Friday, May 20, 2016


Hackers delete over 200 documents that prove racketeering in Washington, D.C.

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | May 20, 2016, Updated Jun. 09, 2016 | PDF
Hillary Clinton's secret offshore financial empire
Fig. 1—Hackers removed AFI watchdog research. The topics of the documents deleted show other watchdogs what and who to focus on: proofs of the theft of Leader Technologies' social networking invention as the platform for government racketeering, in collusion with private companies, to take over global digital communications infrastructure.
Graphic: JTF News.
Bookmark: #hillary-facebook-nsa-collusion
News Update: May 27, 2016:

Hillary and her staff used Hillary's private email server for 'rather urgent' NSA White House business
Compromised Aug. 16, 2009 NSA email to Hillary:

NSA Jones: 'rather urgent' message from the White House Situation Room.
On Aug. 16, 2009, a "rather urgent" request from then National Security Advisor (NSA) James L. Jones, sent from the White House Situation Room, was forwarded by Hillary's staff to Secretary Clinton's unsecured private Email server, according to new findings from Judicial Watch FOIA disclosures. NOTE: The illegal bulk surveillance of Americans began on Jones' watch as National Security Advisor.

James L. Jones
James L. Jones
The message originated from the State Department Operations Center and was sent to "SES-O_S-Calls. " This was presumably Secretary Clinton's official address for Operations Center communications to the Secretary ("S-Calls"). It was forewarded to Huma Abedin, then Cheryl Mills, presumably on their secure State Department email accounts.

Remarkably, Cheryl Mills forwarded it to Hillary ("H" or "") on her unsecured personal email server. At minimum, any bad guy like Guccifer monitoring her system would be alerted to "urgent" activity at the White House Situation Room involving NSA James L. Jones.
NSA James L. Jones' Aug. 16, 2009 Email route to Hillary's private Email server

James. L. Jones
NSA Request
Matthew McNeil
Watch Officer
Alicia K. Edwards
Watch Officer
Huma Abedin
Clinton Adviser
Cheryl Mills
Clinton Adviser
Hillary Clinton
James L. Jones
Matthew McNeil
Alicia K. Edwards
Huma Abedin
Cheryl D. Mills
Hillary Clinton
Secure > Secure > Secure > Secure > > Insecure Insecure
Table 1: NSA email from White House Situation Room to Hillary Clinton's private email server.

Pattern of racketeering unmistakable
Taken in isolation, perhaps this security breach isn't the worst. However, given the sequence of events surrounding the NSA, Facebook, Hillary and the State Department at this time (2009), the involvement and sure knowledge by the NSA of Hillary's private server seems a given. It appears these U.S. officials did not want their activity in promoting Facebook as a planned new eDiplomacy tool to appear on official government servers, especially while Facebook was on trial for patent theft (Leader v. Facebook). The evidence of racketeering is unmistakable.

2009 consolidation of spy state powers by Obama and Hillary in collusion with NSA and Facebook
Jan 21 Hillary appointed Secretary of State

Larry Summers appointed his Harvard chief of staff (2002-2004) Marne L. Levine (Deutch) as National Economic Council (bank bailout) chief of staff; Levine is daughter-in-law of disgraced former Clinton C.I.A. director John M. Deutch who Clinton pardoned; Levine-Deutch later worked briefly as messaging product development vice president at AOL, then became a vice president at Facebook, and now is chief operating officer at Facebook's Instagram division; Summers is a director
Mar 18 Hillary testified she began using her private email server set up by Bryan Pagliano who had not computer security experience.
Mar 21 Hillary hired Obama technology operative Alec Ross as her tech innovation adviser; Ross had no technical training
Apr 15 Obama ordered all FOIA requests routed thru White House; likely overseen by James P. Chandler, III, his longtime legal mentor and Leader Technologies' former patent attorney
May 26 Russian oligarch Yuri Milner (DST Digital Sky Technologies - Moscow - see previous post) invested $200 million in Facebook; Milner and Facebook COO Sheryl K. Sandberg are World Bank (1992) protégés of Larry Summers who promoted the disasterous Soviet voucher system that gave rise to modern Russian oligarchy which they exploited to pump Facebook's pre-IPO valuation underwritten by Goldman Sachs, a Milner partner in Moscow; by this time Bill Clinton had been paid $995,000 (2004-2007) and Larry Summers $322,500 (2008) in speaking fees; Summers had already funneled $13 billion to Goldman Sachs in TARP bailout loans, despite Goldman holding over 6% of all of America's assets
Jun 03 Facebook starts feeding customer data to the NSA (Source: Snowden)
Jul 09 Sidney Blumenthal wrote Facebook into Hillary's Council on Foreign Relations eDiplomacy speech
Jun 16 Hillary approves Russian Uranium One deal despite $152 million Clinton Foundation conflict of interest; Goldman Sachs underwrote the precursor UrAsia Khazakstan uranium deal arranged by Bill Clinton

Hillary solicited and received Microsoft (large Facebook shareholder) and GE funds on private server email
Aug 07 IBM's (gave Leader source code to Facebook) David J. Kappos appointed Patent Office director during Congressional recess; Kappos illegally convene a kangaroo patent court in 2012 to invalidate Leader Technologies' social networking patent by secret fiat using former IBM and Microsoft judges; Kappos is a protege of James P. Chandler, as is Eric H. Holder, Jr. and Barack and Michelle Obama
Aug 16 Hillary's staff routed "urgent" NSA James L. Jones communications to Hillary's personal email server
Sep 26 Hillary's State Department paid Facebook $120,000 for "election winning" template; over $600,000 total by Nov. 2010.
Sep 29 Obama further privatized NSA into exclusive White House control by extending Clinton and Bush Executive Order 13511 (likely drafted by James P. Chandler) made Hillary a controlling director
CONTEXT: All this NSA, State Department, Russian, FOIA, IBM and Microsoft Facebook activity occurred while the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement trial was just beginning, thus obstructing justice and violating Leader Technologies' right to non-interference by Executive agencies. During this time, Zuckerberg lied that he had lost all his 2003-2004 Facebook files and documents during the trial (to hide the fact that he received the code for Facebook from IBM Eclipse Foundation, and thus from Columbus innovator Leader Technologies. (Yes, The Social Network was a total fiction for mass consumption. Zuckerberg is not genius, he is a pathological liar and hustler who gave the Washington Cartel a ready-made Harvard story as cover. The Zuckerberg files magically reappeared (28 computer hard drives and thousands of Harvard emails) in Ceglia v. Zuckerberg two days after the Federal Circuit court protected Facebook on appeal, despite Leader proving in the jury trial that the Facebook social networking engine infringes Leader's patent on 11 of 11 claims. Zuckerberg's files just as magically disappeared again behind a phalanx of sycophant judges obviously shilling for the NSA. See Cyberhijack Timeline (2009).
Table 2 : Timeline of 2009 State Department events showing collusion between Hillary Clinton and Facebook mostly hidden in State Department stonewalling.


(May 20, 2016)--Americans for Innovation (AFI—this site) investigators just discovered that over 200 research documents that prove massive corruption in Washington, D.C. suddenly went missing from its timeline and previous posts.

The subject matter priorities of the hacker(s) are glaring.

Hackers most concerned about evidence of government corruption

Of special interest to the hackers were documents surrounding key actors in the now evident plot to take over America’s digital infrastructure.

We decided that the best approach was to simply summarize the deleted material and let our readers draw their own conclusions.

As we prepared the summary, a line from Hamlet (Act III, Scene II) kept rolling in our heads:

The lady doth protest too much, methinks.

Why did the hackers delete these subjects?

These selective deletions likely telegraph their vulnerabilities. We hope it will aid other watchdogs around the world.

The following document topics were removed (and have now been restored), listed in no particular order:

Bookmark: #stonewallers

Note: If you discover a broken link, please write us at with a copy and paste of the link. We will fix it and email you the actual document.

  1. Congressional
    Paul Mogin, senior partner, Williams & Connolly LLP; Kate Duval's boss; collaborator with James P. Chandler, III (Leader Technologies' and IBM's patent attorney), in the first appeal of the Economic Espionage Act and Federal Trade Secrets Acts of 1996 in 1998, United States v. James Hsu, 155 F.3d 189 (1998)
    Paul Mogin
    Catherine S. Duval, Williams & Connolly LLP; directs the stonewalling of the House Oversight Committee on Government Reform re. the IRS and Benghazi Hearings
    Catherine S. Duval
    Catherine S. Duval. All research into Catherine S. Duval, Williams & Connolly Law. Duval was identified by the House Oversight Committee as the chief stonewaller in both the IRS and Benghazi hearings. Also removed was analysis of Duval’s boss, Paul Mogin. Mogin is a known trade secrets law collaborator with James P. Chandler, Leader Technologies’ former patent attorney as well as IBM’s chief outside counsel. (DELETED: ALL FOOTNOTES on Catherine Duval, Paul Mogin.
  2. Merrick B. Garland. All research into Supreme Court candidate Merrick B. Garland.  Garland connections to the NSA and the secret White House intelligence agency authorized by Executive Order only and run under the NIAC acronym. Specifically, all information on 10 attorneys who recommended Garland for the DC Circuit judge job in 1995 who later became prime movers in the NSA, FBI, Homeland Security, Raytheon and NIAC. (DELETED: "Meet The 12 Lawyers Who Have Stolen America's Privacy . . . In The Name of 'National Security'")—linked in AFI. (Mar. 16, 2016). Obama nominates Spy State consiglieri to replace Justice Scalia.
  3. Hover over a photo to read the offending resume.
    The 12 attorneys who betrayed American privacy & lined their pockets while doing it.
    Merrick B. Garland
    Robert S. Mueller, III
    Joe D. Whitely
    Jay B. Stephens
    Robert S. Bennett
    Dan K. Webb
    George J. Terwilliger, III
    Donald B. Ayer
    James P. Chandler, III
    Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    Evan J. Wallach, Judge, Federal Circuit Court of Appeals; former chief counsel to Sen. Harry Reid (NV); former judge for the Int'l Trade Court; nominated by Barack Obama to the Federal Circuit two days after Leader Technologies filed its appeal in Leader v. Facebook; assigned to the Leader v. Facebook three-judge panel despite having no prior patent law experience
    Barack H. Obama
    . . . in the interest of national security, of course.
    1. Robert S. Mueller, III
    2. Joe D. Whitely
    3. Jay B. Stephens
    4. Robert S. Bennett
    5. Dan K. Webb
    6. Evan J. Wallach
    7. Eric H. Holder, Jr.
    8. James P. Chandler, III
    9. Donald B. Ayer
    10. George J. Terwilliger, III
  4. James B. Comey. All research into James B. Comey, FBI Director (2013-current) and his conflicts of interest with Wall Street. (DELETED: Comey conflicts of interest.)
  5. Robert S. Mueller, III. All research into Robert S. Mueller, III, former FBI Director (2001-2013) and his conflicts of interest with Wall Street. (DELETED: Mueller conflicts of interest.
  6. Zuckerberg theft. PUBLIC NOTICE of Zuckerberg’s fraudulent conveyance. The public notice that Zuckerberg is fraudulently conveying use of the Facebook platform to third parties (users and app developers) without disclosing that the Facebook engine is Leader Technologies’ social networking invention. (DELETED: Zuckerberg fraud notice)
  7. Stephen C. Siu. All proof that Patent Office judge Stephen C. Siu corruptly invalidated Leader Technologies' patent in a secret kangaroo court staffed with fellow IBM and Microsoft loyalists tied to federal judges and Facebook law firms. (DELETED FOOTNOTES: Siu / Kappos / IBM collusion.
  8. HSBC. All analysis of HSBC offshore money laundering leaks. FBI Director James B. Comey was a director at HSBC before becoming FBI director.
  9. Clinton speaking fees. All analysis of Bill & Hillary Clinton speaking fees (2001-2015) (DELETED: All files in the Clinton 2001-2014 summary.)
  10. Clinton uranium junket. All analysis of Bill Clinton’s 2005 UrAsia uranium junket to Kazakhstan. (DELETED: All supporting files in Clinton Kazakhstan post.)
  11. Hillary Aides. All proof of collusion among Hillary Clinton’s aides including Marne L. Levine (Deutch), Cheryl D. Mills, Huma Abedin, Joe Lockhart
  12. Hillary Facebook contracts & election tampering. All evidence of Secretary State Hillary Clinton’s contracts and use of Facebook for election tampering and eDiplomacy starting in early 2009. The order to Siu came from David J. Kappos weeks before he resigned as director of the Patent Office. (DELETED: All supporting files in Hillary election tampering post.)
  13. Clinton Foundation. All analysis of The Clinton Foundation donors.
  14. Hillary Private Email Server. All analysis of Hillary Clinton’s private email scandal and stonewalling (by Catherine S. Duval, see above), including removal of all analysis of Bryan Pagliano.
  15. New World Order. All analysis of “new world order” writings and speeches by George Soros and Anne-Marie Slaughter. (DELETED: All George Soros and Anne-Marie Slaughter research.)
  16. NSA public-private partnerships. All proof of collusion among NSA/CIA “public-private partnership” collaborators in the public and private sectors , including AT&T, Juniper Networks, Stratfor, Google, Eric Schmidt, James R. Clapper and ACLU v. Clapper. (DELETED: All supporting documents, such as Juniper Networks.)
  17. Spying Executive Orders. Most Barack Obama, George Bush and Bill Clinton’s Executive Orders setting up and sustaining a private intelligence organization (operating under the Executive Order acronym NIAC) run out of the White House and not accountable to Congress.
  18. NIAC. All analysis of the NIAC (National Infrastructure Assurance Counsel [under Clinton], National Infrastructure Advisory Council [under Bush, Obama])—the White House’s private intelligence agency; Thomas E. Noonan (IBM’s permanent representative to NIAC). (DELETED: All supporting NIAC research.)
  19. IBM Eclipse Foundation. Most IBM Eclipse Foundation records of prior board meetings.
  20. IBM-Lenovo (China). All analysis of IBM’s Dec. 08, 2004 sale to Lenovo (China). (DELETED: All supporting IBM-Lenovo merger research.)
  21. Eurotech SpA (Italy). IBM’s embedded spy systems manufacturing with Eurotech SpA (Italy), including Microsoft, Wind River, Intel.
  22. Obama Facebook. Barack Obama’s Facebook posts since Feb. 10 2007 (the day he announced his candidacy for President).
  23. Patent Office Facebook. David J. Kappos’ Patent Office Facebook posts since Apr. 01, 2010.
  24. LIBOR. Analysis of the London LIBOR banking scandal.
  25. NSA Backdoors. All analysis and publishing of the NSA/NIST database of DRBG (NSA) “backdoor” algorithm. (All research on the DRBG backdoor algorithm.)
  26. Goldman Sachs. All analysis of Goldman Sachs’ Washington, Wall Street and Silicon Valley collusion, including Bill and Hillary Clinton (see above).
  27. Financial disclosures for Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz (NOTE THAT John Kasich's and Marco Rubio's were not deleted.)
  28. Mitt Romney. All analysis of Mitt Romney’s financial holdings in Goldman Sachs ties. (DELETED: All analyses of Romney's Top 20 Donors and up to $45.1 million Romney Goldman Sachs financial holdings.)
  29. Dump Trump. Analysis of the attendees to secretive Dump Trump meeting on Mar. 4, 2016 in Georgia. (DELETED: All supporting documents to previous post.)
  30. Obama Wall Street bundlers. All analysis of Barack Obama’s Wall Street bundlers by The New York Times. (All supporting documents and articles.)
  31. Digital TakEover. AFI summary titled “White House Faces and Names for the Digital Takeover of America.” (DELETED: The Digital Takeover of America relationship analysis.)
  32. Internet of Things (IoT). All analysis of IBM Eclipse Foundations’ "The Internet of Things."
  33. Obama White House Collusion. All analysis of Obama’s “public-private partnership” collaboration with the private technology sector, including Qualcomm, EMC, Dell, JPMorgan, Stanford, Harvard, Cisco, Oracle, Kleiner Perkins, Twitter, IBM, Xerox, Micron Technology, Castlight Health, athenahealth, CGI Federal, Andersen Consulting, Booz Allen, PWC, Apple, Facebook, Yahoo, Genentech, Google and Westly  Group. (DELETED: All supporting documents verifying Obama's close relationship to these technology companies.)
  34. Paul Ceglia v. Zuckerberg. All Paul Ceglia v. Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook legal documents; all new Ceglia-Zuckerberg emails from 2003 that have surfaced. (DELETED: Supporting documents to this post—hundreds of emails between Zuckerberg and Ceglia proving that Facebook's expert lied about their existence in the Ceglia and Leader Technologies lawsuits.)
  35. False Statements Accountability Act of 1996 (law that makes lying to Congress and Courts legal). (DELETED: All documents proving Congress sanctioned lying in official proceedings in 1996.)
  36. Obamacare. All analysis of collusion and corruption among Obamacare,, athenahealth, Castlight Health, CGI, Booz Allen Hamilton, Andersen Consulting, Aneesh Chopra and Todd Y. Park.
  37. Jimmy Carter’s comments about Washington corruption. (DELETED: Jimmy Carter video, Fig. 12.)
  38. Sharyl Attkisson’s Hillary Clinton email scandal timeline. DELETED: Sharyl Attkisson Hillary Clinton timeline.)
  39. Anti-Facebook Bumper Sticker.

    BUMPER STICKER: Stop Facebook Property Theft.

  40. Analysis of C.I.A. propaganda front Stratfor (WikiLeaks) — removed all references to subscribed recipients of the Stratfor propoganda and their ties to principal Facebook actors. See Table 1, previous post. All the linked documents in this table were removed. They sorted the email addresses for Stratfor subscribers by institutions. For example, universities (Texas, Ohio State, Harvard, Georgetown, George Washington, Yale, Duke, Stanford), banks (UBS, Citigroup, JPMorgan, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Barclays), U.S. Department of Justice, Microsoft and IBM
  41. IBM Eclipse Foundation (Cartel) 2009 Membership—removed Sep. 09, 2008 boast by the IBM Eclipse Foundation of their 191 members replete with entity logos. The Eclipse Foundation was formed on Nov. 29, 2001 to receive Leader Technologies invention of social networking stolen by James P. Chandler, then intellectual property attorney to both Leader and IBM. These 191 companies were all the beneficiaries of the stolen social networking source code.

It would appear that the actors in this Cartel yearn for a "new world order"—as long as they control it. By deleting the AFI documents, they condemn themselves to being found out.

Now that watchdogs know some of their worries . . . sick 'em.

It's all about corrupt attorneys.

* * *

Bookmark: #thomas-drake

Update, May 24, 2016: NSA Whistleblower Reprise—What do they know about the 2001-2002 theft of Leader Technologies' social networking invention by the NSA and its crony capitalists?

It would appear time to revisit three NSA whistleblowers who received much attention in 2013 after the Edward Snowden leaks. Thomas Drake, William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe belong to a select fraternity: the NSA officials who paved the way.

L/R, F/B: Thomas Drake, William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe
Fig. 2—L/R, F/B: Thomas Drake, William Binney and J. Kirk Wiebe. Three former high-ranking NSA insiders who were told obliquely and off-the-record that the NSA was "going a different direction" on mass surveillance. The facts show that the NSA adopted the IBM Eclipse Foundation social networking invention stolen from Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies. With total control over the social networking platform (Eclipse IDE - Integrated Development Environment) the NSA built in encryption backdoors and cut deals with private companies like Google, Facebook, AOL, Microsoft, Intel, Cisco, Wind River, Qualcomm, Netflix, Oracle, EMC, Dell, Xerox, Micron Technology, Eurotech, Apple, Verizon, AT&T, Yahoo, Stanford, Harvard, Kleiner Perkins, Genentech Twitter, Westly Group, Skype, PalTalk, YouTube, Instagram, WhatsApp. This level of control over the platform enabled the NSA to implement a bulk metadata surveillance on American citizens outside Congressional oversight using dubious user license agreements that dupe users into giving away all privacy and intellectual property rights. Drake, Binney and Wiebe discussed the Edward Snowden case with USA Today reporters Susan Page and Peter Eisler.

Eisler, P., Page, S. (Jun. 16, 2013). Three NSA veterans speak out on whistle-blower: We told you so. USA Today.
Click here for a PDF version of this article.
Photo: USA Today

USA Today:

"Did Edward Snowden do the right thing in going public?"

William Binney:

"We tried to stay for the better part of seven years inside the government trying to get the government to recognize the unconstitutional, illegal activity that they were doing and openly admit that and devise certain ways that would be constitutionally and legally acceptable to achieve the ends they were really after. And that just failed totally because no one in Congress or — we couldn't get anybody in the courts, and certainly the Department of Justice and inspector general's office didn't pay any attention to it. And all of the efforts we made just produced no change whatsoever. All it did was continue to get worse and expand."

USA Today:

"So Snowden did the right thing?"


"Yes, I think he did."

Click here to read the entire USA Today interview: Eisler, P., Page, S. (Jun. 16, 2013). Three NSA veterans speak out on whistle-blower: We told you so. USA Today. Click here for a PDF version.

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post. Alternatively, send an email with your comment to and we'll post it for you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from whisteblowers.

Thursday, May 12, 2016


Panama Papers prove illicit Hillary Clinton ties to Facebook, Goldman Sachs, Russian oligarchs and State Department rigging of Courts & public markets

If you choose to support Hillary for President, you will be supporting these interests

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | May 12, 2016, Updated Nov. 08, 2017 | PDF
Hillary Clinton's secret offshore financial empire
Fig. 1—Hillary R. & William J. Clinton. According to the just-released Panama Papers database, Hillary Clinton's State Department contracts with Facebook starting in 2009 tie her to a "weasely" world (term just coined by The Center for Public Integrity to replace the undeserved "elite" word often used for this crowd of thieves) of offshore shell companies that are secretly moving many hundreds of billions of dollars of dubious funds around the world. Worse for Hillary is the fact that these revelations prove that she conspired with foreign governments and the private sector to defraud the American people.
Graphics: Politifact.
Sheryl K. Sandberg
Sheryl K. Sandberg
News Update: May 16, 2016—"Wacky" Sandberg feminism: Facebook COO Sheryl K. Sandberg's 1991 Harvard senior thesis was just released to Breitbart News. It concludes that domestic violence is caused by "traditional attitudes" and "western society." Remarkably, Sandberg failed to compare the plight of women in the Islamic world with women in the West. Sandberg wrote "the hierarchical, male-dominant nature of Western society" and the "pervasive influence of patriarchy" are the main triggers for violence against women. She concluded that 95% of domestic violence is against women when the real number is roughly 50-50. Brietbart journalist Milo Yiannopoulos labeled the thesis "wacky" feminism. Sandberg credits her college advisor, Lawrence H. Summers. Summers later hired her at the World Bank in 1993 (along with Russian Yuri Milner), then later as his chief of staff as Clinton Treasury Secretary. The threesome today play prominently with Obama, Clintons, Silicon Valley and Wall Street in Washington corruption. Judicial Watch uncovered intimate collaboration between Sandberg and Hillary Clinton (see below). Clearly, the co-mingling of gender politics and stolen social networking technology began decades ago. Also notable, Sandberg claimed copyrights on her thesis, yet she and Facebook abuse Leader Technologies' patents and copyrights for social networking daily. Selective abuses appear permissible in Sandberg's world. Click here for the Sandberg thesis download (10 MB).


(May 12, 2016)On Jan. 23, 2009, three days after Barack Obama’s inauguration, Hillary Clinton, hired Princeton University law professor Anne-Marie Slaughter as her chief policy advisor at the State Department.

Anne Marie Slaughter
Fig. 2—Anne Marie Slaughter
George Soros
Fig. 3—George Soros. See Panama Papers reader comment below.

Slaughter’s book "A New World Order" (Princeton Univ. Press, 2004) advocates public-private partnerships where “private incentives are harnessed to public goals.”

For a new Secretary of State needing an overarching vision for her agency, Slaughter appears to have filled the void. However, Slaughter’s philosophy appears to do little more than smear lipstick on the pig of Crony Capitalism. Readers should note that Slaughter is related by marriage to George Soros—the infamous financier of the new world order.


Hillary wasted no time implementing Slaughter’s philosophy of “disaggregation” of governance. Slaughter stated in a State Department speech on Apr. 12, 2004 at the publishing of A New World Order:

Slaughter (2004): “The state is not disappearing, it’s disaggregating, meaning it is simply operating through all its different branches, regulatory agencies, through judges, through legislators, and they are all networking with one another.”

Slaughter's lipstick defines anarchy.

Anarchy: “a situation of confusion and wild behavior in which the people in a country, group, organization, etc., are not controlled by rules or laws.” (Merriam-Webster).

Bottom line, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton followed the policy advice of an anarchist. It appears that America as we have known it is the target. Their vision appears to be to replace the U.S. Constitution with a global corporate policy manual.

Devolution of sovereign governments into self-regulating agencies

According to Slaughter’s philosophy, Bill and Hillary Clinton’s wanton conduct is permitted as the natural devolution of government independently operating through interlocked agencies.  The pesky details, like who appoints these agency heads and holds them accountable, are ignored in the rush to self-enrichment.

Hillary has replaced the U.S. Constitution with “disaggregation” where deception and theft are acceptable if the goal is achieved

Hillary wasted no time disaggregating at the State Department. For example:

  1. Private Email Server: Hillary set up her own private email server to conduct official business secretly in violation of many national security laws and common sense.
  2. Blumenthal: Hillary secretly hired Sidney Blumenthal as political advisor over White House objection. Blumenthal then provided reams of rogue advice but was accountable to no one.
  3. Bill’s Uranium Junket: Hillary approved the sale of critical uranium mining interests to Russia that netted $152 million in donations to The Clinton Foundation in violation of ethics laws.
  4. Leader v. Facebook  obstruction of justice: Hillary obstructed justice in the Leader v. Facebook social networking patent infringement case by contracting with Facebook and thus tampering with Facebook witnesses.
  5. U.S. Election Tampering: Hillary paid Facebook over $600,000 in 2009 and 2010 alone to implement “election winning templates” in preparation for the 2010 midterm U.S. elections—in violation of The Hatch Act.

The list is long . . . We can only imagine what she is up to now.

The Panama Papers reveal Hillary’s secret offshore financing scheme

On Sep. 26, 2009, Hillary paid $120,000 to Facebook for an “election winning template” in preparation for the 2010 midterm U.S. election. See previous post.

This U.S. State Department—Facebook contract proves: (1) obstruction of justice in Leader v. Facebook by interfering with Facebook witnesses to that case, and (2) election tampering by Hillary and the State Department.

Lloyd Blankfein
Fig. 4—Lloyd Blankfein, CEO, Goldman Sachs.

The Panama Papers also uncover a third problem with Hillary’s Facebook contracts:  (3) a secret offshore Clinton financing network enriched by Facebook contracts and underwritten by Goldman Sachs.

DST USA II Limited,
Goldman Sachs,
Alisher Usmanov,
Yuri Milner,
Vladimir Skoch &
Ardavan Farhad Moshiri

Isle of Man
Fig. 5—Isle of Man, Bill & Hillary Clinton's secret Russian money laundering "intermediary".

The Isle of Man is a postage stamp island in the Irish Sea that facilitates tens of billions of dollars in dubious Russian cash to and from Facebook through the British Virgin Islands, among other places.

The Panama Papers, the giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records of secretive offshore companies, further embroils Bill and Hillary Clinton in crime, corruption and cover ups.

On Apr. 09, 2016, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) released the full Panama Papers database for public review and download. This database is the source of this new evidence against the Clintons and Facebook.

Alisher Usmanov's secret offshore entities enriched by Facebook and Hillary Clinton
Fig. 6—Facebook disclosed only a few of usmanov's many Facebook interests. On May 26, 2009, just months after Obama and Hillary took office, DST's Yuri Milner appeared out of thin air in Palo Alto, CA. Milner invested $200 million in Facebook. Tellingly, Milner did not demand a seat on the board of directors or oversight of his investment. Hindsight shows that Milner, Usmanov and DST (aka Digital Sky Technologies) were tapped by Milner's 20-year mentor, Lawrence Summers, to pump Facebook's pre-IPO stock value, then dump the stock right after the IPO. Goldman Sachs underwrote all this illicit conduct. Pundits like CNBC's Jim Cramer were openly appalled at the insider conduct, but were quickly muzzled by CNBC owners who were all in on this weasely enrichment game with Hillary and Bill. Click here for versions of this graphic: JPG | PDF.
Relationship Map Source. The Panama Papers,
Bookmark: #alisher-usmanov

What’s wrong with this picture?

Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov’s secret entity network funnels tens of billions of dollars to and from Facebook. All of these entities have been enriched by Hillary Clinton’s State Department contracts with Facebook.

Who are these people?

Alisher Usmanov
Fig. 7—Oligarch Alisher Usmanov.

Alisher Usmanov—Became "The Richest Man in Russia” after cashing out his Facebook stock. Vladimir Putin confidante. Yuri Milner business partner. Both Milner and Usmanov are Sheryl K. Sandberg, Facebook COO, collaborators and protégés of Lawrence Summers.

Alisher Usmanov et al Callout
Vladimir Skoch
Fig. 8—Vladimir Skoch.

Vladimir Skoch—Deputy in the Russian Duma, Russia’s national legislative body. In reality, the Duma is largely a rubber stamp for Vladimir Putin.

Ardavan Farhad Moshiri
Fig. 9—Ardavan Farhad Moshiri.

Ardavan Farhad Moshiri (Persian: اردوان فرهاد ﻣﺸﻴﺮى‎‎)—British-Iranian business man in U.K. and Russian steel and energy living in Monaco. Moshiri is a serial investor in Usmanov entities.

All of the entities shown in the relationship map above are controlled by Usmanov.

DST USA II Limited. SEC Form 4. Filed May 24, 2012. US Securities & Exchange Commision EDGAR.
Fig. 10—DST USA II Limited. SEC Form 4. Insider Trading. Filed May 24, 2012. SEC Edgar.. Click here for versions: PDF | SEC

DST USA II Limited was a pre-IPO (initial public offering) investor in Facebook. Ref. SEC Form 4, May 24, 2012.

Brett Sinclair Armitage, Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited—The company representative who signed the SEC Form 4 was Brett Sinclair Armitage. Armitage is managing director of a registered companies' agent in the Isle of Man named Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited. "IOM" = "Isle of Man"

Brett Sinclair Armitage, Managing Director, Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited
Fig. 11—Brett Sinclair Armitage . Managing Director, Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited. Isle of Man intermediary for DST, Digital Sky Technologies,, Alisher Usmanov, Yuri Milner, Frank Giustra, UrAsia Mining, Facebook and Bill & Hillary Clinton.

Bridgewaters is identified in The Panama Papers as the "Intermediary" for 200 entities in the Isle of Man and one (1) entity in the United Kingdom.

Armitage identifies himself as a director of DST USA II Limited, which makes him a fiduciary in the United States and subject to US securities law.

UrAsia Mining Limited. Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited was also the intermediary for UrAsia Mining Limited. The Panama Papers show that UrAsia was incorporated in the Isle of Man on Apr. 12, 2006 and "struck off" 18 months later on Oct. 31, 2007. Click here for PDF of UrAsia disclosure.

Frank Giustra
Fig. 13—Frank Giustra. CEO, Urasia Emerging and Mining; $152 million donor to The Clinton Foundation.
Bill Clinton
Fig. 12—Bill Clinton.

On Sep. 07, 2005, Bill Clinton famously facilitated a one-day uranium mining deal for Canadian Frank Giustra who had nothing but a shell company named UrAsia Energy Ltd. The deal shocked the mining world since Giustra was a novice.

Over the next several years Giustra arranged Clinton Foundation donations totaling $152 million.

On Feb. 12, 2007, Giustra sold UrAsia to Uranium One for $3.1 billion. The deal was underwritten by Goldman Sachs.

Hillary Clinton
Fig. 14—Hillary Clinton

Bridgewaters' UrAsia relationship ties Clintons unmistakably to multiple flows of tens of billions of Russian funds to and from Facebook and UrAsia (uranium) mining

In short, the same Isle of Man intermediary, Bridgewaters (IOM) Limited, managed the flow of $3.1 billion Russian UrAsia funds to Bill Clinton's friend and Clinton Foundation donor in 2007. Then, managed the flow of dubious Russian funds into Facebook to pump its pre-IPO valuation to $100 billion. This is after Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State issued over a dozen contracts with Facebook, including "communications services" contracts to develop a "template for winning elections" prior to the 2010 midterm U.S. elections. See previous post.

The dictionary definitions of conflict of interests, collusion, conspiracy, racketeering

Any benefit provided by Hillary Clinton and the State Department to Facebook dramatically benefits this labyrinth of secret offshore Facebook financing, all leading to Alisher Usmanov, Yuri Milner and Sheryl Sandberg, Larry Summers’ protégés.

Barack Obama, himself a product of this Harvard cabal, like Sandberg and Summers, was surely not ignorant of these secret associations. Why else would he have appointed Larry Summers to manage the so-called “bailout” where tens of billions of dollars were sent overseas to enrich Hillary’s private financial empire?

Yuri Milner
Fig. 15—Yuri Milner. Appeared out of thin air in Silicon Valley representing DST (Digital Sky Technologies & on May 26, 2009 and plopped down $200 million into Facebook's private stock. with no normal investor controls attached.

No Obama sanctions for Hillary’s secret Russian financiers

Remarkably, in the latest round of Ukrainian sanctions, Obama did not sanction Usmanov, Milner, Skoch or Moshiri. Why would he? They have helped finance Facebook’s U.S. election rigging at Hillary’s request. That election rigging helped Barack Obama win the 2012 election.

# # #

Bookmark: #summers-sandberg-milner-timeline

More Background on these Bombshell discoveries

Larry Summers, chief economist of Hillary’s New World Order

Lawrence H. Summers
Fig. 16—Larry Summers

When Bill Clinton became President in 1993 he appointed Lawrence H. Summers, former Harvard economics professor and World Bank chief economist, to the Treasury Department. Summers became Clinton’s Treasury Secretary on Jul. 02, 1999. Click here for U.S. House Oversight Briefing and Summers-Sandberg-Milner Timeline.

Attached to Summers’ hip were protégés Sheryl K. Sandberg and Yuri Milner.  Summers had tutored Sandberg at Harvard in 1990-1992. Both Sandberg and Milner worked as researchers for Summers at the World Bank in 1993.

Summers’ disastrous Russian privatization voucher program – Harvard hubris at its finest

Sandberg and Milner supported Summers’ reckless recommendation that the collapsing Soviet economy adopt a privatization voucher system—even though only Russian organized crime had access to Western currency to buy the vouchers.

Most economists point to Summers as the ignominious father of corrupt Russian oligarchy.  This makes Sandberg and Milner Russian oligarchy’s bastard children.

Summers also led the efforts in the Bill Clinton Administration to destroy the wall of separation (Glass-Steagall Act of 1933) that forced banks to keep investment banking from investor funds, and argued strongly against the regulation of derivatives. Both changes were primary causes of the Great Recession of 2008.

Q: Where are Sandberg and Milner today? A: (Privately) manipulating Global Messenging & Digital transactions

No wonder Hillary Clinton wanted her own private email server. She knew how her "public-private partners" are compromising electronic communications around the world

Sheryl K. Sandberg
Fig. 17—Sheryl K. Sandberg

Sheryl K. Sandberg introduced Gmail at Google in 2004, then she became chief operating officer at Facebook in 2008. Goldman Sachs was Facebook’s underwriter.

Sandberg is and has been responsible for:
(1) Gmail, (2) Facebook, (3) Facebook Messager (IBM Eclipse Foundation, MQTT technology), (4) Instagram, (5) WhatsApp and (6) AOL (See Marne L. Levine (Deutch) below.

Bookmark: #marne-l-levine-deutch

Marne L. Levine (Deutch)'s perfect Cartel resume

(No wonder Hillary wanted her own private Email server. She knew the way the world's communications was being snooped by her "public-private partners.")

Marne L. Levine (Deutch)
Fig. 18—Marne L. LEvine (Deutch). Dutiful goat for Hillary's Cartel.

Marne L. Levine (Deutch) has intimate relationships with Sandberg, Clinton, Summers, IBM Eclipse Foundation and Milner. In fact, she appears to be an insider goat for the Cartel. Deutch is the daughter-in-law of the son of disgraced former CIA director John M.Deutch. Deutch was pardoned by Bill Clinton for having classified information on his personal home computer on the same day that Clinton appointed Leader Technologies' patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III to the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC).

The NIAC has become a private intelligence organization for the White House.

2001-2003 Harvard. Chief of Staff to Larry Summers, Harvard University President (when Mark Zuckerberg was fabricating the Facebook story with code stolen by the IBM Eclipse Foundation from Columbus innovator Leader Technologies)

2009 National Economic Council. Chief of Staff to Larry Summers at the National Economic Council to manage the TARP bank bailout program in which Goldman Sachs received over $13 billion. Note: Larry Summers was paid $223,000 in speaking fees from Goldman Sachs in 2008 ahead of managing Goldman Sachs' $13 billlion in bailout funds.

2009 AOL. Director of Product Management at AOL (Mail).

2010 Facebook. Vice President of Global Public Policy at Facebook.

On March 27, 2012, Hillary Clinton organized a private dinner with Marne Levine, Sheryl Sandberg and Cheryl Mills at i-Ricchi restarant in Washington, D.C. * Source: Judicial Watch FOIA disclosures.

Hillary Clinton's private meeting with Facebook before the initial public offering (during Leader v. Facebook  patent infringement litigation) Source: Judicial Watch FOIA.
Hillary R. Clinton
Sheryl K. Sandberg
Marne L. Levine (Deutch)
Cheryl D. Mills
This private Hillary Facebook dinner occured just three weeks before Patent Office director David J. Kappos ordered Leader Technologies' patent invalidated in an unprecedented secret court staffed with his former IBM colleagues. This was after the same Leader claims had been affirmed three times previously.
David J. Kappos
Fig. 20—David J. Kappos
James P. Chandler, III
Fig. 19—James P. Chandler, III
Suddenly, they were wiped off the books by secret administrative fiat. Kappos is a protege of Leader Technologies' former patent attorney, James P. Chandler, III, who is a legal confidante of IBM, Eric Holder, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama.

See previous post for more on this meeting.

2014 Instagram. Chief Operating Officer at Instagram where Larry Summers is a director.
Bookmark: #yuri-milner
Yuri Milner
Fig. 21—Yuri Milner

Yuri Milner is CEO of DST (Digital Sky Technologies) and Milner invested $200 million into Facebook private stock on May 26, 2009 and became Facebook’s largest outside investor. Goldman Sachs is DST’s partner in Moscow and brokered the sale of Facebook private stock to DST.

Milner is and has been responsible for:
(1), (2) VKontakte, (3) Facebook, (4) Instagram and (5) WhatsApp.

Yuri Milner, DST Callout
Lloyd Blankfein
Fig. 22—Lloyd Blankfein. CEO, Goldman Sachs

Goldman Sachs also brokered the Bill Clinton UrAsia/Uranium One deal in Kazakhstan that netted $152 million to The Clinton Foundation (2005-2007).

On May 11, 2016, whistleblower financial analyst Charles Ortel reported "gross charity fraud" at The Clinton Foundation. He said "There are massive discripencies between what some of the major donors say they gave...and the Clinton Foundation said what they got from the donors and what they did with it."

Goldman Sachs has paid Bill & Hillary Clinton $1,150,000 in speaking fees between 2004-2012. See previous post.

The Panama Papers expose a secret global financial playground for Hillary and Bill  where morals and laws are mere speed bumps

The Panama Papers, the giant leak of more than 11.5 million financial and legal records of secretive offshore companies, embroils Bill and Hillary Clinton still further in crime, corruption and cover ups.

On Apr. 09, 2016, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) released the full Panama Papers database for public review and download.

The papers expose a convoluted mix of shady companies and lawyers. Hillary’s Russian conspirators have offices in the Isle of Man, Virgin Islands, Belize, Cayman Islands, Dubai and Hong Kong.

Hillary’s partners include Russians, Goldman Sachs, Facebook, Larry Summers and the State Department.

Hillary’s “Sugar Daddy’s” include Russians Yuri Milner, Alisher Usmanov and Vladimir Skoch, as well as British-Iranian Farhad Moshiri. They hold shares in DST USA II Limited --a Virgin Islands company managed from the Isle of Man.

DST and Goldman are beneficiaries of Hillary’s Facebook contracts at the State Department

The following DST and Goldman entities – all beneficiaries of Hillary’s State Department contracts with Facebook – enriched themselves by cashing out on Day 3 of the Facebook initial public offering at $37.582 per share.

DST USA II Limited is related to a string of related Usmanov companies (links to U.S. SEC Facebook Form 4 Insider Trading filings on May 24, 2012 following the start of the intitial public offering). The beneficiary entities in yellow highlighted bold red were not disclosed in the Facebook public offering.

Clinton, Facebook, Usmanov and Milner failed to disclose DST Holdings Limited and DST Capital Partners Limited beneficiaries in SEC Form 4 Insider Trading disclosures on May 24, 2012

According to SEC records, DST USA II Limited was a pre-IPO (initial public offering) investor in Facebook. Ref. SEC Form 4, May 24, 2012 underwritten by Goldman Sachs.

DST investments in Facebook were underwritten by Goldman Sachs starting on May 26, 2010 when Milner invested $200 million.

Also according to SEC records, Goldman Sachs invested alongside DST in Facebook on May 17, 2012:

  1. Goldman Sachs & Co
  2. Goldman Sachs (FBCD Advisors Offshore, Inc.)
  3. Goldman Sachs (FBDC Investors Offshore Holdings, L.P.)
  4. Goldman Sachs (GS Investment Strategies, LLC)
  5. Goldman Sachs Group Inc
  6. Goldman Sachs Investment Partners GP, LLC
  7. Goldman Sachs Investment Partners Master Fund, L.P.
  8. Goldman Sachs Investment Partners Private Opportunities Holdings Advisors, Inc.
  9. Goldman Sachs Investment Partners Private Opportunities Holdings, L.P.
Hillary, Goldman Sachs Co-conspirator
Mary L. Schapiro
Fig. 23—Mary L. Schapiro, Chair, U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission (SEC) (Jan. 20, 2009 to Nov. 26, 2012). Barack Obama nominated Schapiro the same day as Hillary Clinton. She held more disclosed Facebook interests than anyone else in Obama's cabinet. She ignored the Goldman Sachs "dark pools" trading in Facebook pre-IPO insider stock to foreigners like Usmanov, Milner, DST and that pumped Facebook's valuation to $100 billion This turning of blind eyes by Schapiro and the SEC was an obscene violation of the 500-shareholder trading limitation on unregistered stock. Ethics and fair play were willfully damned by these transactions.

Readers should note that Goldman Sachs knows the rules about disclosing related beneficial interests on their own Facebook account, yet profoundly (and criminally?) failed to require similar disclosure from DST, Milner, Clinton, Sandberg, Summers and Usmanov related entities. Such nondisclosure is securities fraud. The collaboration of these various individuals and entities amounts to organized crime.

Mary L. Schapiro, as Chair of the U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission, approved The Greatest Financial crime in the History of the World   in terms of the value of Leader Technologies' social networking invention

Tellingly, Goldman Sachs' sale of pre-IPO "dark pool" Facebook insider stock was stopped for U.S. investors due to questions as to whether they were violating the 500-shareholder rule. Once U.S. investors were blocked, these DST Russian entities evidently flooded in. SEC Chair Mary L. Schapiro turned a blind eye given her massive holdings in Facebook interests. Former Commerce Secretary Rebecca M. Blank (June 11, 2012 – June 1, 2013) was also involved in these schemes and holds the second highest number of disclosed Facebook interests in the Obama cabinet, yet did not recuse herself in Patent Office business (run by the Commerce Department under the Executive Branch) re. Leader Technologies and Facebook, despite numerous requests from Leader's shareholders, Leader reports.

At least seven big problems with Hillary’s Facebook conduct

  1. Goldman Speaking Fees: The Clintons have been paid $1,150,000 in speaking fees by Goldman Sachs (2004 and 2012). Therefore, she had a public duty to recuse herself from any matter involving Goldman Sachs as a beneficiary, including her State Department contracts with Facebook.

  2. Goldman/DST Partnership (Moscow): Goldman Sachs is a Moscow partner of DST, Digital Sky Technologies,, Alisher Usmanov, Yuri Milner and Farhad Moshiri. Therefore, she had a public duty to recuse herself from any matter involving Goldman Sachs as a beneficiary, including her State Department contracts with Facebook.

  3. Vladimir Skoch: Skoch is a member of the Russian Duma. Therefore, Hillary had a duty to recuse herself from any matter involving Skoch as a beneficiary, including her State Department contracts with Facebook.

  4. Incestuous Summers, Milner, Sandberg, Goldman, Facebook, DST interrelationships: Obama appointed Larry Summers to lead the National Economic Council in Nov. 2008. This included Summers’ oversight of $13 billion in TARP funds to Goldman Sachs. Goldman underwrote and invested in Facebook. Goldman underwrote DST’s Facebook investments. Goldman was partnered with DST Moscow. DST’s CEO Yuri Milner and Facebook’s Sheryl K. Sandberg are protégés of Summers. Alisher Usmanov is Russian oligarch product of Summers’ failed Harvard consulting assisted by Sandberg and Milner. The conflicts of interest are glaring.

  5. U.S. Election Rigging:  Hillary made DST, Goldman Sachs, a member of the Russian Duma and others involved with Usmanov co-conspirators with Facebook in violation of the Hatch Act in her State Department contract with Facebook.

  6. Witness Tampering: Hillary made DST, Goldman Sachs, a member of the Russian Duma and others involved with Usmanov co-conspirators with Facebook in violation of U.S. law in witness tampering in Leader v. Facebook in her State Department contract with Facebook.

  7. Conspirators in property theft: Hillary made DST, Goldman Sachs, a member of the Russian Duma and others involved with Usmanov co-conspirators with Facebook in the theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention. The financial sums values involved make this the Greatest Financial Crime in the History of the World.

  8. UrAsia Uranium Mining Junket. Failure to disclose family and Clinton Foundation conflicts of interest and self-dealing.

Hillary Clinton
Fig. 24—Hillary R. Clinton Candidate to be the next President of the United States.

Hillary Clinton: Too big to jail?


America’s elected officials, law enforcement and the courts are evidently turning a blind eye. Many of them appear to be enriched by this corrupt financing underworld

We the People demand fidelity to our moral principles. You would be complicit if you support or vote for “Hillary for President.”



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