Friday, August 26, 2016


Clinton Foundation, Facebook, Joule Unlimited (Putin), false FOIA marking, Leader v. Facebook obstruction of justice

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Aug. 26, 2016, Updated Sep. 08, 2016 | PDF
Hillary Clinton's phone logs are proof of State Dept. cover-up
Fig. 1–Hillary Clinton's State Dept. Phone Logs—1,200% more calls were made to Hillary from the Clinton Foundation staff than from White House chiefs of staff. There were more calls from Facebook executives than from National Security Adviser Susan Rice. 88% of the Clinton Foundation and 100% of the Facebook calls were redacted (blanked out) fraudulently under the "B6" exemption for personnel and medical records. Hillary had entered into election rigging contracts with Facebook, therefore Facebook was a State Department vendor and not qualified to receive the B6 exemption for business activities.
Photo: Esquire.
Bookmark: #doug-band
Douglas J. Band
Douglas J. Band
Creator of the Clinton Global Initiative (2001) renamed The Clinton Foundation
Breaking News Sep. 02, 2016:
2001 Clinton Foundation creator—Douglas J. Band—ordered diplomatic passports from Huma Abedin in 2009 email on Hillary's private server —just months after setting it up
Judicial Watch just uncovered a Jul. 27, 2009 email from Douglas J. Band to Hillary's aide Huma M. Abedin. He asked for diplomatic passports. Such privileges to third parties are only given to contractors. Since the State Dept. has redacted all of Band's emails as "B6" personal (using their fraudulently expanded definition), they are admitting that this request is fraudulent. This is yet more evidence that The Clinton Foundation and George Soros were slated to run the U.S. State Deparment during the Hillary-Obama reign in order to solidify their globalist agenda. They relied on immoral pliable youngsters like Tomicah S. Tillemann, Alec Ross, Jean-Louis Warnholz, Bryan Pagliano, Huma Mahmood Abedin, Dennis Cheng and Marne L. Levine as "Senior Advisors" in this racketeering. Whistleblowers please come forward.

Bookmark: #soros-ran-state-dept
Leonard P. Stark
Jean-Louis Warnholz
Soros Econ. Dev. Fund, Senior Hillary State Dept. Adviser for Haiti/Africa
Breaking News Aug. 31, 2016:
Soros drove Haiti profit making from State Dept.
New stonewalled Hillary emails (Call Logs, Part 2 below) show George Soros directed the Haiti relief via English middleman Jean-Louis Warnholz and Clinton Foundation Douglas J. Band using Hillary's private email server. The State Department marked the details "Page Denied.." Remarkably, the boyish Warnholz left Soros to become "Senior Advisor" to Hillary in 2010. His credentials were limited to one 2007 university "working paper" on poverty reduction as a profit-making opportunity. Warnholz is now partnered with Cheryl D. Mills in BlackIvy Group LLC alleged African poverty reduction. Evidently, Hillary's State Department was "advised" by amateurs who took orders from George Soros and The Clinton Foundation.


Bookmark: #tabloid-rhetoric
Hillary's Condensed Anti-Trump tabloid rhetoric
Fig. 2–Hillary's hackneyed attempt at a Reno NV diversion—In an evidently desperate attempt to distract low information voters from her Clinton Foundation criminality, Hillary condensed every negative stereotype ever conceived against opponent Donald Trump into a single speech in Reno NV on Aug. 25, 2016. Such tabloid rhetoric signals an inability to present anything other than fickle poll-of-the-day talking points? Video: Roku /

(Aug. 26, 2016)—On August 23, 2016, Judge Rudolph Contreras ordered the State Department to release stonewalled Hillary phone logs to corruption watchdog Citizens United. The 176 pages were dated between Jul. 06, 2010 to Mar. 29, 2012. Another 130 pages of Huma Abedin's emails showing the close collaboration between the State Department and Clinton Foundation were also turned over.

A shout out thank you to Citizens United for your dogged persistence, along with fellow watchdogs Judicial Watch.

Citizens United court ordered FOIA release of Hillary Clinton Documents: Call Logs, Part 1 | Call Logs, Part 2 | Huma Abedin Emails, Part 1 | Emails, Part II

Bookmark: #hillary-ethics-statement
New Sep. 08, 2016: Hillary Jan. 05, 2009 Senate Ethics Statement on Clinton Foundations
Hillary Clinton's Jan. 05, 2009 ethics statement
Fig. 3–Hillary's Ethics Statement (Lies) on Jan. 05, 2009 to U.S. Senate (the American People). Click here for Hillary Clinton's Ethics Statement.

. . . 8 days later, Hillary registered

. . . 14 days earlier, Michael Connell, RNC IT guru & digital vote rigger, died in a suspicious plane crash

See TIMLEINE. Jan. 05, 2009, People you trusted are now hijacking the Internet.

The scanned documents were in poor condition. One could be excused for thinking that the State Department attorneys used a special “make this email nearly unreadable” printer setting.  Many of the scans were skewed and pixilated, making them hard to read. The sloppy condition forced AFI investigators to painstakingly review them page by page. Automatic searches were impossible.

In general, our researchers have found a correlation: the more damning the document, the more degraded the reproduction. The bottom line is that our taxpayer-funded State Department lawyers are using their salaries to hide and deface public property.

Bookmark: #b6-exemption-abuse

Misuse of (B)(6) exemption

The FOIA attorneys liberally claimed the “B6” exemption in blanking out Hillary’s log entries.

The 5 U.S. Code § 552(b)(6) actually says:

(b)(6) personnel and medical files and similar files the disclosure of which would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy;

However, the State Department fraudulently misstates the statute, broadening it from "personnel and medical files" to "Information" and even wholly rewritten to just "Personal privacy information." Such obviously intentional misstatements of the law to protect Hillary are themselves aiding and abetting the crimes:

(b)(6) Information that would constitute a clearly unwarranted invasion of personal privacy.

(b)(6) Personal privacy information.

State Department misstatement of 5 USC 552(b)(6) exemption
State Department misstatement of 5 USC 552(b)(6) exemption
Fig. 4—State Department misstatements and reinterpretations of 5 U.S. Code § 552(b)(6) exemption from FOIA disclosure in Citizens United v. U.S. Department of State, Case No. F-2014-15277, Date: 04/27/2016 disclosures on Aug. 23, 2016.
Bookmark: #shove-it
Harvard Law Obama & Yale Law Clintons essentialy said "shove it" to conflict of interest laws
President Barack Obama (R) stands with former President Bill Clinton before speaking at the Fifth Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) on September 22, 2009 in New York City. The Fifth Annual Meeting of the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) brings together leaders in politics, business, science, academics and religion to discuss global issues such as climate change and peace in the Middle East. Getty Images.Former President Bill Clinton (L) and U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton look on after Hillary spoke at the Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) September 25, 2009 in New York City. The fifth annual meeting of the CGI gathers prominent individuals in politics, business, science, academics, religion and entertainment to discuss global issues such as climate change and peace in the Middle East. The event, founded by Clinton after he left office, is held the same week as the General Assembly at the United Nations, when most world leaders are in New York City. Getty Images.
Fig. 5—Bill Clinton, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton hosted and spoke at the Sep. 22, 2009 conference of the Clinton Global Initiative in New York. The larcenous trio has promoted a revolving door among the State Department, White House,The Clinton Foundation and its donors. As lawyers who know better, they very evidently set out to destroy the ethics of avoiding even the appearance of conflicts. Their clear message is "In your face, America. After America's new President and his Secretary of State erased the firewall between public and private relationships, it appears their corporate donors began eight years of rapacious theft and profit making. Click for evidence of the depths of this ethical depravity in a CGI 2009 project summary (pgs. 25-87). (Note the defaced quality of this scan). Photos: Getty Images.
Dennis Cheng
Dennis Cheng,
Middleman between Clinton Foundation & U.S. Dept. of State
Huma Mahmood Abedin (Weiner) - full name source Citizens United v. US Dept. of State, Case No. F-2016-00374, Doc. No. C06035312, 06/21/2016.
Huma Mahmood Abedin (Weiner)

Huma M. Abedin
Dennis Cheng

Here is another clearly fraudulent use of B6 to hide the identity of a correspondent from the Clinton Climate Initiative. B6 is also used for Dennis Cheng, the middle man between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation. In this email, Cheng's Clinton Foundation email address is blanked out using B6. Here Cheng asked Abedin for her full name—Huma Mahmood Abedin—and asks if her personal email is working yet—an evident effort to hide their unethical coordination.

Derek H. Chollet
Derek H. Chollet

New, Sep. 07, 2016: Another Hillary insider who was a likely go-between for The Clinton Foundation, George Soros' Open Society Foundations and the secret executive order White House intelligence agency was Derek H. Chollet.

Chollet helped edit Hillary's first speech on "Internet Freedom" that promoted Facebook and Twitter as political tools for election rigging. Chollet is a former adjunct professor at George Washington University (where James P. Chandler is emeritus professor intellectual property). He was on Obama's transition team and worked for Hillary from as principal deputy director of policy planning (2009-2011). Then he became Obama's senior director on the national security council. He has now hit the book circuit as a Obama / Clinton surrogate.

Unless most of Hillary’s interactions with Clinton Foundation employees, Facebook and John Podesta were about health and personnel records, which they were not, none of them should have been redacted.

Bookmark: #fraudulent-facebook-claims

Fraudulent Facebook B6 claims

Sheryl K. Sandberg
Sheryl K. Sandberg,
shilled for Gmail before Facebook

The logs show that Hillary interacted with three Facebook executives. The State Department marked them all "B6:"

  1. Sheryl K. Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer
  2. Marne L. Levine, VP, and
  3. Erskine Bowles, Director.

However, Judicial Watch uncovered State Dept. contracts with Facebook starting on Sep. 26, 2009 (in the amount of $120,000) and on Sep. 29, 2010 (in the amount of $265,000) for “a template for winning elections.”

Discrepancies in Hillary Clinton's State Department Contracts with Facebook
Fig. 6—Evidence of collusion among Hillary Clinton, State Department, Facebook and Dmitry Shevelenko. Two State Department contracts with Facebook in 2009-2010 have just emerged in the latest trove of Hillary Clinton emails. The first $120,000 contract on Sep. 26, 2009 was for State Department “communications services.”  According to GSA records, the next three contracts paid $250,000 for “Peace Corp advertising services.” Then, a $265,000 contract on Sep. 30, 2010 was issued for more State Department “communications services.” Dmitry Shevelenko's LinkedIn Profile reveals his true agenda for these contracts: November 2010 election manipulation. See previous post.
Source: Judicial Watch.

Therefore, the B6 exemption used to blot out information about Facebook and their executives is fraudulent since Facebook was/is a vendor, albeit a secret one, which Hillary and the State Department have gone to great lengths to conceal. The public has a right to see these public records without redactions to protect Hillary's Facebook chums.

Bookmark: #hillary-leader-v-facebook-witness-tampering

Hillary tampered with Facebook witnesses in Leader v. Facebook

Hillary Clinton
Hillary Clinton,
hired Facebook to build "a template for winning elections"

Hillary broke one of the cardinal no-no's in American jurisprudence in her collusion with Facebook. Public officials are forbidden from interfering with potential witnesses in an active lawsuit.

Hillary’s obstructing fingerprints are all over Leader v. Facebook. First, she entered into contracts with Facebook. Do ya think Facebook was certain they were immune for bad trial results since Hillary was contracting with them to build "a template for winning elections?" !!!

David J. Kappos
David J. Kappos
Obama USPTO Director,
IBM Eclipse Foundation,
IBM Chief Counsel,
Chandler protégé
James P. Chandler, III
James P. Chandler, III
Creator of the secret White House intelligence agency via executive orders
Leonard P. Stark
Leonard P. Stark
Obama's quid pro quo to Stark was to protect Facebook & Chandler

A newbie magistrate judge Leonard P. Stark (just nominated by Obama a few months earlier) was parachuted in a month before trial, replacing a veteran judge who had just eviscerated Facebook in the all-important Markman Hearing.

Stark allowed Facebook to add new claims, then blocked Leader from conducting additional discovery to build their defenses. Those defenses would have included deposing James P. Chandler, III, Leader’s former patent attorney, which Stark prevented. Chandler was a Hillary and Bill's legal adviser, adviser to the NSA, and adviser to the IBM Eclipse Foundation that stole Leader Technologies invention.

John G. Roerts, Jr.
John G. Roberts, Jr.
Chief Justice, Facebook chief protector
Thomas G. Hungar
Thomas G. Hungar
Gibson Dunn LLP,
Facebook punk with a pen attorney

Despite one hand tied behind their backs, Leader proved nonetheless to a jury that the social networking engine running Facebook is their invention on 11 of 11 claims. Despite this proof, the courts protected Facebook right up to the U.S. Supreme Court. The judges all failed to disclose that they all held massive Facebook interests. Chief Justice Roberts also failed to disclose that he was best buddies with Facebook’s Gibson Dunn LLP appeal attorney, Thomas G. Hungar.

Bookmark: #hillary-putin-coverup

Clinton Foundation, Joule Unlimited (Putin) “B6” claims are fraudulent

Declan Kelly
State Department,
Douglas J. Band
The Clinton Foundation
Laura Graham
The Clinton Foundation

The logs overwhelmingly prove that Hillary was doing business first and foremost to promote the The Clinton Foundation.

The evident point persons were Douglas L. Band, Declan Kelly and Laura Graham.

Laura Graham was The Clinton Foundation chief operating officer. Doug Band was the originator of the foundation in 1997 at the beginning of his second term in the White House, and has been its chief counselor for more than a decade.

Douglas L. Band is now President and Declan Kelly is CEO of TENEO HOLDINGS, which is deploying The Clinton Foundation's winnings and influence around the planet. In fact, some say TENEO is attempting to establish a global government with tentacles everywhere and headquartered nowhere. Former State Department Hillary employee Declan Kelly left the State Department during Hillary's rein to become CEO of TENEO HOLDINGS. See Huma Abedin emails.

Two TENEO employs appear on Hillary's logs as well: Nora F. Toiv and Delcan Kelly.

Bookmark: #hillary-call-logs-table
Entries from Hillary Clinton State Department Call Logs between Jul. 06, 2010 to Mar. 29, 2012

ADD to this body of Clinton Corruption Timeline Work: Click here for Excel (*.xlsx) overlay of these Call Log entries with Bill & Hillary SPEAKING FEES 2001-2014.
Huma Mahmood Abedin (Weiner) - full name source Citizens United v. US Dept. of State, Case No. F-2016-00374, Doc. No. C06035312, 06/21/2016.
Huma Mahmood Abedin (Weiner)
Reminder: The B6 exemption is limited to health and personnel records. The Huma Abedin emails prove that the communications involved tight coordination of State Department and Clinton Foundation activities in such places as Haiti and Ireland.

Therefore, these Abedin emails alone prove the B6 redactions are fraudulent—by the State Department's own evidence.

New Aug. 30, 2016: Huma Abedin announced yesterday that she is separating from her husband, former Congressman Anthony Weiner, after he was caught in another sexting act. What Abedin secrets will Weiner use as blackmail in the future if his future ex-wife should become Hillary's First Girlfriend? What is it with these women and the deviant sexual behavior of their husbands? Do we put the leadership of the nation into such hands?
Name Organization Number of entries Entries marked B6 % marked B6 (personal)
Laura Graham

Laura Graham
Clinton Foundation,
Chief Operating Officer

James Rosen. (Aug. 22, 2016). Mark C. Toner spokesman for State Department Can't Answer Clinton Foundation Questions! Bows Head in Shame! Fox News / World News Daily.
134 134 100%
Doug Band

Douglas J. Band

Clinton Foundation,
Originator, Chief Counsellor







31 13 42%
Raj Shah USAID, former Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation officer 27 1 4%
John Podesta

John D. Podesta
Clinton Foundation, Counsellor

Joule Unlimited (Putin, Chubais, Rusnano, Goldman Sachs)

24 20 83%
Denis McDonough WH Chief of Staff 11 9 82%
Jack Lew WH Chief of Staff 5 1 20%
Susan Rice WH National Security Adviser 5 1 20%
Sheryl Sandberg

Sheryl K. Sandberg
Facebook, Chief Operating Officer 4 4 100%
Nora F. Toiv

Nora F. Toiv

See Huma Abedin emails
3 1 33%
Anne-Marie Slaughter Hillary political adviser, George Soros in-law, author of A New World Order 3 0 0%
Erskine Bowles Facebook, Director 2 2 100%
Declan Kelly

Declan Kelly

See Huma Abedin emails
2 2 100%
Marne Levine Facebook, Vice President 1 1 100%
Jamie Dimon JPMorgan Chase & Co., CEO 1 1 100%
Barney Frank U.S. Representative 1 1 100%
Fig. 2—State Department call logs for Facebook, Clinton Foundation and TENEO employees as compared to other prominent members of the Obama Administration. Part 1 | Part 2.

A “B6” marking is limited to health and personnel records. It is not to be used to obstruct the course of justice as the State Department is doing.

Bookmark: #hillary-illegality-count-the-ways

Let us count the ways that Hillary Clinton has violated her oath of office:

5 C.F.R. Part. 2635.101(b):

(7) Employees shall not use public office for private gain.

(8) Employees  shall act impartially and not give preferential treatment  to any  private organization or individual.

(11) Employees  shall  disclose waste, fraud, abuse, and corruption to appropriate  authorities.

(14) Employees shall endeavor to avoid any actions creating the appearance that they are violating the law or the ethical standards set forth in this part.

The evidence clearly PROVES that Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators are grossly violating all of these. They were not redacting Hillary’s self-proclaimed “boring emails” about yoga and Chelsea’s wedding plans. They were redacting important national information—all public property, not their private stash.

John Podesta, Joule Unlimited & Vladimir Putin

John D. Podesta
John D. Podesta
Larry H. Summers
Larry H. Summers
George Soros
George Soros

As the table above shows, John Podesta made more logged phone calls to Hillary than the White House chiefs of staff. This occurred while Podesta was teamed with Vladimir Putin, Anatoly Chubais and $35 million of Rusnano investments in Joule Unlimited based in Boston. The State Department marked all of those communications as B6. Podesta was clearly colluding with a foreign government and coordinating his efforts privately with Hillary Clinton, on the State Department's (American taxpayers') dime.

Yuri Milner
Yuri Milner
Shill for Bank Menatep,, VKontakte,

We have already written at length in the previous two posts about:

  1. Podesta's associations with Vladimir Putin,
  2. Podesta's associations with George Soros,
  3. Putin's Rusnano business partner Anatoly Chubais,
  4. Chubais's associations with Facebook-Instagram director, Obama advisor and former Clinton Treasury Secretary, Larry Summers, and the failed World Bank Soviet privatization voucher program,
  5. The involvement of Facebook principals Sheryl K. Sandberg and Yuri Milner with Summers,
  6. Summers's association with the IMF/World Bank diversions by Yuri Milner and Bank Menatep, and
  7. the global takeover of the Internet by these criminals.

See Hillary's Diabolical Ties to Russia.

These criminals, along with a crowd of "suddenly sniveling" Establishment Republicans, support Hillary Clinton for U.S. President. They loathe Donald Trump.

Does any American wanting to save the Republic need to know more?

* * *

Bookmark: #clinton-riches-bankrupting-us
Click image for enlarged view.
Clinton riches bankrupting U.S.
Fig. 7—Clinton Corruption Map. An AFI reader just asked us to post this graphic that summarizes many of the elements of the Clinton corruption across the globe. The reader also asked that other readers pass on this graphical overview describing why we cannot allow such a corrupt person as Hillary Clinton to ever be President of the United States. Source: Unknown.

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo. Fair Use is relied upon.


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Sunday, August 21, 2016


Exploits Open Society Foundations’ altruistic Progressivist minions to help him manipulate currencies for his personal profit

Epic greed, hubris, incompetence, self-deception, criminality.

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Aug. 21, 2016, Updated Jan. 19, 2016 | PDF
George Soros, Founder, Open Society Foundations.
Fig. 1–George Soros, founder, Open Society Foundations ("OSF"), formerly Open Society Institute ("OSI")—George Soros has used his dubious hedge fund billions since 1992 to finance a not-for-profit spider's web of allegedly philanthropic organizations around the planet. When OSF targets a country, they infiltrate every aspect of that society, then press their Progressive political agenda. In the meantime, OSF staff feed to Soros "ground game" business intelligence data that he then uses to "short" currencies for his personal profit. The OSF staff minions appear to become addicted to a regular flow of "grants" from Uncle George in exchange.

The OSF minions don't seem to realize how cynically their altruism is being abused. Soros's less than altruistic character can be summed up in his "Go for the jugular" ethic that almost brought down the British Pound in 1992. That event launched Soros's alleged philanthropic interests. It cost the British taxpayer billions of pounds to prevent the collapse of their currency. Also, few know that as a Jew, Soros was a Nazi sympathizer. He collected blood money from confiscating Jewish properties for the Nazis in Hungary—an act for which he told Steve Kroft of 60 Minutes he has no remorse.

With such a dubious moral past, why are so many people following Soros's self-serving "progressive" agenda? With such corrupt origins, could this agenda be the destructive moral and ethical influence that is destabilizing social discourse around the world? It appears his grants are like a drug; once he controls the wallets of his minions, he controls their minds and priorities in exchange for the next fix.
Photo: 4th Media.
Search Soros-DCLeaks Yourself here:

(Aug. 20, 2016)The Soros-DCLeaks have just pulled back the curtains on George Soros’ secretive Open Society Foundations (OSF), formerly Open Society Institute (OSI). Leaks dated Apr. 14, 2016 reveal a Pied Piper master manipulator of otherwise probably well-meaning people for his personal profit.

White House executive order spy agents appear to be complicit, as are well-known public figures including Bill & Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, James P. Chandler, III, New York mayor Bill DeBlasio, Al Gore, MSNBC, NPR, Bill Gates, Ford Foundation, IBM, Pew Trusts,, Google / YouTube, Microsoft, Facebook / Instagram, Twitter, ACLU, Media Matters, Planned Parenthood and countless other Soros hangers on.

Soros cleverly instructs his altruistic OSF minions (we assume they are unwitting, which is probably generous) to collect business intelligence. Then he secretly exploits that data to manipulate currencies for his personal enrichment. There is also a likely correlation between Soros grantees and their outlier income increases.

Bookmark: #cbs-kroft-soros

Steve Kroft. (Dec. 20, 1998). 60 Minutes George Soros interview. CBS.

Bookmark: #soros-uk-currency-attack

Soros’s original UK currency attack

Soros fleeced $1.4 billion from the British taxpayer in 1993
Anatoly Chubais, Chairman, Rosnano, POCHAHO
Fig. 2–George Soros went "for the jugular" and almost destroyed the British economy in 1992.
Source: INBU 4200 Int’l Financial Management.

Soros famously bet against the UK pound on Sep. 17, 1992. Hedge funds were not yet well known.

In a nutshell, Soros believed that the British Pound was overvalued and was headed for a devaluation. So, he borrowed over ten billion Pounds in a "Go for the jugular" move. He then immediately converted the Pounds into German Marks. When the markets learned about Soros’ actions, other traders followed suit. This run on the Pound triggered a devaluation. Soros then used his Marks to buy back the now devalued Pounds and pocketed $1.4 billion profit. All in one day.

Soros has refined this business model by using his OSF business intelligence data to create market instabilities that allow him to repeat his UK success with regularity.

He uses his market intelligence to buy currencies just ahead of devaluations that he knows about that others cannot see coming. For example, Soros sold Malaysian and Thai currencies short in the 1997 Asian financial crisis. Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad called Soros a "criminal" and complained bitterly that "a moron like Soros comes along with a lot of money" and undermined their growing Asian economies. LA Times.

Bookmark: #soros-summers-duplicity

Question: Soros's Russian Meddling:
What role did George Soros play in the collapse of the emerging Russian economy in 1992-1993? Disastrous Russian privatization vouchers were created by then World Bank chief economist Larry Summers with his sidekicks Sheryl K. Sandberg (later assigned to Gmail, then to Facebookl) and Yuri Milner (later assigned to VKontakte, and Facebook). Summers went from there straight to the Bill Clinton Treasury Department in 1993. How many Russian vouchers did Soros purchase himself and through surrogates? Milner's later involvement in Bank Menatep IMF diversions and mob money laundering suggests that Soros's meddling in Russia has been substantial.

Answer Aug. 23, 2016: Soros's Russian Alchemy:
The answer to our question came swiftly from American Thinker. On Feb. 27, 2008 Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote "George Soros and the Alchemy of 'Regime Change'. In a 1994 New Republic interview, Soros boasted "the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire."

In 1999 while Larry Summers's World Bank advisor Yuri Milner was busy laundering tens of billions of dollars in IMF, World Bank and Russian mob funds through Bank Menatep, Soros told the House Banking Committee that he had used insider access to invest heavily in Sidanko Oil—a Russian company that had otherwise forbidden foreign investors.

These revelations unmistakably tie together Larry Summers, Bill & Hillary Clinton, James P. Chandler, George Soros, Sheryl K. Sandberg, Yuri Milner and Lloyd Blankfein (Goldman Sachs). Soros's Open Society was advocating the "free flow of information." Therefore, the breeding ground for the plan to take control of the Internet has now been identified. Summers directed the Clinton, Bush and Obama White House activity. Sandberg was assigned to Gmail and then Facebook. Milner was assigned to, VKontakte and Facebook. Goldman Sachs underwrote the whole bunch, including Bill's 2005 Kazakhistan UrAsia uranium junket that netted $152 million to The Clinton Foundation. Now we can see the complete circle of relationships between Facebook and the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Meet the people who have been reading your E-mail and stealing your ideas for decades—No wonder the world is so messed up.
George Soros
Lawrence Larry H. Summers
Sheryl K. Sandberg
Yuri Milner
Bill Clinton
Hillary Clinton
James P. Chandler, III
Lloyd Blankfein

The most recent release of stonewalled Hillary private server emails uncover other prominent persons as well, but the eight above are the ring leaders, we believe.

Leader Technologies' patent lawyer, James P. Chandler, III, also advised Summers and the Clintons. Chandler was evidently Clinton's liaison to the NSA. Chandler was the lead attorney who created and facilitated the commercial–spy alliances via a string of executive orders. Chandler cleared the way of all intellectual property claims, Leader's and others, that stood in their way. Chandler also tapped IBM and The IBM Eclipse Foundation ("The Internet of Things—IoT) as the underlying technology provider to this secret cartel. See Timeline.

OSF organization

In many ways, OSF operates like any organization. They have systems, procedures, cost controls, budgets, team building, strategy sessions and lots of meetings. That part of the leak was instructive but uninteresting.

Soros appears to have stumbled upon a fertile recruiting ground for gathering business intelligence: altruistic youth during their “rip-up-the-system” phase of life. Ivory tower academics and politicians are along for the ride because they feed at the Soros grant funding trough as well. Others have used this technique as “market leaders” with the commodities market as well.

Soros's Open Society Fdn pixie dust

George Soros Pixie Dust

Soros’s OSF minions make requests for project funds. $30 million (Al Gore), $10 million, $8 million, $6 million, $1 million, $500,000, $250,000, $100,000.  The projects are sprinkled like pixie dust all over the planet.

Click here for a PDF version of this TIMELINE.

George Sources, Open Society Foundations (OCF) Eastern European Projects 1991-2013
Fig. 3—Total number of projects, by year for Open Society Fellowship (OSF) East East (European) Program Partnership Beyond Borders Initiatives (1991-2013). This newly-discovered information correlates the theft of Leader Technologies' social networking invention and the illegal NSA bulk data collection dates disclosed by NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden. The leaks uncover the exploitation of Leader Technologies invention in the OSF "Shared Frameworks" in a system they named SOUK / KARL.

Timeline & "Grantees" of George Soros's Epic Global Meddling:

1991 | 1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 Source: Soros-DCLeaks.

OSF minions use Soros's money to set up field offices and recruit operatives. Once they collect their data, their “ground game” shifts to promoting their Progressivist agenda in the social, business and political affairs of that country.

Soros personally approves all budgets and owns all the intelligence data collected.  See their 2016 budgeting schedule Fig. 4 below.

For example, one DCLeaks-Soros spreadsheet detailed 263 projects in Serbia between 2011-2014 totaling $3.5 million in grants (spreadsheet file attached inside PDF).

George Soros: Meddler-Profiteer in Chief

George Soros Pixie Dust

On the surface these Serbian projects seem admirable enough:

Funded Serbian Projects: Open communications, education, women, architecture, applied European studies, minority rights, media, ecology, radio, leadership training, “humanitarian law,” economy, media monitoring, human rights, regionalism, sustainability, journalism, health, democracy, security, law enforcement, government, “queer studies,” philosophy, photography, children, youth, and development, to name just a few of the 263 projects.  

Busybodies in the affairs of sovereign nations

However, at another level Soros's meddling in Serbia is just creepy.

Soros is Hungarian, not Serbian. He was given a Christian name to escape the Nazis, only to then assist the Nazis in confiscating Jewish property—blood money actions for which Soros told Steve Kroft on 60 Minutes, December 20, 1998 he had “[no] feeling of guilt” .

However, these meddling Soros projects have infiltrated practically every aspect of Serbian society.

When the data gathering is complete and the infiltration matures, Soros and his OSF minions know more about Serbia than most Serbians. That “knowledge is power.” No stone is left unturned in business associations, trade unions, churches, synagogues, mosques, communities, women and youth organizations and other social groupings. Once the minions make friends, they start infiltrating Serbia with their Progressivist agenda. In many of these projects Soros brings in other major, well-funded foundations like the Ford Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundations.

Soros exploits that knowledge on two levels: (1) he enables his OSF do-gooders with data to support their "values shifting" within Serbian society toward A New World Order (authored by Soros in-law and Hillary Clinton political adviser Anne-Marie Slaughter, Princeton Press, 2004), and (2) he secretly exploits the economy for personal profit, directly and through surrogates.

If Soros's minions even suspect his economic manipulation, they must turn a blind eye because Uncle George will be feeding them more funding for their next project, so life inside the OSF bubble is good.

The leaked documents are infused with haughty progressivist elitism (e.g., We know what's good for you, you poor wretched soul who just fell off the turnip wagon.)

Soros: Eureka! Progressivism is a currency manipulation opportunity

St. George Soros, Patron Saint of Perpetual Funding
St. George Soros

Young progressive idealists recruited to OSF are much cheaper than their commercial counterparts at big analytics firms. These idealists don’t ask questions. They’re also willing to travel and they move quickly. They fan out for Uncle George in all directions, burning the midnight oil for the cause.

This Soros cult of personality sounds eerily familiar to other misguided global power mongers. History's lessons appear to be quickly forgotten within the OSF "bubble of perpetual funding."

Do Soros’ minions realize that they are being used to manipulate global currency markets? We suspect they have sold their souls long ago and don’t care about the morality as long as Uncle George keeps feeding them grants in perpetuity.

Calling all OSF Whistleblowers

Then again, perhaps now that they know they are being used, they will jump ship and blow whistles.

Protest Soros's duplicity and immoral meddling at upcoming OSF meetings

Soros's minions just spat upon supporters of Donald Trump this weekend. Last month they colluded with DNC insiders to steal Bernie Sanders primary votes. This uncivilized behavior is supposed to convince people not to vote for Trump or Sanders?

Let us turn the tables on the OSF busybodies. Here’s a calendar of 2016 OSF budgeting activities. Show up at their meetings and demand that these people stop their meddling and confusing the unsuspecting who should not have to assume that everything coming from the political left is a lying "narrative."

Bookmark: #osf-2016-schedule
George Sources, Open Society Foundations (OCF) Eastern European Projects 1991-2013
Fig. 4—Open Society Fellowship (OSF) 2016 Strategy and Budget Cycle. Click here for the source OSF document. Source: Soros-DCLeaks.

Soros is an epic global meddler—Is his OSF meddling the source of current global instability?

George Soros Pixie Dust
George Soros
Uncle George

A full total of all Soros grants is estimated at multiple billions of dollars. Between 2005 and 2009 alone, Soros granted $292 million to his top 150 grantees. Here is what is believed to be an up-to-date  list of Soros’ current grantees. Several of note include:

  1. Black Lives Matter
  2. Brookings Institution
  3. Alliance for Climate Protection (Al Gore)
  4. American Bar Association
  5. American Library Association
  6. Aspen Institute
  7. Center for American Progress (John Podesta)
  8. Center for Reproductive Rights
  9. Change America Now
  10. Democratic Party
  11. J-Street
  12. Media Matters
  14. Muslim Advocates
  15. National Council of La Raza
  16. National Public Radio (NPR)
  17. New Israel Fund
  18. Occupy
  19. People for the American Way
  20. Planned Parenthood
  21. Project Vote (ACORN)
  22. ThinkProgress (John Podesta)

Soros can surely be called the Pied Piper of radical leftist ideology.

Case in point is his recent $650,000 funding of the Black Lives Matter (BLM), confirmed by this leak. BLM has created chaos and the murder of police force members. Multiple analyses of racist allegations towards police departments have been conducted, and show that racist behavior by white police force members is minimal, and statistically not accurate. Yet, BML movement protests and encourages violence against white police. Milwakee Sherffi David Clark calls BLM a "terrorist group."

AFI investigators reached out to AIPAC (American-Israel Public Affairs Committee) for comment on Soros’ grants to anti-Jewish, pro-Jihadi Muslim organizations.

A senior AIPAC spokesperson responded: 

“Soros has been the major funder for J-Street, which has become the anti-AIPAC.  While J Street constantly proclaims itself as a pro-Israel organization, it is nothing of the kind. It’s a left-wing organization with a deeply anti-Zionist ideology.  As we are well aware, just because an organization is Jewish and claims to be pro-Israel, it doesn’t mean it is.”

Another expert on Jewish-American affairs said:

“As we know in Israel, Soros’s backing of anti-Israeli causes has encouraged groups like Hamas to murder many average citizens. Soros appears to have no qualms about pocketing blood money like this. It’s just another chapter in his personal book about exploiting people―like his complicit behavior in Hungary as a teen when he helped his Christain Hungarian godfather “without guilt” to confiscate property from Hungarian Jews during the Nazi occupation.

"The world's most dangerous billionaire"

Indeed, a blogger for The Times of Israel calls Soros "the world's most dangerous billionaire" citing the Kroft 60 Minutes interview for proof of his ruthlessness. One can only assume that his OSF minions have discounted these facts as just another "vast right wing conspiracy" to quote Hillary Clinton's perennial excuse to evade answering hard questions.

Soros's OSF minions also have apparently ignored his profoundly immoral attempt to destroy the British economy in 1992. He launched his "philanthropy" career off of that ill-gotten gain. Will his minions ever awake from their drunken grantee stupor that is founded on Soros's WWII Jewish blood money?

Apparently Soros learned long ago that leftists will gather his market intelligence because they are:

  1. greedy enough to take his money,
  2. gullible enough to march to his orders,
  3. vain enough to think they deserve it,
  4. incompetent enough to believe their uninformed, newly-minted ideas are better than the wisdom of the ages,
  5. haughty enough to believe their ideas are superior to those of others, and
  6. immoral enough to believe the ends justify the means.

These jumbled values of Soros's OSF minions, combined with Soros's tens of millions of dollars in pixie dust grants, appears to be the source of much of the world's current instability.

MSNBC gets “a lot of content” from Soros grantees

George Soros Pixie Dust
Hillary R. Clinton, John D. Podesta
Fig. 5—Hillary & John D. Podesta, founder of Soros grantees Center for American Progress and ThinkProgress.

According to the leaked documents, Soros has “fully integrated” his grantee organizations to “align their messaging,” including “Center for American Progress, Media Matters and Color of Change, to name a few.” 

The Center for American Progress a.k.a ThinkProgress was founded by John Podesta. Podesta is Hillary & Bill Clinton's serial advisor. He is also a chief adviser to The Clinton Foundation and Clinton Global Initiative (CGI).

Podesta's duplicity involving Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) creator Douglas J. Band was uncovered in the Aug. 09, 2016 release of 44 email exchanges on Hillary's private email server to corruption watchdog Judicial Watch. Most of Podesta's back channel emails with Hillary are believed to have been deleted by Clinton's attorneys in the 30,000 emails she admits deleting. Any deletion of Podesta emails is criminal. See previous post.

msnbc logo

Think Progress
"MSNBC gets a lot of content from [grantee] ThinkProgress"
John Podesta, founder of ThinkProgress, is a serial Bill & Hillary Clinton operative who served as director for Boston-based Joule Unlimited in which Vladimir Putin's Rusnano fund invested $35 million. See previous post.
Fig. 6—MSNBC gets "a lot of content" from Soros, Clinton and Podesta. Soros OSF Directors Memo, Jan. 31, 2012, PDF pg. 7. Graphics: MSNBC, ThinkProgress.

The leaked OSF documents brag about grantee ThinkProgress, an arm of Center for American Progress (Podesta), that MSNBC gets a lot of content from ThinkProgress.” Soros OSF Directors Memo, Jan. 31, 2012, PDF pg. 7.

Soros's minions boast about a painstaking process to bring together the following grantees into a Digital Due Process Coalition that includes:

  • Google
  • Microsoft
  • Center for Democracy
  • ACLU
  • Electronic Frontiers Foundation

This coalition boasts about moving the Senate and House Judiciary Committees toward Progressivist positions.

Just as this post was being finalized the alternative media began covering new Soros Leaks documents about Al Gore and OSI's contrived climate agenda'

Soros granted $30 million to Al Gore to hype global warming

George Soros Pixie Dust
Al Gore—Soros's Carbon Huckster
Albert A. Gore
Fig. 7—Albert A. Gore. Bill Clinton's vice president from 1993 to 2001. Gore's promotion of climate change coincides with George Soros's newfound interest in the subject.

Barack Obama (U.S. President), Mark Zuckerberg (Facebook CEO), Steve Jobs (Apple CEO), Steve Westly (Westly Group Partner), John Doerr (Kleiner Perkins Partner), Ann Doerr (John Doerr Spouse), Eric Schmidt (Google CEO), Art Levinson (Genentech Chairman), John Chambers (Cisco CEO), Larry Ellison (Oracle CEO), Reed Hastings (Netflix CEO), John Hennessy (Stanford Univ. President), Carol Bartz (Yahoo CEO) and Dick Costolo (Twitter CEO)
Note: Gore now works at the Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins that has been colluding with the IBM Eclipse Foundation and the Obama administration on the digital takeover. See Fig. 3 above.

Tellingly, Gore promoted a "carbon exchange" with former Goldman Sachs huckster David Blood that netted the pair over $218 million. See Forbes: "Blood And Gore: Making A Killing On Anti-Carbon Investment Hype."

A leaked OSI all-hands-on-deck planning memo on climate exposes the breathtaking naïveté of the OSF crowd who have more Soros money than sense. Read The Daily Caller article.

Nancy Youman, Open Society Foundations (OCF)
Nancy Youman

The author of an OSF climate memo, Nancy Youman, is a journalist and community organizer and Associate Director of U.S. Programs. Notably, Youman is not a scientist, chemist or engineer with any expertise worth listening to in the climate subject. Her headlong, foolhardy approach to climate is profoundly disturbing considering she is leading the OSF charge into Soros's newly-minted interest in climate. A few choice Youman quotes say it all:

Fear mongering by a career journalist leading OSI

"The next few years are make or break years for the Earth's climate." PDF, p. 8.

Priority #1: Take care of Al Gore & pursue a new hedge fund scam

"George Soros became interested in global warming a few years ago, we have gotten up to speed on the issues . . ." p. 3.

"George Soros pledged $10,000,000/year for three years, beginning in 2008, to the Alliance for Climate Protection, founded by Al Gore" p. 3.

The unbridled hubris of elitist climate newbies

"George Soros and OSI are looked to for leadership." p. 3.

Exploited climate to promote Progressivism

"Drawing out and deepening connections between a climate-constrained world and OSI's equality, opportunity, justice, accountability and governance priorities." p. 1.

OSI also has much to gain, since climate ripples through so many of the issues and regions on which it focuses." p. 2.

"We can already see links to OSI's work in the U.S. Europe, Africa, China . . ." p. 2.

"The phenomenon of climate change is transformational." p. 2.

This Al Gore revelation further reinforces the premise of these findings. George Soros funds self-absorbed youth, academics and politicians who are blinded by their own ambition and sense of self-importance.


Soros told Charlie Rose in a 1998 interview at 19 min. 56 sec.:

"I am better at the analysis than the solution."

Sovereign nations are comprised of people with families and lives to lead without interference from meddlers. However, Soros and OSF admit to viewing these people as mere variables for experimentation, analysis and exploitation.

The quid pro quo "deal with the Devil" is that Soros "grants" his minions hundreds of millions of dollars to play, and they in turn feed him "ground game" data that he uses to manipulate financial markets for his personal profit.

Soros's global meddling is unprecedented, and as The Times of Israel wrote—dangerous.

George Soros Pixie Dust

* * *

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself. Photos used are for educational purposes only and were obtained from public sources. No claims whatsoever are made to any photo.


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