Thursday, August 26, 2021


Contributing Writers |Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Aug. 25, 2021, Updated Sep. 26, 2021 | PDF |
AFI. (Aug. 25, 2021). The British War on Christianity. Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 1—Socialist, Communist MP Philip Whitwell Wilson (1875-1956), Pilgrims Society, Empire Press Union, Foreign Press Correspondents Association, London Daily News, The New York Times, Y.M.C.A., Salvation Army, CFR, Bolshevism, Maoism, Fascism, Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), United Nations.

P. Whitwell Wilson Biography: Son of a Bible publisher; socialist resident, Toynbee Hall; disciple, W.T. Stead “Government by Journalism;” co-founder, Pilgrims Society; coach, Vladimir Lenin; member of Parliament, St. Pancras South (1906-1910); co-organizer, First Imperial Press Conference 1909; co-founder, Empire Press Union, MI6, MI5, GC&CS now GCHQ; president, Association of Foreign Press Correspondents; editor, London Daily News, New York Times; handler & publicist, Salvation Army, Y.M.C.A.; co-founder, communist Institute of Pacific Affairs (IPR); co-founder, United Nations; likely handler for Intrepid, WWII double agent.

Britannia has fallen and is an enemy of Truth; she is dragging America down with her.

When we write "British," we mean self-anointed, debauched British East India Company banking & trade monopolists, not the English, Scots, Welsh or Irish people

Philip Whitwell Wilson, MP P. Whitwell Wilson, P.W. Wilson. (Oct. 1924). Pilgrims Society, Salvation Army, YMCA, Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR), London Daily News, New York Times, pre-UN.

Philip Whitwell Wilson: the "Christian" socialist Pilgrims Society journalist viper pope of the British Empire new world order—probably did more to eviscerate Christianity with his forked tongue and inverted theology than any other influencer in the 20th century
Philip Whitwell Wilson. (1924). An Unofficial Statesmen - Robert C. Ogden, 325 pgs., ("Christianity is a democracy, a Socialism, a Communism "). PDF p. 187. Country Life Press, Doubleday, Page & Company.

Anglophiles want debauched aristocracy for themselves, and socialism / communism for you; 1776 only slowed them down.

America must dissemble every institution overrun by Britannia’s demons before they totally consume us too.

Without a Christian moral rudder, the American ship of state will sink (paraphrasing John Adams).

British bankers were overtaken centuries ago by an addiction to abuse of their fellow human beings through slavery, sodomy, rape and pedophilia; this has not stopped or even slowed, it has only changed its veneer.

Faithful Christians have been their only counter, so they cajoled many Christian clery into socialism, who followed blindly in exchange for notoriety, accolades, dinner party invitations, sexual favors and haughty resumes.

One heretofore unknown actor in this tragedy is Phil Whitwell Wilson, son of a London Bible publisher turned socialist advocate of the “social gospel” to replace the Christian Church; his double-knighted Hope Simpson family conspired with him to set Palestine's policy, form the League of Nations and the United Nations.

P. Whitwell Wilson’s socialist influence spans Bolshevism, communism, Salvation Army, Y.M.C.A., Vladimir Lenin, journalism, spying, propaganda, human and drug trafficking, money laundering, United Nations, "Five Eyes"—whatever it took to destroy Christian opposition.

Notice to readers: We have solid supporting evidence for everything we discuss herein. We decided to err on getting these facts out, then providing the supporting links over the next several weeks. You are invited to return. There is a lot to unpack here.

Bookmark: #philip-whitwell-wilson |
Click image to play the video. If the video does not play, click the link below it.
Gabriel, McKibben. (Aug. 26, 2021). The British War on Christianity. AmerIcan Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation.
Fig. 2Gabriel, McKibben. (Aug. 26, 2021). The British War on Christianity. AmerIcan Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp4 video file).

Fig. 3Gabriel, McKibben. (Aug. 26, 2021). The British War on Christianity - AFTER SHOW. American Intelligence Media, Americans for Innovation. (Raw *.mp4 video file).

Bookmarks: #ramolad |

Fig. 4Gabriel, McKibben. (Sep. 22, 2021). The Long British Empire and Bankers' Hold Over America and the World and How to End it, Report 261. Ramola D. (Raw *.mp4 video file).

Videos: AIM/AFI.

(Aug. 24, 2021)Honest people see it. America is unraveling morally.

Empathy has faded. 65 millions innocent babies have been murdered and are being dismembered for profit. TV now openly promotes family-species-destroying sexuality. Banks and mutual funds are funding endless wars to feed human trafficking in fresh refugee meat. Too many "churches" and NGOs play along. Propaganda false flags fool the unsuspecting. Fake news. Suffering children are mere propaganda sound bites. NGOs speak peace but foment war. Spies smuggle drugs, launder money and blackmail politicians. Bankers tip judges and bureaucrats, then blackmail them. The mockingbird press lies. Other churches hide behind the Johnson Amendment excuse for not becoming a moral voice against this depravity.

America was founded as a Christian country, intentionally. Founder John Adams emphasized this to the Massachusetts Militia on Oct. 11, 1798 in Quincy (south of Boston).

America was founded as a Christian country, intentionally. Founder John Adams emphasized this to the Massachusetts Militia on Oct. 11, 1798 in Quincy (south of Boston):

“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”

In the same speech, Adams, a Congregationalist Christian and son of a deacon, said that no government is capable of contending with human passions [if they are] "unbridled by morality and Religion." His hearers knew that he was referring to Christian morality and religion.

In other words, John Adams said that the American Constitution needs Christianity to function.

We struggled about using our negative headline about the British. It confronts 200 years of propaganda and brainwashing about our “special relationship.”

We found ourselves wading through a lifetime of pro-British propaganda in our heads trying to convince us we were wrong. However, the facts are what they are, as you will read below.

Most Americans in the 18th century despised the British Crown's taxation without representation.

Americans did not always think Britain was special.

We used to think the British monarch was a tyrant. Truth is, he/she was then and still is. We are not referring to the British people or British Christians, but rather their tyrannical government that turned demonic many centuries ago—the moment they made slavery (black, brown, white and yellow) an integral part of their economy and lifestyle, that continues to this day.

The difference now is that in 1909 at the First Imperial Press Conference, the British Pilgrims Society seized control of intelligence, propaganda and the ability to fund fake wars by “creating” and “guiding” public opinion . . .

. . . like a dog on a leash.

With intelligence and propaganda well in hand, by 1915 Britain began pumping pro-British stories into America and suppressing all others (paid for by Andrews Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller—and their mentor, Lord Rothschild, back in London through the Empire Press Union, today called BBC, Reuters and Associated Press). See also "J.P. Morgan Controls Major Newspaper Editorial Policy."

Over this last 100 years, that has worked. Netflix has always been totally Anglophile, as is NBC (Peacock, MSNBC, CNBC), ABC, CBS, CNN, NPR, PBS, BBC, New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, L.A. Times, etc. They’re all sycophantic British propaganda mouthpieces. Take note of how many British accents now flood our airwaves. They are vastly over represented for a country the size of Ohio and population of California + Texas.

In fact, it was not until the end of World War II that Anglo-American agents of the British Pilgrims Society had so infiltrated American communications infrastructure, the U.S. Navy and State Department that the current British takeover was set in motion.

This is not to say that Congress did not push back. They did. But that push back is now virtually gone.

For example:

In 1935, Congress challenged the 1919 dictatorial actions of former deputy Navy secretary Franklin D. Roosevelt’s Pilgrims Society order to merge British Marconi Wireless technology into the American communications infrastructure to form Radio Communications of America (RCA) with AT&T, Westinghouse, General Electric (GE), Western Electric, United Fruit Company (Central and South America). Marconi Wireless was already a global monopoly controlled by the British Admiralty and Post Office. Thousands of patents were confiscated in this Roosevelt order, setting the pattern for future wholesale theft and weaponization of patents when the Pilgrims wanted them to maintain their corporate monopolies.

Lillian Scott Troy. (Feb. 17, 24, 1912). The 24-step Imperial British Pilgrims Society Federation Strategy to Return America under British Rule with preamble by Hon. J. Thorkelson, MN, 1940. The San. Fran. Leader, GPO, George Mason.
Fig. 5—Lillian Scott Troy was a courageous American suffragette and investigative journalist living in London ca. 1900-1918. On Nov. 13, 1919, Ms. Troy was deported from the United Kingdom—two days after WWI ended—because she dug too deeply into the corruption of British and American Pilgrims Society. Ms. Troy was the perennial target of Pilgrim propaganda attacks and smears in both the U.S. and British press. She focused her investigations on the evident corruption and treason of Andrew Carnegie, J. P. Morgan and the Anglo-American (British) Pilgrims Society, that she (and many at the time) saw as undermining the sovereignty of the American Republic. Their voices have largely been silenced by the mockingbird Pilgrims Society-controlled world press, until now.

In 1940, Rep. Jacob Thorkelson Disclosures (MT 1st 1939-41) challenged the infiltration of the British Pilgrims Society into every phase of American government, media and commerce.

Thorkelson preserved the brave 1912 investigative journalism of Ms. Lillian Scott Troy who was investigating Andrew Carnegie, J.P. Morgan and the Anglo-American interlocking bank and corporate directorates.

From 1914-50, Congress consistently challenged the interlocking directorates of multi-national corporations that were monopolizing commerce and industry through the globalist banks of the British Pilgrims Society. (Congressional Records: 1917, 1939, 1940, , 1955). For example: Feb. 09, 1917 (PDF, p. 54):

"In March 1915, the J.P. Morgan interests, the steel, ship-building, and [gun]powder interests, and their subsidiary organizations, got together 12 men high up in the newspaper world . . . They found it was only necessary to purchase the control of 25 of the greatests papers" which they did."

Notably, each time the Congressional investigations into the corrupt and treasonous "Interlocking Relationships" were gathering steam that might lead to indictments, a war broke out, magically, some where in the world.

These people start wars to hide their demonic activity

For example, while the Mead Committee 538-pg. REPORT OF THE FEDERAL TRADE COMMISSION ON INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATES was literally at the Government Printing Office being printed and set for release on Jun. 30, 1950, the (U.N.-directed) Korean War started on Jun. 25, 1950—five days earlier—where nearly 5 million souls died so these interlocking companies could avoid Congressional accountability, profit and consolidate British U.N. power.

INTERLOCKING DIRECTORATES: The Korean War "false flag" was staged to divert world attention from this 538 pg. report exposing the British new world order agenda
James M. Mead, Chairman. (Jun. 30, 1950). Report on Interlocking Directorates, p. 22. U.S Federal Trade Commission.
Fig. 6James M. Mead, Chairman. (Jun. 30, 1950). Report on Interlocking Directorates, p. 22. U.S Federal Trade Commission.

Note: Whenever one sees American "J.P. Morgan" one must think British "Lord N.M. Rothschild" (Nathan Mayer), his mentor and Pilgrims Society controller. British Prime Minister Lord Rosebery married Hannah Rothschild and inherited the N.M. Rothschild banking fortune in 1890 when Hannah died at 39 years old of typhoid fever. Typhoid was then the subject of intense Burroughs Wellcome experimentation as a British bioweapon using Wellcome biolabs housed on the Lord Pirbright estate—the current home of The Pirbright Institute, holder of the Coronavirus patent).

Henry S. Wellcome. (ca. Jun. 1909). THE EVOLUTION OF JOURNALISM ETCETERA, Souvenir of the INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE, LONDON, 1909, Hon. President Lord Burnham (Sir Edward Levy-Lawson, Baron, The Daily Telegraph), 371 pgs., PDF p. 236. Burroughs Wellcome.
Fig. 7Henry S. Wellcome. (ca. Jun. 1909). THE EVOLUTION OF JOURNALISM ETCETERA, Souvenir of the INTERNATIONAL PRESS CONFERENCE, LONDON, 1909, Hon. President Lord Burnham (Sir Edward Levy-Lawson, Baron, The Daily Telegraph), 371 pgs., PDF p. 236. Burroughs Wellcome (now GlaxoSmithKline - GSK).

Also in 1890 (coincidence?), J.P. Morgan's father, Junius Spencer Morgan, died on Apr. 08, 1890 in an alleged car accident in Monte Carlo. Magically, the world's two leading banking tycoons died in the same year and propelled soon-to-be British lord privy counsellor president and prime minister Lord Rosebery, and J.P. Morgan into the control of British and American banking for the Society of the Elect cum Round Table cum Pilgrims Society.

Rosebery, a notorious non-Jew homosexual, was allied closely with homosexual J.P. Morgan, and homosexuals W.T. Stead and Cecil Rhodes' Society of the Elect, Round Table, and co-founded the Pilgrims Society in 1902. A maternal Rothschild, Lord Pirbright (Baron Henry de Worms), was minister of trade and the colonies who worked in lockstep with Rhodes and the British South Africa Company. He also organized the theft of Nikolai Tesla's wireless telegraphy inventions using a Churchill, homosexual MP Charles F.G. Masterman (later director of the British War Propaganda Bureau–Wellington House, 1914-16). The interlocking homosexual Rothschild relationships who controlled/control Britain are unmistakable.

Pilgrims Communist infiltration at the State Department and U.N. proven years before the McCarthy hearings

Why have these meticulous proofs been ignored by our history lessons, excoriated as "conspiracy theories." Have our reasoning faculties been turned into mush by incessant, well-researched Tavistock Institute (London) brain washing techniques? Yes, unequivocally.

In 1950, the McCarran Senate Judiciary Committee challenged the infiltration of communist influences through the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) that was, guided by British Chatham House (an agency staffed with known communists from the London School of Economics, MI6), creating State Department policy and had organized the United Nations in 1946.

The Senate Judiciary Comittee convened the McCarran Committee to investigate the communist infiltration of the U.N. and State Department as directed by British Chatham House, sometimes called the British Council of the IPR, and also called the Royal Institute of International Affairs.

Several watershed moments in this agenda were:

  1. The establishment of the United Nations in San Francisco on Oct. 24, 1945 by American communists at the State Department—the entire event was organized by the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) that was secretly directed by British Chatham House (the Pilgrims Society) out of London using State Department shills, all hiding inside the Y.M.C.A.;
  2. The establishment of intelligence sharing in 1946 among British and American spy agencies now called “Five Eyes” (in parallel with the establishment of the C.I.A. in 1947)—not even American policy makers were to be told about the existence of Five Eyes; euphamistically called the "special relationship;" and
  3. The funding of the Marshall Plan by these IPR communist State Department forces at the U.N. along with William J. Donovan, Office of Strategic Services (OSS) imminently to become the C.I.A. run by British MI6 via the "special relationship."

American Christians gave up the fight in the face of Fabian "nudging"

At some point, Christians in America gave up the fight against this immoral British onslaught. We’ve wondered when this happened. The answer is that it happened gradually, in true Fabian form.

The Fabian socialists of the 1880’s in London developed a strategy sometimes called "gradualism," “incrementalism” or “nudging.” Cecil Rhodes and the Pilgrims Society adopted it. In contrast to calling for violent socialist revolutions, the Fabians called for gradual takeovers where socialist ideas are introduced into a society in drips, like Chinese water torture. Drip. Drip. Drip.

Philip Whitwell Wilson
Fig. 8—Philip Whitwell Wilson (1875-1956). This photo was taken ca. 1905, age ca. 30.

Enter Philip Whitwell Wilson

Into the London socialist milieu of the late 1800s entered a young Cambridge graduate named Philip Whitwell Wilson.

By then, the Y.M.C.A. was already 55 years old and the Salvation Army was 35 years old. Both organizations were spanning the planet by then. The budgets, personnel and physical plants were so enormous that they were either a testament to Christian faith, or they were part of a well-financed Pilgrims Society colonization hiding behind Christianity. It was the latter.

Whitwell Wilson was enamored by the “settlement movement” socialist model of the notoriously homosexual philosopher John Ruskin. Ruskin advocated common-property socialist communities run by benevolent leaders.

The "Social Gospel" was a Pilgrims scheme to destroy Christian opposition to British corporatist new world order demonic domination

Click photo to enlarge.William Thomas ("W.T.") Stead.
Fig. 9—William Thomas ("W.T.") Stead (46 MB). Primary British advocate for the usurping of a hackneyed Church and governments by newspaper propagandists. The curly bolo in his photo is believed to signal his bisexuality to readers.

The first communities to implement Ruskin’s commun-ist theories were universities (Toynbee Hall) and the Salvation Army. The Salvationists” pivoted dramatically in 1890 under the influence of necromancer W.T. Stead, a member of Cecil Rhodes "Society of the Elect" inner circle, to embrace a “social gospel” where talk of social brotherhood and peace replaced talk of eternal salvation in Jesus Christ.

In 1890, with the publishing In Darkest England and the Way Out the Salvation Army took a hard left political turn into the settlement movement “social gospel” brotherhood and peace philosophy with the encouragement of author, publisher and spiritualist W.T. Stead and Lord Rothschild funds.

This Ruskin/W.T. Stead “social gospel” idea bifurcated Christianity into eternal salvation and social salvation where “Christians” could advocate for social brotherhood and peace without believing in Jesus Christ. The spiritualist Stead also believed in necromancy – talking to the dead, so one can only imagine the demonic teachings that crept into the Salvation Army from his influence.

As stated earlier, in this “social gospel” mix were Fabians (est. 1884) who advocated the idea of “nudging” humanity into socialism in incremental, gradual, nudged steps rather than by revolution. This nudging became a strategic element in Cecil Rhodes’ 200-year plan once he took charge of the British South African Company in 1889. W.T. Stead, P. Whitwell Wilson's journalism mentor, was the sole benefactor in Rhodes’ first will.

Another key element in this new approach to a newly-minted socialist Christianity was sodomy (Brit. buggery), rape and pedophilia.

British slavers knew from hundreds of years of practice that an absolute requirement to maintain a slave economy was to emasculate their men, rape their women and traffick their children.

Besides keeping slaves poor, British slavers institutionalized sodomy (buggery) and raped the slave women. These practices were modernized inside the Y.M.C.A. and Salvation Army as a way to control their new white and yellow slaves. By placing these dehumanizing practices under the name “Christian,” Christianity was further diminished as a moral force.

Many Christians have been Tempted, blackmailed into silence and acquiescence

When one adds unlimited funding from the Rothschilds and Barclays Banks, and the sexual pleasures dangled in front of Christian leaders, it is understandable how quickly these British and American banking demons were able to subdue the one belief system that had opposed and would continue to oppose their immorality.

Whitwell and his Pilgrims Society conspirators knew all about the biblical Mark of the Beast – 666. They knew real Christians opposed and would continue to oppose any attempt to form a one-world order British corporatist empire. Therefore, it was imperative in the Rhodes 200-year plan that Christianity must be destroyed, or at least neutralized and silenced as a moral counter-force.

P. Whitwell Wilson graduated from Cambridge University and moved into Toynbee Hall ca. 1898—the first socialist settlement movement community closely affiliated with the Salvation Army. This was at the time privy councilor Cecil Rhodes was establishing the British South Africa Company and London-trained “Salvationists” were being shipped to colonize South Africa to replace the blacks and Boers during the 1st and 2nd Boer Wars.

Rhodes’ Society of the Elect viewed “Salvationists” as paramilitary soldiers in their idyllic socialist corporatist state funded by N.M. Rothschild and Lord Pirbright—a Rothschild by blood, Lord Rosebery—a Rothschild by inheritance, and J.P. Morgan, Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Vanderbilts—Rothschilds by grooming.

The primary Pilgrims "Society of the Elect" spiritual strategist and journalist, W.T. Stead, certainly saw Wilson as a godsend to his "Government by Journalism" theory for having journalism control populations instead of legislatures. Stead and Alfred Milner introduced Wilson to a young Vladimir Lenin at Toynbee Hall.

Wilson was a uniquely gifted writer. Stead no doubt saw Wilson's intimate knowledge of the Bible and the Church as vital to the socialist propaganda cause.

P. Whitwell Wilson’s mother, Anne Bagster, was a renowned Bible publisher—Bagster & Sons (Christian Literature, 1894, 56 MB). In 1816, the company was the first to publish an annotated “polyglot” Bible. They broke the Crown’s monopoly on Bible printing by including annotations and cross references. Anne's grandfather Samuel Bagster (d. 1772-1851), declined a knighthood proffered by King William IV.

In 1821, the Bagsters published an “octaglot” edition of the Book of Common Prayer (in English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, ancient Greek, modern Greek, and Latin). In 1828, they published a cross-reference Bible containing six languages. In 1841, they published the six most important English versions of the New Testament combined together, being those of Wycliffe (1380), Tyndale (1534), Cranmer (1539), the Genevan (1557), the Anglo-Rhemish (1582), and the authorized King James (1611), together with the Scholz Greek text, and a valuable historical account of the English translations. Another noteworthy publication was the large-scale “Bible of every land” supplying specimens of over 270 different languages and versions.

In short, P. Whitwell Wilson was raised in a family steeped in Christianity and Christian theology and praxis.

However, the P. Whitwell Wilson side of the family was equally steeped in the aristocracy. His grandfather, John Jowitt Wilson (1809-1875), was alderman and mayor for the Borough and County of Westmoreland and (barony of) Kendal that dated from Roman times.

John Jowitt Wilson (Dec. 22, 1809, m. Apr. 12, 1832, d. 1875) married Hannah Maria Whitwell (1810-Feb. 16, 1875). One of their sons, Isaac Whitwell Wilson, was born in Jan. 13, 1833 and died Mar. 4, 1881 at age 48. Issac Wilson was a judge (“J.P.” justice of the peace) in Kendal. Isaac married Anne Bagster, daughter of Jonathan Bagster, Bagster & Sons Bible publishing family.

PHILIP WHITWELL WILSON ancestry records:
Birth confirmation, U.S. WWI Draft
1901 UK Census
1911 UK Census
1919 U.S. NY Ship Travel Manifest
1925 New York Census
1930 U.S. Federal Census.
1936 Binghamton, N.Y.

In 1881, when son Philip Whitwell Wilson was six years old, his father Issac died. As a result, P. Whitwell Wilson was raised by his well-known Bagster Bible publishing mother, Anne Whitwell Wilson (née Bagster).

P. Whitwell Wilson’s  sister, Mary Whitwell Wilson (1883-Jun. 10, 1947), married (Sir) James Hope Simpson, Esq. (Nov. 4, 1864–m. ca. 1890–Oct. 06, 1924). Simpson was the brother of Sir John Hope Simpson, general manager of the Bank of Liverpool, Ltd. (now Barclays Bank, key beneficiary of the Rothschild slaver-owner buyout in 1836 and chief funder of the Y.M.C.A. in 1844).

Y.M.C.A. Liverpool Central, Annual Report, 1917
Y.M.C.A. Liverpool Central UK. (1917). Annual Report. YMCA Archives.
Fig. 10Y.M.C.A. Liverpool Central UK. (1917). Annual Report. YMCA Archives.Source:

Sir James was a long-time president/trustee/chairman of the Y.M.C.A. Liverpool (Central ca. 1893-1924 31 yrs.). Sir James' brother Sir John was intimately involved with the British War Cabinet in the establishment and promotion of the League of Nations.

Sir John, Sir James' brother, became Britian's chief banker pitchman after WWI to get American resources and get America to join the League of Nations.

(Sir) James Hope Simpson, Esq.; Chairman; Y.M.C.A. Liverpool Central (1893-1924); Y.M.C.A. Liverpool Central UK (1896), PDF p. 86. Annual Reports; Photo: Nov. 16, 1896.
Fig. 11—(Sir) James Hope Simpson, Esq.; Chairman; Y.M.C.A. Liverpool Central (1893-1924—31 yrs.); attorney, banker, Bank of Liverpool; primary financial advisor, League of Nations, PDF p. 86. Annual Reports; Brother of Sir John Hope Simpson. Photo: Nov. 16, 1896.

Sir James and Sir John Hope Simpson are brothers-in-law of Philip Whitwell Wilson via Mary Whitwell Wilson who married James and became Lady Mary W. Hope Simpson in 1917.

Truth is, the Y.M.C.A. Liverpool was a major supplier of white and yellow slave labor to the global shipping Pilgrims Society companies. Sir James as the Y's chairman and banker to many shipping companies, was just watching over his slave labor pipeline. He was eventually knighted for his treachery in 1917.

Click image to enlarge
Sir John Hope Simpson, 1922.
Fig. 12—Sir John Hope Simpson. (1868-1961); Brother of Sir James Hope Simpson. In addition to his League of Nations and United Nations refugee manipulation re. Palestine, Sir John used the Y.M.C.A. to press the British Pilgrims Society hegemony globally, hiding behind a fake Christianity through the Y.M.C.A.

Sir John gives away his jingoism and non-Christian vocabulary:

For example, in 1910 Sir John published a 15-page instruction manual for the Y.M.C.A. titled "The Layman Abroad." The pamphlet exudes British jingoism and a fake Christianity with phrases like refering to a church staff person as a "professional agent of the Church." In the opening paragraph he talks awkwardly about "the cause of Christianity in the East or in Africa." No real Christian would say that. He refers to a fellow missionary as a "fellow-exile" who should start reading and exercise (at the Y.M.C.A.) so as not to be lonely when away from the "pleasures" of England. He promotes the Y.M.C.A. as a "provision for the British layman abroad" and a gathering place for men of "his own race." He refers to Y.M.C.A. missions as a "secular calling." Photo: NPR UK. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Click images to enlarge
Sir John Hope Simpson. (1910). The layman abroad. YMCA Red Triangle Press.See Sir John Hope Simpson. (1910). The layman abroad. YMCA The Red Triangle Press.

Sir John Hope Simpson. (1910). The layman abroad. YMCA Red Triangle Press. Sir John Hope Simpson was a soldier for the Pilgrims Society, Chatham House and the Rockefeller Foundation. See Michelle Tusan. (2012). Smyrna’s Ashes: Humanitarianism, Genocide and the Birth of the Middle East, re. Sir John Hope Simpson, Chatham House, Rockefeller Foundation, p. 236, 268 pgs. University of California Press.

Notably, Wikipedia does not mention: (1) Sir James Hope Simpson's marriage to Mary Whitwell Wilson, (2) that Sir John Hope Simpson, promoter of refugee programs for the League of Nations and U.N., was Sir James' four-year younger brother, (3) Sir James' 31-year trustee/chairman/presidency of the Y.M.C.A. Liverpool Central, (4) that MP Philip Whitwell Wilson was his brother-in-law, and co-founder of the Pilgrims Society, Empire Press Union, MI6, MI5 and GC&CS now GCHQ, Institute of Pacific Relations, Y.M.C.A. International strategist, co-founder of the United Nations. These ommisions border on criminal censorship.

In 1923, Sir John became a League of Nation expert on refugees.

In 1931, Sir John became director-general of the National Flood Relief Commission for the government of the Republic of China.

In 1938-39, Sir John produced two reports in 1938-1939 for Chatham House (Institute of Pacific Relations, British Council) on refugees.

Sir John was a notorious British Zionist, who allied with Sir Alfred Mond, Pilgrims Society co-founder; president of Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI), to monopolize the gunpowder industry with Alfred Nobel. In 1994, ICI created AstraZeneca.

In 1930, Sir John prepared a Memorandum on Immigration to Israel for the British Mandate.

In 1947, Sir John helped prepare a report for the United Nations Special Committee on Palestine.

Contextual Note: In 1979, British Pilgrims Society leader Lord Mark Malloch-Brown continued the curiously intense globalist interest in refugees when he became a chief of field operations for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR),  Thailand Field Operations for Cambodian Refugees (Camps SaKhao-I-Dang). Then, Malloch-Brown became a UNHCR deputy chief; received a Nobel Prize for this work; then in 1991, he co-founded the International Crisis Group (ICG) with George Soros. Malloch-Brown is the current chairman of the election rigging voting machine company SGO Smartmatic in London. Smartmatic licenses its OpTech election ballot scanning software to Dominion, ES&S, Hart InterCivic, Diebold, Sequoia, Scytl and Paragon Group.

If you start thinking of refugees as walking human meat lockers for cheap slave labor and organ harvesting, then you start to understand this disingenuous concern for their welfare. Also in 1995, Privy Councilor Sir Geoffrey Pattie (former CEO of RCA, Marconi Plc, sold to British Aerospace) took over control of the British patent office.

Lord Mark Malloch-Brown implements Stalin's (Britain's) communist form of elections via Dominion, Smartmatic, Optech, Dominion, Sequoia, Hart InterCivic, ES&S, Scytl, Paragon Group
Boris Bazhanov (Борис Бажанов). (1992). The Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary (Воспоминания бывшего секретаря Сталина), electronic version: A. Panfilov (А. Панфилов), p. 67, ¶1, ISBN 5-86442-004-2, PDF pp. 35-36, 145 pgs. World Word (Всемирное слово), St. Petersburg.
Fig. 13Boris Bazhanov (Борис Бажанов). (1992). The Memoirs of Stalin’s Former Secretary (Воспоминания бывшего секретаря Сталина), electronic version: A. Panfilov (А. Панфилов), p. 67, ¶1, ISBN 5-86442-004-2, PDF pp. 35-36, 145 pgs. World Word (Всемирное слово), St. Petersburg.

P. Whitwell Wilson's newspaper mentor, W.T. Stead, led the dramatic secular left turn of the Salvation Army in 1890 with the publication of In Darkest England and the Way Out, ostensibly by founder Sir George Williams. This book and its associated full-color poster titled the "Salvation Army Social Campaign." Stead promoted the "social gospel" where a "human Christ and no Holy Trinity, and that 'Protestants are going to work with Unitarians and Secularists!'" to supposedly broaden the appeal of real Christians.

Even clergy in 1894 saw that Stead's unChristian theology was "the Church of our friend Mr. Stead" and not the "Church of our Lord Jesus Christ."

In 1886 Stead promoted "Government by Journalism" since he concluded that newspapermen had better intelligence on the pulse of society than governments.

Then in 1894, Stead demeaned local Christian pastors as "aweful idiots" while boasting that these pastors mostly preached sermons keyed off of his admittedly "senationalized" newspaper news. He was ridiculing the suggestion that his newspapers should print the Sunday sermons on Monday. By then, his co-conspirator Cecil J. Rhodes has been appointed to the Privy Council and was establishing the British South Africa Company takeover of the British Parliament.

Necromancer W.T. Stead said: Newspapers are better than churches and governments to "guide" and "create" public opinion

Stead saw his newspaper editorials as better that Sunday sermons, and better than Parliament for guiding public opinion.

P. Whitwell Wilson evidently knew the Bible—like few young Cambridge students in history.

His Bagster family Bible publishing activity would have been arduous and peopled with theologians from every denomination and jurisdiction in Christendom, clerics, preachers, linguists, archeologists, translators, librarians, historians, curators, explorers, museums, archivists, antiquarians, academics, educators, politicians, editors, binders, printers, advertisers and writers, not to mention financiers.

The discussions and debates that a young Philip W. Wilson would have over heard were meaty, lively, scholarly and went on for months and years.

This writer knows this first hand, having played small parts in the publishing of an annotated study Bible in the U.S. and one in Estonia. In short, the level of editorial criticism in Bible publishing must be intense in order to be credible. Bagsters’ books were widely acclaimed because they were no doubt as accurate as possible in the day.

Having been steeped in Christian traditions, P. Whitwell Wilson would certainly been exposed to the best and worst of the Christian world—exposed to both its saints and its scoundrels.

In the same way an unscrupulous lawyer can exploit the weaknesses of the legal system for personal gain, P. Whitwell Wilson was uniquely positioned to use his publishing platforms at the Pilgrims Society, London Daily News, Y.M.C.A., Institute of Pacific Relations (Chatham House), Salvation Army, The New York Times and the United Nations to take down Christianity with Fabian-inspired incrementalism, gradualism or nudging.

Pilgrims Society, Fabianism, settlement movement, Vladimir Lenin, Bolshevism, Ruskin, Salvation Army, Cecil Rhodes, Society of the Elect, Toynbee Hall

First, P. Whitwell Wilson was attracted to the first Ruskin settlement movement house at Toynbee Hall. It was modeled on the common-property and "social gospel" concepts of the redirected Salvation Army in 1890. At Toynbee Hall, the young Cambridge student Wilson was schooled in the virtues of dialectic materialism by an anti-Christian Bolshevik Russian émigré named Vladimir Lenin ca. 1900.

Within a few years, 1902-1912. Philip Whitwell Wilson hosted Lenin in his home while Lenin was attending the 3rd Congress of the Russian Social Democratic Labour Party conference.

Philip Whitwell Wilson disclosed that by 1902, he was being schooled by Vladimir Lenin himself in Bolshevism at Toynbee Hall, the community of the “settlement movement” started by John Ruskin. The socialist Fabian Society movement essentially emerged from Ruskin. Lord Alfred Milner and the members of Rhodes’ Society of the Elect (including George and Bramwell Williams, Salvation Army founders) were early proponents of Ruskin’s socialist philosophy.

RIGHT REV. HENRY CODMAN POTTER, b. 1834, d. 1908 suspiciously from possible viral poisoning; trustee, Columbia University (1903-1908); lionized in the New York and British press as an exemplary Anglophile; Co-founder, honorary secretary, Pilgrims Society (1903-07); proponent of the “Social Gospel” (eg., John Ruskin - Victorian commun-ism); Bishop of the Episcopal (Anglican) diocese on New York (1883-1908); too many awarded doctorates of divinity, laws, arts from Oxford, Cambridge (Cantab. - selected preacher), St. Andrews, Yale, Harvard, Bishops, Union, Trinity, Brown, Kenyon, South, Columbia to be actually earned (evident Pilgrims cardboard cut out); spouses Eliza Rogers Rogers (m. 1858, d. 1901), Elizabeth Scriven (m. 1902); President, Kenyon College (1862); five daughters, one son. Photo Source: The Pilgrims Society; Other Source: Pittsburgh; Daily Post, pp. 1,4. Jul. 22, 1908.
Fig. 14—RIGHT REV. HENRY CODMAN POTTER, b. 1834, d. 1908; trustee, Columbia University (1903-1908); lionized in the American and British press as a quinessential American anglophile; Co-founder, honorary secretary, Pilgrims Society (1903-07); proponent of the “social Gospel” (e.g., John Ruskin - Victorian commun-ism, liberation theology); Bishop of the Episcopal (Anglican) diocese on New York (1883-1908); too many awarded doctorates of divinity, laws, arts from Oxford (Oxon.), Cambridge (Cantab.), St. Andrews, Yale, Harvard, Bishops, Union, Trinity, Brown, Kenyon, South, Columbia to be actually earned (evident Pilgrims cardboard cut out); spouses Eliza Rogers Rogers (m. 1858, d. 1901), Elizabeth Scriven (m. 1902); President, Kenyon College (1862); five daughters, one son. Photo Source: The Pilgrims Society; Other Sources: The Columbian, Columbia University; Pittsburgh Daily Post, pp. 1,4. Jul. 22, 1908.

1902 was the same year that the raging 2nd Boer War stopped suddenly after the premature death of Cecil Rhodes, Queen Victoria had died, and the perpetrators rushed home from South Africa to found the Pilgrims Society.

Concurrently, the first president of the Pilgrims Society of the United States (1903-07), Bishop Henry Codman Potter, Columbia University Trustee, was busy filling journals, pulpits, bulletins, newspapers, magazines, speeches and textbooks with his rapacious legitimization of the W.T. Stead's necromantic "social gospel" desecration of Christianity.

Pilgrims Society, First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, Empire Press Union (Reuters, AP), MI6, MI5, GC&CS now GCHQ

Second, Philip Whitwell Wilson was a Parliamentary sponsor of the Pilgrims Society-organized First Imperial Press Conference, 1909 between Jun. 06-28, 1909. His co-conspirators were Lord Burnham, president (Daily Telegraph, owner); Lord Northcliffe (Daily Mail, owner); (Sir) Harry Brittain, honorary secretary). (Sir) Harry Wellcome, Burroughs Wellcome (now GlaxoSmithKline). Wellcome Trust bankrolled the entire event (and is now the largest private pharmaceutical foundation on the planet).

The Conference established the Empire Press Union (Reuters, Associated Press) as the sole voice of global British Empire policy that could be broadcast in minutes by undersea cable and the emerging British Wireless monopoly fronted by Marconi (stolen from Nikola Tesla). In other words, they established the one-world communications system in 1909. This sytem has different brand names today (British Telecom, Orange, Marconi, AT&T, RCA, NBC, CBS, BBC, Cable & Wireless, Deutsche Telecom, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint, etc.), but it all rolls back up to the British Admiralty and Home Office directed by the Pilgrims Society.

Within a month following the Conference (Jun. 5-28, 1909), Prime Minister H.H. Asquith (Carrie Johnson’s illegitimate baby grand daddy) moved Parliament to found MI6, MI5 and GC&CS now GCHQ with newspapermen from the Conference to be Britain’s first spies who would create and disseminate British Pilgrims propaganda from London. These spies include newspapermen from The New York Times, Washington Post, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, Daily Telegraph, London Times, Daily Mail, London Observer and Los Angeles Times, including P. Whitwell Wilson.

London Daily News, The New York Times, Wilson's move to New York, Pilgrims Society, English-Speaking Union, American Bureau of Foreign Correspondents, Chatham House, RCA, NBC, BBC, Council on Foreign Relations, Institute of Pacific Relations, Marshall Plan, World Bank, IMF, Bank for International Settlements, United Nations, Five Eyes, MI6

Whitwell Wilson emgirated to the United States in 1917 with his American wife and three British-born children, just months after his friend and protégé, Vladimir Lenin, had taken over Russia and established the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.) in the Bolshevik Revolution.

Wilson then went on a tear of publishing books and articles and giving speeches to cajole the Christian world to implement the “social gospel” of brotherhood and peace and forsake Christ’s penultimate call to eternal salvation of one’s soul.

Here are just some of his writings, but with them you can take the measure of the man:

  1. Liberty and religion: a reply to certain bishops (1906)
  2. The Christ We Forget (1917)
  3. By This Sign Conquer (1918)
  4. Two Ancient Red Cross Tales (1918)
  5. The Church We Forget (1919)
  6. The Barnetts of Toynbee Hall (1919)
  7. After-the-War Religion in England (1919)
  8. The Vision We Forget (1921)
  9. The Crisis in the Anglican Church (1925)
  10. Divorce and the Church (1927)
  11. A Benevolent Incendiary (1932)
  12. For Honest Capitalism (1933)
  13. Deans, Dogmas, and the Deity (1934)
  14. General Evangeline Booth of the Salvation Army (1935)
  15. Four Evangelists of the Twentieth Century (1948)

Concurrently, Whitwell Wilson’s communist collaborator, Lord Burnham, owner of Daily Telegraph, co-founder of Pilgrims Society, chairman of the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909, president of the Empire Press Union, toured the United States on behalf of the Empire Press Union and the British Pilgrims Society.

  1. British editor to be honored during visit (Jan. 01, 1923) (Lord Burnham speaking at the Pilgrims Society and English-speaking Union)
  2. Press responsibility as Lord Burnham sees it (Jan. 20, 1923) (Speech the Association of Foreign Press Correspondents where Philip Whitwell Wilson was president)
  3. Foreign writers hosts to Lord Burnham (Jan. 27, 1923) (Association of Foreign Press Correspondents where Philip Whitwell Wilson was president)
  4. Burnham favors Anglo-American press junta (Jan. 27, 1923) (identifies Empire Press Union, Imperial Press Conference, 1923, English-speaking Union, International Press Congress of the World, Associated Press, Banker’s Club (NY), Pilgrims Society)
  5. VISCOUNT BURNHAM: PRESS EDITORS “GUIDE” PUBLIC OPINION (Mar. 03, 1923) (In 1909, Sir Edward Grey, Lord Burnham’s collaborator in the First Imperial Press Conference, 1909—A Parliament of the Press, said at the Conference that the Press is ”the greatest force in forming public opinion.
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In 1924-1925, Philip Whitwell Wilson began publishing a 3-page article every month for a year in Association Men during the run up to the Y.M.C.A.-organized Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) Jun. 30-Jul. 14, 1925.

Inverted Christian Theology

He also published an anti-Christian screed carrying the innocuous title An Unofficial Statesmen where he openly inverts Christian theology as the purest messenger of socialism, communism and "democracy" (rather than a republic). See Fig. 14 below.

Philip Whitwell Wilson's favorite rhetorical technique was to interview Pilgrims Society insiders and use alleged quotes of the person he was lionizing to support his socialist agenda.

In An Unofficial Statesman alone, Whitwell Wilson jammed it with favorable comments about many of his Pilgrims Society co-conspirators, including Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, Jr. (“And there was a rich young man, eager för the Kingdom of Heaven, called John D. Rockefeller. Jr.”), Roosevelt, Harvard, Oxford, Yale, Cambridge, Union Theological Seminary, William Booth (YMCA) (Rhodes’ Society of the Elect), George Vanderbilt, Cardinal Manning (Rhodes’ Society of the Elect), James Bryce, Lloyd George, Pilgrims Society, Chamber of Commerce, Red Cross, Elihu Root, Russell Sage, Woodrow Wilson and YMCA.

Phil Whitwell Wilson inverted Christian theology to promote communism, Socialism & democracy (not a republic) (for the masses, not the classes)
Philip Whitwell Wilson. (1924). An Unofficial Statesmen - Robert C. Ogden, 325 pgs., ("Christianity is a democracy, a Socialism, a Communism "),  p. 162. Country Life Press, Doubleday, Page & Company. TRANSCRIPT: "The difficulty with many excellent people who are going to Heaven on the Limited Vestibule Pullman train, with reserved seats, for which they pay high prices, is that they are in utter ignorance of the fact that Christianity is a democracy, a Socialism, a Communism in tbe broadest and most absolute sense, and also fail to absorb the truth that general social life, and association in Christian Service, have no relation to each other. Experience in England shows that the British type of Christianity is in this respect far more healthy than the American, and I assert, without fear of contradiction, that it has remained for republican and democratic United States of America to construct a miserable aristocracy of religion such as the world has never yet seen, and that such an aristocracy as expressed in our churches, established by the swell classes, exists, is the greatest obstacle to the progress of the Gospel in this country. Many people…"
Fig. 15Philip Whitwell Wilson. (1924). An Unofficial Statesmen - Robert C. Ogden, 325 pgs., ("Christianity is a democracy, a Socialism, a Communism "), p. 162. Country Life Press, Doubleday, Page & Company. Source: Google Books.

Philip Whitwell Wilson bifurcated "general social life" from "Christian Service" as mutually exclusive existences (a totally unChristian theology). He promoted British Christianity (under a Pilgrims Society-controlled Monarch) juxtiposed with America's "miserable aristocracy of religion" (Churches who did not embrace Wilson's unChristianism) which he called "the greatest obstacle to the progress of the Gospel" in America.

The articles were not normal non-profit subjects, but evident geopolitical posturing for the Pilgrims geopolitical priority to implement communism in all the countries of the British Empire (incl. China), America, Japan and Russia .

P. W. Wilson, Philip Whitwell Wilson, P.W. Wilson. (Oct. 01, 1924). An Ambassador of Faith [Julio Navarro Monzo], pp. 55-56, 85. YMCA.
Fig. 16—P. W. Wilson, Philip Whitwell Wilson, P.W.W., P.W. Wilson. (Oct. 01, 1924). An Ambassador of Faith [Julio Navarro Monzo], pp. 55-56, 85. YMCA.

Important Note: This piece was written the same month as the Y.M.C.A.-sponsored Institute of Pacific Relations was convened (Jun. 30-Jul. 14, 1925). Hindsight shows that we are reading the trial organizational structure for the coming United Nations in a reorganizing Y.M.C.A. International, evidently run by Philip Whitwell Wilson.

Note Philip Whitwell Wilson's race-baiting. And. just so you don't miss it, his "One Hundred Percent Chinese" propaganda piece was published in preparation for the founding of the communist Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) in Jun. 30-Jul. 14, 1925 and the bringing forward their freshly-groomed Mao Tse-tung to rule China for the British Pilgrims. Also note that Stanford University president Ray Lyman Wilbur is assisting, as is notorious Fabian socialist and British Chatham House policy director H. Duncan Hall.

Eugenics and depopulation were on Whitwell Wilson's Pilgrims Society agenda.

  1. An Unofficial Statesman (1924, Doubleday)
  2. An Ambassador of Faith (Oct. 1924)
  3. Christian in Service, And Statesman (Nov. 1924)
  4. A Rich Man and The Kingdom (Dec. 1924)
  5. One Hundred Percent Chinese (Jan. 1925)
  6. American and the New Crusade (Feb. 1925)
  7. The Christ We Forget, Lenin and Russia, Abraham Lincoln, Central Y.M.C.A., Philadelphia Inquirer (Feb. 14, 1925)
  8. That Baffling Race Question (Mar. 1925)
  9. The Negro (Apr. 1925)
  10. A General of the Gavel (Jul. 1925) *** NOTE: Whitwell Wilson shows here that the Y.M.C.A.'s worldwide organization was the trial run for the organization of the United Nations in 1945... founded in communism. ***

From Jun. 30 to Jul. 14, 1925, the Y.M.C.A. founded “The Institute of Pacific Relations” (IPR)—the most well-planned geopolitical "adventure" "experiment" "peace" conference of all times. They even organized a "Permanent Organization Committee" before they met for the first time (p. 3)! No conspiracy here.

Y.M.C.A. China reported the founding of the Institute of Pacific Relations, and a new Y.M.C.A. socialist agenda. (Dec. 1925) (announced implementation of a new socialist approach to Christianity at odds with Christendom and as only perfectly manifest in the Y.M.C.A.)

First trans-oceanic "radio picture" sent from a Pilgrims Society dinner in London to New York. (May 01, 1926).

David Sarnoff, Pilgrims Society, RCA, Marconi Wireless, published dystopic predictions of radio frequency and biological weapons (Jul. 18, 1926)

Klaus Schwab’s parents Eugen Schwab (Nazi-U.S. nuclear technology, Escher Wyss & Co.) and Jewess Emma Gisela Tekelius (née Kilian) married in Karlstruhe, Baden, Germany (Oct. 02, 1926).

Editor. (Sep. 28, 1927). P. WHITWELL WILSON [Age 52] to speak, MAYOR TO ATTEND DINNER, Town's Chief Executive Will be Guest at Annual Y.M.C.A. Fall Banquet, p. 5. The Montclair Times (New Jersey).
Fig. 17—Editor. (Sep. 28, 1927). P. WHITWELL WILSON [Age 52] to speak, MAYOR TO ATTEND DINNER, Town's Chief Executive Will be Guest at Annual Y.M.C.A. Fall Banquet, p. 5. The Montclair Times (New Jersey).

Philip Whitwell Wilson spoke to annual Y.M.C.A. dinner, promoted "The Christ We Forget" etc. (Socialism) (Sep. 28, 1927)

In 1924-25, P. Whitwell Wilson published a string of articles in Association Men—the primary organ of the Y.M.C.A.— supporting the formation of the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR) on Jun. 30-Jul. 14, 1925, Honolulu HI. The IPR formed the United Nations in 1946 and was declared a communist organization by the Senate McCarran Committee in 1952.

These three-page Y.M.C.A. articles included (notice Wilson's race-baiting deftly done):

  1. An Ambassador of Faith (Oct. 1924)
  2. A Christian in Service, and Statesman" (Nov. 1924)
  3. A Rich Man and the Kingdom" (Dec. 1924)
  4. One Hundred Per Cent Chinese (Jan. 1925)
  5. America and the New Crusade" (Feb. 1925)
  6. That Baffling Race Question" (Mar. 1925)
  7. The Negro" (Apr. 1925)
  8. A General of the Gavel (Jul. 1925) *** NOTE: Whitwell Wilson shows here that the Y.M.C.A.'s worldwide organization was the trial run for the organization of the United Nations in 1945... founded in communism. ***

In The Negro, P. Whitwell Wilson included a captioned photo of a then 27-year-old actor and Gospel music singer named Paul Robeson (p. 345, b. 1898, d. 1976—read Wikipedia's 40-pages of Robeson's communist biographical propaganda).

In 1915, Robeson had been a two-time consensus all American football player at Rutgers as well as a Columbia Law attorney evidently interlocked with the British Pilgrims Society, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace and William J. Donovan—the future head of the OSS and titular founder of the C.I.A. and “Five Eyes” spy agencies in the U.S. and the British Commonwealth.

With support from communist Frederick Vanderbilt Field (great great grandson of Cornelius Vanderbilt, one of founder-funders of Y.M.C.A. New York, 1852),  Robeson founded the Council on African Affairs (C.A.A., 1937) that was interlocked with the Institute of Pacific Relations (IPR, founded 1925), the Y.M.C.A. and British Chatham House.

IPR principals were the founders of the United Nations in 1946. Robeson was identified as a communist in the McCarran Senate hearings.

Robeson toured extensively in the U.S.S.R. including being nationally televised.

After Robeson, no other American Gospel group ever performed on national Soviet television again, until that is, the contemporary Gospel music group Living Sound performed on Jul. 23, 1981 produced by acclaimed Evgeny Ginzburg.

Living Sound members remember Soviet host officials asking about Robeson, who was the only prominent American Gospel singer they had ever heard of (since Gospel music had been previously forbidden by Soviet anti-Christian policy). None of Living Sound’s 20-something musicians had heard of Robeson, and none were aware of his communist politics.

Social networking inventor Michael McKibben was the European Director of Living Sound and organized these unprecedented Gospel music visits starting in the late 1970’s.

Some say "The Singing Revolution" in the Baltics in the late 1980’s was inspired by Living Sound’s earlier musical work organized by McKibben and brave Soviet Christians—some who spent time in prisons and labor camps as a result.

Conclusion & Call to Action

Our modern culture, for good or ill, is the outcome, the fruit, of this secret British Pilgrims Society world domination plan set in motion at the beginning of the 20th century.

The British and their American sycophants have gotten away with it primarily because of the Chatham House rule and hiding their activity behind "State Secrets" and "national security."

For example, the existence of the "Five Eyes" (Mar. 05, 1946) control of the C.I.A., NSA and FBI by British MI-6 was only first disclosed in 2010. Up until this time the genesis of the modern control of global intelligence inside British Empire newspapers (1909-) was not known, and the histories falsified.

Shhhh! Don't tell the American people, and we won't tell the British people. Tee hee hee.
TOP SECRET (Mar. 05, 1946). BRITISH-U.S. COMMUNICATION INTELLIGENCE AGREEMENT, NSA DocID 3678942, Ser. XILH, Box 47, TSC release approved Apr. 08, 2010, Executive Order 12958 et seq., p. 7, Sec. 5(a). NSA.
Fig. 18TOP SECRET (Mar. 05, 1946). BRITISH-U.S. COMMUNICATION INTELLIGENCE AGREEMENT, NSA DocID 3678942, Ser. XILH, Box 47, TSC release approved Apr. 08, 2010, Executive Order 12958 et seq., p. 7, Sec. 5(a). NSA.

The history of the last 150 years we were taught has all been British propaganda

In other words, history education in our lifetimes has all been British newspaper propaganda to keep us in the dark, while these demons play out their agenda for world control, culminating in current "The Great Reset."

It is no coincidence that during this same time period, the influence of Christians in civil discourse has faltered.

This research has uncovered another major reason for this in the intentional neutering of Christian influence: the fabrication of the "social gospel." This bred all the -isms (Salvationism, fascism, communism, Bolshevism, Fabianism, Marxism, Leninism, Stalinism, Maoism).

The world's bankers, chiefly N.M. Rothschild and his demon spawn including Barclays, J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie and Cornelius Vanderbilt funded parachurch organizations and NGOs who, like a cackle of hyenas, picked off Christians and their leaders, one by one.

Note: Of late, Internet trolls are dragging out fanciful stories about the French Paysuer family as supposedly dwarfing Rothschild wealth. Ask for verification, evidence, not just hearsay. We cannot find any. It is evident to our researchers that this is a propaganda blind alley.

British Pilgrims Society attempts to destroy Christianity

Is God Dead? Time magazine cover story, Apr. 06, 1966
Fig. 19—Is God Dead? Time magazine cover story, Apr. 06, 1966. Reproduced for educational purposes only. Fair Use relied upon.

Remember this Apr. 06, 1966 Time magazine cover? What publisher would be so rude as to print such a cover unless he was intentionally working to demean faith in God and humiliate Christians?

Henry Luce III (1925-2005), Time-Life London bureau chief and Time vice-president and Rockefeller protégé was willing.

In 1997, Henry Luce became the president of the Pilgrims Society of the United States until his death in 2005—recent history!

We must remind you that the first president of the Pilgrims Society in New York was Bishop Henry Codman Potter (PDF), a Columbia University trustee, who promoted the "social gospel" concurrently with W.T. Stead, Philip Whitwell Wilson and the British Pilgrims who fomented fascism, communism and socialism.

British Pilgrims and their American sycophants believe Christianity must be destroyed as a moral counterforce

The Time cover shown above was part of a conscious British Pilgrims Society's demonic plan to destroy Christianity as a moral adversary.

During this same time they were heavily financing the Salvation Army, Y.M.C.A., Y.W.C.A., Volunteers of America and Boy Scouts to grow generations of sexual perverts. Who needs Jeffrey Epstein when one has the Pilgrims Society's global four million-person paramilitary "social gospel" global operation?

How many Christian leaders have been/are compromised by these demonic tactics? How many ministers think they are homosexual because they were systematically buggered as youth at Y.M.C.A. camps?

After Y.M.C.A. New York was founded in 1852 by J.P. Morgan, Cornelius Vanderbilt, and Elihu Root (all co-founders of the Pilgrims Society in 1902), they had a well-publicized explosion of pornographic materials at their well-appointed, Pilgrims-financed facilities, replete with sleeping rooms and nude swimming. A long time recording secretary was L. Bolton Bangs (PDF), who made his career as a highly published genito-eurologist. The mind doesn't have to wander too far to see the objective here—to destroy the chastity of young men and women and enslave them to sex addictions.

Christians are forgiving people. They generally give others the benefit of the doubt and try to believe the best in others. This ethic has been exploited to the nth degree by the demons and specters who run the British Pilgrims Society and their protector: the British Crown.

Jesus warned:

“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes from thorn bushes or figs from thistles? Even so, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, nor can a bad tree bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them. Matthew 7:15-20 (NKJV).

The "social gospel" was devised by demons to eviscerate Christianity as a moral and spiritual counterforce to the British Empire's satanic bent toward total world control. The outgrowths in socialism, communism and fascism are just different colored lipstick on the pigs.

The Johnson Amendment silenced our pulpits. Forget about the tax benefits. Start preaching the truth and stop avoiding political discussions. Politics are part of life.

These subjects need to be worked out in the crucible of Faith, not in the devil's caldron of secrets and lies.

He makes his messengers winds, his ministers a flaming fire. Psalm 104:4 (NIV).

The Golden Rule

Christians, wake from your slumber. Start engaging! Humanity needs you. Help lead us to our high calling in Christ Jesus.

The Golden Rule:
"Do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets." (Matthew 7:12) NIV.

It really is that simple, and that profound.

The time has come, Christians, to cut down the bad fruit and throw it into the fire.

* * *

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Postcript: The 1954 Johnson Amendment has Muzzled the Christian Church for 67 years

On May 4, 2017, President Trump signed an executive order to ease the muzzle of the IRS 501(c)(3) "Johnson Amendment" on the involvement of non-profits, especially Churches, in the exercise of free speech and religion in political discourse.

The Demonic MuzzleJOHNSON AMENDMENT (Jul. 02, 1954) TRANSCRIPTION:<br />
<br />
On July 2, 1954, Senator Lyndon Johnson was recognized from the Senate floor and the following colloquy occurred:<br />
<br />
Mr. JOHNSON of Texas: Mr. President, I have an amendment at the desk, which I should like to have stated.<br />
<br />
The PRESIDING OFFICER: The Secretary will state the amendment.<br />
<br />
The CHIEF CLERK: On page 117 of the House bill, in section 501(c)(3), it is proposed to strike out “individuals, and” and insert “individual,” and strike out “influence legislation.” And insert “influence legislation, and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.”<br />
<br />
Mr. JOHNSON of Texas: Mr. President, this amendment seeks to extend the provisions of section 501 of the House bill, denying tax-exempt status to not only those people who influence legislation but also to those who intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for any public office. I have discussed the matter with the chairman of the committee, the  minority ranking member of the committee, and several other members of the committee, and I understand that the amendment is acceptable to them. I hope the chairman will take it to conference, and that it will be included in the final bill which Congress passes.<br />
<br />
. . .  The amendment was agreed to [Without debate].
Fig. 20—Senator Eugene D. Millikin (Co), chairman. (Jun. 22 – Jul. 7 1954). Senate Proceedings and Debates, Johnson 501(c)(3) Amendment, p. 9604 (Jul. 02, 1954), 83rd Congress, 2nd Session, Vol. 100-Pt. 7, pgs. 8557-9984, GPO-CRECB-1954-pt7-9. GPO.


"On July 2, 1954, Senator Lyndon Johnson was recognized from the Senate floor and the following colloquy occurred:

Mr. JOHNSON of Texas: Mr. President, I have an amendment at the desk, which I should like to have stated.

The PRESIDING OFFICER: The Secretary will state the amendment.

The CHIEF CLERK: On page 117 of the House bill, in section 501(c)(3), it is proposed to strike out “individuals, and” and insert “individual,” and strike out “influence legislation.” And insert “influence legislation, and which does not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distributing of statements), any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.”

Mr. JOHNSON of Texas: Mr. President, this amendment seeks to extend the provisions of section 501 of the House bill, denying tax-exempt status to not only those people who influence legislation but also to those who intervene in any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for any public office. I have discussed the matter with the chairman of the committee, the minority ranking member of the committee, and several other members of the committee, and I understand that the amendment is acceptable to them. I hope the chairman will take it to conference, and that it will be included in the final bill which Congress passes.

. . . The amendment was agreed to [Without debate]."

In 1954, then freshman U.S. Senator Lyndon B. Johnson was running for re-election in a hotly-contested Democratic primary against fellow-Democrat State Representative Dudley T. Dougherty. Johnson was a member of the British Pilgrims Society

Johnson's candidacy was being hammered by the arguments against him by two non-profits: Facts Forum, funded by H.L. Hunt, and the Committee for Constitutional Government (CCG).  CCG had distributed 82 million pieces of literature, made over 100,000 radio transcriptions, sent 350,000 telegrams, and issued thousands of news releases.  CCG was adamantly opposed to Johnson’s election and vociferously supported Dougherty—and Johnson suspected Facts Forum was clandestinely backing CCG.

To combat his Democratic opponent and his supporters, Johnson appeared in the Senate on Jul. 2, 1954 and proposed substantial changes to further restrict Church involvement in political campaigns to keep their 501(c)(3) tax benefits. Full Congressional record.

Sixty-seven (67) years later, the fruit of the Johnson Amendment is evident. American Christians have been threatened and blackmailed into silence by godless British-American Pilgrims Society sociopaths.

Silent no more.

Described above is abject immorality.

Morality must win the day.

"Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

The Gospel of St. Matthew 4:17.

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Reminder Re. the Miller Act Notice—The Perpetrators of this Epic Fraud must disgorge their ill-gotten gain
Click image to open PDF of this and the next slide
How Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice check will help create true Free Speech in our American Republic
Fig. 21—The First Amended Miller Act Notice. Click here to download the PDF (check your Downloads folder after clicking).
Federal British-American Patent Weaponization Thieves
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall
James P. Chandler, III Andrew W. Marshall

Leader Technologies, Inc. sent their FIRST AMENDED MILLER ACT NOTICE to President Trump It is a contract demand for the U.S. Treasury to pay them for the federal government's 18-year theft of their social networking inventions. These inventions were stolen by Major General James E. Freeze (US Army, ret.) and Leader's patent attorney James P. Chandler, III, on behalf of Andrew W. Marshall and the Department of Defense Office of Net Assessment, and the Pilgrims Society who steal and weaponize inventions for continuous war making and enrichment of fascist insider military-industrial corporations.

Patriots are encouraged to help get this First Amended Miller Act Notice to President Trump and past the Praetorian Guard. See American Intelligence Media republish of the Leader Miller Act Notice.

Bookmark: #trump-jfk-v-cia |
War Between The White House and CIA? President Trump finally implementing JFK's Executive Order dismantling the out-of-control C.I.A. who were conspiring with the British Pilgrims Society
Fig. 22Daniel Natal. (Dec. 01, 2020). War Between The White House and CIA? The New American Video. | (Raw *.mp4 video file).
Video: The New American Video.
Bookmark: #fight-for-our-republic |
U-T just censored this: Our Republic is fighting the same battle now as we did 245 years ago!
Click image to play video.
Free. (Dec. 09, 2020). Our Republic is fighting the same battle now as we did 245 years ago! You Are Free TV.
Fig. 23Free. (Dec. 09, 2020). Our Republic is fighting the same battle now as we did 245 years ago! You Are Free TV. ***HAS BEEN CENSORED***@*** No worries, view it here:| Raw *.mp4 video file.
Video: You Are Free TV.

Return to return to the beginning of this post.

Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


Click "N comments:" on the line just below this instruction to comment on this post. Alternatively, send an email with your comment to and we'll post it for you. We welcome and encourage anonymous comments, especially from whisteblowers.


  1. Email comment by Yelper:

    I just sent out this post with the following headline:

    British infiltration of America was hidden, disguised as “Christian,” and in plain sight

    Massive British socialist paramilitary Y.M.C.A. and Salvation Army disguised as “Christians” invaded America in the mid-1800s & staffed British-American banker corporations

    Y.M.C.A. “secretariats” and Salvation Army “settlements” prototyped communism and eventually organized the United Nations via Rothschild-Rockefeller-Carnegie-JPMorgan-funded Royal Institute of International Affairs (British Chatham House), Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and the Institute of Pacific Affairs (IPR)

    British Pilgrims are now compelled to force deadly vaccines and a global heath 666 tracking ID to fool, and try and subdue, real Christians before they themselves are exposed, imprisoned and hung for treason

    Read (don’t skim) this entire post and see the unmistakable evidence.

    [included link to this post]

    Great work miners!

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth!

    2. Maybe the British war on Christianity started with the announcement of it to George Washington 1781 by General Cornwallis. Could this be their beginnings for social engineering to be built on.

    3. Also, to remember is that George Washington never declared the Americans as the victor in the Revolutionary War with a Doctrine of Conquest. This conquest document would have documented that a victorious nation (America) in war acquired sovereignty over the conquered nation (British Crown) and could exert its own legal and political jurisdiction chosen by its sovereign residents.
      In another not so honorable act, Washington allowed the actual loser of the physical war King George III to dictate the terms for ending the war with his 1783 Treaty of Peace. Isn't that special documentation not explained to us. The Americans by Treaty/Contract lost all that they fought for.

    4. Christianity is contrived. It is a fake institution of control which has led to death and destruction to all its unwitting adherents since inception. It’s a tool of the enemy.

    5. Dear Anonymous:

      Yours is the comment of a paid troll. No facts, no arguments, just a vituperous screed. If Christianity is your enemy, what are you? Taking your diatribe on its face, you say Christianity "has led to death and destruction to ALL its unwitting adherents since inception." If that were true, then the Church would have vanished from the world several millennia ago. That fact alone disproves your thesis. Such comments as yours might fool people whose minds have become historical mush, but we suggest they were captured by your brainwashing long ago. As an argument to find new adherents, your comment has a sulphurous odor.

  2. Email from Archie D. Bunker:

    The British Imperial Empire vs Humanity.
    Is Larry Sanger a crown agent? (he asked whitewashingtongueincheekily)

    Now that all conspiracy theories have been debunked we can disband the C.I.A. and repurpose spooks as Wikipedia hoaxbusters or Snopes window washers.

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  3. Email comment by Klone Ranger

    People need to stop looking at Trump like he’s a God or a savior.

    They need to put the Lord Jesus Christ and their heart inviting to come in and start seeking out the word of God. Read Psalms 91 10.

    It’s almost like people are hypnotized. Too many believe everything the government tells them. I cannot believe how many Christians got this "vaccine" (it's NOT a vaccine, it is an untested gene therapy. Calling it a vaccine is a fraud, a lie.)

    I have read today over 46,000 people have died from the Pfizer vaccine. This was done to us intentionally. They stopped Trump for getting hydroxychloroquine. They shut doctors up from speaking truth. Where people have failed they started listening to science and not listening to the Lord Jesus Christ. People, get your heart right with God before it’s too late. Things are going to start getting really Rocky.

    God’s Wrath is coming. He’s going to pull the wicked out of here, just like he did in the days of Noah. Eight people survived. God didn’t take man off the Earth. He took the wicked off the Earth. I’m begging and pleading with anybody reading this if you don’t know Jesus as your personal savior, I’m asking and pleading with you to invite Jesus into your heart and mind.

    1. Previous comment:

      Spred the truth.

  4. Email comment by SE:

    • Galatians 1:8-9 comes to mind.

    But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed. As we said before, so say I now again, if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.

    I will make it clear: Anyone, no matter who they are, that brings a different grace gospel than you have received, let him be cursed” All these filthy elites will reap what they have sown. I also want to encourage you about a K. Clement prophecy… no more United Nations!

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.


    British government (Pilgrims Society) has funded neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) mind control via Tavistock Institute/BBC to promote gen_cid_ since the early 1900s and the British War Propaganda Bureau

    Justus Hoffmann. (Sep. 13, 2021). Brian Gerrish Interview, Reiner Fuellmich On Huge Psychological Operation re. Mindspace Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP). OVALmedia, Health Freedom Resources.

    1. Email comment by TG:


      Only five people had died from COVID—there was no statistical health threat.
      Four months earlier, on Sep. 24, 2019, Trump issued Executive Order 13887 on pandemic speed scenarios describing COVID-19, uncannily; hindsight shows this COVID-19 madness was seemingly premeditated.

      Azar backdated to Jan. 27, 2020—five days earlier—his one-sentence declaration. (Trollers are claiming this was a clerical error by $1,000 per hour corrupt attorneys—redundant, we know).

      Azar was not following his WHO handlers since his U.N. WHO co-conspirators had not yet declared a “pandemic,” which they did later, on Mar. 11, 2020—six weeks later.

      Azar and Trump evidently jumped the gun to protect their bio-nano-5G-chemical warfare super-spy-agent, Harvard-NIH Dr. Charles M. Lieber who had been indicted on Jan. 28, 2020—one day after the backdate.

      On Feb. 13, 2020—two weeks later, Kristin Debord, PhD, Acting Director of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, made no mention of the COVID-19 “emergency” declaration in her presentation to the National Vaccine Advisory Committee (NVAC). The CDC said the opposite: “The immediate risk in the United States is low at present.” No immediate risk, or pandemic? Contradictory official statements and pregnant silences are lies/fraud… by bureaucrats who nevertheless want to mass inject the public with untested cocktails using any deception that works.

      Yet, just nine weeks later, Debord initiated Operation Warp Speed on Apr. 29, 2020—she went from no emergency to hair on fire. Government agencies cannot tie their shoes in nine weeks.
      Tellingly, the FDA issued a deceptively worded warning on Apr. 10, 2020 against using IVERMECTIN to treat COVID—four weeks after secretly declaring the pandemic. (Note: The FDA had approved it for human use on Oct. 8, 1998. Japanese researchers call it a “wonder drug” and “astonishingly safe for human use”).

      Why did “You’re Fired!” Trump hire so many British Pilgrims Society globalists like Cohen, Mnuchin, Ross, Fauci, Birx, Tillerson, Pompeo, Devos, Haspel, Chao, Pence, Mattis, Votel, Milley, Barr, Sessions?

      Was Trump duped, or in on the scam with Azar, Fauci, Gates?
      Fraud always unwinds judgments and resulting actions as the fruit of a poisoned tree—backdating legal orders is not a clerical error, it is criminal. HHS lawyers were playing games with the American Republic.

      Full story:

  6. [EDITOR] Attorney trollers who follow this site are trying to excuse the backdating issue we raise as an irrelevant typo. This is an evident violation of their license to practice law because they are WILLFULLY DECIVING THE PUBLIC, which violates their Rules of Professional Conduct. File an ethics complaint against any attorney who tries to convince you that dates on contracts don't have important legal significance.

    Backdating like that is always suspicious. They didn't notice the public on Jan 27, but rather on the 31st. We have dealt with too many scumbag lawyers not to assume that they were hiding something material, otherwise, they would not have done it.

    The trollers can drone on about the insignificance of this discrepancy, but think about this. This backdating occured in a ONE SENTENCE pronouncement. You mean they could not even get a one-sentence legal statement right? And yet we are nonetheless supposed to follow them into the mRNA fake vaccine abyss (Fauci's maternal family name ABYS). When they say "for your health and safety." Read the opposite: To poison and kill you.

    We're on to your lawfare you devils.

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  7. [EDITORS} NEW interview with Douglas Gabriel and Michael McKibben.

    The Long British Empire and Bankers' Hold Over American and the World and How to End it

    Gabriel, McKibben. (Sep. 22, 2021). Michael McKibben and Douglas Gabriel on The Long British Empire and Bankers' Hold Over American and the World and How to End it, Report 261. Ramola D.

    Also at:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  8. Email comment by TG:

    The most deadly propagandist in history – Philip Whitwell Wilson, Pilgrims Society’s propagandist for social-ism, in all forms.

    The British East India Company were global marauders who raped, pillaged and enslaved for the profit of Rothschild banks who ran the monarch’s bank, the Bank of England.

    Full story:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  9. Email comment by BR:

    Two hot topics on the Mike and Doug show:

    Proof of criminal acts to genocide humanity with a biological weapon

    The Conspiracy of the Money Power and the Bankers Plot to Enslave Citizens

    Full story:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  10. Email comment by JB:

    Bank Conspiracy of 1860 culminates in GLOBAL GENOCIDE

    Historical records confirm the 16:1 relative value of an ounce of gold over an ounce of silver

    AIMCats are the globalshits INVISIBLE ENEMY

    What if cats were in charge of the government?


    Reject The Black Pill


    Trump’s New Interview, California School Mandate & Louisiana Health System Fines Spouses!

    Noah was a conspiracy theorist…until it started to rain

    Full story:

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  11. Wow. This is some truly piss poor research if I ever saw it.

    "The government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian Religion."

    What forthright American declared such words? Bill Maher? Christopher Hitchens? Emma Goldman? No. They come from the Treaty of Tripoli, negotiated under George Washington, approved unanimously by the U.S. Senate and signed by President John Adams in 1797."

    1. Dear Anonymous:

      Normally we would just delete such a comment as a waste of time, but thought our readers would want to see the level of historical misdirection that we are dealing with in America and the world.

      The context of that quote from John Adams is the key. He was emphasizing that the founders intentionally did not found a state RELIGION, while they most certainly relied upon Christian MORALITY, as we have pointed out in this post.

      We have long observed that the communist-social left practices "drive-by" research. They pick and choose their citations, whatever they can grab without slowing down, to ostensibly prove some leftist propaganda agenda, whether or not (usually not) the information is discussed in context.

      --The AFI team

  12. Email comment by SS:

    Election System Re-construction [VIDEO]
    hosted by James Miller, Election Hope –
    What is Needed to Keep the American Election Honest?

    Doug Roulstone (GOP Chairman, Washington State, Snohomish County):

    “Confidence in the voting system is gone for the vast majority of people in the country.”

    This was recorded in Auburn, WA at iLocal Studios, owned by a local and successful webpage entrepreneur Jason Morgan. Guest speakers are, Steve Schommer a retired IT and cybersecurity Director (never been hacked), Doug Roulstone, retired Navy captain of a nuclear carrier, myself, and Jason Morgan.

    It covers the topic very well, but it is a long video. We have been invited by Jason to do a complete series on Election Hope. He is the first Puget Sound business to take up our cause. This will be posted on, when we publish the new and improved website in a week. I am writing a script for the whole series, including all of the graphic art for the series. Very time consuming. It will all be on the new website.

    NOTE: The most important concept in this project is "100% Ballot/Tally Sheet Chain-of-Custody". This is our mantra. Listen carefully to what the cybersecurity expert says about 'online data' and 'digital ballots'? In, short, nothing digital is ever secure, it never has been, and it cannot ever be breaks all rules of 'evidence'...and therefore it has to be abolished for elections.

    We have a new concept and idea as part of the hand count process. Put a QR code and serial number on the ballot and ballot stub. The stub once removed from the ballot, is divided in half. The voter gets one half, and the other is stored until the ballot is counted, and re-united with the ballot or tally sheet, before the tally is posted on the public whiteboards. The ballots and tally sheets are 'scanned' as images (.jpg) to a database. The voter can then input their number to the online auditing public website, and find their ballot. No one else can see their ballot, and cannot identify it without the QR code or the serial number. In this manner, anyone can perform an audit on the entire election. It truly becomes public property per the constitution, not a 'state secret'. This process along with the additional hand-count processes we have designed, virtually destroy all of the problems and uncertainties of the 'mail-in' ballot system. Thus, we return the constitutionality to the election process.

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  13. Email comment by PG:

    Neocon RINO ‘Baron’ Bill Kristol, founder of The Weekly Standard.

    He thinks this “We the People” stuff has its limits, and the American Establishment needs lords and barons to guide us

    Lloyd Grove. (Feb. 23, 1996 ). THE CASTLE STORMS BACK [Bill Kristol’s self-anointed British Pilgrims Society elitism on full display]. The Washington Post.

    1. Previous comment:

      Spread the truth.

  14. Never forget 1781 for what Cornwallis said to Washington during his so called surrender. It was a preview of how social engineering would begin to be built on into the future. “Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

    1. Dear Richard,

      Please provide supporting evidence for your assertions. We believe a lot of what you say is urban myth, so we wanted to give you an opportunity to verify what you are asserting. "All religions will be permeated by Judaism..." sounds fanciful. If you think this is true, prove it please.

      The AFI Team

    2. Urban myth? Your government, the one you don't know you have documented these events.
      Excerpt from a 1956 speech, see “GEORGE WASHINGTON’S SURRENDER” by Senator Joseph McCarthy (1908-1957.)
      Remember, Washington do not create a Doctrine of Conquest claiming any of the spoils of war the American patriots and colonist fought for. He allowed King George III to dictate the terms for peace in his 1783 Treaty of Peace. That too is well documented.

      And many of the people of the land became Jews.” Esther 9:17.
      “The confession of General Cornwallis to General Washington at Yorktown (Oct. 17, 1781) has been well hidden by historians. History books and text books have taught for years that when Cornwallis surrendered his army to General Washington that American independence came, and we lived happily ever after until the tribulations of the twentieth century.”
      “Jonathan Williams recorded in his “LEGIONS OF SATAN,” 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that “a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”
      Cornwallis went on to explain what would seem a contradiction:
      “Your churches will be used to teach the Jew’s religion and in less than two hundred years the whole nation will be working for divine world government. That government that they believe to be divine will be the British Empire. All religions will be permeated with Judaism without even being noticed by the masses, and they will all be under the invisible all-seeing eye of the Grand Architect of Freemasonry.”

    3. Dear Ri-chard.

      Again, we post your reply to further illustrate our point. What you are citing as evidence, is in fact, hearsay.

      For example, you write “Jonathan Williams recorded in his “LEGIONS OF SATAN,” 1781, that Cornwallis revealed to Washington that “a holy war will now begin on America, and when it is ended America will be supposedly the citadel of freedom, but her millions will unknowingly be loyal subjects to the Crown.”

      Where is your link to this original document that incontrovertibly proves that Cornwallis said this to George Washington? GIVE US EVIDENCE WE COULD INTRODUCE IN A COURTROOM.

      As another example, you cite this document as proof:

      However, a closer review of the 199 pages of "FREEMASONRY AN INTERPRETATION" shows a document full of pseudo evidence. It is dressed up to look like evidence, but, in fact, is not. The reader is given nothing (that we could find) to substantiate his opinion, which his title says it is. Therefore, THIS DOCUMENT SHOULD NEVER BE CITED, IN OUR OPINION, AS ORIGINAL MATERIAL, OTHER THAN AS THAT AUTHOR’S PERSONAL OPINION.

      In our opinion, this is the troubling aspect of much, if not most, discussions of freemasonry, Jews and the Illuminati. They are cloaked in pseudo evidence to deceive the reader into thinking that the writer has done his or her homework, so the reader can dispense with his or her own verification.

      Then, that OPINION gets cited elsewhere as EVIDENCE, in an ENDLESS MÖBIUS STRIP OF HEARSAY. This does not aid us in getting to the truth.

      You wrote: "That too is well documented." So show the reader! That statement is painful hearsay. Five sources is not JOE said that, SALLY said, that TOMMY said, that BRANDON said, that BRUNHILDE said.

    4. Dear Ri-chard,

      This same principle of primary evidence applies to the fascination with Khazarian Jews and The Great Reset. We have asked and asked and asked for primary source material to evidence this theory. So far, we keep getting sent the same sets of hearsay. We have not received any primary evidence of a connection. If there is some, we encourage readers to provide it.

    5. Previous 5 comments:

      Spread the truth.

    6. Dear Ri-chard,

      We are not going to continue posting your writing if you insist on personal epithets and snide remarks instead of just discussing the facts. If you cannot be courteous and respectful, we'll move on. Getting emotional and demeaning when someone disagrees with you is not constructive.

      You provided a link to as evidence. With respect, it would appear that you do not know what evidence is. Quoting what others say about something may be interesting, but it does not prove anything! You also provide this link: with more extensive copy and paste. This too IS NOT EVIDENCE. We suggest you stop quoting what others say about something and find the sources for yourself. That will make your argument solid. Hearsay is shifting sand.

  15. Dear Ri-chard,

    You've posted and emailed six more times in the last few days.

    Your latest post proves that you are a fraud. We invited you to post actual evidence of your assertions instead of links to hearsay.

    In your last six messages you have provided NOT A SINGLE ITEM of evidence, just pompous hand gestures and epithets.

    You called us liars (for inviting YOU to provide real evidence!)

    "Because you seem not to know any of the Founders history" (We could say the same of you brother, or sister.)

    "many have emailed me about you banning the documented facts" (Ri-chard, do you realize what classical TROLL tactic that is?)

    "LMOL at you." (Childish way to make a point.)

    Ri-chard, we gave you your chance and will not post your comments further.


NOTICE TO COMMENTERS: When the MSM diatribe on "fake news" began, our regular commenters were blocked from posting comments here. Therefore, email your comments to a new secure email addess and we will post them.