Friday, October 27, 2017


Hillary Crime 1: Her private email server hid unpublished 2009-2010 State Department contracts with Facebook managed by Dmitry Shevelenko

Hillary Crime 2: Hillary’s Facebook “election winning template” clearly violates The Hatch Act

Hillary Crime 3: Hillary’s contracts obstructed justice in Leader v. Facebook  & Ceglia v. Zuckerberg

Hillary Crime 4: Hillary colluded with Facebook to set State Department Internet policy

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Oct. 27, 2017, Updated Nov. 14, 2017 | PDF |
AFI. (Oct. 27, 2017). Hillary paid Facebook to rig elections while colluding with Russian Uranium One. Americans for Innovations.
Fig. 1 – Hillary Clinton as Secretary of State obstructed justice by interfering in dramatic ways in the Leader v. Facebook  patent infringement trial & U.S. elections. Much of this evidence was obtained through Judicial Watch Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuits of Hillary's illegal private email servers.
Graphic: American Intelligence Media.
Bookmark: #paradise-papers-confirm-facebook-kremlin-financed |
Breaking News! Nov. 06, 2017:
Facebook is Kremlin funded!

Larry H. Summers
Fig. 2—
Larry H. Summers
Yuri Milner
Fig. 3—
Yuri Milner
The Paradise Papers confirm AFI's research that the $200 million Russian investment in Facebook that pumped their pre-initial public offering valuation to $100 billion came from Vladimir Putin through his intermediary Yuri Milner and DST USA. Currently hidden from the current coverage is the fact that Yuri Milner is a disciple of Larry Summers from 1993 when Milner worked for Summers at the World Bank alongside Sheryl K. Sandberg, the present chief operating officer of Facebook. Click here for The Guardian coverage. Click here for an AFI Timeline update.

Bookmark: #larry-nichols-warning |

See detailed evidence from previous AFI research on Facebook's Russian controllers at AFI. (May 12, 2016). Hillary's Secret Offshore Financial Empire. Americans for Innovation.

Pray for Larry Nichols. Spread the word.
Listen to Larry Nichols' warn the Deep State shadow government on this corruption. Larry Nichols was a senior political advisor to the Clintons who has survived Arkancide to date and produced THE CLINTON CHRONICLES (1994). "Arkancide" is a term that has arisen to describe the legion of suspicious deaths that have occured to former bodyguards, employees and advisors to Bill and Hillary Clinton via plane and car crashes and "suicides." Click a timeline and names of Clinton "friends" who have been Arkancided.

Bookmark: #podesta-leon-fusion-gps |
Richard J. Leon and John D. Podesta teach Georgetown Law courses together
Fig. 2 Judge Richard J. Leon (L) and John D. Podesta (R) have co-taught a Georgetown Law course for decades.
Update Nov. 12, 2017! New Fusion GPS ("Russian Dossier") Judge Richard Leon is John Podesta's close buddy in all things spy related
The new Fusion GPS federal judge Richard J. Leon, is a longtime colleague and Georgetown Law School lecturer with John Podesta according to his Jan. 24, 2002 Senate Confirmation Hearing Disclosure. Therefore, Canon 2 of the Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges dictates his recusal. He is also close to Porter Goss who approved the NSA Project Trailblazer illegal mass surveillance on Americans. This gives new meaning to "the fox guarding the hen house." Leon wrote in his disclosure on page 182, Sec. 3: "I have committed to co-teach with John Podesta the "Congressional Investigations" court at Georgetown Law School in the Fall Semester 2001. This will be the fifth consecutive year we have taught the court together" (back to 1997). Here's the actual Leon Senate disclosure:

Richard J. Leon and John D. Podesta


(Oct. 27, 2017)—On May 26, 2009, Russian oligarch Yuri Milner invested $200 million in Facebook private stock brokered by his Russian partner Goldman Sachs through his Sky Technologies/DST company. Milner had worked for Obama’s 2008 bailout director Larry H. Summers when he was chief economist for the World Bank in the early 1990’s as a researcher along with Sheryl K. Sandberg. Harvard economists including Summers, Sandberg and Milner helped create and exploit the current corrupt Russian oligarch economy for the Deep State.

See Ellerman, D. (1999). Lessons From East Europe’s [failed] Voucher Privatization. World Bank, fns. 2, 11. See also  Ellerman, D. (Sep. 14, 2005). Larry Summers' irresponsible Harvard wunderkind 'Big Bangery' and 'globaloney.' World Bank.

Sandberg later became Summer’s chief of staff at the U.S. Treasury under President Bill Clinton. Summers and Sandberg helped the C.I.A. establish their "private" and highly illegal venture capital company In-Q-Tel. Then, when Summers became Harvard president and Mark Zuckerberg’s handler, Sandberg moved to Google and started Gmail. She then became Facebook’s chief operating officer in Mar. 14, 2008. While Sandberg was starting Gmail, Milner was busy in Moscow, Russia starting and Digital Sky Technologies (DST). The intent to takeover global communications is evident in hindsight.

On Jun. 16, 2009, Hillary Clinton approved the Vladimir Putin-controlled ROSATOM to purchase 20% of America’s uranium reserves through Uranium One. The Clinton Foundation had already received more than $145 million in pay-to-play donations from Uranium One beneficiaries.

Hillary’s treason in her compromise of America’s energy reserves using Russian surrogates is evident. That treason is compounded by a simultaneous $1 billion financing by Cisco, Intel and Google of Vladimir Putin’s Moscow, Russia technology center Skolkovo on Jun. 27, 2010, just two days before Hillary approved the uranium sale to ROSATOM. See also “Cisco Commits $1 Billion for Multi-year Investment in Skolkovo.” ThinkRUSSIA. Aug. 11, 2010.

On Jun. 29, 2010, just two days after the Cisco/Intel/Google $1 billion donation, Moscow-based Renaissance Capital paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech even though Renaissance was the lead analyst covering recommending a “buy” on Uranium One. On Mar. 30, 2011, Russian oligarch Yuri Milner overpaid $100 million for a gaudy mansion in the center of Silicon Valley in an ostentatious display of a rogue C.I.A.-inspired arrogance, after his $200 million private Facebook investment.

Bookmark: #clinton-moscow-speech |
Becker, J., McIntire, M. (Apr. 23, 2015). Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal. The New York Times.
Hillary Clinton. (May 15, 2011). Form 278 Financial Disclosure, 2010, p. 8, item 3. Office of Government Ethics.
Fig. 4 – On Jun. 29, 2011, former President Bill Clinton was paid $500,000 for a speech in Moscow, Russia. Tellingly, Cisco, Intel and Google provided $1 billion to fund Vladimir Putin's technology project Skolkovo just two days earlier. See Becker, J., McIntire, M. (Apr. 23, 2015). Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation Amid Russian Uranium Deal. The New York Times.

What is becoming equally evident is Hillary’s simultaneous compromise of America’s elections, digital networks and court proceedings through secret “election winning template” contracts with Facebook using Russian surrogates.

On Sep. 26, 2009, Hillary Clinton and the State Department entered into a secret contract with Facebook for $120,000 (GSA SAQMMA09M1870) to build “a template for winning elections using advanced Facebook marketing.” The next month, on Oct. 16, 2009, Hillary promoted Facebook on a video presentation to a U.S. State Department-funded Alliance for Youth Movements Summit in Mexico City. This contract was not known because Hillary had hidden it on her private email server in the basement of her house. It first came to light through the dogged work of Judicial Watch who obtained it in Apr. 03, 2014. See also TIMELINE.

Obstruction of Justice: Hillary promoted Facebook during Leader v. Facebook

Bookmark: #hillary-facebook-state-dept-promotion | | Raw *.mp4 video file
Fig. 5 – On Oct. 16, 2009, Hillary promoted Facebook in U.S. Dept. of State video while MArk Zuckerberg was defiantly stonewalling review of his 2003-2004 harvard computers and emails. Video: U.S. Department of State.
Bookmark: #hillary-facebook-state-dept-contract |
U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 26, 2009). Facebook pages to build an international community to discuss relevant issues of the day. Contact: Dmitry Shevelenko. Facebook Contract SAQMMA09M1870, Judicial Watch v. U.S. Dept. of State, Case No. F-2013-06356, Doc. No. C05516677, 04/03/2014.
Fig. 6 – Hillary Clinton and the State Deparment contract with Facebook to rig elections using facebook. U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 26, 2009). U.S. Dept. of State Contract. (Sep. 26, 2009). Facebook pages to build an international community to discuss relevant issues of the day. Contact: Dmitry Shevelenko. Facebook Contract SAQMMA09M1870, Judicial Watch v. U.S. Dept. of State, Case No. F-2013-06356, Doc. No. C05516677, 04/03/2014. This contract was managed for Facebook by managed by Dmitry Shevelenko.

Between Sep. 26, 2009 and Sep. 30, 2010, Hillary entered into three (3) contracts with Facebook for $385,000.

In Feb. 2011, Hillary engaged with Facebook executives, including Sheryl K. Sandberg, to help her draft her flagship speech on "eDiplomacy" euphamistically titled "Internet Freedom." Tellingly, Hillary and the State Department stonewalled release of the drafting emails of this speech from a Judicial Watch FOIA request. Sandberg: "All of us at Facebook are grateful for the opportunity to offer our ideas and suggestions [on the Internet Freedom speech] as Alec Ross and others were field testing elements of the framework."

Bookmark: #hillary-state-dept-facebook-field-guide |

Hillary's State Department went so far as to actually publish four "Facebook Field Guides" for the State Department's implementation of Facebook worldwide. Hillary hid these Facebook Field Guides on her personal email server and had to be ordered by a federal judge to release them to Judicial Watch.

Part I Getting Started with Facebook,
Part II, Creating and Customizing Your Page
Part III, Creating and Customizing Groups
Part IV, Metrics, Analytics and Resources

United States. Department of State. Facebook Part 1: Getting Started with Facebook - A field guide for missions, posts and IRCs. International Information Programs, Office of Innovative Engagement, Dec. 26, 2012. Judicial Watch v. U.S. State Department, Doc. No. C05371180, Case No. F-2012-29278, 09/04/2013 (promotes insecure Facebook and Gmail email use; this first numbered document in the four-part series is nonsensically the last dated item).
Fig. 7 – Hillary and her state Department published a four-part "field guide" for implementing facebook globally. United States. Department of State. Facebook Part 1: Getting Started with Facebook - A field guide for missions, posts and IRCs. International Information Programs, Office of Innovative Engagement, Dec. 26, 2012. Judicial Watch v. U.S. State Department, Doc. No. C05371180, Case No. F-2012-29278, 09/04/2013 (promotes insecure Facebook and Gmail email use; this first numbered document in the four-part series is nonsensically the last dated item).

This is yet another example of the obstruction of justice by Hillary and the U.S. State Department in Leader v. Facebook and Ceglia v. Zuckerberg.

This collusion with Facebook was wantonly criminal on many levels.

Columbus innovator Leader Technologies, Inc. was suing Facebook for patent infringement on Nov. 19, 2008 in Delaware federal district court. Reagan-appointed judge Joseph J. Farnan, Jr. was assigned the case.

While the case was preparing for trial, and despite four motions to compel, Mark Zuckerberg stonewalled providing his 2003-2004 Harvard computer devices and emails for review in the case. We now know that his attorneys at Gibson Dunn LLP had custody of 28 Harvard computer hard drives and emails. After stonewalling for a year, they lied to the court and said they had lost the information.

We believe Facebook and Zuckerberg hid this information because it will prove that Zuckerberg is a mere stooge of the rogue C.I.A. and was given the programming code from the IBM Eclipse Foundation to start Facebook. It will prove that IBM was given the code from James P. Chandler, III who stole it from his legal client Leader Technologies, Inc.

What Leader had no way of knowing was that Chandler was working intimately at the highest level with the Secretary for the Department of Defense’s Highlands Forum to weaponize the Internet. He held illegal private meetings with favored private companies to set policy on how the Internet would be controlled and profited from by the military-industrial complex.

This cabal of military-industrial complex criminals have used Leader’s invention for 17 years for free. Leader’s shareholders across the country are starting to file Miller Act Notice to demand that President Donald Trump pay them for using their property without compensation.

While Zuckerberg was openly lying to the court, Hillary Clinton and the State Department  entered into secret contracts with Facebook to build “a template for winning elections using advanced Facebook marketing.” These contracts were managed by “Dmitry Shevelenko” whose Russian background has been obscured by the shadow government.

Obstruction of Justice

In American courts, litigants have a solemn right to a fair trial. Litigants have the right to assume that no government representative will use their position of public trust to interfere in the case in favor of either side. When a government representative interferes in a case, that crime is called “obstruction of justice” for obvious reasons. Those interfering are attempting to influence the outcome of the case in favor of one of the parties.

Election Tampering

In American elections, citizens have a solemn right to a free and fair election. Citizens have the right to assume that no government representative will use their position of public trust to interfere in an election in favor of either candidate. When a government representative interferes in an election, that crime is called “election tampering” and is a violation of The Hatch Act.

Fraud & Racketeering

In American public contracts, citizens have a solemn right to transparency regarding the spending of public funds. Except in special circumstances, government representatives may not use their position of public trust to favor certain private parties in uncompetitive contracts. When a government representative enters into no-bid contracts and colludes with the General Service Agency (GSA) to hide the existence of those contracts, that crime is called “fraud.” When such fraud involves parties across state lines, that crime is “racketeering.”

Pay Leader for 17 years of free use of their social networking invention; federal government can raise $200-500+ billion in surcharge revenues from social networking without raising taxes!

In conclusion, the crimes described above alone are enough by themselves to convict an average American of racketeering and treason. The evidence of these crimes come from Hillary Clinton’s private email server.

The Russian collusion nexus between Uranium One and Facebook election rigging is stunning.

Readers are encouraged to get this article to your elected representatives. Ask them to: (1) pay Leader Technologies' Miller Act Notice (see below) for the last 17 years of free use of their social networking invention that Hillary obstructed, and (2) prosecute Hillary and her racketeers for her Uranium One and digital election rigging racketeering and treason.

In their cover letter to President Trump, Leader shareholders propose a powerful solution to the 17 years of property theft by the federal government.

Bookmark: #donald-trump-miller-act-financing-proposal |
Leader Technologies Tier II Miller Act Notice cover letter to Donald Trump, Sep. 29, 2017, page 1
Fig. 8Cover letter to President Donald Trump from many hundreds of Leader shareholders across America beginning to send Tier II Miller Act Notices to the White House asking the federal government to finally pay them for using their social networking invention for the last 17 year, since 2000 when Clinton national security advisor James P. Chandler, III first learned of Leader's innovation. See previous post.

* * *


Alt-media coverage of the theft of Leader Technologies’ social networking invention is exploding, including the following. You are encouraged to share the TinyURLs for these articles and videos widely. Spread the world for truth and justice.

Bookmark: #social-networking-weaponized |
Our Defense Dept Weaponized Social Media Using Patent Theft
Mike DePinto. (Oct. 26, 2017). Our Defense Dept Weaponized Social Media Using Patent Theft Right Wing News.
Fig. 9 – Mike DePinto. (Oct. 26, 2017) . Our Defense Dept Weaponized Social Media Using Patent Theft Right Wing News.
Bookmark: #hillary-paid-facebook-to-rig-elections |
Fig. 10 – Anonymous Patriots. (Oct. 26, 2017). Hillary paid Facebook to rig elections while colluding with Russian Uranium One. American Intelligence Media.
Bookmark: #lockdown-on-prison-planet |
Anonymous Patriots. (Oct. 16, 2017). LOCK DOWN ON PRISON PLANET ALMOST COMPLETE. American Intelligence Media.
Fig. 11 – Anonymous Patriots. (Oct. 16, 2017). Lock down on prison planet almost complete. American Intelligence Media.
Bookmark: #social-networking-weaponized2 |
Anonymous Patriots. (Mar. 29, 2017). WEAPONIZATION OF SOCIAL MEDIA: TAKEOVER OF GLOBAL DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE. American Intelligence Media.
Fig. 12 – Anonymous Patriots. (Mar. 29, 2017). Weaponization of social media: Takeover of global digital infrastructure. American Intelligence Media.
Bookmark: #swamp-found |
swamp found. reveals weapon of mass intelligence
Anonymous Patriots. (Mar. 27, 2017). SWAMP FOUND. REVEALS WEAPON OF MASS INTELLIGENCE. American Intelligence Media.
Fig. 13 – Anonymous Patriots. (Mar. 27, 2017). Swamp found. Reveals weapon of mass intelligence. American Intelligence Media.

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Notices: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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