Monday, June 29, 2015


Chief Justice holds 49 investments in Obamacare vendors and 193 in Eclipse Foundation members feeding the NSA spy-state machine

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Jun. 29, 2015 Updated Jul. 05 | PDF
Update Jul. 05, 2015
How judges grow rich on Obamacare and its stolen technologies
AFI investigators have wondered how judges like Justices John G. Roberts, Jr. and Elena Kagan, bureaucrats like Eric H. Holder, Jr., law professors like James P. Chandler, and politicians like Hillary Clinton, John Boehner and John McConnell acquire sudden wealth after attaining high public status. Investing genius, or fraud? Turns out, its fraud—collusion with selected mutual fund managers, including Fidelity, Vanguard and T. Rowe Price. Read more on the investigation. See also Doomed by Widespread Unethical Conduct | Senior Commerce Dept. officials are invested in Facebook ''Dark Pools'' | Obama's Chief Tech Officer Todd Y. Park mired in conflicts of interest.
Graphic: Get Out Of Jail Free card, Hasbro; George Carlin Photo: Deviantart.
John G. Roberts, Jr.
Fig.1—Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. holds almost 200 stocks in Obamacare vendors and members of The Eclipse Foundations. Such conflicts of interest render judicial rulings involving those holdings illegitimate and reversible as a matter of law. Whenever a judge will benefit from decisions favorable to one of the litigants, that judge must disqualify himself from those decisions. Justice Roberts was silent about his holdings in Obamacare vendors and their close allies in IBM's The Ecplise Foundation. Eclipse feeds the NSA which Justice Roberts ostensibly oversees through his FISA Court appointments.
Photo: Washington Post.


(Jun. 29, 2015)—More schizophrenic Supreme Court rulings beg the question: “Who is the judicial pied piper in Washington?”  When did lies and Gruber-deception replace veracity as the legal standard?

Washington Cartel Agenda: Usurp the Power of the People

Viewed through the lens of the “Washington Cartel,” these decisions are consistent with an agenda to rewrite the Constitution by scrambling historical precedent.

While most judicial policy making is concealed behind black robes, one very public aspect of a judge’s conduct is his or her annual financial disclosure. The purpose of the disclosure is to enable the public to assess judicial impartiality.

However, even there judges have, without public hearings or debate, slipped in self-serving interpretations of the law that excuse their fraudulent conduct.

Judges have sanctioned lying

On Oct. 11, 1996, lawyers for the Cartel slipped in Subsection (b) into the False Statement Accountability Act of 1996. Subsection (b) excuses all lying by judges, lawyers and parties. Few public officials appear to know about this law. See previous post.

Judges have sanctioned bribery

On Mar. 14, 2001, the Judicial Conference issued an “advisory” discussing a “safe harbor concept.” This sloppy "concept" has been elevated to the status of an unwritten rule without public debate. It exempts judges from disclosing their holdings in deep-pocket litigants by masking them behind mutual funds. Judges are totally ignoring the pages of exceptions to this concept and are giving themselves carte blanche permission to abuse the Code of Conduct Canon 2 exhortation to flee even the appearance of impropriety. See previous post.

Certain mutual fund managers popular with certain judges and members of the Administration are mere tools of these litigants, most notably Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Morgan Stanley, Fidelity, T. Rowe Price and Vanguard. So in effect, investments in certain mutual funds by judges and public officials have become sophisticated bribes.

Harvard Law inbreeding

Four of the six justices who sustained Obamacare, for a second time, are from Harvard Law, the other two are from nearby Ivy sisters, Princeton and Yale. In short, Obamacare was sustained by judicial inbreeding. Any sophistry that these few schools produce the only worthy legal minds in the country is pretentious and egotistical.

Justice Roberts is mired in inexcusable financial conflicts of interest

Eclipse Foundation Members, Sep. 09, 2008
Fig. 2—Eclipse Members as of Sep. 08, 2008, just before the election of Barack Obama. Click here to see Oct. 27, 2004 Eclipse minutes disclosing members. See also Sep. 17, 2008 Eclipse minutes disclosing members just before Barack Obama's election.
Graphic: Eclipse Foundation.

Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr.’s 2012 financial disclosure shows a substantial appearance of impropriety.

Justice Roberts holds 49 investments in Obamacare vendors and at least 193 investments in members of IBM’s NSA spy-machine named The Eclipse Foundation.

The Washington Cartel

How is it possible that Justice Roberts has holdings of up to $6.2 million on a federal judge's salary? Genius investor? Uncannily lucky investor? Or, who really pulls his strings? The answer is evident from his financial disclosure: Fidelity, T. Rowe Price, Vanguard, Microsoft, JPMorgan, Facebook, Google, Apple, HP, Dell, IBM, Time Warner, NBC Universal and their lackeys at the NSA—The "Washington Cartel" (all companies in which he holds more than 10 stocks).

Justice Roberts has failed to oversee the FISA Court and NSA abuses of privacy and property

A little known fact is that Justice Roberts unilaterally appoints judges to the secret FISA Court that is a rubber stamp for NSA requests to spy on Americans. The court has denied only 12 of 34,000 NSA requests. See previous post.

According to Edward Snowden’s leaks, the NSA is currently monitoring 1.2 million American citizens. This sounds more like former FBI director J. Edgar Hoover’s enemies list than a terrorist list. See previous post.

Justice Roberts failed to disclose these same financial holdings and conflicts in Leader v. Facebook

Leader Technologies’ petition in Leader v. Facebook came before Justice Roberts in 2012. There too, he was silent about his substantial financial holdings in Facebook, Facebook’s underwriters, The Eclipse Foundation members and the Washington Cartel who appear to be controlling his every step. See previous post.

Justice Roberts should step down

Given an ounce of decency, Justice Roberts should step down voluntarily, as should any other justice who voted on Obamacare without disclosing his or her financial holdings in Obamacare vendors.

The trust of the American people hangs in the balance.

Remember: Fraudulent decisions by judges are reversible, including these Obamacare rulings.

* * *

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself.


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Tuesday, June 23, 2015


IBM stole from Leader Technologies; gave to Facebook, SAP, Ericsson, Tsinghua, JPMorgan . . .

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Jun. 23, 2015 Updated Sep. 20 | PDF
The Wizaard of Oz
Fig.1—IBM and Microsoft, the Wizards of Tech Oz, hide behind surrogates, curtains and walls to mask monopolistic control of "The Internet of Things," including the NSA spying on American citizens via social networking platforms like Facebook. IBM works through Professor James P. Chandler and The Eclipse Foundation. Microsoft has hidden its influence over Eclipse via the University of Washington and other tech surrogates. In so doing, it appears these monopolies hope to sidestep exposure of their new anti-trust conduct. Eclipse has supplied Facebook, HP, Ericsson, SAP, Cisco and Intel, among many others.
Graphic: Kushandwizdom.

(Jun. 23, 2015)—Further investigation into IBM’s Wizard of Oz control over the NSA spy machine points to 2001-2002 as the critical years when the company solidified its hegemony.

IBM’s conduct, if criminal, begs the question:

How can America’s core Constitutional values of respect for property, privacy and honesty be supported by such morally bankrupt people and their morally broken technology infrastructure?

IBM funded The Eclipse Foundation on Nov. 29, 2001. Eclipse advocated “open source.” IBM Open Source is an oxymoron. IBM, the largest holder of patents on the planet, suddenly got religion about free software? Not likely.

Who's ideas did IBM give away?

Who’s inventions was IBM really giving away? New evidence uncovered by AFI proves unmistakably that they were the inventions of Columbus innovator Leader Technologies. They were NOT IBM's property to be given away.

The whole tech world became members of Eclipse subsequently. The give away of Leader Technologies's innovations was irresistible. Zuckerberg's 28 hard drives will no doubt reveal that he launched Facebook using Eclipse Version 3.0 and that he was coached by IBM and their cronies.

pact with the devil

Fig. 11 in Leader Technologies' U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,761 describing the IDE idea that was coopted (stolen) by IBM and The Eclipse Foundation and claimed as their original copyright
Fig.2—Fig. 11 in Leader Technologies' U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,761 describing the IDE idea that was coopted (stolen) by IBM and The Eclipse Foundation and claimed as their original copyright.

Eclipse's Integrated Development Environment (IDE) tools have essentially defined the operating environment for mobile devices. For IBM, Chandler and the NSA, this ubiquity insured a universal backdoor key to the social Internet. It enabled the NSA to spy on Americans. It was a pact with the devil.

Leader Technologies' invention described the IDE web approach in its U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761, long before IBM stole it and claimed it as their copyright. Experts familiar with IBM's culture know well that this was not in their cultural DNA. To the contrary, IBM was committed to closed, proprietary approaches like AIX and its failed OS/2 operating system. See Fig. 2.

IBM's bogus copyright claims

The table below traces IBM's theft. It gives hard evidence of IBM's fraud in claiming copyrights to Leader's social networking innovations in Eclipse Version 2.0.1 that was released on Aug. 29, 2002. The claim begs the question: "How can IBM claim authorship of code in 2000 that it only first created in 2002 from Leader Technologies already copyrighted ideas?"

Professor James P. Chandler
Fig. 3–James P. Chandler
Leader Technologies' patent counsel. He is also trade secrets and economic espionage counsel to IBM, Patent Office, Congress, the White House, Kappos, Holder, Fenwick & West LLP, NSA, DOE, FBI, Justice Department, Judiciary.
Photo: NIPLI.

All roads in this misappropriation lead to IBM’s and NSA's chief outside counsel, Professor James P. Chandler.  Coincidentally, after learning about Leader Technologies’ innovations in 1999, Chandler agreed to become Leader's director and intellectual property counsel in 2000.

While Chandler pretended to represent Leader's interests, he was secretly feeding Leader's ideas to his deep-pocket clients—IBM and the NSA—as well as crony law firms and their favored clients. This quagmire collusion is unprecedented.

White House Collusion to propel NSA syping on Americans and feed "The Internet of Things" cronies

Eric H. Holder, U.S. Attorney General

Two of Chandler's intellectual property law cohorts were IBM's inside counsel, David J. Kappos, and Assistant Attorney General, Eric H. Holder, Jr. Magically, in the 2009 Obama White House, Kappos became director of the Patent Office, and Holder became Attorney General. In addition, Chandler's cronies at the FISA Court granted Holder almost dictatorial powers to the NSA to spy on Americans without oversight—just months before Holder was appointed.

U.S. Copyright Officer records show that Chandler filed copyrights for Leader on August 07, 2001. Patent experts have been baffled by this action since Chandler had not yet filed Leader's patents. Hindsight shows Chandler was attempting to introduce Leader's innovations into the public domain, thus destroying Leader' patent claims and making them "open source" by default.

Curiously, on the same day (Aug. 07, 2002), newly uncovered evidence reveals that Chandler quietly joined the board of Eurotech. Eurotech (Ltd., SpA) and its progeny are closely allied with IBM, Microsoft, Cisco and Wind River around "The Internet of Things (IoT)" and the NSA spy platform. Much of this activity takes place in Italy, out of the reach of U.S. law. A managing director of JPMorgan in Italy, and a Fenwick & West client, have been prime movers in Eurotech SpA. Eurotech Ltd.'s successor company, The White Oak Group, currently has over $1 billion in homeland security contracts—all based on Leader's 2001 business plans, copies of which were in Chandler's possession.

Invention Theft, Plan B

However, review of those copyright filings do not reveal any of Leader's secret sauce, which is probably what Chandler was hoping for. So curiously, two days later, Chandler proposed to Leader that they team with his friends at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) in Livermore, CA, managed by the University of California Regents.

In this move, Chandler actually wrote himself into the Leader-LLNL source code custody clause in the agreement and provided a copy to Fenwick & West. He received Leader's code CD-ROM for supposed safekeeping on about Jun. 05, 2002. Those innovations were totally absent from all previous releases of Eclipse, and magically appeared just 11 weeks after Chandler took custody of Leader's source code.

Leader successfully argued at trial to the jury that its innovations were "novel and not obvious." The absence of Leader's innovations in IBM's Eclipse code further reinforces the uniqueness of Leader's invention (i.e., if they were obvious, then IBM would have implemented them).

The following timeline shows key Chandler actions with IBM, Eclipse and Leader source code developments. One unmistakable conclusion is that IBM falsely claimed copyrights on ideas that were clearly Leader Technologies' in its Eclipse 2.0.1 release. Those innovations were totally absent from all previous releases of Eclipse, and magically appeared just 11 weeks after Chandler took custody of Leader's source code.

See HIJACK OF THE CYBER WORLD TIMELINE AND DATABASE for supporting evidence. See also PDF version.

Timeline of IBM’s Eclipse Foundation theft of Leader Technologies copyrights
Date James P. Chandler Actions Java functions
Leader Technologies’ Invention Secret Sauce. Source: USCourts IBM / Eclipse
(containing Leader magic sauce)
Aug 07, 2001 Filed Leader copyrights TXu001114757 and TX0005811257. When Leader engaged Chandler’s counsel on Apr. 06, 2000, Leader had already invented:
  • Abstract*.java (56 classes)(hooks for apps)
  • Board/Context*.java
  • Other . . .
None of these Leader innovations were present in versions of Eclipse prior to 2.0.1. They all magically appeared on Aug. 29, 2002—eleven weeks after Chandler took custody of Leader's source code.
Aug 07, 2001 Joined Eurotech board
Aug 09, 2001 Recommended Lawrence Livermore (LLNL) Smart Camera project
Aug 28, 2001 Recommended Fenwick & West LLP
Eclipse version 1.0 (12.6 MB)
Nov 29, 2001 Formed Eclipse with $40m IBM funds
Mar 21, 2002 Received Leader-Harvard Initiative proposal
Jun 05, 2002 Took custody of copyrighted Leader source code for LLNL project
Aug 09, 2002 Chandler issued $30K fee blackmail ultimatum to Leader Eclipse version 2.0 (1.12 MB)
Aug 29, 2002 (Eclipse introduced radical new version 2.0.1 code and false IBM copyright claims) Eclipse version 2.0.1 (109 MB)

These java classes were added to Eclipse 2.0 just 11 weeks after Chandler took custody of Leader source code:

Eclipse only slightly renamed Leader's innovative modules:
  • Abstract*.java (69 classes)
  • Context*.java
  • Other . . .
IBM claimed year 2000 copyrights on this code,

. . .yet described them as “initial API” implementations in version 2.0.1 (NOTES: "interim API that is still under development..." ).

IBM failed to disclose Leader Technologies’ copyrights, that were filed by James P. Chandler. Chandler, as IBM’s counsel too, cannot claim ignorance of his client's actions.

Chandler's Aug. 30, 2002 claims to Maryland officials show solicitation for IBM and the Patent Office.

See also Fig. 4 below re. IBM's false claim of ownership to Leader Technologies copyrights.

Aug 30, 2002 Chandler met secretly with Maryland officials re. IBM / Patent Office (Kappos) initiatives in conflict with his Leader representation
Sep 05, 2002 Hewlett-Packard (HP) joined Eclipse, Carly Fiorina, CEO
Dec 09, 2002 Hewlett-Packard (HP) and Microsoft issued joint press release to exploit Leader innovations in Visual Studio, just like IBM was working on for Websphere (later branded the "Eclipse IDE")
Dec 10, 2002 Filed Leader provisional patent (without including full source code that had been in his custody since June 5, 2002)

Chandler’s Eurotech progeny enjoy close NSA relationships and $1.2b homeland security contracts.

Chandler's protégé Eric H. Holder, Jr. became Barack Obama's Attorney General.

Chandler's protégé at IBM, David J. Kappos, became director of the Patent Office.

Fenwick & West LLP represents Facebook in securities and patents.

Neither Chandler nor Fenwick disclosed legal conflicts of interest to Leader as was their duty per the Rules of Professional Conduct and propriety.
Eclipse Foundation Members, Sep. 09, 2008
Fig. 4—Eclipse Members as of Sep. 08, 2008, just before the election of Barack Obama. Click here to see Oct. 27, 2004 Eclipse minutes disclosing members. See also Sep. 17, 2008 Eclipse minutes disclosing members just before Barack Obama's election.
Graphic: Eclipse Foundation.

Conclusion—Have we built our Internet house on shifting sand?

IBM lied to members of The Eclipse Foundation by claiming that critical components in version 2.0.1 introduced on Aug. 29, 2002 were owned by IBM, when in fact, they were provided to IBM by James P. Chandler and Fenwick & West LLP after Chandler took custody of Leader's source code 11 weeks earlier, on Jun. 05, 2002.

Note: JPMorgan's Eclipse membershio is notable given the bank's substantial financial involvements with Facebook, IBM et al. JPMorgan issued IBM a $10 billion line of credit prior to selling its PC Group to the Chinese See IBM sold out to Chinese in sale of PC Group in 2004. (See also PDF version). Goldman Sachs played the other side of that deal by extending a line of credit that Lenovo (Beijing) used to purchase the IBM unit—a Ponzi scheme of global proportions. Both JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs underwrote Facebook too—All in the (c r i m e national security) family.

The implications of IBM's fraud shake the very foundations of the entire Internet technology world. This returns us to the opening premise: where are we if we are "like a foolish man who built his house on sand." (Matthew 7:26).

IBM's software Copyright infringement conduct is equivalent to stealing an original melody in music

IBM / Eclipse Copyright Notice Version 0.5, dated Aug. 29, 2002
Fig. 5—IBM / Eclipse Foundation Copyright Notice, Aug. 29, 2002. IBM falsely claimed that they had all the necessary copyrights to make Leader Technologies' invention available as "open source" to the Eclipse members. IBM's chief outside counsel, Professor James P. Chandler, certainly knew this claim was false since he had filed copyrights on these ideas on Aug. 07, 2001 and filed provisional patent applications on Leader's inventions on Dec. 10, 2002, just three months earlier.

David J. Kappos
IBM's inside counsel in 2002, David J. Kappos, tried to make doubly sure that Leader's patent claims were killed by issuing an unprecedented third reexamination of Leader's patent before he resigned as Patent Office director in 2012. To pull that off, he assigned IBM cronies inside the Patent Office to the reexamination panel. This stunning corruption cannot be more evident in hindsight.

See previous post about Kappos / IBM / Patent Office corruption in Leader v. Facebook: Patent Office Director David Kappos convened rare secret court with IBM cronies to kill Leader's patent.
Graphic: Kushandwizdom.

In intellectual property law, IBM's lies are fraud, sometimes called "inequitable conduct." IBM's claims in Eclipse version 2.0.1 are the equivalent to you stealing a musician's melody line, writing your own song using that melody line, and then claiming the melody as your original creation.

In Leader Technologies' case, Judicial and Executive Branches are complicit with Professor James P. Chandler and IBM in this theft. Therefore, it falls upon Congress to invoke the Takings Clause of the Fifth Amendment to restore Leader Technologies' property rights. See Request for Congressional Intervention.

* * *

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself.


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Wednesday, June 10, 2015


Freshman NJ congressman tied to Goldman Sachs pushed the False Statement [un]Accountability Act, then became a judge

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Jun. 10, 2015 Updated FeB. 15, 2019 | PDF |
Meet James R. Clapper. He is Barack Obama's Director of National Intelligence. In March 12, 2013, he was asked directly by Congress by Sen. Ron Wyden: "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on million or hundreds of millions of Americans?" Clapper's response: "No sir... it does not." Bwahahahaha!
Fig. 1 – Meet James R. Clapper. He is Barack Obama's Director of National Intelligence. On March 12, 2013 [VIDEO], he was asked directly by Congress by Sen. Ron Wyden: "Does the NSA collect any type of data at all on million or hundreds of millions of Americans?" Clapper's response: "No sir... it does not." Bwahahahaha!
Photo: C-Span.
Bookmark: #legal-to-lie |
Fig. 2Gabriel, McKibben. (Feb. 01, 2019). No one goes to jail in the swamp because it is legal to like. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation, Leader Technologies, Inc.
Bookmark: #really-its-legal-to-lie-to-Congress-Courts-Agencies |
Fig. 3Nancy Morgan Hart. (Feb. 14, 2019). Here's How They Lie and Always Get Away w/ it. Headlines With A Voice. (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: Headlines With A Voice.
Bookmark: #nsa-clapper-s-big-lie |
Fig. 4S. Hrg. 113-89. (Mar. 12, 2013). Testimony of NSA Director Eric R. Clapper, Current and Projected National Security Threats to the United States. Hearing before the Select Committee on Intelligence, United States Senate, 113th Congress, First Session. 82-721-PDF. GPO. | (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: Headlines With A Voice.
News flash! Jun. 21, 2015
TPP contains similar slippery PATENT INFRINGEMENT exceptionS as the Subsection (b) fraud exception
President Obama has kept the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreeement drafts secret. Why would a President doing The People's business negotiate such a sweeping deal in secret? Who's pockets is he lining? Clearly, the IBM / Eclipse Foundation / AllSeen Alliance / Chandler / NSA / Facebook / Accel Partners / JPMorgan / Soros / IDG Cartel.

Thankfully, Wikileaks has published various sections of the draft. The TPP intellectual property section (PDF version) is chock full of gobbledygook legalese that makes this agreement a playground for the unscrupulous. Here is just one example:
"Article QQ.E.13 Consistent with [Article QQ.E.5 (Exceptions)], each Party may provide that a third person may do an act that would otherwise infringe a patent if the act is done for purposes connected with the collection and submission of data in order to comply with the regulatory requirements of that Party or another country, including for purposes connected with marketing or sanitary approval."
What does this mean? It exempts any party to the TPP agreement (40% of the world's GDP | PDF version) from respecting the patents of another by simply issuing a regulatory order in the infringing country. This means that the U.S. Commerce Department, for example, could issue an order for an American company to violate the patent of a member nation for any reason, and visa versa. This execption alone guts patent law.

America's Founders believed patents and copyrights were crucial to the American economic engine, so much so that they are the only property rights mentioned in the Constitution (Article I, Section 8, Clause 7). If we do not respect the intellectual property of others, then they will not respect ours. Take away the motivation to invent and you create a welfare state. This seems to be the objective of the secret drafters. Who are they? Congress doesn't even know.
TPP is another Obamacare disaster in the making
What is wrong with our elected representatives that they would vote for this sweeping agreement without even reading it? Read it and see all the ways unscrupulous lawyers are being allowed to ruin our Republic. Fact: they work for The People. If they will not do The People's business honestly, ethically (without exempting their lies - see below), then boot them out. It is that simple.


The truth doesn't cost anything, but a lie could cost you everything
Fig.5—Congress made lying to the Government and the courts legal. On Oct. 11, 1996, Congress passed the euphemistically named False Statements Accountability Act 18 USC § 1001. Subsection (b) of the Act made it legal to lie to courts and government agencies. Few Americans know about this law, but those unscrupulous lawyers who slipped it through Congress use it as their excuse to abuse power and line their pockets. This law must be rescinded with redress to its victims and punishment meted out to its perpetrators.
Graphic: Kushandwizdom.

(Jun. 10, 2015)—On Oct. 11, 1996, Congress passed and Bill Clinton signed the False Statement Accountability Act, 18 USC § 1001. On the same day, Congress passed the Economic Espionage Act, authored by Professor James P. Chandler, that has given rise to the current NSA and FISA Court abuses of Amercian privacy.

Perfect example of why Senator Rand Paul is Right about reading laws first
Senator Rand Paul (R Ky)
Congress should read laws before passing them. 18 USC § 1001(b) was a Cartel devil dressed up as "accountability."

The False Statement law gave judges, politicians, lawyers and their clients’ permission to lie in judicial proceedings, including federal agencies. Who is laughing besides the scoundrels who fooled Congress into passing this law?

Now we know why people like Lois Lerner (IRS), James Clapper (NSA), John Koskinen (IRS), Eric H. Holder, Jr. (DoJ), Todd Y. Park ( lied so blatantly in their hearings. They knew they were protected by this law, buried in the books.

Subsection (a) is consistent with moral law, well-settled precedent and common sense— don’t lie; tell the truth .

However, Subsection (b)  exempts liars .


Yes, it is true.

"Congress . . . chose to exempt from criminal liability certain kinds of lies to the federal government."
9th Circuit Court Judge Susan P. Graber (2007)(Clinton appointee)

More Cartel Plotting

New: Join
No More Lies!

Our investigation into the genesis of this law revealed a now familiar incestuous group of co-conspirators among IBM, Professor James P. Chandler, David J. Kappos, Eric H. Holder, Jr., The Eclipse Foundation, Facebook, JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs.

18 USC § 1001 Subsection (a):

(a) Except as otherwise provided in this section, whoever, in any matter within the jurisdiction of the executive, legislative, or judicial branch of the Government of the United States, knowingly and willfully—
(1) falsifies, conceals, or covers up by any trick, scheme, or device a material fact;
(2) makes any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or representation; or
(3) makes or uses any false writing or document knowing the same to contain any materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent statement or entry;
. . . shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.

Subsection (b) was slipped into a law that had been unchanged since 1948. The 1996 revision ballooned from 81 to 284 words. How many Congresspersons read it before they approved it?

A real life "Get Out of Jail Free" Card—Subsection (B):
"(b) Subsection (a) does not apply to a party to a judicial proceeding,* or that party’s counsel, writings or documents submitted by such party or counsel to a judge or magistrate in that proceeding."

* Judicial proceedings include administrative proceedings in government agencies: SEC, FEC, Commerce, Patent Office, HHS, IRS, DoE, DOD, FOIA, IG, Congress, DoT, etc.
Background Graphic: Hasbro.

Martini + Corzine = Cartel Agenda

L/R: Hillary R. Clinton, Jon S. Corzine, William J. Martini
Fig. 6–What role did Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have in putting forward the Subsection (b) "get out of jail free" card? Professor James P. Chandler was advising Hillary and Bill Clinton in 1996 on the Economic Espionage Act authority that the NSA used to spy on Americans. L/R: Hillary R. Clinton, Jon S. Corzine, William J. Martini. Click here for sample letter to Congress to repeal 18 USC § 1001(b).
Photos: Zerohedge; US Courts.

The new law was sponsored by a one-term freshman Congressman from New Jersey, William J. Martini, who magically pushed it through in just seven months.

Martini was subsequently sponsored for a federal judgeship by then Senator Jon S. Corzine, former CEO of Goldman Sachs.

Coincidentally (?), on the same day (Oct. 11, 1996) as the passage of this False Statement Accountability Act, Professor James P. Chandler also pushed through the Economic Espionage Act of 1996 (EEA). Chandler's EEA gave birth to the NSA spying on American citizens and its supposed oversight by the FISA Court, where 34,000 rubber stamped NSA requests have been approved and only 12 denied—a 0.03% rejection rate. Chandler agreed to become Leader Technologies' patent attorney in 2000 without disclosing his conflicting EEA agenda to co opt Leader's social networking invention for the NSA and its Wall Street and Silicon Valley cronies. Magically, both laws passed without dissent in both the House and Senate.

Ben Franklin: To sacrifice liberty for safety is to deserve neither

To put Corzine’s involvement in context, Corzine telegraphed his agenda as governor of New Jersey: “Nothing is more important than the safety and security of our citizens . . .” Despite this, he later bankrupted MF Global after losing $1.2 billion in customer funds. Lesson: Whenever the greedmeisters on Wall Street are concerned about American safety and security, run.

"Dark Pool" Cartel Club Membership

Corzine’s friends included a bevy of Harvard graduates, including Henry Paulson (Treasury), Barack Obama, Jamie Dimon (JPMorgan), Eric Holder (Attorney General), Preetinder Bhararra (US Attorney, NY), James W. Breyer (Accel Partners) Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs), Lawrence Summers (Instagram) and Professor James P. Chandler (IBM / EEA / Eclipse / NSA). These individuals were all involved, with numerous other Obama agency heads, in some way or another with the pre-IPO marketing of  billions of dollars in Facebook insider “dark pool” stock using offshore money laundering havens recently exposed by HSBC whistleblower, HervĂ© Falciani. See previous post.

While the Facebook “dark pools” were being sold to the likes of Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov and Larry Summers' World Bank protégé Yuri Milner, Facebook lawyer, Thomas G. Hungar, Gibson Dunn LLP, lied to Leader Technologies and the court in Leader v. Facebook that Mark Zuckerberg’s 28 computer hard drives and Harvard emails were lost. Magically, however, two days after Leader's appeal was denied by the Federal Circuit court to whom Hungar had lied (Chandler's former law student, Randall R. Rader, presided as chief judge without disclosing his conflict), Zuckerberg's information appeared intact in Ceglia v. Zuckerberg.

Even though the Federal Circuit was notified about Gibson Dunn's concealment of Zuckerberg's evidence, they ignored it, as did Chief Justice John G. Roberts, Jr. and the Supreme Court, in clear violation of the law.

See AFI. (Apr. 29, 2015). American public deserves to know what Zuckerberg is hiding. Americans For Innovation.

Call to Action: Congress must repeal Section (b) A.S.A.P. to prevent further damage

No American citizen is shielded from the damage this law has caused.

How many tens of thousands of business and lives have been destroyed by this pernicious legislation that only benefits wicked people?

Click here for a sample letter to your elected representatives (Word *.doc file).

Click here for Contacting Congress contact information for your elected officials.

Contacting Congress logo

* * *

BELIEVE IT: Lies in court are legal.

If you still do not believe that the federal law, 18 U.S.C. § 1001(b), absolves liars in a court among judges, attorneys and parties, read two affirmations of this law passed by the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals (not surprisingly, located in downtown San Francisco, CA—the proving grounds for the IBM / Eclipse / Facebook Cartel):
“The amended version of 18 U.S.C. § 1001 is unambiguous on its face. Statements made in judicial proceedings are excluded from liability under the statute by subsection (b).” US v. McNeil, 362 F. 3d 570 (9th Cir. 2004) at 574.
“Our only task is to understand what Congress meant when it chose to exempt from criminal liability certain kinds of lies to the federal government. Under 18 U.S.C. § 1001(b), criminal liability does not attach to materially false statements submitted by a party to a judge in a judicial proceeding, even if the party makes the statements knowingly and willfully.” US v. Horvath, 492 F. 3d 1075 (9th Cir. 2007) at 1081.
Susan P. Graber, Liar
Susan P. Graber—Liar
Photo: US Courts.
Note: Circuit Judge Susan P. Graber is common to the McNeil and Horvath opinions. She actually authored the Horvath opinion. Her 2010 financial disclosure reveals substantial investments in the IBM / Eclipse / Facebook Cartel via Vanguard Group—one of the largest pre-IPO holders of Facebook insider stock. She was nominated to the bench by Bill Clinton soon after the EEA and FSAA, on July 30, 1997. Law professor James P. Chandler advised Bill Clinton on her appointment.

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself.


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