Tuesday, August 11, 2015


Bill's executive orders created a White House spy-agency controlled by Wall Street & Silicon Valley; Hillary allowed to hide information

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Aug. 12, 2015 Updated Jun. 22, 2016 | PDF
More Breaking News, Aug. 16, 2015:
Bill & Hillary fiddled while Rome burned in 2008
Fig. 1—Bill Clinton. On Nov. 15, 2008, Bill flew to Germany a week after Obama's election to collect a $450,000 speaking fee from his financial planner.
Photo: America Rising PAC.
New: Obama's freudian slip in Executive Order 13691, Feb. 13, 2015
Barack Obama revealed his pathology that Executive Orders and American law are not the same. In giving more private crony tech company access to his spy-state machine, he stated in Sec. 8(a)(i): "Nothing in this order shall ...impair ...the authority granted by law or Executive Order ..." Former Clinton advisor, James P. Chandler, continues his secret re-write of the Constitution.
A week after Barack Obama's election—during America's worst economic crisis since the Great Depression—Bill Clinton flew to Germany to give a $450,000 speech to AWD Holdings AG. AWD is a personal financial planner with no business in the U.S, now called Swiss Life. The $450,000 fee is his largest ever reported. A week later, Obama appointed Lawrence "Larry" Summers, Bill's former Treasury Secretary, to oversee the bank bailout. Summers protégés, Sheryl K. Sandberg and Russian oligarch Yuri Milner, figure prominently in the Facebook spy-state surveillance platform. AWD wrote in 2008 that the U.S. banking crisis "strengthened us." This trading on inside knowledge is evident. Exploitation of children by the spy-state is clearly not an issue for the ambitious couple.

New: Obama's Executive Order shell game
On Feb. 13, 2015, Obama issued Executive Order 13691 to help his IBM Eclipse private sector spy-state cronies. Buried in Sec. 5(g) is an amendment to EO 12829 that designates EO 12356 (Apr. 6, 1982) as the new authority. However, EO 12356 was revoked on Oct. 14, 1995 according to EO 13292, Sec. 6.2(d)—during the time of the hearings for Chandler's Economic Espionage Act. Obama also cites the wrong date for EO 12356 (Apr. 2, 1982). These built-in ambiguities ensure that ALL interpretations of the order will return to its author, James P. Chandler, our secret, unelected and unaccountable spy-state master. Confused yet? Precisely.
Between 2001-2015, Bill & Hillary gave 75 speeches to members of IBM's The Eclipse Foundation—the technology behind White House spy-state surveillance that was stolen from Ohio innovator Leader Technologies by Professor James P. Chandler, Leader's attorney and Clinton's adviser. Up to the 2008 banking crisis, Bill Clinton was paid $4 million for 26 speeches to Eclipse members. In 2008, Bill gave only one Eclipse speech on Nov. 15, 2008 to AWD Holdings—this was 11 days after Obama's election and eight days before Larry Summers assumed bank bailout control. Summers immediately gave $13 billion to Goldman Sachs. See 2008 Clinton Timeline. In 2010, Bill made $2.2 million for 11 Eclipse speeches. In 2012 (the year Facebook went public), Bill made $3.2 million for 16 Eclipse speeches. One 2012 speech was to Facebook's attorney, White & Case LLP. (On Dec. 5, 2008, Obama picked another Facebook attorney from Cooley Godward LLP, Donald K. Stern, to help him pick judges, one of whom was the last-minute replacement judge in Leader v. Facebook, Leonard P. Stark, who as a rookie muscled out 25-year veteran, Joseph J. Farnan.) His 2012 speeches also included six Facebook underwriters (JPMorgan, Goldman Sachs,UBS, Deutsche Bank,Bank of America and Vangaurd. See Clinton-Eclipse Speech Map below.

Bill and Hillary Clinton 2008 Timeline of Corruption
Fig. 2—Bill & Hillary Clinton 2008 Timeline. Bill & Hillary fiddled while Washington, D.C. burned.
James P. Chandler
Fig. 2—Professor James P. Chandler may have recommended the wiping of Hillary's servers. He certainly wrote the executive orders. To make sure the Clintons were untouchable, on Oct. 11, 1996, Chandler slipped through the law that makes lying to Congress not punishable.
Photos: NIPLI.
Breaking News, Aug. 15, 2015:
hILLARY WIPED SERVERS— James P. Chandler wrote Bill's security rules in 1995
Spy-state Smoking Gun Executive Order 12958, Apr. 17, 1995
Exec. Order No. 12958, Sec. 6.1(b), Attorney General's role, Apr. 17, 1995
Exec. Order No. 12958, Sec. 5.4(a), Oversight Panel, Apr. 17, 1995
On Aug. 13, 2015, Hillary Clinton just turned over an empty private email server to the Justice Department. However, the Justice Department is not impartial since they had oversight of Hillary's activities, along with Hillary herself, as Secretary of State.

On Apr. 17, 1995, Bill Clinton's national security confidante, Professor James P. Chandler, drafted Executive Order No. 12958Classified National Security Information. Successive Presidents cite back to this order in dozens of related orders, so it governs Hillary Clinton's current email server conduct. Section 6.1(b) authorizes the Attorney General to interpret the Order. Sec. 5.4(a) established the Secretaries of State & Defense, Attorney General, C.I.A Director and two Presidential aides as oversight. If the principals are colluding, then accountability is non-existent.

Truly, the foxes are guarding the White House hen house.


Hillary Clinton
Fig. 3—Queen Hillary acts lawlessly because Executive Orders issued by Bill, and perpetuated by George Bush and Barack Obama, give secret instructions to insiders to which Congress and the general public are not privvy. Her mentor in this Executive Order oligarchy is George Washington Law Professor Emeritus, James P. Chandler. In 1996, Chandler deceived Congress into passing the False Statements Accountability Act of 1996, Subsection (b), that permits Hillary to lie to Congress with impunity. Chandler was Columbus innovator Leader Technologies,' patent attorney at the time he handed Leader's source code for social networking to IBM to start The Eclipse Foundation for use by the W.H.I.A.
Photo: New York Magazine..

(Aug. 12, 2015)— How many laws can Hillary Clinton break and stay out of jail? (Memo to Saul Alinsky's Useful Idiots: Hillary & Bill are above the law, by Executive Order.)

Answer: Husband Bill issued Executive Order No. 13130 on Jul. 14, 1999 called the National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC) to "enhance the partnership of the public and private sectors in protecting our infrastructure."

New investigations reveal that Hillary relies on a string of Executive Orders related to NIAC that have been promulgated by her husband and his successors to protect herself from liability. Apparently, she hopes Saul Alinsky's army of "Useful Idiots" (the unthinking American public) will forgive her and vote for her anyway.

Bill started a White House spy agency that writes its own rules—without Congress

These national security Executive Orders set up a private intelligence agency operating out of the White House. The C.I.A. is subservient to it, so is the NSA, FBI, DIA, NRO. . . —all U.S. intelligence operations.

White House Intelligence Agencey (W.H.I.A.)

For this article we'll call this super agency the White House Intelligence Agency (W.H.I.A.).

W.H.I.A. makes its own rules, gets stealth funding from other agencies, classifies and declassifies its own secrets, co-opts, protects (and sometimes threatens) private industry cronies. W.H.I.A. is accountable only to the President—not Congress or the Courts. In fact, the Courts and the Patent Office tucked tail long ago.

W.H.I.A. operates totally outside Constitutional checks and balances. In reality, W.H.I.A. seems to answer only to designated "critical infrastructure partners" in Wall Street and Silicon Valley.

C.I.A., NSA and FBI report to W.H.I.A.

Until this new research emerged, AFI investigators had concluded that an out-of-control C.I.A. was the agency that was scrambling our republican governmental processes. However, the last three American presidents have each used W.H.I.A. as their private White House intelligence operation.

W.H.I.A. makes Nixon's Plumbers look like school boys

Richard Nixon resigned over a bungled third rate burglary of the Democratic National Headquarters at the Watergate apartment complex in Washington, D.C. By contrast, Bill Clinton, George Bush and Barack Obama have each used W.H.I.A. to get what they wanted by subverting the checks and balances of the Constitution itself. Nixon's Plumbers look like school boys by comparison.

Bill Clinton used these orders to invoke national security over the Monica Lewinsky scandal. He alleged that Monica worked for Israeli intelligence and that Bill was working her for counterintelligence. Who could prove him wrong since W.H.I.A. operates under the unilateral control of the President? Since W.H.I.A. never received Congressional authorization, no normal due process accountability structures exist.

George Bush used W.H.I.A. to justify the second Iraq war, including the lies about weapons of mass destruction. It was on George's watch that W.H.I.A. stole Leader Technologies' social networking invention. The theft was led by W.H.I.A. progenitor, Professor James P. Chandler—Bill & Hillary's mentor and Leader's attorney. W.H.I.A. turned Leader's invention into a spy-state surveillance platform by luring users, including children. Facebook is just one of their many social creations.

Barack Obama has used W.H.I.A. to fool Saul Alinsky's "Useful Idiot" masses into electing him, funding his campaigns and stonewalling efforts to get information from this Administration—the "most transparent administration in history."

Now, Hillary Clinton relies on W.H.I.A. executive orders to justify her lies to Congress about Benghazi, her email servers and The Clinton Foundation, by its various names*

* Clinton Economic Opportunity Initiative, Clinton Health Access Initiative, Alliance for a Healthier Generation, Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Climate Initiative, Clinton Development Initiative, Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership Initiative, Clinton-Giustra Enterprise Partnership (Canada), Clinton Foundation in Haiti, Clinton Health Matters Initiate, No Ceilings: The Full Participation Project, Too Small to Fail, and The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation. See Tan, S., Hamburger, T., Helderman, R. (Jun. 02, 2015) [PDF]. How the Clinton Foundation is organized. The Washington Post.

The Clintons front for W.H.I.A.'s GLOBAL AGENDA

James P. Chandler, III
Fig. 4—JAmes P. Chandler, III. Bill & Hillary Clinton lead national security adviser and legal consiglieri to the White House Intelligence Agency which is his brainchild. Chandler also represented IBM and Leader Technologies when he shuffled Leader's invention of social networking out the backdoor to IBM and The Eclipse Foundation. This communications platform was given to Facebook.
Photo: Nipli.

The many Clinton foundations are very evidently fronting organizing activity for W.H.I.A. Their rhetoric is awash in Orwellian double-speak about national security, privacy, economic well-being and security. But, the fact is that their efforts undermine American sovereignty, collect Orwellian "dark profiles" on every citizen, and improverish the economy.

W.H.I.A. Godfather James P. Chandler was appointed to NIAC just two days before Bill Clinton left the White House

On Jan. 18, 2001, two days before his departure, Bill Clinton appointed Leader Technologies’ patent attorney, James P. Chandler, to his National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC). NIAC members read like a Who’s Who of IBM's Eclipse Foundation.

For Bill, this last Executive Order was merely a stepping stone into his Pied Piper work for his foundations where he has pursued the spy-state agenda with a vengance. It was only the end of Chapter 1 of the takeover by a totalitarian left.

On Mar. 14, 2001, Chandler pushed through sweeping Judicial Conference changes to the mutual fund ethics disclosure guidelines. These changes opened the door to widespread abuse by judges and judicial employees who now hide their deep-pocket investments behind mutual fund veils. Then for example, even if JPMorgan is a litigant in the case, the judge who holds JPMorgan stocks in various mutual funds will preside over the case while silently making decisions favorable to JPMorgan (and his stock portfolio). See Hijack of the Cyberworld Timeline.

The Cartel works closely with certain mutual funds, notably Vanguard, T. Rowe Price, Fidelity, BlackRock as well as their underwriters JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, HSBC, UBS, Barclays, Credit Suisse, Deutshe Bank, RBS and Citigroup. The reforms sounded innocuous enough—"safe harbor" guidelines. But in reality, they have made a mockery of ethical principles on impartiality. See How Judges Grow Rich on the Backs of American Iinventors.

On Mar. 21, 2001, social networking inventor Michael McKibben, Leader Technologies, presented a plan to Chandler and Battelle Memorial Institute to implement his invention at Harvard with IBM. It was called "The University Initiative." The Chandler and the Cartel stole Leader's plan, which became the spy-state platform Facebook.

Professor James P. Chandler, III, engaged in secret negotiations for the Patent Office, IBM and CIA to hijack his client Leader Technologies' invention of social networking for secret government uses
Fig. 5—On Aug. 30, 2002, whistleblower information proved direct relationships among Professor James P. Chandler and IBM, Eclipse, Facebook, C.I.A., NSA, Meritech, Accel Partners, James Breyer, Kleiner Perkins, In-Q-Tel, Fidelity, T. Rowe Price, NVCA and “Big Data” Cloudera; no conflicts with Leader were disclosed.

TRANSCRIPT of Kelley Clements' stenographer's notes above:

paper presented to C.I.A.
made public, provide the same to,

>programs of NIPLI [Chandler's National Intellectual Property Law Institute] as well as depth,

Reference to Nat'l Sec. Acad.,
no info on WWW [world wide web],

Chandler has faith in the government, JPC [James P. Chandler] enjoys his life in Montgomery County
Graphic: Chandler Notes.

On Nov. 29, 2001, ten months later, Chandler and IBM formed another foundation, The Eclipse Foundation, to hijack Leader Technologies’ social networking invention.

In 2009, IBM’s inside counsel, David J. Kappos,was appointed by Obama to run the Patent Office in 2009. Eric H. Holder, Jr. was appointed as Attorney General. Both men are Chandler understudies.

Obama follows along in lockstep

On Feb. 13, 2015, just six months ago, Barack Obama doubled-down on W.H.I.A. with Executive Order No. 13691, "Promoting Private Sector Cybersecurity Information Sharing." Both Holder and Kappos have moved to Cartel jobs since leaving Obama, as have many others in this White House.

Executive Branch stonewalling emanates from W.H.I.A.

Obama's latest order is just the latest in a string of related orders he has issued since 2009. These orders have given the Attorney General (Eric H. Holder, Jr.) almost dictatorial powers over W.H.I.A.

Among these W.H.I.A.orders were authorizations to issue security clearances for commercial vendors, to classify and declassify documents by their own rules (Hillary's email server was not classified if she said so), and invoke executive privilege on information requested by subpoena and FOIA requests. W.H.I.A. appears to be the authority being used by the White House to stonewall Congress, Inspectors General and FOIA requests.

Orders establishing W.H.I.A. are a rat's nest of legal gobbledygook

The Executive Orders are chock full of bureaucratic legalese and gobbledygook. No human can decipher the nested references from one order to another. Consequently, they are an unscrupulous lawyer's playground, which appears to be by design.

For example (now stay with us):

Fig. 6Executive Order No. 13549. (Aug. 18, 2010). Classified National Security Information Program for State, Local, Tribal and Private Sector Entities. Barack Obama. White House, p. 5. GPO.
Graphics: Government Printing Office.

Got it? Exactly. Only the mother of a monster could love what you just read.

James P. Chandler's sellout of his client, Leader Technologies, Inc. (whistleblower revelations)

Professor James P. Chandler, III, engaged in secret negotiations for the Patent Office, IBM and CIA to hijack his client Leader Technologies' invention of social networking for secret government uses: We have no relunctance to share info. with the County - DO NPT GO PUBLIC w/ this
Professor James P. Chandler, III, engaged in secret negotiations for the Patent Office, IBM and CIA to hijack his client Leader Technologies' invention of social networking for secret government uses: We do valuable work for our country and it is important for that to be understood and acknolwedged, Doug Duncan is aware
Professor James P. Chandler, III, engaged in secret negotiations for the Patent Office, IBM and CIA to hijack his client Leader Technologies' invention of social networking for secret government uses: NIPLI to define space specs, what we need, what we don't need, IBM Incorporating Members, Business Model - different from current business model, consider some approach to partnering w/ IBM
Fig. 7—On Aug. 30, 20002, whistleblower information proved that James P. Chandler was colluding with IBM (David J. Kappos, chief intellectual property counsel) and the U.S. Patent Office were colluding in the formation of The Eclipse, Foundation. Doug Duncan was Montgomery County, Maryland executive (mayor). Kappos was appointed director of the Patent Office by President Obama in a rare recess appointment on Aug. 07, 2009. Soon after, Kappos converted all of his IBM stock to Vanguard stock. IBM's chief financial officer, Mark Loughridge, is now a director of Vanguard. Loughridge wrote the $40 million "donation" check at IBM to fund The Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001. Chandler's whistleblown notes experts here show he is starting to spend the Eclipse cash and recruit IBM partners without disclosing his conflicts of interest to his other client, Leader Technologies, Inc.

TRANSCRIPT of Kelley Clements' stenographer's notes above:

We have no reluctance to share info. with the County - DO NOT GO PUBLIC w/ this
We do valuable work for our country and it is important for that to be understood and acknowledged
-Doug Duncan is aware [Montgomery County, Maryland, Executive]
NIPLI [Chandler's National Intellectual Property Law Institute] to define space specs
- what we need
- what we don't need

IBM Incorporating Members
Business Model - different from current business model
-consider some approach to partnering w/ IBM
Graphic: Chandler notes.

A stupid smart law professor created W.H.I.A.

What would possess a Washington, D.C. insider to conceive of such a scheme and think he could get away with it? Only a well-healed national security law professor like James P. Chandler could keep an operation like this together and secret through three presidents.

Chandler is intelligent and cunning. He appears to be almost single handedly responsible for much of the racial agenda emerging from the White House. His oversized intellect keeps him ahead of most people. In Chandler's mind, payback would indeed be a bitch, we believe.

Chandler was a Harvard Law professor. Barack Obama appears to be Chandler's Manchurian candidate. The same is true for two other Chandler protégés: Eric H. Holder, Jr. as Attorney General and IBM's David J. Kappos as Patent Office Director.

This doesn't even count Lawrence "Larry" Summers who was president at Harvard when Chandler, Fenwick & West LLP and James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP, came to him with the Leader Technologies' University Initiative, albeit repackaged as Facebook.

Summers hired his former Harvard student, Sheryl K. Sandberg, and fledgling Russian banker Yuri Milner as his researchers when he became Chief Economist at the World Bank in 1992. See Summers-Sandberg-Milner Timeline. Does anyone think it is coincidence that Sandberg is Facebook's chief operating officer and Milner's Moscow, Russia investments drove Facebook's pre-IPO valuation to $100 million by 2012?

Instead of doing the right thing, Breyer deployed his venture capital influence at the National Venture Capital Association (NVCA) to carve up and fund exploitation of Leader's invention into market-by-market pieces. Facebook for universities, LinkedIn for professionals, Instagram for pictures, Twitter for messages, Groupon for coupons, Zynga for games, Palantir for spy-state surveillance, athenahealth for medical offices. . . you get the picture.

It was a feeding frenzy. That's when 19-year old Mark Zuckerberg agreed to lie for them and be their Harvard front man in 2003.

Ethically, Chandler evidently prefers patent theft, subversiveness, deception and skin color over legal acumen, morals and common decency. . . all for the common good and national security, of course.

Chandler also appears to be the person within the White House who orchestrates the FOIA stonewalling that was recently revealed to the House Oversight Committee.

Washington, D.C. court records show that Chandler has been involved in at least three civil rights cases, one involving himself, and two his son. All three cases were complaints involving police. His case was settled and his son's were dismissed. This focus on race cases may help explain why the flames in Ferguson are fueled by well-financed outsiders. Chandler appears to have his largesse stashed in the Cayman Islands in James LLC, among others.

Chandler demands public admiration

Chandler's recently leaked stenographer notes from 2002 revealed a Trump-sized self-promoter when he told Montgomery County, Maryland officials: "We do valuable work for our country and it is important for that to be understood and acknowledged." See Fig. 5.

IBM Eclipse Foundation Membership logos, Page 1, as of Sep. 9, 2008 (Actuate, Beo, Borlan, Brox, Cloudsmith, Computer Associates, DevZuz, GenuiTec, IBM, Innoopract, Iona, Itemis, JPMorgan Chase, Motorola, Nokia, Open Methods, Oracle, SAP, Sonatype, SOPERA, Sybase, Wind River, Zend)
Fig. 8—IBM Eclipse Foundation Members, page 1, prepared as of Sep. 09, 2008 and reported to the Board of Directors on Sep. 17, 2008. Click here for image of page 2.

See The Eclipse Foundation (Sep. 09, 2008). Membership Logos [Board minutes]; See also The Eclipse Foundation (Sep. 17, 2008). The Members of Eclipse, Minutes of the Eclipse Board Meeting, Sep. 17, 2008; AFI. (Jan. 15, 2015). IBM plots digital control with federal judges; steals inventions, p. 6.
Graphics: IBM Eclipse Foundation..

Chandler formed The Eclipse Foundation in 2001 with IBM, his go to W.H.I.A. technology provider

On Nov. 29, 2001, IBM and Chandler formed The Eclipse Foundation, ostensibly to become a repository for "contributed" IBM Open Source software, an oxymoron in itself.

IBM is the largest holder of patents on the planet. IBM does not do Open Source. What IBM did was receive was Leader's source code from Chandler, then IBM claimed Leader's invention as their own. In short, the Eclipse IDE (interface development environment) is Leader's invention.

The innovative elements of the Eclipse IDE were not IBM's and Chandler's property to give away.

Bill & Hillary (and Barack) are pied pipers for The Eclipse Foundation, Facebook & W.H.I.A. agenda for global domination—no wonder they raised $2 Billion (with a "B") for their foundations!

An analysis of Hillary Clinton's 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2014 financial disclosures reveal a correlation between Eclipse Foundation members and Bill's speaking 126 speaking engagements over a 40-month period, 22 companies are direct members of Eclipse, while dozens others are financiers and customers of those Eclipse vendors that include Microsoft, Cisco, Saleforce.com, DocuSign, Verisign, CareerBuilder, Visa, McAfee, Delloitte & Touche, Oracle, UBS, AT&T, SAP, Deutsche Bank, Castlight Health, eBay, Qualcomm, Xerox, GE, Vanguard, Bank of America/Merrill Lynch, and Barclays. Over half of these companies are Facebook underwriters and beneficiaries. See The Washington Post. [Return shortly to this post for a link to a spreadsheet being prepared to be linked here.]

Hillary's financial disclosures contain criminal omissions

Prior to Hillary’s appointment as Secretary of State in 2009, she submitted a financial disclosure on Jan. 05, 2009. However, her 2008, 2009 and 2010 disclosures have disappeared from the Office of Government Ethics website.

AFI obtained a copy nonetheless from OpenSecrets.org. Click here for Hillary Clinton's 2008 financial disclosure. Why did the White House block public access to Hillary's financial report, which had been public? It is evidently because she totally neglected to disclose her financial interests in her foundations.

Hillary failed to disclose her Clinton Foundation and PAC activities in any manner that an experienced attorney like her knows she should. For example, here is the extent of her now concealed 2008 disclosure:

Hillary R. Clinton, 2008 Foundation disclosure
Fig. 9—Hillary R. Clinton's only disclosure about her foundations in her 2008 financial disclosure. The disclosure omits the tens of millions accumulated to her benefit by Bill Clinton's speaking fees, which averaged $117,000 per event. Such nondisclosure is illegal, if it was a knowing omission intended to deceive the public.

Hillary did not disclose a single dollar of financial interest associated with her foundations or PACs. However, according to The Washington Post, Bill and Hillary have raised over $2 billion for the foundations. Propriety dictates that such enormous cash flow must be disclosed. Failure to disclose is not inadvertent, but obviously willful, and therefore criminal.

Bill Clinton has made over $104.9 million in speeches since leaving office in 2001 to promote The Eclipse Foundation and W.H.I.A, also according to The Washington Post. Hillary disclosed nothing about the financial's of her foundations in 2008. Perhaps this explains why the White House has removed that report from the Office of Government Ethics (OGE) website.

Bookmark: #hillary-clinton-financial-disclosures
New: Clinton, Hillary R., 2000-2015 Financial Disclosures
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2014 | Combined (all years)

Total Speaking Fees, All Events (2000-2014): PDF | Excel Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)
Total IBM Eclipse Foundation Speaking Fees (2000-2014): PDF | Excel Spreadsheet (*.xlsx)
Fig. 10—Hillary R. Clinton's Financial Disclosures (2000-2015).
Public Data Sources: U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE); OpenSecrets.org.

Christina M. Chen, Hillary's Chief of Staff, is equally deceptive

The financial disclosure for Christina M. Tchen, Hillary's chief of staff, has also disappeared from the OGE website. However, AFI was able to obtain a copy from a whisteblower. Click here for Christian M. Tchen 2008 Financial Disclosure.

Tchen apparently couldn't get a good scanner on her $2.2 million Skadden Arps LLP annual Chicago lawyer salary before coming to work at the White House. Here is her disclosure in regular and zoomed modes:

Tina M. Tchen Disclosure @ 100% (full size) Magnification (illegible):

Christina M. Tchen, 2008 financial disclosure, 100% magnification - full size
Fig. 11—Christina Tchen 2008 Financial Disclosure. Tchen was Hillary Clinton's chief of staff. She was formerly employed at Skadden Arps LLP in Chicago. Skadden Arps has a sullied reputation as an uber-corrupt law firm.
Data: U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE).

Tina M. Tchen Disclosure @ 200% (2x) Magnification (still almost unreadable):

Christina M. Tchen disclosure header
Christina M. Tchen disclosure body
Fig. 12—Christina Tchen 2008 Financial Disclosure. Tchen's disclosure is intentionally obscured and almost unreadable. One can just make out that her salary at Skadden Arps LLP law firm before becoming Hillary Clinton's chief of staff was $2.2 million per year. Apparently, Skadden Arps' scanner was on the fritz the day Ms. Tchen prepared her financial disclosure for public review.
Data: U.S. Office of Government Ethics (OGE).
Christina M. Tchen
Fig. 13—Christina M. Tchen. Hillary Clinton's chief of staff, former partner at the corrupt Skadden Arps LLP international law firm. Despite her $2.2 million salary at Skadden, she had difficult scanning her, cough, financial disclosure before working for The People.
Photo: Wikipedia.

An AFI researcher studied the Tchen's disclosure until her eyes bled. (Eyes folks, eyes [inside joke for those following Donald Trump's dust up with FoxNews' Megyn Kelly].) She determined that Tchen worked for Skadden Arps LLP. Skadden Arps currently represents JPMorgan in Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam's patent infringement battle. Arunachalam-Pi-Net v. JPMorgan. Skadden has been proven to lie for JPMorgan in every court filing and in front of the judge.

One judge in that case, Richard G. Andrews, actually admitted on the record that he holds JPMorgan stock, yet still refused to disqualify himself, citing the "safe harbor rule," which is not a rule or even and opinion. The Advisory where it appears (p. 200) refers to it merely as a "concept" with four pages of exceptions. Earlier in the advisory, in Section 20 on page 24, it says that even one share of stock held by a spouse requires a judge to recuse! And, yet, these corrupt judges have created their excuse and they're sticking too it. Tchen's association with the crooked Skadden Arps law firm speaks volumes about her ethical standards brought to Hillary and The White House.

Montgomery County, Maryland appears to be swimming with world-class intellectual property sharks like James P. Chandler, the U.S. Patent Office, IBM and The Eclipse Foundation. Sharks in sheep's clothing
Fig. 14—Professor James P. Chandler, III, The Obama Administration's Legal and Intelligence W.H.I.A. spy master. Chandler is uniquely qualified to have directed the unholy W.H.I.A. IBM Eclipse Foundation alliance among Silicon Valley, Wall Street, the NSA and the Justice Department during the Obama administration.

Ironically, Chandler is the author of the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 and the Federal Trade Secrets Act. Chandler was a law professor at Harvard Law. He is a mentor to U.S. Attorney General Eric H. Holder, Jr. and David J. Kappos, former IBM chief intellectual property counsel and later director of the U.S. Patent Office. Chandler has also advised U.S. Attorneys like Preetinder Bharara (U.S. v. Ceglia) on trade secrets and economic espionage. Apparently that advice extended beyond how to defend against it . . . all in the name of "national security," of course, including the NSA's exploitation of Facebook customer data and exploitation of children.
Photos: NIPLI.org

Tchen disclosed that her salary at Skadden Arps in Chicago was $2.2 million per year. She also disclosed that had up to $8,725,000 in financial holdings.

Hillary's chief of staff, a seasoned attorney, filed an illegible financial disclosure by accident? Um, uh huh.

Chandler's greed, arrogance & narcissism

In conclusion, Bill & Hillary work for the W.H.I.A. Eclipse Cartel. This Cartel stole Leader Technologies' social networking patent, gave it to IBM, Eclipse and Facebook, used it get Barack Obama funded and elected, twice. Obama's social networking cronies have been raping and pillaging ever since.

The NSA has exploited the user data of the world's children, then lied about it to Congress. It took a brave whisteblower named Edward Snowden to reveal the truth about this illegal activity.

It took another brave whistleblower, HSBC Swiss Hervé Falciani, to reveal that this Cartel is cavorting with drug and arms dealers in offshore banks to hide their illegal activity.

New: It took the bravery of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks to blow the whistle on Austin-based Stratfor by releasing five million emails from this C.I.A. disinformation front. These documents validated that Facebook was founded and funded by the C.I.A. and this same group of technology providers and banks cavort with the arms and drug leaders exposed by Falciani. See previous post: Facebook started by C.I.A. as spy-state tool.

The current bastardization of Leader Technologies' social networking invention by the Eclipse Foundation cartel started when a previously well-respected law professor, James P. Chandler, who ignored his ethical oath, betrayed his client, then sold his soul for thirty pieces of silver.

Like Narcissus, Professor Chandler's admiration of himself will likely be his undoing. He does not appear to be as smart as advertised, in our opinion.

Whistleblowers we await your additional revelations! If you wait too long, your information will lose negotiating value.

* * *

New, Aug. 15, 2015
Hillary & Bill Clinton Speaking Fees between 2001-2015 from IBM Eclipse Foundation Members

Fig. 15—Between 2001 and 2015, Bill & Hillary Clinton disclosed in public financial disclosures that they have been paid $15.5 million from 75 events ($206,000 average) for IBM Eclipse Foundation members. Overall, they have been paid $117 million from 593 events ($117,000 average). The Eclipse IDE (Interface Development Environment) is based on the inventions of Columbus, Ohio innovator, Leader Technologies, that were stolen and shuffled to IBM and Eclipse for exploitation by the C.I.A., NSA and W.H.I.A. in general by James P. Chandler, who in 2001 was intellectual property patent counsel to both IBM and Leader Technologies.Click here for Hillary & Bill Clinton 2001-2015 IBM Eclipse Foundation Member Speaking Fee Summaries: Excel Spreadsheet (*.xlsx). Click here for a PDF Version.

IBM Eclipse Members from whom Bill & Hillary Clinton received $15.5 million in speaking fees between 2001 and 2015: AT&T, Autodesk, AWD, Bank of America, Barclays Capital, BBC, CareerBuilder.com, Castlight Health, Cisco, Citigroup, Credit Suisse, Dell Deloitte & Touche, Deutsche Bank, DocuSign, eBay, Experian, Fiserv, GE, Goldman Sachs, IBM, JPMorgan, KPMG, McAfee, McKinsey, Merrill Lynch, Microsoft, Morgan Stanley, Oracle, PeopleSoft, PriceWaterhouse, Qualcomm, Salesforce.com, Samsung, SAP, UBS, Vanguard, VeriSign, Visa, Vista Equity, White & Case and Xerox.
Graphics: Google Maps | Data: U.S. Government Ethics Office; OpenSecrets.org

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself.


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  1. Email comment by TEX:

    My gal Friday, Flavia, bounced in the office this morning and said, " they will never prosecute Hillary, she knows too much. She will squeal like a little pig .......she has something nefarious on everyone in the cartel. ". Bingo !!! But they ( the DOJ) have to play the game, nonetheless. It will be a quick DOJ review of her emails, and , wahla , a proclamation of innocence. The big danger for the cartel is the FBI. They seem to be outside the control of Chandler, Obama, Clinton, the DOJ, et al. It is clear that the Obama' s , especially man/woman Michelle, do not care for Hillary. If the FBI pursues Hillary's obvious criminality, she will sing like a full throated warbler. You think the Donald can get ugly, you ain't seen nothing yet. This big ball of yarn has a loose end, and Mr Gowdy and the boys are going to pull that string into hell for the Clintons . I can't get this smile off of my face.......

    Have a great day, TEX

    PS. Flavia didn't say nefarious. I made that up . She used a potty mouth word. She thinks nefarious is a ride at the Fair.

  2. AT&T Helped U.S. Spy on Internet on a Vast Scale
    Angwin, J., Savage, C., Larson, H., Moltke, H., Poitras, L., Risen, J. (Aug. 15, 2015). AT&T Helped U.S. Spy on Internet on a Vast Scale. The New York Times.

    According to the map just published above:

    Bill Clinton was paid $225,000 by AT&T to speak at an event in Tucson on Nov. 20, 2014. Judging from the NSA documents cited in the Times article, Bill was a prime mover in the current global snooping. Also, we noted in the slides that the NSA relies heavily on that 2008 FISA amendment (FAA) that Chandler pushed through weeks after Obama was elected in 2008 and six weeks before Eric Holder was appointed in earlier 2009. That amendment gave Holder almost dictatorial powers. AFI has written about that Amendment at:


  3. Given the central role of the Secretary of State in Obama's secret national security infrastructure, created by Executive Orders, Presidential Policy Directives (PPDs) and Homeland Security Policy Directives (HSPDs), it is inconceivable that Hillary Clinton did not receive and respond to secret and top secret communications in her 60,000 emails. That is, unless Chelsea's wedding rivaled organizing for the Olympics!

    For example, here is just one Top Secret PPD-20 leaked by Edward Snowden pulling back the covers on Obama's spy state:

    U.S. Cyber Operations Policy, PPD-20 TOP SECRET:



    Westwood, S. (Aug. 17, 2015). State Dept. uncovers 17,000 missing emails. Washington Examiner.


  4. Current news about this 2015 post:

    HEADLINES: Deleted data shows how Hillary & Bill shill for Wall Street, Silicon Valley and a secret White House intelligence agency

    Hillary's hackers don't want you to see these proofs of her corruption

    June 22, 2016—Americans for Innovation (AFI) was hacked recently. As the documents were being restored by investigators, they noticed that only documents on certain subjects were targeted.

    The hackers were focused on evidence of Hillary & Bill’s collusion with the NSA, IBM Eclipse Foundation, James P. Chandler, the theft of social networking from Leader Technologies, Wall Street collusion (and speaking fees), UrAsia uranium mining junket, a secret White House intelligence agency (fabricated from Executive Orders), judicial collusion, The Clinton Foundation and Facebook.

    The attached Aug. 12, 2015 post was particularly targeted with document deletions.

    Here it is:

    HTML web link:


    PDF link:


    The hackers cleverly disturbed the underlying document links, but not the post on the surface. This prevented the unsuspecting reader from reviewing the underlying evidence; probably causing them to give up in frustration and perhaps doubt.

    This is a new chapter in high tech censorship. We call it “censorship hacking.” Their mantra appears to be “in doubt there is a U.S. presidency to be taken.”

    Hillary Clinton’s suitability to be President is condemned by these findings. It appears her hackers are so worried that they removed it so you can’t read it for yourself. Therefore, we felt it important to put the information in your hands so that you can decide for yourself.

  5. As an observation, the theme that Facebook Cabal stole Leader Technologies patented innovation is misleading, if in fact it was Chandler and the IBM Eclipse foundation before Facebook even evolved. Someone is sending mixed messages especially in the meme in the sidebar of this post.


    It was the IBM & rogue CIA cabal who invented Facebook, etc. who stole it from what I gather. Lets not put all the blame on Zuckerberg which is the impression I got from this poster.

    1. Very perceptive Dan. Initially, Facebook was the focus before this larger CIA Deep State theft was discovered. Leader Technologies could see that Facebook and Zuckerberg used the stolen technology, which was eventually awarded patents starting in 2006, but you are technically right.

      In 2003-2004 when Zuckerberg was involved, it was only then a patent pending. Most people say Zuckerberg stole the patent for convenience sake. Technically at the time, it was "patent pending." If you follow this blog you will note that the newer discoveries after the federal court misconduct in the Leader v. Facebook trial, it has been discovered that Facebook was just one of thousands of Silicon Valley beneficiaries of Leader's invention that was stolen earlier in its "trade secret" stage, before they even filed the patents. Worse, it was stolen off the engineering drawing board by law professor James P. Chandler that Leader had gone to for trade secrets and patent protection.

      Good catch. Keep reading the blog entries. Perhaps try using the Archives tool in the upper right hand corner and reading in reverse order. Also, the timeline gives the actual sequence of evidence.



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