Wednesday, September 23, 2015


OSU Marching Band's Apple commercial threatened to expose IBM goal to capture Ohio data

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION  | Sep. 23, 2015 Updated Oct. 05 | PDF
Michael V. Drake, new President of The Ohio State University creates scandal during his first month in office. This does not bode well for his judgment and leadership.
Fig. 1—Michael V. Drake, President, The Ohio State University, fired beloved OSU Band Director, Jon Waters, on false charges to smear Waters and protect Drake's IBM-Eclipse-NSA overlords from disturbance of their M.O.O.C. Ohio data center takeover schemes. The band had suddenly become too identified with IBM's rival Apple. Steve Jobs had refused to cooperate with the NSA's illegal mass data collection program. Also, IBM's stock is faltering and needs M.O.O.C. to survive, according to IBM insiders.

M.O.O.C. is a house built on shifting sand, technologically and morally.
Photo: Ohio State.
Oct. 05, 2015 Update
Ohio State President Michael V. Drake continues to stonewall Ohio financial disclosure laws—his membership in IBM-Eclipse-NSA Spy State Cartel almost certain
On Oct. 05, 2015, in response to a motion to dismiss filed by Ohio Attorney General Mike DeWine at the Ohio Supreme Court, Michael McKibben, Leader Technologies' founder and Ohio State graduate, submitted more stinging ethics evidence against Ohio State president Michael V. Drake. McKibben filed a First Amended Complaint for Writ of Mandamus. A petition for writ of mandamus is a special kind of lawsuit that any citizen can file to ask a court to order a public official to perform their statutory duty. In this case, McKibben had previously asked the Ohio Ethics Commission for Drake's required financial disclosure where Drake omitted listing his actual holdings. Drake stonewalled the Commission which forced this action.

McKibben said, "The motion to dismiss is a delay tactic. Under Ohio law, as long as Michael Drake keeps filing motions to dismiss, we are free to keep tightening the complaint with amendments on behalf of the Citizens of Ohio." McKibben continued, "President Drake's cite to dubious judicial mutual fund waiver arguments is curious. Our supporters in the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption scandal are attacking this waiver as unConstitutional. In our case, our judges concealed their substantial Facebook stock holdings behind mutual funds without recusing themselves. Michael Drake is not a judge, so his citation of it is telling. I hope this cartel has not infected the Ohio Attorney General's office too." Ohio State officials did not return our calls for an interview. They never do.
Jon Waters, Director, The Ohio State University Marching Band
Ramp Entrance, The Ohio State University Marching Band
Fig. 2— Director Jon Waters & The Ohio State University Marching Band. On Jul. 24, 2014, Waters was fired by incoming president Michael V. Drake because his marching innovations using the Apple iPad received overnight global attention after an Apple TV ad went viral. The exploding publicity threatened IBM because it shined a light on Ohio State's computer infrastructure which IBM has been secretly connecting into its global C.I.A./NSA spy state network. The prize? Manipulation of the future Ohio vote to create a permanent ruling class guided by Harvard graduates.
Photos: The Columbus Dispatch, TBDBITL.


(Sep. 22, 2015)—IBM (“Big Blue”) has been on the march in Ohio since 2012.

The Ohio State University Marching Band iPad commercial

Then overnight, on Jan. 12, 2014, the famed Ohio State band marched all over Big Blue with a wildly successful Apple TV commercial that went viral across the planet.

While both companies profit from the fruits of the social networking invention they stole from Ohio innovator, Leader Technologies, IBM envies Apple's success.

Company market valuations (approx.):
IBM:  $145,500,000,000
Apple:  $632,600,000,000 (4.3 times IBM)

The university community was thrilled with the revenue and attention Ohio State received, but an inner circle of OSU administrators was livid.

Huh? Rationally, what was not to like about the publicity for Ohio State and a $30 million fee?

As it turns out, plenty. In an instant, the OSU band was upsetting the IBM apple cart in Ohio (no pun intended) by bringing unwanted attention to IBM's nemesis—Apple.

Some back story perspective is needed to understand why a small clique of OSU administrators were apparently irrationally upset with attention the band created. In reality, they were quite rational.

IBM stole social networking invention of Ohio innovator Leader Technologies

On Nov. 29, 2001, IBM formed The Eclipse Foundation as the vehicle to give away as “Open Source” (for free) Ohio-based Leader Technologies’ social networking invention in which Leader had invested over $10 million and 145,000 man-hours to develop.

By contrast, Mark Zuckerberg testified under oath that he developed Facebook in "one to two weeks" in Jan. 2004 while taking a full class load. Truth is, IBM and The Eclipse Foundation gave Leader's innovations to Zuckerberg. All the Zuck had to do was flip the switch. Such willful lies are criminal offenses in an unbroken justice system.
Professor James P. Chandler
Fig. 3— Law Professor James P. Chandler, IBM's Chief Outside Counsel.Took custody of Leader Technologies' social networking invention "for safekeeping" on Jun. 06, 2002. 11 weeks later, Leader's innovations appear magically in the next version of Eclipse, version 2.0.1. Within weeks, HP and Microsoft sign on to the IBM Eclipse feeding frenzy.
Photo: NIPLI.
IBM colluded with their chief outside counsel, law professor James P. Chandler, who was Leader’s patent attorney and also national security advisor to the courts protecting Facebook. Evidence now shows that Chandler is a spy master for the NSA spy state.

On Jun. 06, 2002, Chandler took custody of a copy of Leader’s invention and shuffled it out the backdoor to his cronies at IBM and The Eclipse Foundation. They knew that Leader had broken the sound barrier on "scalability;" a solution that had eluded both IBM and Microsoft for more than a decade. They were intent on stealing it to perpetuate their monopolies.

Eleven weeks later, Leader's innovations appeared magically in Eclipse 2.0.1. A week later, Hewlett-Packard (HP) joined Eclipse. Microsoft was already a member through its University of Washington surrogate, and it then doubled-down in a press release with HP 12 weeks later.

The feeding frenzy surrounding Leader’s innovations was on. IBM illegally claimed copyrights over Leader's invention. Chandler advised IBM on the bogus copyright claims

Also in 2002, Leader Technologies showed its invention to Battelle Memorial Institute in Columbus, Ohio, which is headquartered near the Ohio State campus. Battelle stole everything that Leader presented and became a central player in the IBM spy state cartel that was gathering steam.

Battelle's Jeffrey Wadsworth and Alex R. Fischer (now Ohio State trustees) joined Battelle soon thereafter as the clean-up men. Wadsworth's signature is actually on a Leader Technologies contract from 2001 where the federal government had validated Leader's invention as a "widely deployable security system."

See Timeline for the Hijack of the Cyber World.

IBM: "First of its kind technology"

Since 2012, in a “first of its kind technology,” IBM admitted that Ohio State is ground zero for its march to control academia and politics in Ohio.

Ironically, IBM is exploiting Ohio State's data center. They are hooking up Ohio State and the State of Ohio to their global “Big Data Social Business” network. This network is comprised of 200 client centers, 8 specialized analytics centers and 200 academic institutions.

This activity is buried in glowing Orwellian descriptions of efficiency, savings, security, modernization, enhanced user experience and engagement.

In the iPad commercial, Jon Waters’ marching innovations associated Ohio State with Apple overnight. IBM's cronies at Ohio State had to stop this unwanted attention, and quickly. So, they smeared Waters and fired him.

The evident incivility and rudeness toward Waters and the band telegraphed that this was the work of outsiders.

Facts proving Ohio officials collude with IBM

Date Technology Partner Event
Oct. 01, 2012 IBM Battelle Mem. Inst. Energy project
Nov. 29, 2012 IBM Ohio State Univ. “Big Data” Social Business “first of its kind” initiative
Mar. 21, 2013 IBM State of Ohio Modernize SOCC computer center - $267 million
May 01, 2013 IBM Ohio State Univ. Provost Joseph A. Steinmentz praises M.O.O.C.
Sep. 16, 2014 IBM Ohio State Univ. University Innovation Alliance M.O.O.C. (Massive Open Online Course)
Mar. 16, 2015 IBM Ohio State Univ. Move data center off campus to "One University" SOCC
Table 1: Verification of State of Ohio, Ohio State University, IBM collusion.

Coincidence or Collusion?

Ohio information technology officials falling in lockstep behind all-things-IBM. Coincidence, or collusion? No wonder Michael Drake does not want to disclose his financial holdings as required by law. IBM and IBM cronies will likely figure prominently in his holdings. See below.

Ex Post Facto  Memo to Jon Waters and the OSU Marching Band: No room for Apple in Ohio

The only sin of Jon Waters and the OSU Marching Band was being good at what they do.

IBM and their secret Ohio cronies clearly do not want their larger rival, Apple, to have any involvement in their Ohio takeover.

In fact, Steve Jobs had refused NSA attempts to collect user data. Apple only agreed to snoop for the NSA a year after Jobs died. Jobs' successors were not so courageous.

Bad Karma

Anecdotally, of the many ironies in this story of the destruction of the Fourth and Fifth Amendments, Michael McKibben's late father, James A. McKibben, was the senior engineer who built the Ohio Supercomputer Center. IBM is hooking up the State of Ohio and Ohio State systems to their global spy network at this Center. Bad karma for the criminals.

New Sep. 24: Innovation Alliance (a.k.a. IBM) members are all  IBM shops.

  1. Arizona State
  2. Georgia State
  3. Iowa State
  4. Michigan State
  5. Ohio State
  6. Oregon State
  7. Purdue
  8. UC Riverside
  9. Kansas
  10. Texas
No collusion among Ohio State's Mike Drake, Joe Steinmetz, Gene Smith and Jeff Wadsworth with these universities around all things IBM-Eclipse Spy State Cartel? :-/

On Jul. 01, 2014, Michael V. Drake became Ohio State’s president. His first official act was to fire Jon Waters on Jul. 24, 2014. Two months later, he announced the M.O.O.C. University Innovation Alliance.

State of Ohio Petition for Writ filed against Michael Drake to disclose his (IBM?) financial holdings

On Sep. 04, 2015, Drake was served a Petition for Writ of Mandamus by the State of Ohio to produce his required public financial disclosure. He had omitted all disclosure of his holdings in an evident attempt to hide those holdings. Nevertheless, even his obscured disclosure smoked out a connection among these IBM events.

One of Bill and Hillary Clinton’s longtime energy advisers, David Goldwyn, is associated with The Ford Foundation. While this association is not disclosed in Goldwyn's public biographies, it was discovered in the State Department’s most recent release of Hillary’s emails.

The Ford Foundation and Battelle have a long association. This means the Ohio State trustee president, Jeffrey Wadsworth, who is also CEO of Battelle, had undisclosed associations with Michael Drake before he was hired.

University Trustees are pledged to maintain impartiality when doing business on behalf of the citizens of the State of Ohio.

Ohio State leaders are all-in with IBM and its spy state cronies

Either it is just an uncanny coincidence that Drake, Wadsworth, Battelle, Ohio State and the State of Ohio are all doing business with IBM, or a nefarious agenda is afoot. See previous post: OSU Band Investigation Unearths Surprise Trustee Collusion in Patent Theft.

Investigators have mapped this network of mostly undisclosed relationships. It is a criminal offense for a public official to fail to disclose a conflict of interest that he or she knows to be improper.

Michael V. Drake Conflicts of Interest Map
Fig. 4— Michael V. Drake Conflicts of Interest Map. First Amended Complaint for Writ of Mandamus, Sep. 04, 2015, amended Oct. 05, 2015, State of Ohio ex. rel. Michael T. McKibben, an Ohio Citizen, v. Michael V Drake, an Ohio Public Servant, Case No. 2015-1472 (Ohio Supreme Court 2015).
Graphic: AFI.

Gene Smith is now obscuring his IBM connections

Gene Smith, Athletic Director, The Ohio State University
Fig. 5— Gene Smith, Ohio State Athletic Director. Former IBM employee.
Photo: Ohio State.

The Ohio State Athletic Director, Gene Smith, the man who fired former football coach, Jim Tressel, rather than take the responsibility for “tattoo-gate,” has long-time IBM connections.

Smith’s resume has historically talked about his former IBM employment.

"I worked at IBM for two years . . . I sold a lot of software packages and a lot of computers in the accounting industry and in manufacturing, distribution, medical, legal."
—Gene Smith, Sep. 01, 2013.

Mar. 23, 2005
ASU Web@Devil

Feb. 14, 2011 Ohio State Fisher School of Business

Sep. 01, 2013 Columbus CEO

However, in Gene Smith’s current Ohio State biography, his IBM history is omitted.

Sep. 21, 2015 Ohio State Buckeyes.

Update, Sep. 24, 2015—While the official OSU athletics website now omits Gene Smith's IBM relationship, the alumni association sends mixed signals.

The print edition of Ohio State Alumni Sep-Oct 2015 magazine (p. 26) omitted mention of IBM.

However, the online edition does mention IBM.

"It [IBM] was the coolest experience of all time. . . I really got into it."
—Gene Smith, Sep-Oct 2015.

A psycophantic pandering to Ohio State's true task master?

Ohio officials do IBM's spy state bidding

What are these Ohio officials hiding? What is IBM hiding? The people of Ohio deserve to know the truth about this collusion among their public officials.

The privacy and safety of our children is clearly threatened by the hidden agendas of these evident predators. Who is regulating this "Big Data" education information about our children that IBM appears to be sending all over the planet?

* * *

Notice: This post may contain opinion. As with all opinion, it should not be relied upon without independent verification. Think for yourself.


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  1. Sharyl Attkisson does a good job of tracking Hillary's ever-evolving excuses for breaking the law regarding her private email account while Secretary of State

    What did Hillary Clinton do wrong?
    By Sharyl Attkisson, Sep. 23, 2015

  2. This Gallup survey is no surprise to AFI readers. . .

    Gallup Poll: Half of Americans Say US Govt. Poses Threat
    by Sharyl Attkisson

    49% call federal government too big and powerful

    More Americans willing to vote for Catholic, Jew than Muslim for president

    A new Gallup poll finds that 49% of Americans believe the government poses “an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.” That figure is up substantially over the first time Gallup asked the question in 2003. At that time, less than one third of Americans said the government posed such a threat.

    Today, Americans who agree that the government is an immediate threat tend voiced the theme that the federal government is too big and too powerful, a
    49% call federal government too big and powerful

    More Americans willing to vote for Catholic, Jew than Muslim for president
    A new Gallup poll finds that 49% of Americans believe the government poses “an immediate threat to the rights and freedoms of ordinary citizens.” That figure is up substantially over the first time Gallup asked the question in 2003. At that time, less than one third of Americans said the government posed such a threat.

    Today, Americans who agree that the government is an immediate threat tend voiced the theme that the federal government is too big and too powerful, and that it has too many laws. According to Gallup, “they also cite nonspecific allegations that the government violates freedoms and civil liberties, and that there is too much government in people’s private lives.”nd that it has too many laws. According to Gallup, “they also cite nonspecific allegations that the government violates freedoms and civil liberties, and that there is too much government in people’s private lives.”


  3. Facebook Mark Zuckerberg stole British data centre design
    The social media giant facebook stole its designs for a more efficient data centre, and that the substantial value of the work ended up in Facebook’s Luleå Data Center in Sweden. And facebook Mark zuckerberg announced to the world he had developed a revolutionary new method of constructing large mission critical data centers, "But it was all STOLEN” and the Luleå Data Center in Sweden is just a FRONT for FBI CIA NSA and the Cartel, RUN BY CANDLER who was HIRED by Obama, All of your thoughts and Emails are on Luleå Data Center in Sweden so let the hacking begin

    European Court Adviser Calls Trans-Atlantic Data-Sharing Pact Insufficient - New York Times A new lawsuit alleges Twitter is “eavesdropping” on direct messages.. Microsoft Accused of Discrimination against Women Facebook snoops on people just like NSA – Belgian watchdog to court - RT Facebook accused of spying on Belgian citizens like the NSA The Guardian Snowden Effect: Facebook Loses at ECJ, Might Be Forced To Establish EU Data Centers lawsuit against Facebook in Europe and the NSA mass spying revelations, so Obama how is your pet monkey Zuckerberg holding out,
    So how does Facebook know you like to buy weird meme garbage? It has something to do with the NSA, Obama?, Microsoft Bill Gates on 9/11/07 Sold out to the NSA, and Bill Gates invested in facebook knowing it was stolen and knew facebook was protected by NSA"?

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    2. "Michael Krecht" your arrogance betrays you. We have told you repeatedly that we will not tolerate wild speculation on the identity of commenters. Consequently, we have removed your two posts. We welcome the whistle blowers in your midst.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This post is ridiculous. You are ignoring the elephant in the room. If Leader actually invented anything innovative, why in the world would it be made open source? IBM or the The Eclipse Foundation would want to have kept it under wraps. The idea that it would just be released into the wild makes no sense whatsoever.

    1. Dear "Jill" aka Facebook astroturfer,

      You either cannot read, have not been briefed by your Facebook handlers about their IBM taskmasters, or more likely, you know its all true and you're continuing to play your now predictable misdirection games. The facts speak for themselves. You seem unusually fixated on how IBM Eclipse pulled off their "Open Source" shell game with Leader Technologies' invention. We're not going to help you if you really don't get it because it really is not that hard. We've heard from grandmothers who get it at this point.

  6. This horse is long dead and buried. You are talking about events that took place more than a decade ago. And your logic is fundamentally flawed. You don't release software as open source if you are intending to exploit it for secret purposes.


      "Jill Amblin" is a Facebook ASTROTURFER and this is her most powerful argument on ALL TOPICS.

      Hey "Jill" There are lots of ways to give away software and secretly exploit back doors. It's done all the time. Let's see, how many "free" games and apps exploit people's devices once installed? So much for your horsey logic. Ever heard of Netscape, Sugar, etc? There are so many variants to stealth code that your statement makes you sound either painfully naive or intent on deception.

  7. Renata Adler, On American Culture Now.

    This is a very good interview by Tom Ashbrook. She focuses a laser on her concerns about the culture shift occurring right now at the hands of the emerging spy state and the inability of spies to EVER get it right. She applauds Edward Snowden for exposing this corruption. She identifies lack of statesmanship as a root cause for no vision or leadership in our culture.

  8. There is another fundamental flaw in your logic that you are ignoring. Mark Zuckerberg owns more than 50% of the stock in Facebook. If the supposed "cartel" is putting him in as a front man, there is no possible way that they would give him superior voting rights. It makes absolutely no sense.

    Now if you conceive of the idea for Facebook and then develop it--yes, of course you would have more than 50% of the shares. Occam's Razor.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Hey "Jill." This argument is so yesterday. They let the kid keep the 50+% because he is their wh__e.

      You are either very naive or in on this scam. (obviously the second)

  9. Oh please. You don't give a front man control of a company. Any college kid would have done this for 1% . The ONLY logical explanation is that Mark Zuckerberg created the site and investors then stepped in.

    1. The facts prove that this proposition is pure Hollywood fiction--what the "narrative" wants people to believe. The fact is, Zuckerberg has been a shill from Day 1. Business Insider just sold. They helped lay down the PR of the big lie. Nicholas Carlson and David Fitzpatrick played their parts well. Nice touch when you started citing them in legal briefs.

      Bribery and blackmail come in all shades in the extended Facebook family. That's how criminal enterprises roll, isn't it Jill?

  10. Interesting how this AFI post doesn't mention Zuckerberg, yet Jill astroturfer tries to deflect the comments to their worn out narrative about Zuckerberg's supposed inventorship. Even Zuckerberg calls himself a hacker and invented nothing. Venture capitalists don't normally give wet-behind-the-ears inventors control through an IPO. They will have taken over long before that time. No, they wanted Zuck to keep 50+% for their criminal purposes. Zuck no more controls the Facebook criminal enterprise than a man in the moon. He's just a prop. Jill, I am praying for you and your sick fascination with evil people.

    The Ohio State data center is a key to the Cartel's takeover of higher education. When those MOOC lights go dark, the Cartel's wheels start falling off. Go Buckeyes! Beat the IBM-Eclipse-NSA Spy State Cartel !!!

  11. AFI Readers will want to tune in and support Sharyl Attkisson

    4 Reasons to Watch Full Measure Debut Sunday Morning

  12. Quick review of donors to The Clinton Foundation who are known members of the IBM-Eclipse-NSA Spy State Cartel:

    Braun, S., Bridis, T. (Jul. 30, 2015). Clinton charity donors surge amid Hillary Clinton's campaign.

    1. Penny Pritzker's family (current Commerce secretary)
    2. Barclays, Facebook underwriter
    3. Citigroup, Facebook underwriter
    4. HSBC, Facebook underwriter, offshore money launderer
    5. Cisco
    6. Dell
    7. Chevron

  13. Mark Zuckerberg testified under oath that he developed Facebook in "one to two weeks" in Jan. 2004 while taking a full class load.[BULL SHIT] . The Truth is he lied and not even the idea facebook was his, YES Mark Zuckerberg you even STOLE that the idea facebook .Mark zuckerberg announced to the world he had developed a revolutionary new method of constructing large mission critical data centers: [STOLEN]
    A suit filled: claims that at the January meeting Facebook (mark zuckerberg) encouraged and induced others “to use BRG's intellectual property as well by revealing BRG's confidential information,
    BladeRoom also cites the UK company Bripco, a licensor of technology to BladeRoom, though the company’s role in the assertions is unclear. The Blade Room Group is seeking an undisclosed sum in damages, and also legal fees for misappropriation of trade secrets, breach of good faith, unfair business practices, unfair competition and unjust enrichment at its expense.

    when Mark Zuckerberg turned off the privacy setting on facebook it was not him it was NSA that turned off the privacy setting, NSA knew facebook was stolen, Obama signed Executive Order 13691, "Promoting Private Sector Cyber security Information Sharing," on Feb. 13, 2015.....Cyber security [BULL SHIT] Government vs. the People that you are ripping off ??? , And Hillary's private email server, it was set up to communicate "off the grid" Microsoft when they sold out to NSA they change there privacy setting and Googol and Apple : Zuckerberg Faces Fraud Charges in Silicon Valley Trial


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