Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Sep. 30, 2020, Updated Oct. 01, 2020 | PDF |
AFI. (Sep. 30, 2020). Oracle directors commit treason in allowing a British Agent fellow director to engage in espionage and the TikTok deal. Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 1—Baroness Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). New Oracle director overseeing the China TikTok deal with fellow Oracle-HSBC insider Safra A. Catz.

Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). (Sep. 28, 2020). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.

New Oracle director Baroness Rona Alison Fairhead CBE failed to disclose 31 of 39 conflicts of interest before becoming a director on Jul. 10, 2019

The other directors turned a blind eye to this criminal fraud as well as her espionage, thus being accessories

Fairhead is a British knight and pledged fealty to the monarch, not the U.S. Constitution

As a British minister, Fairhead boosted China trade, and now scandalously promotes the TikTok deal with Oracle

Fig. 2Gabriel, McKibben. (Oct. 01, 2020). The secret that Larry Ellison [ORACLE] is keeping from Donald Trump. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. Click three dots on the right of the audio player to download the raw (*.mp3) file.
Rona Alison Fairhead (nee Haig)
Fig. 3—Baroness Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). Became a director of Oracle on Jul. 10, 2019 with former C.I.A. director Leon E. Panetta, among other corrupt British Pilgrims Society actors taking orders from the British monarch. Indeed, Oracle boss Larry Ellison told Wikipedia his first job in starting Oracle at Wright Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio was to build a database for the C.I.A. (notice he did not say for the NSA). See Fig. 10 below.

Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). (Sep. 28, 2020). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. (*.xlsx spreadsheet version).

Sep. 30, 2020—This research has uncovered a concerted British Pilgrims Society attempt to play the Trump Administration for the fool regarding the Chinese mobile video-sharing service TikTok.

TikTok makes it easier to make and share videos. It especially appeals to the narcissism of youth, and therefore, is a powerful tool for digital addiction, titillation and time wasting.

On the surface, TikTok is a subsidiary of ByteDance that is controlled by the Chinese government. Notoriously, TikTok has teamed up with Huawei to oppress and murder the Uighur minority in northwestern China as a part of Google’s Dragonfly use in state censorship. President Trump rightly blocked TikTok from being offered in the U.S. until the company could show that it would not be a tool for Chinese spying on Americans.

Various “great American companies” like Microsoft, Oracle and Walmart have offered to operate TikTok in America. After much kabuki theater surrounding the terms of the deal, China has just agreed to the President’s terms and to allow Oracle to run the platform.

In other words, China was, we believe, always going to agree with the terms, they just had to make it look like they were resisting.

Microsoft, Oracle and Walmart are not the good guys here. Rather, they’re agents of China, or rather, China’s handler: The British Pilgrims Society, in our opinion.

Who is new Oracle director Baroness Rona Alison Fairhead CBE anyway?

Let's listen in on this hypothetical conversation between the recent British international trade minister, now Oracle director, Baroness Fairhead, and Xi Jinping, Premier of the People’s Republic of China:

Fairhead: “Hello Xi, Rona here.”

Fairhead: “First off, thank you for superb execution on the Coronavirus hoax. It’s a real propaganda coup to weaponize the common flu! We can recycle that and keep the fear going forever. Very useful. We blind sided the Trump administration and set them up to agree to this TikTok deal. Well done.”

Xi: “My pleasure.”

Xi: “Now, what are your orders on TikTok? It is a very effective surveillance tool for our security police, so how do we add U.S. citizens into your global database without disturbing our operations?”

Fairhead: “Trump’s people are technology ignoramuses, so our Crown Agent Senior Executive Service is still very much in control of global communications and propaganda within the Executive Branch, C.I.A., FBI, DoJ, Navy, Congress and the Courts.”

Fairhead: “I just got approval from London for you to allow Oracle to run TikTok in the U.S. We need to unify with your social credit score system right away.”

Fairhead: “First, push back on the deal, then agree to it. That will make for some good drama for the little people.”

Xi: “Will do. Please give my regards to the Pilgrims Society inner sanctum. I think it is just hilarious that Americans are so stupid that they still don’t know we are in control of everything. Cecil Rhodes was a brilliant strategist. I have his picture on my wall, next to mine.”

Fairhead: “Agree. They are stupid. They hired me, a British secret agent, to be an Oracle director and no regulator or director said anything about my flimsy conflicts disclosure. Bwahahaha.”

Fairhead: “Americans don’t deserve a Constitution. Royal commands from the Pilgrims Society will work much better for them. We know what’s best, don’t we?”

Xi: “Indeed we do.”

Fairhead: “I’ll call when we need your people to integrate with our American Oracle systems.

Xi: “We’ll run that R&D through your favourite Pilgrims people at Tsinghua University Computer Science and Technology Center. That will keep it nice and academic. My people keep their mouths shut. We only hire programmers from the countryside who know nothing of the world.”

Fairhead:Yes, Zuckerberg’s wife Comrade Pricilla has been a great liaison for transferring source code. So have the folks at IBM Eclipse Foundation Open Power. We can’t risk using American programmers because some of them are independent-minded and might blow the whistle. We cannot risk that.”

China works for the British Pilgrims Society, always has

China is, and always has been, an agent of the British Pilgrims Society and its handlers in MI6 and the C.I.A. The stolen gold captured in Germany and Japan after World War II created China and funded megalomaniac Mao Zedong. Indeed, the Pilgrims Society created and promotes communism everywhere as the best way for them to exercise control-by-elitists who believe they know better. Indeed, new proof shows that the Pilgrims Society schooled Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks in London on how to overthrow Czar Nicholas.

Oracle was given the green light to unify TikTok's Chinese and American databases—They lie when they say they will keep them separate (there will be spy backdoors galore)

This deal will give Oracle the green light to modify the TikTok and Oracle software to enhance TikTok, not protect the U.S. from Chinese surveillance.

Indeed, the IBM Eclipse Foundation has been giving up America’s sovereignty to China ever since they stole Leader Technologies’ social networking trade secrets ca. 2001.

The TikTok modification will unify the Chinese and American social credit score data. It will bring the Pilgrims Society closer to their century+-long dream of a British imperial one world order controlled using IBM's lawyer-construct "The Internet of Things" over which Oracle has significant influence.

Remember, in WWII IBM, with RCA, catalogued German concentration camp prisoners. By Hitler's own admission, he was taking his concentration camp model from the British camps in the 2nd Boer War in South Africa that killed over 60,000 white and blacks, including over 14,000 children, in hideous Burroughs Wellcome vaccine experimentation.

At the same time, the Pilgrims Society was seizing control of South Africa's diamonds and gold wealth that funds Rhodes Scholarships to this day. That same IBM system also handled American censuses. The Pilgrims never saw a war they did not start in their march to permanent power and control.

When Oracle has fully implemented TikTok, the Pilgrims Society will be able to more easily “mount” the world’s databases (that mostly use Oracle data storage) and thus put the icing on the cake of total global surveillance.

Oracle is engaging in iconic Pilgrims Society fraud

The British Pilgrims Society has infiltrated Oracle, just like they have infiltrated virtually every aspect of American life in education, politics, banking, commerce, patents, courts, healthcare, publishing, media and agriculture.

Tellingly, the other Oracle directors are aiding and abetting Baroness Fairhead’s espionage by allowing a British saboteur to influence policy on the Oracle board.

Judicially-recognizable Evidence of Espionage, Treason & sedition at Oracle—your immoral choices have consequences

Click image to open the PDFRona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). (Sep. 28, 2020). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots.
Note: The punishment for treason can be hanging. 18 U.S. Code § 2381.Treason. The Oracle directors are aiding and abetting British Pilgrims Society espionage, including their conspiracies with FBI Director James B. Comey. That makes them treasonous war actors. Hopefully Guantanomo Bay is being fitted with gallows.

The British companies SERCO and QinetiQ essentially operate the U.S. Navy, Army, Air Force and Space Force. QinetiQ operates the U.S. Army's inventory system from London ("all US Army equipment").

See QinetiQ Group Plc, Co. No. 4586941. (Aug. 07, 2008). Annual Report and Accounts, p. 17 (PDF p. 21), Keeping track of US Army equipment worldwide. Companies House (UK). See also AFI. (Mar. 16, 2020). Weaponized Coronavirus is an Anglo-American Pilgrims Society Attack on Competitors in America and China. Americans for Innovation.

Rona Alison Fairhead (nee Haig)
Fig. 5—David Sarnoff. Co-founded RCA and founded NBC for the Pilgrims Society. He then oversaw the development of voice and TV technologies to exploit as propaganda tools.

AFI. (Apr. 17, 2020). PART ONE: NBC founder & Pilgrim David Sarnoff led the Imperial British agenda that has terrorized our world for over 100 years. Americans for Innovation.

SERCO’s former name is R.C.A. Limited, started by American Pilgrim Society member and Marconi Wireless protégé David Sarnoff, who started NBC in 1926. 1926 was the year Sarnoff predicted a dystopian future of war using wireless beam-forming weapons and viruses. Look it up (check your Downloads folder for a CSV file [comma-separated values] for a spreadsheet of the SERCO contracts).

QinetiQ has received over $8.5 billion U.S. federal contracts. (PDF | Excel-downloads directly to your Downloads folder).

SERCO has received over $9.5 billion U.S. federal contracts. PDF | Excel-downloads directly to your Downloads folder)

Leon E. Panetta
The DevilFig. 7—Leon E. Panetta. Oracle director with HSBC's Baroness Fairhead, Safra Catz, Sir Jonathan Symond's (keeper of the British ironclad control of major industries), and Sir Simon Robertson (Goldman Sachs, Lord Rothschild).

Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). (Sep. 28, 2020). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. (*.xlsx spreadsheet version).
George J. Tenet
The DevilFig. 6—George J. Tenet. Served as director of QinetiQ that is wholly-controlled by the British Monarch and acquired huge U.S. military contracts.

AFI. (Mar. 16, 2020). Weaponized Coronavirus is an Anglo-American Pilgrims Society Attack on Competitors in America and China. Americans for Innovation.

This investigation has so many tentacles. Much more analysis is needed on these interlocking relations. We see former C.I.A. directors involved in this fraud e.g., George Tenet (1996-2004) and Leon Panetta (2009-11), as well as numerous military-industrial complex criminals with their hands out, like Carlyle Group CEO Renée J. James, a current Oracle director.

Renee J. James
Fig. 8—Renee J. James. CEO of The Carlyle Group is a current Oracle director. Carlyle also funded QinetiQ in Britain that gave complete control to the Queen. Despite this British control, QinetiQ holds over $8 billion in current U.S. military contracts spanning great swaths of our critical military infrastructure.

AFI. (Mar. 16, 2020). Weaponized Coronavirus is an Anglo-American Pilgrims Society Attack on Competitors in America and China. Americans for Innovation.

In 2001, Carlyle funded the British spy corporation QinetiQ that is 100% controlled by the Queen’s iron-fisted Golden Share. QinetiQ set up shop adjacent to the Pirbright Institute where the novel Coronavirus was invented and patented.

But, for the sake of brevity, we have cataloged just one Oracle director.

The new Oracle director Baroness Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). Baroness Fairhead was appointed to the Oracle board on Jul. 10, 2019.

We can prove from this appointment alone that espionage and treason are afoot at Oracle and TikTok. This involves not only Baroness Fairhead (espionage) and the Oracle directors (treason), but the regulatory bodies who have all turned a blind eye to this criminality, which includes Ernst & Young LLP and Oracle’s attorneys who are perpetuating the securities fraud, in addition to the espionage and treason.

Baroness Fairhead wantonly violated the Business Judgment Rule in accepting the appointment, and the other Oracle directors aid and abet her criminality in their silence

Given that Baroness Fairhead is British, she is engaging in espionage, and the American Oracle directors are each engaged in treason by allowing her to deceive the public

American public company directors, and British directors for that matter, are subject to the Business Judgment Rule (BJR - fiduciary duties of good faith, loyalty and due care).

The BJR requires that a company director disclose all material relationships that affect, or might  affect, that person’s ability to represent the shareholders objectively—without the taint of self-interest.

Actually, conflicts of interest are OK as long as they are disclosed.

With such disclosure, the public, regulators, shareholders and fellow directors can then assess that director’s ability to act impartially for all the shareholders.

When conflicts are evident, that director may be asked to recuse oneself from decisions involving those subjects. However, if the public is not aware of the conflicts, then the opportunity to self-deal are very high, as we see here.

Baroness Fairhead is easily worth $50 million or more. For example, in just one of her several dozen corporations owned by her and her husband, Thomas Edwin Fairhead, the couple loaned just one company almost $6 million without any requirement for repaying the principle. See B2B NEW YORK LIMITED (UK). See Timeline. Fairhead did not disclose this real estate leasing company to the Oracle shareholders.

Here are the eight (8) relationships that Baroness Fairhead discloses to the public in her Oracle resume on Nov. 19, 2019:

Department of International UK, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) Trust (Ofcom), Financial Times Group Limited, Pearson plc, Bombardier Inc., Imperial Chemical Industries Limited , HSBC Holdings plc and PepsiCo, Inc.

Here are the thirty-one (31) relationships that Baroness Fairhead did not disclose to the Oracle shareholders and the public (see Baroness Rona Alison Fairhead Biography and Timeline with links to judicially-recognizable evidence of Fairhead’s fraud).

Note: For public companies, the holdings and material relationships of a spouse, offspring and close relatives must be disclosed.

Bain & Company, Harvard Business School Publishing, Morgan Stanley, BAE Systems plc (British Aerospace), UK Aerospace Services, GENT FAIRHEAD AGGREGATES LIMITED, Langside Corp, Royal Borough of Kensington, Amazing Grades Limited, Whitehall Trust, GENT FAIRHEAD HOLDINGS LIMITED, GENT FAIRHEAD RESERVES LIMITED, HSBC Northern American Holdings Inc, The Economist Group, Interactive Data Corporation, GENT FAIRHEAD & CO. LIMITED, REFCO LIMITED, Commander of the British Empire (CBE), Her Majesty's Government Cabinet Office Board, hired James B. Comey as Corporate Counsel at HSBC, spun off AstraZeneca plc while strategy chief at Imperial Chemical Industries, orchestrated HSBC money laundering sanctions busting exoneration with U.S. Attorney Loretta Lynch, UK Trade and Investment, Wren Paper Limited, Wren Renewables Limited, Wren Hygiene Limited, Wren Power Limited, Wren Data Limited, Wren Fibre Limited, Wren Tissue Limited, Wren Renewables (Holdings) Limited, Wren Pulp Limited

To reiterate, none of the 31 Baroness Rona Fairhead relationships in the paragraph above were disclosed in Oracle's notices to shareholders. This is evident fraud.

James B. Comey
Fig. 9—James B. Comey. Became a director and chief counsel at HSBC in March 2013, and left on Sep. 04, 2013 to become FBI director, appointed by fellow Pilgrims Society member Barack H. Obama.

Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). (Sep. 28, 2020). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. (*.xlsx spreadsheet version).

Notably, we include Fairhead's HSBC relationships to James B. Comey when he was an HSBC director along with Fairhead and another Oracle director, Israeli-born Safra A. Catz.

Baroness Fairhead’s HSBC relationship with Sir Jonathan Edward Symonds is also noteworthy because of his simultaneous relationships to Oracle director Jafra A. Catz and to longtime HSBC risk director Marc M. Moses.

Loretta E. Lynch
Fig. 10—Loretta E. Lynch. Entered a consent decree with HSBC on Dec. 11, 2012 to pay a $1.2 billion fine for money laundering to break U.S. sanctions and let off HSBC executives.

Later, Attorney General Lynch designated James B. Comey to exonerate Hillary Clinton in her criminal release of classified information from her private server.

Hindsight shows that Hillary was selling the information to the highest bidder in a pay-to-play enrichment of her Clinton Foundation. The purpose was to destroy American sovereignty and allow the British Pilgrim Society to fully move in and run America. See AFI. (Aug. 26, 2020). Henry Kissinger has been spying for the (British) Pilgrims Society, likely since the late 1940's. Americans for Innovation.

Baroness Fairhead was an evident actor in this espionage with Comey, Lynch, Obama and Clinton, among others including former C.I.A. directors who were actually working for MI6 under the cover of "Five Eyes" sedition.

Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). (Sep. 28, 2020). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. (*.xlsx spreadsheet version).

Moses was the HSBC principle who signed off on the consent decree with Loretta E. Lynch that exonerated HSBC executives from any further criminal litigation in a $1.2 billion windfall for the U.S. Justice Department (Eric H. Holder, Jr.).

After this consent decree deal was spawned, James B. Comey became HSBC corporate counsel, then became FBI director.

Baroness Fairhead has a fiduciary duty to disclose these cozy HSBC relationships, and did not.

Safra Ada Tirosh (neé Catz)
Fig. 11—Safra Ada Tirosh (neé Catz). Current Oracle CEO and director (1999-present) with fellow Pilgrims Society members Baroness Rona Alison Fairhead CBE (Privy Council chief BBC propagandist) and Leon E.Panetta, former C.I.A. director.

Born in Holon, Israel on Dec. 13, 1961 (Wikipedia is incorrect); father was a Romanian Yiddish immigrant (name unknown, research assistance requested; likely a Pilgrims Society British Zionist with Weizzman Institute (bio and tech research parallelling Pirbright Institute UK—Coronavirus patentee) founder Chaim A. Weizmann, convenor of numerous British Zionist conferences, hence daddy and maybe granddaddy Catz's names are hidden); Wharton (1983); UPenn J.D. (1986); married Gal Tirosh (1990); managing director of Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenerette (now Credit Suisse, 1997-99); director at Oracle (1999-current); director of HSBC Holdings plc (UK) (2008-15); hired James B. Comey as HSBC chief counsel (2013); co-president of Oracle (2010-14 ); co-CEO of Oracle (2014-19); Disney director (2017-present); sole Oracle CEO (2019).

Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). (Sep. 28, 2020). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. (*.xlsx spreadsheet version).

Perhaps one or two omissions can be excused, but failing to disclose 31 out of 39 conflicts is maliciously intentional and evidently meant to hide her Pilgrims Society relationships.

For example, would you elect a convicted rapist to be director of a home for battered women?  Neither should Oracle be hiring a British secret agent to help govern policy of an American company in a TikTok China deal where its director, and former British minister of international trade with China, had close times to Chinese Premier Xi Jinping.

Call to Action by Patriots Worldwide

Larry Joseph Ellison
Fig. 12—Larry Joseph Ellison (Wikipedia and related records). Pilgrims Society cardboard cutout in front of Oracle since 1979. He has never worked anywhere else (other than the C.I.A.) while he burned through four wives: Adda, Nancy, Barbara and Melanie. Indeed, Ellison said his first job was building a database for the C.I.A. Wikipedia would only put that in if the Pilgrims Society lawyers felt that his association with the Pilgrims/C.I.A. would become known anyway. This way, they could avoid the accusation that the association had been hidden.

Technical Note: The Oracle "relational database" is the data storage system of choice for the British Pilgrims Society new world order hucksters. Practically all of the "dark profile" personal information on everyone (legally and illegally captured) is stored on Oracle databases in places like the Utah Data Center and the Facebook  Luleå, Sweden Data Center.

Also, it should be noted that Ellison's inspiration for Oracle came from British IBM engineer Edgar F. Codd's who was most likely a part of the 1946 "Five Eyes" takeover of American intelligence.

Ellison released the first version of Oracle in 1979. This was concurrent with Brigadier General James E. Freeze approving Project Echelon at the NSA—mass surveillance of all American citizens without a warrant.

General Freeze went on to become Leader Technologies's first outside director in 2000. He then introduced Leader to trade secrets and patent attorney James P. Chandler, III. While pretending to protect Leader's inventions (later to become known as social networking), Chandler stole a custody copy of Leader's source code to found the IBM Eclipse Foundation with IBM chief counsel David J. Kappos, who became Barack Obama's Patent Office director in 2009 in a rare recess appointment.

The Eclipse IDE (interface development environmnet) is used throughout the world as the basis for all social media interactions on the web. The predominant backend data storage for social interactions is... Oracle.

No coincidences here.

Rona Alison Fairhead, Commander of the British Empire (CBE). (Sep. 28, 2020). Biography and Timeline. Anonymous Patriots. (*.xlsx spreadsheet version).

Al Capone was jailed in Alcatraz for tax evasion, not for murder and mayhem.

Similarly, perhaps the easiest way to take Oracle director Baroness Rona A. Fairhead off the Pilgrims Society playing field is to jail her for her evident Oracle disclosure fraud in addition to her espionage.

We provide plenty of indictable evidence of her espionage against America.

The world is just waking up to Fairhead’s handler, the British Pilgrims Society, so, until they do, we need to put the Baroness in Guantanamo for the rest of her life for the career-long treachery she has been involved in.

Joining Fairhead in Guantanamo should be the other Oracle directors and auditor Ernst & Young LLP, who aid and abet her criminality.


Described above is abject immorality.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice |

Footnote 1

Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice—The Perpetrators of this Epic Fraud must disgorge their ill-gotten gain
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

Return to return to the beginning of this post.

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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Friday, September 11, 2020


Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Sep. 11, 2020, Updated Sep. 16, 2020 | PDF | +++We Remember+++ nOW LET'S BRING THESE pILGRIMS sOCIETY MURDERERS TO jUSTICE IN MEMORY of the victims of 9/11
AFI. (Sep. 11, 2020). Indictable Evidence: British Pilgrims Society Officers Volcker and Kissinger ran the Obama White House and bailed out their fellow banking gangsters in 2008. Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 1—Paul A. Volcker, along with Henry A. Kissinger, has controlled foreign and monetary policy for The Rockefeller Foundation and since the early 1950's— for 12 Presidents since the Marshall Plan (1948), when they were recruited to the Pilgrims Society by Lord Rothschild, David Sarnoff, David Rockefeller, William J. Donovan (OSS), Allan W. Dulles (OSS-CIA), Sir Stewart Menzies (MI6) and Sir Harry Brittain, among others.

In 1973, Volcker and Kissinger almost single-handedly destroyed the gold standard and created the disastrous OPEC Middle Eastern oil cartel. More recently they have been working on imposing carbon credits as a new form of exchange to replace the fiat dollar. They created Bitcoin in all its iterations (via Goldman Sachs executive Philip J. Venables). They made the U.S. dollar a fiat currency.

Now we know why. Kissinger and Volcker were following the orders of their Rockefeller handlers at the British Pilgrims Society who want a One World Government controlled by an imperial corporate British Empire in London. The United Nations has been its political smoke screen from inception. The U.S. has been the vehicle for continuous wars designed to enrich their fascist banks and companies, and kill human souls to depopulate the earth using bioweapons, especially weaponized vaccines that cannot work due to endemic mutation in every host. See the previous three posts for more background.

AFI. (Jul. 28, 2020). The Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society and its CFR minions used the Marshall Plan, shrouded in anti-communism, to seize control of global banking using Nazi & Japanese stolen gold. Americans for Innovation.

AFI. (Aug. 26, 2020). Henry Kissinger has been spying for the (British) Pilgrims Society, likely since the late 1940's. Americans for Innovation.

AFI. (Sep. 04, 2020). The Rockefeller Foundation conspired with Clintons and Facebook 2009-2011 to rig elections and commit tax fraud by shuffling seed money to Clinton political hacks. Americans for Innovation.

 Photo: George Tames/The New York Times. For educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.
Gabriels, McKibben. (Sep. 11, 2020). Martial Law Must be Called. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 2—American Intelligence Media & Americans for Innovation. Douglas Gabriel & Michael McKibben's Interview Audio Interview, Sep. 11, 2020. Listen to powerful investigative journalism about hard proof that the British Pilgrims Society has overtaken America's institutions. Martial law is required whenever the Republic's institutions are in clear and present danger. Click three dots on the right of the audio player to download the raw (*.mp3) file.
abriel, McKibben, (Sep. 16, 2020). Zoom is Chinese Xurveillance. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 3—American Intelligence Media & Americans for Innovation. Douglas Gabriel & Michael McKibben's Interview Audio Interview, Sep. 16, 2020. New proof that Zoom Conferencing is a totalitarian communist product of the British Pilgrims Society spying on all Americans through China (as their patsy) using the excuse of the Coronaviris COVID-19 plandemic. Click three dots on the right of the audio player to download the raw (*.mp3) file.

Our present government of theoretical checks and balances on unwarranted power was broken long ago by this poisonous Pilgrims Society treachery

America's vote must be freed from their control guided by the straightforward principle of unbroken, bipartisan chain of custody, one person, one vote, inked thumbs

Mail-in ballots is a Pilgrims Society foil

Bipartisan citizens groups must count The People's Vote, not paid partisan bureaucrats

The Declaration of Independence is We the People

The Declaration of Interdependence is the Imperial Corporatist We

Paul A. Volcker
Fig. 4—Paul A. Volcker. Volcker has been an economic policy adviser to The Rockefeller Foundation, along with former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger advising on foreign policy, since the early 1950's. For full analysis of Volcker's treachery, keep reading, and also follow the links to previous AFI posts in Fig. 1 above.

Sep. 11, 2020—In 2007 and 2008, Paul A. Volcker and Henry A. Kissinger verified to the IRS that they were vice presidents of the Pilgrims Society of the United States.

The American Pilgrims are a mere satellite of the mother organization: the Pilgrims Society of Great Britain.

Kissinger and Volcker had been members since the 1950s when they became policy advisors for The Rockefeller Foundation after the war and during the implementation of the Marshall Plan. John D. Rockefeller was a Pilgrims Society co-founder (1902).

Cecil John Rhodes
Fig. 5—Cecil John Rhodes. Founded and funded the Rhodes Scholarship with N.M. Rothschild DeBeers diamonds and gold to recruit new blood into the Pilgrims Society and his plan for an Imperial corporatist facism run by the self-anointed aristocracy and using communism for the minions. Some call the DeBeers fortune blood money given it was secured by the 2nd Boer War concentration camps by the Pilgrims.

These men chose "Pilgrims" in their name in 1902, evidently to glom onto the average American's fondness for the Plymouth Pilgrims.

This is classical misdirection and mind control propaganda from this group of high criminals. Their instruction given them by their spiritual leader, British Privy Councilor Cecil J. Rhodes, is to gain power and control at any cost.

"What a scope and what a horizon of work, at any rate, for the next two centuries, the best energies of the best people in the world ; perfectly feasible, but needing an organisation, for it is impossible for one human atom to complete anything, much less such an idea as this requiring the devotion of the best souls of the next 200 years. There are three essentials: (1) The plan duly weighed and agreed to. (2) The first organisation [sic]. (3) The seizure of the wealth necessary." W.T. Stead, p. 76 (PDF p. 89).

In the aftermath of the Pilgrims’ WWII false flag (that's right, World War II was conducted under false pretenses, and our fathers and mothers who served were sacrificed for this hideous world control agenda).

Volcker and Kissinger were young blood in the 1940's recruited into the Pilgrims Society to implement the Marshall Plan where the massive amounts of stolen German and Japanese gold from all over the world had been secreted away by the OSS (Office of Strategic Services, the precursor to the C.I.A.) at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.

OSS agents Allan W. Dulles and William J. Donovan were controlling it, and many of their OSS "stay behind" agents were already selling off bits of the gold to banker friends all over the world. By the end of the war, a global gold mafia-like syndicate had been created by Dulles and Donovan, with the full knowledge and tacit approval of Eisenhower, Truman and Churchill.

Dulles later became C.I.A. director and planned the JFK assassination after Kennedy told an advisor, "I will splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the winds" after learning of the Cuban Bay of Pigs debacle in 1961. Kennedy clearly knew about the Pilgrims Society and warned against them in his famous "secret societies" warning. [CITE AUDIO & TRANSCRIPT OF THE SPEECH].

Volcker & Kissinger have controlled U.S. foreign & banking Policy for the British Pilgrims Society via The Rockefeller Foundation

Paul A. Volcker. British Pilgrims Society Crown Agent
Fig. 6—Paul A. Volcker. British Pilgrims Society Crown Agent

From the 1950s, until his recent death (Dec. 08, 2019), Volcker had controlled U.S. financial policy with an iron fist for the Pilgrims Society in London.

Volcker and the Nixon cabinet (all, or almost all, were Pilgrims, incl. Kissinger, Schultz, Burns, Haig, Weinberger [see his award with Pilgrim Privy Councilor Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie in 2000], Connally, and McCracken) pushed Nixon to take the U.S. dollar off the gold standard and become a fiat currency that their bankers could more easily manipulate.

Volcker was the Nixon cabinet member who took the good news of that gold-standard decision to his Pilgrims Society handlers in London the very next day. See previous post.

Judicially-recognizable evidence of a endemic crimes against the republic that require martial law to fix

Our Republic-an system of checks and balances has been undermined

AFI/AIM researchers recently discovered judicially-recognizable proof that Paul A. Volcker, former chairman of the Federal Reserve, was indeed an agent of the British Privy Council and its Pilgrims Society Crown Agents while he officially advised Obama, Hillary and Biden after the Nov. 4, 2008 election.

In fact, president-elect Obama’s first meetings on Nov. 5, 2008, the day after the election, were with Volcker. Evidently, the Pilgrims Society was eager to move in. Tellingly, fellow Pilgrim Baby Bush just sat in the corner like a good little puppy dog waiting for his bone.

Where were the cries of treason, sedition, siege and espionage coming from the Executive Branch then? They knew what Volcker & Kissinger were doing

Henry A. Kissinger, KCMG. British Pilgrims Society Crown Agent .
Fig. 7—Sir Henry A. Kissinger, KCMG. British Pilgrims Society Crown Agent, has pledged fielty to many soverigns other than the United States, it appears.

Instead, the public heard only crickets as our Executive Branch was knowingly hijacked by the Pilgrims Society with Barack and Michael Obama as their latest in a long line of British homosexual drones.

Indeed, Volcker was sent in with a wrecking crew. In addition to the Pilgrims, he applied the full force of The Rockefeller Foundation and their Crown Agent lackeys in the 10,000-person Senior Executive Service (SES).

The Pilgrims had dreamed of this moment since the 1890’s when Elihu Root, Andrew Carnegie’s and John D. Rockefeller’s attorney, became Secretary of War (1899-1904), then Root co-founded the Pilgrims Society with many dozens of British peers (1902), then Root became Secretary of State (1905-09), then Root was a secret delegate to the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, secret co-founder of the British Press Union, MI6, MI5 and GC&CS (1909), then Root was first president of both the Carnegie Foundation (1910) and the Council on Foreign Relations (1921).

Elihu Root is clearly one of the most powerful men in crooked American politics that we know nothing about. Why? He ushered in Pilgrims Society influence into successive White Houses and was a Pilgrims Society stealth weapon. He was a committed Anglophile who desired, like Carnegie, J.P. Morgan, Lord Rothschild, FDR and Winston Churchill to return of American to the British Empire.

The Imperial Press Conference 1909 had unified the British and American Press and ordered J.P. Morgan to buy up editorial control of Americans top 25 newspapers before WWI.

The British press fell in line also. They included Winston Churchill’s Morning Post, the Lord Burnham's Daily Telegraph, Financial Times, London Times and Lord Northcliffe's Daily Mail, among many others. The BBC and NBC were eventually formed to exploit the Marconi Wireless technology stolen from Nikola Tesla. They all fell into lockstep with this tight Pilgrims control over all communications, surveillance, vaccines and propaganda.

See AFI. (Oct. 24, 2019). The 200-year Information War: The UK-U.S. Pilgrims Society controls the Press that directs intelligence to bend words and culture to atheistic social fascism. Americans for Innovation.

Did anybody raise the red flag of foul early on? Yes.

Such activity by Root and his compadres J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff and others was evident sedition.

Some in Congress raised the red flag of foul at the time. However, each time these investigations of “interlocking,” seditious relationships appeared to be gathering steam, the Pilgrims would start a war somewhere to divert the public’s attention, like clockwork.

Lillian Scott Troy. (Feb. 17, 24, 1912). The 24-step Imperial British Pilgrims Society Federation Strategy to Return America under British Rule with preamble by Hon. J. Thorkelson, MN, 1940. The San. Fran. Leader, GPO, George Mason.
Fig. 8—Lillian Scott Troy was a courageous American suffragette and investigative journalist living in London ca. 1900-1918. On Nov. 13, 1919, Ms. Troy was deported from the United Kingdom—two days after WWI ended—because she dug too deeply into the corruption of British and American Pilgrims Society. Ms. Troy was the perennial target of Pilgrim propaganda attacks and smeaars in both the U.S. and British press. She focused her investigations on the evident corruption and treason of Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan and the Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society, which she (and many at the time) saw as undermining the sovereignty of the American Republic. Their voice have largely been silenced by the mockingbird Pilgrims Society-controlled world press, until now.

Graphic: St. Louis Star & Times. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

One particularly notable early investigator of this Pilgrims treachery was the intrepid suffragette Ms. Lillian Scott Troy. Ms. Troy had become so annoying to British authorities while investigating Andrew Carnegie and his duplicitous history that the British government kicked her out of Britain just days after WWI ended. Numerous Senators and Congressmen throughout the 20th century have followed Ms. Troy's lead, but their evidence gathering was hidden in the fog of endless Pilgrims-fabricated wars.

Ms. Scott did give us the Pilgrims’ 24-point strategy for subduing America back into the British Empire. It almost disappeared from history until Rep. Thorkelson insisted that Ms. Troy’s work be published in the Congressional Record like a time capsule waiting for it to be rediscovered by the likes of educator Eustace Mullins in the late 1980’s, and AFI/AIM researchers in 2020.

The hard, indictable, judicially-recognizable evidence to prosecute & declare martial law to stop the undermining of the Republic by Pilgrims Society enemies foreign & Domestic

Proof Paul A. Volcker worked seditiously for the Pilgrims Society while advising the Presidency on economic policy.

Proof Paul A. Volcker worked seditiously for the Pilgrims Society while advising the Presidency on economic policy.

Proof Paul A. Volcker worked seditiously for the Pilgrims Society while advising the Presidency on economic policy.

Proof Paul A. Volcker worked seditiously for the Pilgrims Society while advising the Presidency on economic policy.
Fig. 9—This evidence needs no further verification. An IRS form filled out by the criminals themselves is judicially-recognizable immediately. This evidence shows that Obama, Hillary, Biden, Summers, Geitner were all complicit in allowing Pilgrims officer Volcker to wreck the U.S. economy and destroy life savings in an organized, seditious, treasonous takedown of the American Republic by the British Pilgrims.

The Pilgrims Foundation, Inc., EIN 13-3095744. (2007). Form 990. IRS.

The Pilgrims Foundation, Inc., EIN 13-3095744. (2008). Form 990. IRS.

The Pilgrims Foundation, Inc., EIN 13-3095744. (2009). Form 990. IRS.

Obama was elected on Nov. 04, 2008.

Caren Bohan, Deborah Charles. (Nov. 05, 2008). Obama to meet with economic team. Reuters.

Mike Allen. (Nov. 26, 2008). Volcker will head new Obama board. Politico.

Photos, T/B: BBC, AP Photo/Susan Walsh, Reuters. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Checks and Balances Must Be Reset. The Republic needs martial law to fix this. The Pilgrims Society has overrun Washington, D.C., New York, Chicago, Boston & San Francisco

The American Republic's theoretical system of checks and balances has been ruined by the Pilgrims Society criminality. It is now time for President Trump to recognize this clear and present danger and declare martial law to give us time to root out the Pilgrims Society from our national life and establish a government that is true to 1776 and the Declaration of Independence.


Described above is abject immorality.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice |

Footnote 1

Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice—The Perpetrators of this Epic Fraud must disgorge their ill-gotten gain
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

Return to return to the beginning of this post.

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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Friday, September 4, 2020


Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Sep. 06, 2020, Updated Sep. 08, 2020 | PDF |
AFI. (Sep. 04, 2020). The Rockefeller Foundation conspired with Clintons and Facebook 2009-2011 to rig elections and commit tax fraud by shuffling seed money to Clinton political hacks. Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 1—John D. Rockefeller (1839-1937). Founder Standard Oil (1870-1897); co-founder Pilgrims Society led by Lord N.M. Rothschild; founder The Rockefeller Foundation (1913-until death in 1937).

This fraud is grounds to demand disgorgement for the damages done as the fruit of a poisonous tree, we believe

Henry A. Kissinger
Fig. 2—Henry A. Kissinger. Kissinger has been a foreign policy adviser to The Rockefeller Foundtion, along with former Federal Reserve chairman Paul A. Volcker, since the early 1950's. For full analysis of Kissinger's treachery, see previous post:


Sep. 04, 2020—A foundation that is awarded 501(c)(3) non-profit tax-exempt status is generally prohibited from engaging in partisan political activity.

In exchange for the public privilege not to pay taxes that is granted by We the People, The Rockefeller Foundation committed to benefit all Americans, not just one’s political partisans.

In theory, this principle is overseen and policed by the IRS. Abusers are supposed to lose their tax-exempt status. This is the principle that restrains church pastors, for example, from talking politics in the pulpit. It also retrains a school board from actively campaigning for a school bond levy request that they created.

The evidence shows clearly that The Rockefeller Foundation, with well over $3 billion in holdings, abuses its tax-exempt status and aggressively pursues its well-funded, hard left Pilgrims Society socialist/communist political agenda to subdue approved humans and eliminate the rest.

This political partisanship is obviously willful and illegal. Maybe this is why they employed 12 different law firms in 2011 alone. How many attorney firms does it take to hide systemic tax fraud? About a dozen apparently.

The Clintons & The Rockefeller Foundation Frauds

Starting in 2009, when Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, The Rockefeller Foundation engaged in massive, provable charity fraud by providing major seed capital funding to Clinton Foundation CEO Doug Band to start his Clinton political hack organization Teneo Strategy. The gave him a platform to extend the Clinton's pay-to-play corruption.

On Sep. 22, 2009 , the Clintons organized a gala event for their 2.5-week-old Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).

2.5-week-old Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) Pilgrims Society (2009) feeding frenzy—A clone of their Marshall Plan Scam (1947)—still exploiting stolen Nazi and Japanese gold with faked gold, silver & uranium mining "reserves"
President Barack Obama (R) stands with former President Bill Clinton before speaking at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) on September 22, 2009 in New York City. The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) brings together leaders in politics, business, science, academics and religion to discuss global issues such as climate change and peace in the Middle East. Getty Images. Former President Bill Clinton (L) and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton look on after Hillary spoke at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) September 25, 2009 in New York City. The fifth annual meeting of the CGI gathers prominent individuals in politics, business, science, academics, religion and entertainment to discuss global issues such as climate change and peace in the Middle East. The event, founded by Clinton after he left office, is held the same week as the General Assembly at the United Nations, when most world leaders are in New York City. Getty Images.
Fig. 3On Sep. 22, 2009, the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) sponsored a gala event celebrating Hillary Clinton's and Barack Obama's rise to power as drones of the British Pilgrims Society. The event workshops were a sad menagerie of every bloviating Pilgrims Society lemming on the planet who lined up to "contribute" funds for the final take down of the American Republic in the form of contributions to fake charitable causes. Photos: Getty Images.For educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

A key participant was the International Crisis Group (ICG) founded by Pilgrims George Soros and British Lord Mark Malloch-Brown. Malloch-Brown—directed by the British Privy Council—as deputy secretary general of the United Nations had funded, in Venezuela, the development of an election rigging software pacakage named Optech that he embedded in his London-based company Smartmatic allied with his Privy Councillor partner in crime Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie. Later they used the Department of Justice to order that the Optech program be embedded in all electronic election machines in the United States, which happened. Soros and Malloch-Brown thus provided Optech to Hart InterCivic owned by Solamere Capital where Mitt Romney's (in whose Bain Capital The Rockefeller Fund held $22.5 million in stock) son Tagg is a partner, and whose counsin Ronna Romney McDaniel is the current chair of the Republic National Committee (RNC). These company control convolutions have become a fingerprint of British Pilgrims Society treachery in the U.S. and around the world. See Scrap Electronic Voting Machines NOW!

Seditious Pilgrims Society partners in the United Nations, Smartmatic, Hart InterCivic, Dominion and Optech Election Rigging Software, used now in many American states
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown George Soros Willard Mitt Romney Taggart Mitt Romney Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie
Lord Mark Malloch-Brown George Soros Willard Mitt Romney Taggart Mitt Romney Sir Geoffrey E. Pattie

See Scrap Electronic Voting Machines NOW!

Go back to paper ballots, unbroken bipartisan counting and reporting. Ink each voter's thumb. It really is that simple to secure the vote overseen by We the People and not by partisan professionals.

See also AFI. (Jul. 28, 2020). The Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society and its CFR minions used the Marshall Plan, shrouded in anti-communism, to seize control of global banking using Nazi & Japanese stolen gold. Americans for Innovation.

The Rockefeller Foundation was an organizing participant and committed up to $24.5 million in “donations" alongside Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, Carlos Slim, and a now familiar array of British Pilgrims Society seditionists.

One of the participants in the CGI Gala was International Crisis Group that is notoriously known to be UK-based and founded by Pilgrims Society members George Soros and Lord Mark Malloch-Brown, who was former deputy secretary general of the United Nations, co-founders of Soros’ Open Society Foundation, and owner of Smartmatic electronic voting machines with Optech election meddling software also embedded in Sequoia election systems as well as Hart InterCivic, now owned by Mitt Romney’s son Tagg's investment companySolamere Capital.

The list of participants in this newly-minted CGI “private” 2009 affair (not a State Department activity even though numerous foreign government actors were involved) looks uncannily similar to the Pilgrims Society Group of 300 who joined the Marshall Plan Committee in 1947.

The CGI participants included a now familiar Pilgrims Society suicide of globalist lemmings:

Acumen Fund (Rockefeller Foundation, Cisco), Avon, Barclays Plc, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Carlos Slim (Telmex), Center for American Progress (John Podesta), Chevron, China Smart Grid, Chinese Ministry of Health, Cisco, Citi Foundation, Citigroup, Coca-Cola, Deloitte, Dow Chemical, Duke Energy, Ebay, EPA, ExxonMobil, Frank Giustra, George Washington University, Goldman Sachs, Harvard University, Heinz Family, Home Depot, Howard University, Intel, International Crisis Group (ICG, George Soros, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown), James W. Breyer (Facebook, Accel Partners), J.P. Morgan, Johnson Controls, Levi Strauss Foundation, McGill University, Microsoft, MIT, MTV, New Gold, Nike, Nokia, Omidyar Network, OPIC (renamed U.S. International Development Finance Corporation - DFC on Dec. 19, 2019), PG&E, Qualcomm, Rockefeller Foundation (The), Sheryl Sandberg (Facebook), Siemens, Standard Charter Bank, Stanford University, Starbucks, Tulane, U.S. Department of Treasury, UC Berkeley, UK Department of International Development, United Nations, Miami (University), Tennessee (University of), Uranium One, USAID, Whirlpool, Woods Hole Research Institute, World Bank, Xerox, among many others less well known.
James W. Breyer
Fig. 4—James W. Breyer. Son of Hungarian Jewish immigrant John P. Breyer. Father John P. Breyer (original Hungarian name unknown) founded Computerworld-IDG (International Data Group) concurrent with fellow Hungarian Jews George Soros (György Schwartz) founding Open Society Foundation and Andy Grove (András Gróf) founding Intel Corporation. Son James W. Breyer hatched Accel Partners (1983); chairman of the National Venture Capital Association (2004) with Gilman Louie founder of In-Q-Tel (C.I.A.)
Facebook has the blood of innocents on its hands
The Blood of Innocents
and Robert C. Ketterson of Fidelity Funds; hatched, financed, chaired and is the second largest inside stockholder in Facebook (Pilgrims Society DoD Office of Net Assessment hatched ca. 2000-); co-hatched IDG Accel China Growth Funds (2005-) with father John P. Breyer who has advised the Chinese government on venture capital for more than 20 years.

George Soros' notorious confiscation of gold and property from his fellow Jews in Hunary likely meant that Soros, Breyer and Grove were the beneficiaries of the secret banking assets from the Bank for International Settlements established in Basel, Bern and Zurich, Switzerland by the C.I.A. (just a short drive from Budapest) and its precursor the OSS (Office of Strategic Services - stay behind globalist syndicate of spies) and its chief gold-diggers William "Wild Bill" Donovan and his Bern chief Allan W. Dulles. See previous post for more on Dulles, Donovan and the Bank for International Settlements. Given the new revelations of the substantial Rockefeller holdings in James W. Breyer, these criminal ties to the largely secret bank are evident.

Concurrently, Facebook’s chairman James W. Breyer, also a CGI Gala participant, had received $38.6 million in stock investments from The Rockefeller Foundation through his investment companies Accel Partners (Palo Alto) and IDG Accel China (Beijing) according to The Rockefeller Foundation’s 2009 IRS Form 990-PF tax return.

On Sep. 26, 2009 —just four days after the CGI Gala, Secretary Clinton secretly contracted with a Russian Facebook project manager Dimitry Shevelenko to program in India an election meddling program for use inside Facebook. Specifically, Shevelenko successfully programmed a “template for winning elections using advanced Facebook marketing.” The three contracts were hidden by Hillary in her private email server and were forced by a court to be released in 2016.

Hillary-Facebook 2009 secret election rigging contracts (during the Leader v. Facebook  patent infringement litigation)
Dmitry Shevelenko. (Accessed Apr. 27, 2016). Profile, Facebook election meddling template contracts. Linked In.

U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 26, 2009). U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 26, 2009). Facebook pages to build an international community to discuss relevant issues of the day. Contact: Dmitry Shevelenko. Facebook Contract SAQMMA09M1870, Judicial Watch v. U.S. Dept. of State, Case No. F-2013-06356, Doc. No. C05516677, 04/03/2014.
Fig. 5U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 26, 2009). U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 26, 2009). Facebook pages to build an international community to discuss relevant issues of the day. Contact: Dmitry Shevelenko. Facebook Contract SAQMMA09M1870, Judicial Watch v. U.S. Dept. of State, Case No. F-2013-06356, Doc. No. C05516677, 04/03/2014.

Below is a list of secret contracts Hillary Clinton made with Facebook between Sep. 26, 2009 and Dec. 06, 2011—all during the Leader v. Facebook patent infringment litigation where Leader Technologies PROVED on 11 of 11 counts that Facebook is infringing its patent. This is in addition to newer proof that the IBM Eclipse Foundation and patent lawyer James P. Chandler, III stole Leader's innovations as trade secrets much earlier, in early 2000.


Federal Procurement Data System - Next Generation. U.S. General Services Administration. On Apr. 29, 2016 over a dozen Facebook contracts were listed (PDF | XLS) with Contract Nos. SAQMMA09M1870, PC10825 (Prts. 0 thru 5), SSA70011M3029 and SAF20013M0397. On May 04, 2016 only two Facebook contracts were list. The State Department - Facebook contracts removed include two for "commuications services" to the State Department Office of Economic Security Information (Sep. 26, 2009 for $120,000; Sep. 30, 2010 for $265,000 [Hillary version] or $145,000 [GSA version]) and more than six contracts for "advertising services" to the Peace Corp (Apr. 09, 2010 for $168,000; Aug. 19, 2010 for $40,000; Sep. 01, 2010 for $40,800; Mar. 07, 2011 for $19,750; Sep. 28, 2011 for $10,000; and Dec. 06, 2011 for $22,636).

Obstruction of Justice

Notably, Hillary made these Facebook contracts as Secretary of State and during the patent infringement lawsuit that social networking inventor Leader Technologies out of Columbus, Ohio had brought against Facebook. The law prohibits public officials from interfering in active litigation so as not to bias the proceedings. Hillary Clinton ignored that during the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement litigation, contracting multiple times with Facebook.

Leonard P. Stark
Fig. 6—Leonard P. Stark, Delaware District Court, now chief judge. Recruited by the Pilgrims Society as a Rhodes Scholar (1993); Yale Law (1996); shuffled into the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement litigation as a mere magistrate, following the evidently forced retirement of the veteran trial judge on the case, Joseph J. Farnan, just one month before the Leader v. Facebook social networking patent infringement trial. Earlier that year Judge Farnan had handed Facebook a devastating Markman Hearing—who had not a single legitimate claim, yet hindsight shows was already cutting secret election rigging contracts with the newly-minted Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, so the trial outcome was rigged for Facebook. Stark even allowed Facebook to dramatically change its claims but denied Leader additional due process discovery just weeks before trial. Stark was evidently brought in to secure the litigation for the Pilgrims Society's plans to use Facebook for global election rigging.

This certainly explains Facebook's widely reported haughtiness and obstinace with due process during the trial preparation. Despite the corruption involving the U.S. Government at the most senior levels, Facebook still failed to convince the jury and lost on 11 of 11 claims brought against them. The fabrications of esoteric law surrounding "on sale bar" confused the jury who split the verdict without a stitch of hard evidence, only hearsay.

Juror #6, Corey C. Davis, a Hispanic Delaware prison guard whose wife had sued him for child support and his wages were being garnished, is reported to have harranged his fellow jurors in the jury room into disbelieving McKibben's testimony without applying the well-tested legal standards in Pfaff and Group One. Then, just days after the trial, Davis boasted a new red Mustang Kit Car on his Facebook page ("sudden onset wealth"), which was quickly removed. The patent issues are secondary now since the invention was stolen as trade secrets 10 years earlier by the IBM Eclipse Foundation in 2000. IBM gave the invention to Facebook, among others.

Rhodes Pilgrim Stark grossly abused his judicial discretion in allowing the jury to ignore Pfaff and Group One.

Judge Leonard P. Stark was a Rhodes scholar and therefore notoriously biased toward his British Pilgrims Society handlers at Facebook, Oxford and The Rockefeller Foundation.

Evident in the relationships among The Rockefeller Foundation, Hillary Clinton, the State Department, James W. Breyer, George Soros, Lord Mark Malloch-Brown and Facebook is an intent to exploit criminally The Rockefeller Foundations non-profit status to aid partisan activities at Facebook, the United Nations and the State Department.

By 2011, The Rockefeller Foundation had increased its stockholdings in Accel Partners and IDG Accel China from $38.6 million in 2009 to $123.3 million in 2011—a three-fold increase in just two years.

Investing genius or tax fraud?

The Rockefeller Foundation's 3-fold increase in FAcebook chairman's stocks (2009-2011) while Facebook built election rigging template for Hillary
The Rockefeller Foundation, EIN 13-1659629. (2009). Form 990-PF (Private Foundation). IRS.  Total Accel Partners, IDG Accel China, James W. Breyer Rockefeller Foundation holdings reported for 2009 while Breyer was Facebook chairman & secretly building (in India) an election rigging Facebook template for Hlllary Clinton managed by Russian Dmitry Shevelenko.

The Rockefeller Foundation, EIN 13-1659629. (2011). Form 990-PF (Private Foundation). IRS. Total Accel Partners, IDG Accel China, James W. Breyer Rockefeller Foundation holdings reported for 2011 while Breyer was Facebook chairman & secretly building (in India) an election rigging Facebook template for Hlllary Clinton managed by Russian Dmitry Shevelenko.
Fig. 7—TOP: The Rockefeller Foundation, EIN 13-1659629. (2009). Form 990-PF (Private Foundation). IRS.

BOTTOM: The Rockefeller Foundation, EIN 13-1659629. (2011). Form 990-PF (Private Foundation). IRS.

Breyer is “Super Bullish” on China (Forbes, 2011)

Remarkably, on Nov. 03, 2011, Facebook’s James W. Breyer told Forbes magazine that he was “Super Bullish On China.”

Partisan hack Teneo joined the Clinton and Rockefeller Foundations conspiracy to commit tax fraud

In Jun. 2011, Clinton Foundation founder Doug Band, announced that he was starting Teneo Holdings to do political consulting.

The Wikileaks disclosure of Clinton-advisor John D. Podesta's emails reveals intimate details showing that Doug Band continued to heavily influence the Clinton Foundation.

Breaking Historical News! Rockefeller Foundation Tax Fraud

This next event proves unequivocally that The Rockefeller Foundation has engaged in profound charity fraud for many decades, as well as conspiracy, sedition and election rigging with the Clintons, Breyer, State Department and Facebook.

In 2011, The Rockefeller Foundation invested $3,447,150 million in Teneo—a Clinton political start up


In 2011, The Rockefeller Foundation invested $350,000 in the Tides Center. The Tides Foundation is notoriously known to be a George Soros political slush fund.

In 2011, The Rockefeller Foundation invested $79.7 million in Accel Partners.

In 2011, The Rockefeller Foundation invested $43.5 million in IDG Accel China.

In 2011, The Rockefeller Foundation donated up to $5 million in The Clinton Foundation

In 2011, The Rockefeller Foundation conspired with Clinton Global Initiative members James W. Breyer, Facebook, Clintons, Clinton Foundation, Doug Band, Teneo, Tides Foundation (Soros, Malloch-Brown) to build election rigging software for Facebook similar to their ICG, Smartmatic and Optech UN software.

In 2011, it was notoriously known that Pilgrims Soros and Malloch-Brown, in collaboration with Pilgrim Sir Geoffrey Pattie, Strategic Communications Laboratories (UK), had rigged the elections for the UN in something like 30 elections.

Fruit of a Poisonous Rockefeller “Charity” Tree

The Rockefeller Foundation seed money investment in Doug Band to start TENEO for the Clintons is very evidently partisan and NOT for charity, as is The Rockefeller Foundation’s requirement to keep its non-profit status.

Disgorgement, Restitution

With this clear proof of tax fraud, this puts all uses of funds by The Rockefeller Foundation since at least 2009 liable for disgorgement and restitution.

The Rockefeller Foundation enjoys charity status while engaging in criminal activity, in our opinion

The primary evidence included in these links prove that The Rockefeller Foundation actively participated in Hillary Clinton’s obstruction of justice Leader v. Facebook, all the while she was contracting with Facebook to commit election fraud. This makes the Rockefeller Foundation accessory to multiple Clinton and State Department crimes, at the very least.

Given The Rockefeller Foundations evident long standing association with James W. Breyer, these crimes pre-date Facebook. Facebook, and the theft of Leader Technologies' social networking invention, seems to have been a catalyst in accelerating British Pilgrims Society interference in U.S. elections through Facebook's use of Tavistock Institute (UK) propaganda, brain washing and mind control.

The British Pilgrims Society is running The Rockefeller Foundation & Facebook and manipulating U.S. elections, not the Russians

Sir Nicholas Clegg
Fig. 8—Sir Nick Clegg. Former deputy prime minister of the UK, is now vice president of communicaitons for Facebook worldwide. The British Pilgrims Society's MI6 control of Facebook is quit evident.

Indeed, the current Facebook vice president of communications is Sir Nick Clegg, the former deputy prime minister of Britain. His European counterpart at Facebook is Baron Richard Allan whose grandfather oversaw British WWII propaganda.

Attorney General Bill Barr is being handed this evidence on a silver platter—that The Rockefeller Foundation has been abusing its non-profit status and has been meddling in U.S. elections an evident partisan for many years.

Oh wait, it's the Russians! What were we thinking?

This is indictable evidence.

We the People demand that our Attorney General Bill Barr do his job and act on these obvious crimes. Right now, his bloviating is only aiding the British Pilgrims Society and their demonic attack on our American Republic in addition to humanity itself.


Described above is abject immorality.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

Bookmark: #miller-act-notice |

Footnote 1

Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice—The Perpetrators of this Epic Fraud must disgorge their ill-gotten gain
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

Return to return to the beginning of this post.

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post. Alternatively, send an email with your comment to and we'll post it for you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from whisteblowers.