparency and Accountability.”

Edith Ramirez
Edith Ramirez, former Commissioner of Federal Trade Commission (FTC), Senior Executive Service (SES) member.

They reported that an unnamed company (probably Acxiom) was keeping track of over 2,000 types of information on you. With this level of detail they are actually able to accurately predict your thoughts. See "Illustrative List of Data Elements and Segments" (FTC/SES Ramirez, p. 97).

Ramirez's conclusions were maddening. After calling for transparency and accountability, and decrying the scope and secrecy of the data collection, she admitted that “in the nearly two decades since the Commission first began to examine data brokers, little progress has been made to improve transparency and choice.” She then called for nothing more than “ongoing dialogue.” (READ: Do nothing, thus allowing the data brokers to abuse their uses of the intimate details of every American's life and well-being.

Indeed, Ramirez "pulled a Comey" on the public. She laid out the sins of the data brokers, just like Comey outlined Hillary Clinton’s private server sins, then she essentially exonerated Hillary and Acxiom by taking no regulatory action. In short, Ramirez gave the data brokers the go ahead to continue their abuses.

Now we know why our government is so flaccid. Too many of our regulators and members of Congress are beneficiaries of this Datapalooza. Most of them are deeply invested in illegal stock tips (insider trading) that they have received from these wrongdoers. They are beneficiaries of this immorality.

Many of the people that we have entrusted with governing us are abusing us instead. It is past time for We The People to seize the reigns of control of our government. We have that right and duty. The fact is, we may never have had the freedoms we think we have, given the way our banking system has been manipulated by the British City of London following the American Revolution.

But now, perhaps we can finally establish a working version of governance that our Founders envisioned.

Alibaba, Ant Financial and Alipay

Jack Ma Yun
Jack Ma Yun, alleged founder (1999) and CEO of Alibaba; second largest Alibaba shareholder; director of Alibaba Partnership

The largest Chinese mobile payment platform supporting this dystopian digital surveillance and social credits is Ant Financial. Ant is a subsidiary of the megalopoly Alibaba—a creation of American, British and European banks, the usual suspects: Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan Chase, Wells Fargo, Deutsche Bank, HSBC, Barclays, Citibank and Credit Suisse.

Bookmark: #alibaba-globalist-principals |
Alibaba (NYSE: BABA globalist directors & officers
Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, Form 20-F, BABA, CIK 0001577552. (Jul. 27, 2018). Annual Report, pp. 173-178. U.S. SEC Edgar.
Fig. 6—Alibaba Group Holding Ltd, Form 20-F, BABA, CIK 0001577552. (Jul. 27, 2018). Annual Report, pp. 173-178. U.S. SEC Edgar.
Graphic: SEC Edgar.

Ant Financial, as an Alibaba subsidiary, recently received a $14 billion investment from Silicon Valley, including Warburg Pincus, Carlyle Group, Sequoia Capital, Wharton Alumni Angels and IDG Capital (Accel Partners, James W. Breyer, John P. Breyer, Facebook).

Bookmark: #ant-financial-tyranny |
Ant Financial (Alibaba China) global digital hegemony / tyranny
Ant Financial. (Accessed Jun. 14, 2016). Corporate Vision. Alibaba China.
Fig. 7—Ant Financial. (Accessed Jun. 14, 2016). Corporate Vision. p. 5. Alibaba China.
Graphic: SEC Edgar.
Breyer's son, James W. Breyer, is chairman of Accel Partners LLP, former chairman of Facebook, and Facebook's 2nd largest shareholder. Breyer became chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) on May 13, 2004, just as the confiscation of Leader Technologies' invention by IBM's Eclipse Foundation was gaining steam.
Fig. 7—James W. Breyer's father, John P. Breyer, dropped off the radar screen twenty years ago after he founded Computer World. He moved to China, organized IDG Capital Partners (China) and IDG-Accel (China) and has been secretly coaching his son James at Accel Partners LLP ever since. Pundits believe that John Breyer, along with his fellow Hungarian refugees, George Soros and Andy Grove, has been patiently steering the global technology world toward their New World Order agenda. They have evidently chosen to drive this bus from China. Hence James' exclamation that he is "Super bullish on China."

On paper, Alibaba is about 30% owned by Softbank which is dominated by the usual Deep State shadow government SES suspects like Vanguard, Wells Fargo, Fidelity, Sequoia, Carlyle, IDG, Accel Partners, James W. Breyer, John P. Breyer, Kleiner Perkins, etc.

Breyer (2005): Secret "Win-in-China" Hong Kong company incorporated (HSBC Swiss Leaks)

On Mar. 02, 2005, Accel Partners' managing partner, James W. Breyer, secretly incorporated "Win-in-China as first revealed in the HSBC Swiss Bank Leaks. Breyer was appointed chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) on May 13, 2004, just as the confiscation of Leader Technologies' invention by IBM's Eclipse Foundation was gaining steam.

Also on paper, the Chinese government has 51% control of Alibaba, but this recent $14 billion Silicon Valley investment in Ant Financial aka Alipay—the major moneymaker—gives the Silicon Valley banks effective control of the companies and their profits. In short, they give this control to Hillary Clinton via Acxiom and ENTRUST. These convolutions are used to confuse everyone (that's how they have hidden their treachery), but we now see through these banker shell games.

[Return to this article. We will be adding more financial documents to show these convoluted corporate conspiracies.]

On Oct. 1, 2018, Hillary Clinton's Acxiom / ENTRUST companies officially moved to China.

On paper, Alibaba, Ant Financial and Alipay are majority Chinese owned. But, in reality, American banks and European hangers on like Deutsche Bank, Credit Suisse, HSBC and Barclays, run the show.

This constellation of facts proves that American money from Wall Street and Silicon Valley is enabling China's dictator Xi Jinping to pursue massive abuses of human rights, as we speak.

As observed earlier, it is past time for American citizens to retake control of our lawless bureaucrats and their accomplices—before the social credit score system is fully implemented on our shores.

Bookmark: #what-is-your-social-score |
What is your [Chinese] social credit score?
Fig. 8Gabriel, McKibben. (Oct. 17, 2018). The BEAST is here. What is your SM number? American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. | (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Source: Australia Broadcasing Corporation.
Bookmark: #alibaba-globalist-platform |
Alibaba and the Globalist Thieves
Fig. 9Gabriel, McKibben. (Oct. 19, 2018). Trump could end it all in a BLINK - Alibaba and the Globalist Thieves. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. | (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Source: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation..
Bookmark: #miller-act-msm-big-tech-takedown |
The Miller Act Notice turns the tables on Big Tech and MSM hegemony founded on theft
Fig. 10—Share in article form here (includes a copy of the actual Miller Act Notice: Caller ‘Bob’ Calls A.J. Show and Tells Story of Leader Technologies and Theft of Social Media | (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Source: American Intelligence Media, A.J. Show

Call to action:

We must protect the vote. Now. We cannot allow these criminals to hijack any more elections. Free and fair elections are the property of the citizens in this Republic, not the government. We have gone to sleep. Now that we are awake, we must take action across this country in the coming weeks to protect the 2018 midterm elections.

We must ensure an unbroken bipartisan chain of custody. That should be your rallying cry. This will essentially eliminate the imminent danger from rigged electronic voting machines. Back to the future: (1) Paper ballots, (2) Inked thumbs, and (3) Unbroken bipartisan chain of custody! It is really that simple.

In addition, God-fearing citizens of the United States and the world must call upon President Trump and loyal American leaders to defund the feeder systems used by these SES corruptocrats.

Ask President Trump to write the check to Leader Technologies for their Miller Act Notice so they can help implement new technologies that respect Constitutional privacy and property and help implement a truly Free Press.

Mr. President: Defund these Criminals and Fund The Miller Act Notice

Mr. President, please pull the plug on these corruptocrats and their illegal funding streams. Since they are all based on fake values, no real services will be affected.

In addition, write the Miller Act Notice check to Leader Technologies for 18 years of unpaid use of their revolutionary social networking invention—which these Privy Council criminals (Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown) have hijacked with the Senior Executive Service (SES) to takedown the American Republic.  This will generate new cash streams to free up our economy from the globalist stranglehold.  This will also empower Leader Technologies and other actually creative people in America to fix our foundering ship of state.  See Leader Technologies files trillion dollar bond lien on the U.S. Government.

One Miller Act Notice check starts the ball rolling, Mr. President.

In addition, Leader shareholders have proposed a win-win solution to the collapse of the American Free Press, as well a large new revenue source without raising taxes. Leader principals are willing to funnel these payments back into establishing a truly Free Press. See Leader proposes trillion dollar fed revenue while lowering taxes.

* * *

Return to return to the beginning of this post.

* * *

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump today. It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment that steals and weaponizes inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of its fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.


  1. I think most people now realize that China is enemy number one of the USA...and these NEW REVELATIONS PROVE IT, But THEY ADD that Hillary is driving the bus AND IS THEREFORE, HERSELF, ABSOLUTELY ENEMY NUMBER ONE!! She HAS to be stopped. Whatever that takes.

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  2. Email comment by TG:



    - Donald Trump Endorses Prison Reform; Jeff Sessions 'Overruled'

    - The 5G Rollout Is Absolutely Insane

    - Tools of Tyranny: CECC Report Shows Use of Technology and Surveillance to Repress Citizens

    Full Stories:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  3. Email comment by JM:

    Staff. (Oct. 10, 2018). HURRICANE MICHAEL: A Geoengineered Superstorm Targeting Tallahassee and Florida Panhandle—Why! State of the Nation.

    The New World Order Globalist Cabal Uses Weather Warfare Against the American People Every Hurricane Season

    Photo from WEATHER WARFARE: Globalists Order Geoengineers to “Shock & Awe” America with Superstorms

    State of the Nation

    Hurricane Michael is only the most recent weather weapon launched by the globalist-controlled geoengineers at the U.S. coastline and heartland.

    There are multiple reasons why the globalists are directing this Cat. 4 Hurricane at the Florida Panhandle.

    Full story:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  4. Email comment by GH:

    Tom Fitton (@TomFitton) tweeted at 3:16 PM on Sat, Oct 13, 2018:

    BIG WEEK: More Classified Info Exposed From Clinton Server, Judge Slams DOJ for Immunity Deal with Cheryl Mills, violent Left angry as Kavanaugh takes his seat, and Judicial Watch crushes ANTIFA in federal court battle.

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  5. Email comment by Anon:

    Cameron Cawthorne. (Oct. 10, 2018). Tester Retains Close Financial Ties to JPMorgan Chase, Bank’s Lobbying Team. Free Beacon.

    Sen. Jon Tester / Getty

    Sen. Jon Tester (D., Mont.), who serves on the Senate Banking Committee, has received tens of thousands of dollars from the financial institution where one of his top former advisers currently serves as the chief lobbyist.

    Jason Rosenberg, who served as Tester's senior economic policy advisor from 2007 to 2010, was promoted in December 2017 to be the head of JPMorgan Chase’s Washington, D.C. government relations office. In his current role, he lobbies Congress on economic issues that relate to the bank's business interests.

    Full story:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  6. Email comment by YT:

    Andrew Mark Miller. (Oct. 12, 2018). Rare 2001 Interview of Obama Is Dug Up: ‘I Was a Thug. I Got into Fights. I Drank and Consumed Substances That Weren’t Always Legal’. Young Conservatives.

    Over the past few weeks we’ve been hearing a lot about what a bad guy Brett Kavanaugh is for drinking beer in college. The left desperately tried to demonize him for everything under the sun. He gropes women, he gang rapes women, he gets black out drunk all the time, he plays drinking games, blah blah blah. None of it was true of course except for the fact he enjoys beer. Who doesn’t?

    Full story:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  7. Email comment by CS:

    FYI after speaking with Tony and the request that Walker speak in re
    the TWEA /,EBRA / NRA and their relation to the Hoover Meyer
    appointment to the FRB Chair. The important point is that Hoover
    initiated the "First" New Deal as a little known fact and that the
    Corporate takeover after SMO JPO Kennedy collapsed the market and
    gobbled evrythoing upusinmg the Laterin Treaty proceeds lands him the
    first SEC job in 1933 that remains and or reigns to this day

    In the context of the post Civil War creation of the administrative
    state leading to several additional assassinations and eventually the
    Trilat Com creation of the Senior Executive Service in 1978 that are
    the actual "Deep State" per se who run things asthe Multinational
    Corproate controlled fourth branch of government, Bill Van Allen and I
    are about to go back into the USCAAF this week on the dilemma posed by
    the voting machine software represents to the "Redwave"
    notwithstanding paper ballots; paper that nevertheless are fed through
    the counting machine whose software that is foreign controlled through
    the Romney Family ties to the QE2 Privy council and Chinese Red Army
    central committee hackers reference a few days ago by VP Pence, and
    that are part and parcel to both the Clinton and Bush Maoist / Jesuit
    corporate crime machine.

    To the extent that no one else is up to the filing we are the only
    ones qualified to do it under the March Title 10 changes linked with
    the latest EO emergencies giving the Military jurisidiction over the
    elelctions per se.

    Stay tuned

    Full story:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  8. Email comment by PP:

    Howard Roark. (Oct. 14, 2018). Maria Bartiromo Comes Forward, Ruins Bob Mueller’s Sunday With Bombshell About Russia Probe. Magadoodle.

    The plot thickens. Look, with each passing day and Mueller announces nothing America starts to ask the hard questions.

    If this was such a slam dunk case, and with the obvious political neophytes like Kushner and Don Jr running an unconventional campaign, one would expect there would be smoking guns all over the place.

    With the powers of the state combined with the inexperience of Trump’s team, it is hard to believe there would not be incontrovertible evidence of guilt and collusion.

    Full story:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  9. Email comment by JF:

    Articles included 'How to have oral sex,' 'How to have anal sex'. WND.

    A company that provides database resources to public schools, including pornography embedded in computer files, is being sued by the Thomas More Society under Colorado’s Deceptive Trade Practices Act for boasting its products are age-appropriate.

    “These databases definitely are not age-appropriate, nor can parents consider them reliable, as EBSCO claims,” said Matt Heffron, the organization’s senior counsel.

    Along with EBSCO, the lawsuit names the Colorado Library Consortium, a tax-supported organization that “knowingly” brokers EBSCO’s “pornographic databases to schools and libraries,” the legal organization said.

    Colorado law makes it illegal to make false claims to sell a product.


    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  10. Email comment by Roger Stone:

    Roger Stone. (Aug. 29, 2018). Finally the truth about DNC 'Hacking', The Russians, Guccifer 2.0, WikiLeaks, Julian Assange, Roger Stone & the Trump campaign. StoneZone.

    In the second part of this report, we saw that correcting the flagrant misrepresentations and filling in the strategic gaps in Robert Mueller’s July 13 indictment yields a tale that revolves around four important dates in the annals of 2016 presidential election skullduggery: one in March and three over a four-day period in June of that year.

    March 19: Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta is tricked into giving away the password to his main Gmail account. As a result, hostile actors gained possession of all of Podesta’s campaign emails; including one containing a file of Trump opposition research.

    June 12: Julian Assange announces that his organization WikiLeaks gained possession of and will soon be releasing Clinton campaign emails.

    Full story:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  11. Email comment by Alex Jones:

    Alex Jones. (Oct. 15, 2018). Boston Globe Retracts Elizabeth Warren ‘Native American’ Ancestry Claim. Infowars.

    Analysis reveals Massachusetts senator is one of whitest in US

    Boston Globe Retracts Elizabeth Warren 'Native American' Ancestry Claim

    The Boston Globe has retracted the reported results of a DNA test for Senator Elizabeth Warren. She tweeted at President Trump Monday, calling on him to donate to the charity of her choice now that she has “evidence” to back up her claim. Alex Jones reveals the math behind her DNA results!

    Full story [VIDEO]:

    1. Email comment by TG:


      - The New World Order Globalist Cabal Uses Weather Warfare Against the American People Every Hurricane Season

      - China Defends Million-Prisoner 'Re-Education Camps' for Uighur Muslims

      -George Papadopoulous Insistes He Was Set Up by UK Spy Jospeh Mifsud - and John Brennan Toadies Don't Like It

      -Trump on Rumors General Mattis May Leave

      Full stories:

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  12. mail comment by BR:

    Thomas & Betsy Paine. (Oct. 15, 2018). The swamp is hanging by a thread. Americans Intelligence Media.

    Betsy asks Thomas about Mad Dog Mattis, Nikki Haley, George Papadopoulos, James Baker, and the Pope. Continue your education here:

    Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Also subscribe to us at and

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  13. Email comment by DG:

    Thomas & Betsy Paine. (Oct. 15, 2018). Collapse of the Federal Reserve has started. Americans Intelligence Media.

    Did you know that the Federal Reserve has begun to collapse? Listen to Betsy and Thomas explain, then continue your education here:

    Do you receive your free daily TRUTH NEWS HEADLINES? Then you are missing out – big time. Also subscribe to us at and

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  14. Email comment by CM:

    Theresa. (Oct. 10, 2018). Chief Justice John Roberts And Obama Need To Be Investigated. Zolna Report.

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    2. Email comment by CM:

      Josh Bernstein. (Oct. 01, 2018). AUDIO PROOF!!! John Roberts was BLACKMAILED into changing his vote on OBAMACARE!!! The Josh Bernstein Show.

      Full story [VIDEO]

  15. Email comment by DL:

    Well duhh. They must think we actually believed their years of lies about neutral admissions processes. Thats the utter delusion of the communist left fascist corporatists.

    DELANO R. FRANKLIN AND SAMUEL W. ZWICKEL, CRIMSON STAFF WRITERS. (Oct. 18, 2018). In Admissions, Harvard Favors Those Who Fund It, Internal Emails Show. Harvard Crimson.

    In Admissions, Harvard Favors Those Who Fund It, Internal Emails Show
    In one 2013 email headlined “My Hero,” former Kennedy School Dean Ellwood thanked Harvard's admissions dean for his help accepting a set of students with very particular qualifications. "[Redacted] and [redacted] are all big wins. [Redacted] has already committed to a building.”

    Affirmative Action Trial

    The University's General Counsel Robert W. Iuliano '83 exits the courthouse on the third day of the Harvard admissions trial.
    Photo: Caleb D. Schwartz

    Getting into Harvard is hard. But it’s a lot less hard if your family promises to pay for a new building, according to internal emails presented in court on the third day of the Harvard admissions trial.

    John M. Hughes, a lawyer for Students for Fair Admissions — the anti-affirmative action group suing the College over its race-conscious admissions policies — introduced the emails in a bid to prove Harvard unfairly prefers the wealthy and well-connected. Hughes read each messsage aloud before grilling the College’s long-serving Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid William R. Fitzsimmons ’67 on their contents.

    Hughes and Fitzsimmons faced off in court Wednesday as part of the high-stakes and high-profile trial in SFFA’s four-year-old suit alleging Harvard discriminates against Asian-American applicants. The trial, which kicked off Oct. 15 in a Boston courthouse, will likely continue for three weeks. If the case reaches the Supreme Court, it could decide the fate of affirmative action in the United States.

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  16. Email comment by TG:


    - The BEAST is here. What is your SM number?

    - U.S. Steel workers set to get biggest pay raise in years

    - Trump Calls for End to Discounts for International Mail

    - 4Chan Sparks Mass Triggering With NPC Meme; Twitter Responds Wth Ban Hammer

    - Massive Amazon Outage Reported by Users Worlwide

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  17. Email comment by TG:


    - Big Tech Snuffing Free Speech; Google's Poisonous 'Dragonfly'

    - Jim Jordan: Rosenstein is obligated to testify under oath

    - Nancy Pelosi shouted out of a restaurant - by Cuban Americans in Miami

    - U.S. Hid Osama bin Laden in IRan for Decade After 9/11; Bush & Obama White Houses Worked Saudi & Iranian Deal to Safegaurd Terror Leader

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  18. Email commment by Gym Nasium

    Subject: 😂😂😂😁😁😁 five brutally funny cartoons about Elizabeth Warren's DNA test

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  19. Email comment by JM:

    The historical background of the creation of the PRC. Lend lease funds, food, and arms from Russia were given to Mao. This is how he defeated the Nationalists…with American taxpayer money…debt formed through the Federal Reserve. In fact, they were given Federal Reserve plates to ‘print’ dollars. China was financed and created from ‘nothing’, but America’s ‘paid interest’ on its creation. If there was ever a reason to declare the debt with the FED null and void this is it.

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  20. Email comment by Sharyl Attkisson:

    Sharyl Attkisson. (Oct. 19, 2018). Flu shots–behind the promotion. Full Measure.

    The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) is conducting its annual promotion of flu shots.

    It might be worthwhile reviewing some of my past reporting.

    Major U.S. government study finds flu shots don’t work in elderly.

    When the major study found negative results about the effectiveness of flu shots in the elderly (above link), the government wouldn’t let the scientists who conducted the research do interviews with me.

    On another topic, CDC has recently said this stands to be the worst flu season since the swine flu epidemic.

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  21. Email comment by Joseph Farah:

    53% say everyone sins but most people 'good' by nature. WND.

    Evangelicals apparently need a few lessons in the basics of Christianity, according to a new survey.

    The State of Theology survey by Ligonier Ministries indicates 53 percent of evangelical Christians believe everyone sins a little, but “most people are good by nature.”

    “This idea flatly contradicts the Bible,” Ligonier said, “which teaches the radical corruption of every human being and declares that no one does good by nature (Rom. 3:10-12). This is why we need the gospel in the first place – because none of us is good.”

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  22. Email comment by Silver:

    Tucker Carlson. (Oct. 19, 2018). Why Can't We Stop These People??' - Tucker Carlson REACTS To Migrant Caravan Marching To US Borders. Fox News.

    Tucker Carlson talks about migrant caravan marching to the US borders and what it means for America.

    Full story [VIDEO]:

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  23. Email comment by Tom Fitton:

    Tom Fitton. (Oct. 19, 2018). Tom Fitton’s Video Weekly Update – ISIS in Guatemala?
    October 19, 2018

    Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton discusses Clinton email falsehoods, exposing FBI/Clinton email sham, BIG ethics complaint against Kavanaugh accuser's lawyers, & ISIS in Guatemala?

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  24. Email comment byRoger Stone:

    Tucker Carlson. (May 6, 2018). Roger Stone on being a Mueller target. Stone Cold Truth.

    Special Counsel Robert Mueller reportedly focusing on relationship between former top Trump campaign official Rick Gates and political operative/former Trump adviser Roger Stone. #Tucker

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  25. Email comment by Roger Stone:

    Roger Stone. (Oct. 17, 2018). STONE ON DIRTY TRICKS & POLITICS. Stone Cold Truth, The Daily Caller.


    CNN is reporting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is using my reputation as a “dirty trickster” to frame a case against me.

    Anyone who has read my book, “Stone’s Rules,” or seen the Netflix documentary “Get Me Roger Stone” knows that while I cop to playing hardball politics, I draw the line at breaking the law.

    I guess Mueller’s henchman forgot to mention that part when addressing the grand jury. In reality, I’m no more of a dirty trickster than any hardball political player in America today; the only difference is, I’m honest about it. Politics ain’t bean-bag.

    Both CNN and the Washington Examiner report that Muller’s minions are showing people my e-mails and text messages from 2016!

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  26. Email comment by DN:

    A.J., Caller Bob. (Oct. 18, 2018). DARPA BUILT GOOGLE / TRUMP MUST NOW RETAKE AMERICAN TECH FROM CHINA - POTUS needs to fight the tech-elite. A.J.

    Alex talks to Bob from Texas about Michael McKibben, the CEO of Leader Technologies, who filed a “Miller Act Notice” to be paid by the federal government for stolen tech.

    President Trump must fight against the collusion by big tech to move American tech to China.

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  27. Email comment by Jamie White:

    Jamie White. (Oct. 20, 2018). REPORT: UN, SOROS BEHIND MIGRANT CARAVAN INVASION - This is how globalists plan to collapse Western civilization. A.J.

    The UN and billionaire globalist George Soros are the driving forces behind the massive migrant caravan marching to the U.S. southern border, according to reports.

    As with the previous caravan that sprung up last spring, the open borders group Pueblo Sin Fronteras, which is connected to Soros’ Open Society Foundation, is involved with organizing the caravan of 4,000, and the leader of the group was arrested Thursday for attacking Mexican immigration agents.

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  28. Email comment by KL:

    JOE PINKSTONE. (Aug. 21, 2018). Communist China will use a 'social credit score' to rank its citizens and give those with the most favoured behaviour perks

    - The project rates citizens based on their behaviour - both positive and negative

    -Benefits include priority public housing, travel visas and job promotions

    -Those with a negative score can be blacklisted and not allowed to get a flight

    -The system is made possible by the growing network of surveillance that uses artificial intelligence to identify people and vehicles

    All of China's 1.4 billion citizens are about to be put under greater scrutiny as the country prepares to launch its 'social credit score' scheme.

    The project rates citizens based on their behaviour, and those who do not play by the rules are added to a list that prohibits them from certain luxuries.

    Fears are growing regarding the ethical implications of scheme, with some questioning the morality of the big-brother culture.

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  29. In all the confusion, where do I sign! show me the papers.

  30. Email comment by TG:


    - The Story Behind Donald Trump and America First

    - Did The British Collude To Steal The Election for Hillary?

    - 78K Sign Up for Trump-Cruz Rally at Venue that Holds Only 18K


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  31. Email comment by DL:


    Mark Sweney. (Oct. 19, 2018). Facebook hires [Sir] Nick Clegg as head of global affairs - Former UK deputy PM says he ‘will no longer seek to play a public role’ in Brexit debate. The Guardian.

    Facebook has hired Sir Nick Clegg, the former UK deputy prime minister, as its head of global policy and communications.

    Clegg, 51, will join Facebook as it struggles to cope with mounting political pressure over issues including fake news, data protection and the threat of government regulation.

    The former head of the Liberal Democrats will move to Silicon Valley in January.

    While the appointment of Clegg to a top role at a tech giant may come as a surprise, rumours had been circulating for weeks that the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg was close to appointing a top former British politician.

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