Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Facebook underwriters & principals tied to sheltered HSBC cash funding dictators, arms, drugs, securities fraud, bribery and organized crime

Contributing Writers | Opinion | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | Feb. 17, 2015, Updated Mar. 06 | PDF
New (Mar. 06, 2015):
Cyber World Hijack Database Released

—AFI investigators just released a Cyber World Hijack Timeline Database listing over 400 key items of evidence, organized by date, painstakingly compiled and verfied over the last 18 months (thank you to our many sources!). The collusion of members of the Obama Administration with Wall Street, the Judiciary and Silicon Valley becomes quite apparent by just following the file names by date alone. Click here to download the Excel spreadsheet (*.XLS). Alternatvely, click here to use the search engine to find the content by topic. We encourage you to add your own research data to the spreadsheet to help flesh out the full story of this corruption of American governance by these misguided individuals. We believe you will see a tight correalation to other Obama scandals (IRS, Fast & Furious, Associated Press snooping, Obamacare, Benghazi, etc.). We believe all these scandals are being perpetrated by the same group of individuals we call the Facebook Cartel. In fact, JPMorgan's conspirators in currency manipulations in London actually called themselves "The Cartel," so the moniker is accurate. Please submit your own analyses for us to publish.
Zuckerberg's chickens coming home to roost
On Mar. 02, 2015, President Obama met with his Internet takeover council—the bosses who drive The Eclipse Foundation. Photo: IBM.
Takeover Timeline updated (Mar. 04, 2015)—AFI investigators have updated their timeline to include the latest moves on Feb. 26, 2015 by President Obama's FCC cronies to seize cyber control. Click here (or in the upper right sidebar). Especially telling was a little publicized meeting on Mar. 02, 2015—four days later—between President Obama and his senior adviser, Valerie Jarrett, with six prime movers of the illegitimate The Eclipse Foundation: IBM, Xerox, Qualcomm, Micron Technology, Dell and EMC. The takeover of the Internet by well-funded corporations using the power of the U.S. government to bully inventors and confiscate their property without compensation is coming out of the closet.
Big Brother is Watching

Apparently not satisfied having one The Eclipse Foundation from which to steal inventions, these companies have opened a second front named "AllSeen Alliance," ostensibly to "accelerate" the "Internet of Everywhere." It walks and talks just like an Eclipse duck though. Of all the names to pick, the Masonic-esque sounding symbolism is curious.

Zuckerberg's chickens coming home to roost
JPMorgan lawyers complain about the way words are typed rather than substance
Graphic: JPMorgan.
JPMorgan corruption update (Feb. 28, 2015)—Yesterday, JPMorgan's Daniel A. DeVito lawyer filed a very strange motion at the Federal Circuit in an obvious attempt to smear Internet pioneer Dr. Lakshmi Arunachalam and divert attention from their theft of her important inventions. See previous JPMorgan post. JPMorgan is a card-carrying member of The Eclipse Foundation which was started on Nov. 29, 2001 by Leader Technologies' attorneys James P. Chandler and Fenwick & West LLP with David J. Kappos from IBM to secretly exploit Leader's social networking invention. The exploitation included starting Facebook with Harvard buddies in Silicon Valley, notably Accel Partners LLP, IDG, James W. Breyer, John P. Breyer and a myriad of others. See previous post.

Humorously, the motion states: "The AFi blog baselessly accuses JPMC's counsel of corruption" and "[AFI is] her personal blog, or a blog she contributes to." (Perhaps we should file a complaint about JPMorgan's $1000 per hour lawyers ending a phrase with a preposition.) "Baselessly?" Let's see, this is the same JPMorgan that paid Attorney General Eric H. Holder $13 billion to try and wash away its sins regarding JPMorgan's 2008 corrupt mortgage lending practices—all blessed by these same lawyers. JPMorgan paid its crony, Eric Holder, monies rightly due to Dr. Arunachalam. The bank's corruption knows no bounds, it appears—all whitewashed by its consiglieres. Sorry fellas, would that washing one's sins away were that easy, or that disparaging true inventors will be any more convincing or efficacious. By the way, our First Amendment-protected newsgathering sources are none of your business. As attorney John Adams said in 1770 in defense of the British soldiers: "Facts are stubborn things." We can read the court's PACER filings just like you. Suggestion: Before the window of opportunity closes, one of you should muster the courage to whistleblow, just like HervĂ© Falciani at HSBC.
Zuckerberg's chickens coming home to roost
Mark Zuckerberg's chickens return to the roost
Graphic: Chipur.
Concealed Zuckerberg Email Surfaces (Feb. 24, 2015)—The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals today approved a rarely-granted motion by Paul Ceglia to supplement the civil record in Ceglia v. Facebook to include a previously concealed (by Facebook) Aug. 18, 2003 email from Mark Zuckerberg's Harvard email account to Paul Ceglia discussing a second proposed contract. (Zuckerberg has claimed he had no contracts in his possession, much less a second contract.) The very same Gibson Dunn LLP who lied about the existence of Zuckerberg's 28 hard drives in Leader v. Facebook represents Facebook in Ceglia's appeal. The actual Zuckerberg Harvard email is sealed. Why is the court protecting Zuckerberg? Facebook has concealed far too many crimes behind court secrecy veils. American courts are little more than the Facebook Cartel's playground. This email should be available to the public. Click here to read Paul Ceglia's motion.
Zuckerberg Subpoenaed for hard drives (Feb. 18, 2015)—Yesterday, despite his substantial financial holdings in Facebook interests (see previous post), Judge Vernon S. Broderick nevertheless ordered Facebook's attorney, Gibson Dunn LLP, to comply with a subpoena from Paul Ceglia to Zuckerberg and Facebook to produce all contracts and electronic communications from 2003-2004 from anywhere, including Mark Zuckerberg's 28 hard drives and emails for evidence of his truthfulness. Will this become another Lois Lerner "Golly Beaver, we just can't find what you are asking for" moment, or justice for Mr. Ceglia? Shouldn't Leader Technologies and the family of the late inventor Johannes Van Der Meer be given equal access to those "lost" Zuckerberg hard drives as well? Click here for the Feb. 20, 2015 Zuckerberg Subpoena.
Original Post
HSBC helped tax dodgers hide hundreds of billions—largest banking leak in history reveals; leaks uncover Facebook’s largest investor, James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP, and his global play for control of Chinese as well as Western social tech
Fig. 1—HSBC helped tax dodgers hide hundreds of billions—largest banking leak in history reveals; leaks uncover Facebook’s largest investor, James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP, and his global play for control of Chinese, Russian and Western social tech.
Photo: IB Times (PDF version).
Feb. 20 update:
Facebook underwriters & attorneys (click here) associated with HSBC bank accounts in the secret "parallel economy." HSBC is the world's second largest bank.

(Feb. 17, 2015)—The recently leaked bank account records from the HSBC Swiss private banking whistleblower, HervĂ© Falciani, reveal that Facebook’s largest shareholders and IPO underwriters are prime movers in a “murky” world of money laundering. According to the leak, this laundering involves drug and arms trafficking, securities fraud, bribery, organized crime and government corruption. Full ICIJ Story (PDF version).

James W. Breyer, Facebook, Accel Partners LLP
Photo: Der Spiegel.

The HSBC leaks show that “IDG Technology Venture Investment III, L.P.” (“IDG”) incorporated in Delaware, USA on Mar. 2, 2005—two months before IDG founder, James W. Breyer, managing partner of Accel Partners, LLP, and an IDG founder with his elusive Chinese venture capital father, John P. Breyer, founder of Computerworld, invested $13 million in Facebook on May 26, 2005. The junior Breyer is now Facebook’s largest inside investor. See AFI Findings of Fact and Timeline (PDF).

Fig. 2—The ICIJ Offshore Leaks Database cracks open the impenetrable world of offshore tax havens. Users can search through more than 100,000 secret companies, trusts and funds created in offshore locales such as the British Virgin Islands, Cayman Islands, Cook Islands and Singapore. Click here to go directly to the ICIJ HSBC Offshore Database. Source: ICIJ.
AFI. (Feb. 13, 2015). Findings of Fact and Timeline, Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption. Americans For Innovation.
Fig. 3—Magically, Facebook (USA) and Digital Sky (Russia) were founded and funded within the same four month period. These ostensible "founders" of social media were all protégés of Harvard's Lawrence "Larry" H. Summers—Obama's 2008 bank "bailout" director who funneled 10's of billion of dollars in U.S. taxpayers funds to this offshore cartel. Click here for full Findings of Fact and Timeline.

Hey American taxpayers, angry yet? Not a single one of these conspirators has been prosecuted by Attorney General Eric H. Holder.

A week later, on Jun. 1, 2005, Russian Juri Milner started Digital Sky Technologies (DST) aka Mail.ru funded by oligarch Alisher Usmanov—now called “Russia’s richest man.” Milner and Facebook chief operating officer, Sheryl K. Sandberg, were staffers to Harvard’s Lawrence H. Summers, Obama’s 2008 bank bailout director, when Summers was the World Bank’s chief economist in 1992. The threesome, recommended the disastrous Russian voucher system that helped create the current system of corrupt oligarchs like Usmanov. Milner (directly and through DST and Mail.ru) is now Facebook’s largest outside investor.

The HSBC leaks provided a break in our investigation when they revealed that IDG formed “WininChina, Inc.” in the Cayman Islands on Dec. 12, 2006. HSBC and SEC records identify three Breyer associates running IDG: Patrick J. McGovern, Hugo Shong and Xin Xu. WininChina was formed just a month after the U.S. Patent Office awarded the patent for social networking, U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,761, to Columbus, Ohio innovator Leader Technologies.

China's version of Facebook-Google, Baidu, was funded by the same Facebook "murky" offshore mobsters

Baidu (ADR), China’s version of Facebook and Google combined, was started the same month as Facebook and the first annual EclipseCON in Feb. 2004 by a young Robin Yangong Li who holds his stock in the British Virgin Islands under the company name “Handsome Reward.” He owns 32% of the company. Baidu’s chief intellectual property counsel is Parker Zhang, who went from being an associate at Fenwick & West LLP to that position almost overnight. Baidu’s two largest shareholders are also Facebook’s T. Rowe Price (6.9%) and Baillie Gifford (7.5%) (Vanguard’s “adviser”). See previous post on Baidu.

Fig. 3—Tax Havens 101: The high cost of going offshore. Source: ICIJ.
DIRECT DOWNLOAD: Findings of Fact and Timeline in the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption scandal

Fig. 4—Findings of Fact and Timeline in LEader v. Facebook judicial corruption scandal. This 2000-2015 timeline and supporting facts provide unmistakable evidence of collusion, dereliction of duty, fraud, corruption, the appearance of corruption, racketeering, monopoly and anti-trust by senior United States government officials, Harvard and Stanford academics, judges, law firms and their commercial accomplices. Click here to DOWNLOAD DIRECTLY this PDF.

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  1. Email comment by TEX:

    I may be like your Uncle Eddie and overstaying my welcome in your house, so to speak. But I just have to get this grin off of my face by sharing a thought on " college degrees ". I just listened to Dr Howard Dean, (a dermatologist turned failed governor , to failed politician ,to accomplished loud mouth commentator ) state that Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker is "unknowledgeable " because he did not finish college. This, according to Dean , makes him unworthy to be President. Being a skin doctor or a community organizer does, I guess.

    Without much else to say, I proffer the following names:

    George Washington, Andrew Jackson, Harry Truman, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, J.Paul Getty, Barry Goldwater, Patrick Henry, Oprah, Peter Jennings, William Randolph Hearst, Charles Dickens, Carl Bernstein ( Watergate reporter), Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Paul Allen, Thomas Edison, Tom Hanks, Richard Gere, James Cameron, George Carlin, Ben Afflect, Halle Berry, Michael Dell, Larry Ellison, Ellen de Generes, Leonardo di Caprio, Steve Ballmer, Russell Brand, Richard Branson, and even dear our buddy, the Zuckster. I would also suggest that there is no unsealed proof that Hussein Obama has any education. None of these unknowledgeable people have (or had ) college degrees. So I guess that they ,too, are all unworthy of being successful.

    Howard Dean, you are a joke, and a drive by coward.......be a man, talk about ability to lead, talk about the ability solve problems. America has had its belly full of eruditic horseradish.....I would suggest that neither your party's President nor your next probable nominee , although we have seen her diploma, have shown any propensity to lead or solve problems. But that's for a later discussion.

    Have a nice day, TEX

  2. Repost of Rainonyourparade comment on previous post:

    Check out this rare photo of Abraham Lincoln. Who knew?


  3. We cannot sit on these revelations! It's time to storm the gates of Congress until they wake up and address this threat PROACTIVELY instead of simply sitting on it and waiting for the damage to be done. That will be deadly to our Republic, as my letter-template below says.

    I encourage all my fellow AFI readers to act on this with a letter something like this. Feel free to use my words freely.

    Dear [NAME]:

    Attached is an electronic version of the letter I am mailing today to [NAME OF SENATOR OR CONGRESSPERSON] and other members of Congress. Please consider it a clarion call. America is in clear and present danger of losing its sovereignty to a secret, parallel economy that is now rapidly seizing control of our digital infrastructure.

    Waiting until the damage has occurred will be too late to undo the embedded infrastructure they are creating. It would be like waiting until Hitler had done his damage before we respond. But wait, we did that. Hitler was the original mass data gather and abuser of “dark profiles” in using IBM computers to catalog his Jews, gypsies, Poles and homosexuals for annihilation in the 1930’s. Is history about the repeat itself? I implore you not to respond casually to this danger.

    The current global Cartel operates via the parallel offshore economy exposed by the recent HSBC leaks. They are already monitoring every move of every member of Congress through their Twitter and Facebook feeds. As a result, they can easily stay one step ahead of you, permanently.

    We must return to normalcy with respect to privacy and property. We cannot let these immoral/amoral interlopers govern our future, from the shadows.

    I close with sage insight of John Adams:

    “The moment the idea is admitted into society, that property is not as sacred as the laws of God, and that there is not a force of law and public justice to protect it, anarchy and tyranny comment. If ‘Thou shalt not covet,’ and ‘Thou shalt not steal,’ were not commandments of Heaven, they must be made inviolable precepts in every society, before it can be civilized or made free.” -- John Adams (1778)

    "Government is instituted for the common good; for the protection, safety, prosperity and happiness of the people; and not for the profit, honor, or private interest of any one man, family, or class of men." (emphasis added) -- John Adams’ Article VII, Massachusetts Constitution (model for U.S. Constitution)

    Let me know how I may be of assistance.





  4. AFI just received this update from the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists (ICIJ) who just published the HSBC leaks database that has blown open the Leader v. Facebook judicial corruption investigation further:


    Governments promise investigations following ICIJ's Swiss Leaks project

    ICIJ's Swiss Leaks project unveiled for the first time the secrets behind one of the world's most private banking systems through a detailed leak based on data from inside HSBC's Swiss branch.

    Since ICIJ and its partners began publishing stories that revealed the bank's role in aiding tax avoidance and its dealings with some questionable clients, there has been an instant response from politicians, regulators and even the bank itself.

  5. Comment from Deer Beer:

    [Editor: Deer Beer continues to abuse our long-published policy
    to respect anonymity and refrain from wild speculation about identities. We have no idea what motivated this comment, but re-post it nonetheless, if for no other reason, as insight into the mind of an Astroturfer. Therefore, we have redacted the identity speculation and re-posted Deer Beer's comment.]

    [NAME SPECULATION], you continue to crack me up. Same old crap posted over and over and over. No one is biting.

    Someone should be asking Michael Drake why he failed to disclose his financial holdings when he filed his financial disclosure with the Ohio Ethics Commission. He only disclosed his broker, not his actual holdings. He was even a director of the bank that he listed as his broker, so his lack of disclosure is a disingenuous shell game. That bank/broker’s website says they offer over a hundred mutual funds. Included in that list are companies with OSU contracts and relationships to OSU Trustee Alex Fischer and Trustee President Jeffrey Wadsworth’s known-to-be-corrupt Washington lobbyist, McBee Strategic. So what investments are you hiding, Mr. Drake?

    Jon Waters was a scapegoat to give Drake’s buddies at the Department of Education in Washington an excuse to shut down the Title IX investigations so Steinmetz could get his M.O.O.C. initiative moving. Beware of Steinmetz’s M.O.O.C. innovation initiative. Its a wolf in sheep’s clothing IMHO. “Innovation” is a euphemism for steal OSU research, healthcare and student data for Drake’s “big data” buddies in Silicon Valley.

    1. Interesting that Jon Waters has not come up on this blog for a while... until Deer Beer's strange post. Then, a few hours later, I was forwarded a copy of an Email to the OSU Marching Band Alumni reviewing the current activities about the injustices done to Jon Waters and the band. Isn't that special?

      This debunks Deer Beer's notion that "No one is biting" regarding the corruption at Ohio State. But wait, we forgot, people from Ohio are nobodies... just flyover riff raff.

      We should keep a running tally of Deer Beer's Astroturfing phraseology:

      "crack me up"
      "same old crap"
      "over and over and over"
      "no one is biting"

      Poor Deer Beer has been proven wrong once again.

    2. Here's the OSU band alumni email to which Arasmus refers:


  6. [Editors] NBC4i.com reporter Harrison Hove just posted on our Google+ page:

    TOP OSU OFFICIAL LEAVING? An Austin Newspaper is reporting Ohio State Provost Dr. Joseph Steinmetz is a finalist for the University of Texas President position. Steinmetz is still listed as a defendant in the million dollar federal lawsuit filed by former OSU marching band director Jonathan Waters.

    UPDATE: OSU tells me Dr. Steinmetz has now withdrawn his name from consideration.


    Steinmetz was Jon Waters' boss's boss who signed off on Waters' firing, the Provost. He is also the key promoter of OSU's BIG DATA M.O.O.C. initiative to suck out all of OSU's research data and academic work to president Michael V. Drake's and trustee Jeffrey Wadsworth's BIG DATA cronies in California - Stanford - Univ. of Calif. Ohio State is the third largest research university in the US.

    Reminder: In the OSU trustee meeting following Waters' firing, the trustees voted unilateral signing authority to Steinmetz, Geoffrey Chatas (CFO), and Michael Drake for OSU investments up to $100 million. Has anyone asked where they are investing OSU's money without effective, arm's length oversight? Since when do inexperienced investors get such signing authority? NEVER.

    Also remember, Michael V. Drake has failed to disclose his personal financial holdings other than the bank that brokers his mutual funds to the Ohio Ethics Commission. We predict the devil will be in those details, and that is why he has withheld them. We predict we will see portfolio holdings in numerous OSU and Battelle contractors and vendors.

  7. Email comment by TEX:

    Problems it seems to me, are always easier to solve when reduced to their smallest elements , evaluated , and then restructured as solutions. The number ONE issue in America's obvious fall from extraordinary to inept is the basic element of trust......do we trust Obama to tell us the truth? Do we trust the various bureaucrats to do the right thing regardless of their own agendas? Do we trust the " on deck" presidential candidates to tell us the truth? Do we trust our checks and balances ( Congress, Judiciary) to enforce the truth ? Do we trust corporate America or our pastors or our teachers/ professors or our police to be truthful and honest? Who do we trust anymore?

    I guess the real questions are " does truth matter ?" , and " how do we define truth" ? Trust is the basis for civilization. Economies, families, militaries, faiths, and other human institutions rely on trust. Animals seem to have instinctive trust and distrust. It is a matter of survival. Humans have learned to dismiss , for cognitive reasons, certain instincts that are innately core to their survival. Example after example has provided the readers on this blog with delineated failures to exhibit the truth, the failures of trust, and an obvious collapse of moral integrity. It's one thing to have individual failure but it's really a big deal when we see systemic evisceration of societal laws . Societies fail when laws are not believed to be important.

    Over the past few years , I have learned the following: 1) Don't ride an elevator with Ray Rice. 2) don't trust Pete Carroll's play calling on the one yard line. 3) don't eat gas station Sushi . 4) Brian Williams and Hillary confuse a few things . 5) world maps should not include the US since we no longer have borders 6) do not trust a Palestinian pushing a baby carriage . and , lastly, 7) ISIS is just an unruly band of kids that just need to work at McDonalds in Syria.

    Obama would tell you that America is in trouble because we are on a " high horse" . What does that mean? I think we are in trouble because Obama is a horse's southern extremity. America is the greatest idea ever created to live in peace, prosperity, and personal freedom. Period ! It is being destroyed top down......the perpetrators are the " elite" know-it-alls that haven't done it but want to tell the rest of us how to do it better.

    So I had a few too many Starbucks today. Big deal.....get out there and fight for our survival.

    Have great day. TEX

  8. Psalm 49 ...

    "Why should I fear in evil days the malice of the foes who
    surround me, men who trust in their wealth, and boast of the
    vastness of their riches?

    For no man can buy his own ransom, or pay a price to God for
    his life.

    The ransom of his soul is beyond him.

    He cannot buy life without end, nor avoid coming to the grave.

    He knows that wise men and fools must both perish and leave
    their wealth to others.

    Their graves are their homes for ever, their dwelling place from
    age to age, though their names spread wide through the land.

    In his riches, man lacks wisdom: he is like the beasts that are

  9. Psalm 49 ...

    "Why should I fear in evil days the malice of the foes who
    surround me, men who trust in their wealth, and boast of the
    vastness of their riches?

    For no man can buy his own ransom, or pay a price to God for
    his life.

    The ransom of his soul is beyond him.

    He cannot buy life without end, nor avoid coming to the grave.

    He knows that wise men and fools must both perish and leave
    their wealth to others.

    Their graves are their homes for ever, their dwelling place from
    age to age, though their names spread wide through the land.

    In his riches, man lacks wisdom: he is like the beasts that are

  10. Robin Yangong Li who holds his stock in the British Virgin Islands under the company name “Handsome Reward.” He owns 32% of the company. knew facebook was a stolen idea and the source cod was stolen
    James W. Breyer, managing partner of Accel Partners, LLP, invested $13 million in Facebook on May 26, 2005. Breyer is now Facebook’s largest inside investor. knew facebook was a stolen idea and the source cod was stolen
    Russian Juri Milner started Digital Sky Technologies (DST) aka Mail.ru funded by oligarch Alisher Usmanov—now called “Russia’s richest man.” Milner and Facebook chief operating officer.
    Sheryl K. Sandberg, were staffers to Harvard’s Lawrence H. Summers, Obama’s 2008 bank bailout director, And they all knew facebook was a stolen idea and the source cod was stolen.
    lisa Simpson that little slug BLACK-MAILED their way in to facebook Orrick perjury and conspiring with facebook Mark Zuckerberg to hid the stolen idea facebook and the stolen source cod
    BILL GATES knows that facebook was stolen its called insider trading you little shit and it was propped up by global money laundering

    On Aug. 01, 2008, FORTUNE senior editor, David Kirkpatrick, resigned to write ―The Facebook Effect‖ and became one of Facebook’s mainstream media shills who has been quoted numerous times by Facebook lawyers as a fact source.94. But the fact is David Kirkpatrick knew Facebook was stolen he got the info from Henry Blodget David Kirkpatrick set up libor manipulation info on facebook and David Kirkpatrick and Henry Blodget new that facebook was stolen. LIBOR The strategy wasn’t a secret. Each morning at a meeting of UBS’s interest-rate-derivatives desk in Tokyo, Mr. Hayes would change his status on his Facebook page to reflect his daily desires for Libor to move up or down David Kirkpatrick and Henry Blodget new about libor manipulation as far back as 2004 IN the early days of Facebook david Kirkpatick set up libor manipulation in England under the disguise of doing an investigation in England David Kirkpatrick talk to Mr. Hayes one on one about libor manipulation, and they did this knowing facebook was stolen and the source cod

  11. Email comment by TEX:

    Paul A .... much like the Knights Templar, it is time for those that love the way of life that Christianity offers to stand up and be heard. Jesus took the time to give us a road map. Our creator has to be looking down and questioning his " free will " concept. Evil is flourishing . ISIS is an evil movement that must be stopped. What is our country thinking ? Obama says they just need jobs. They have jobs. Their job is to kill me and you .

    Jesus , in only two years of teaching. gave us a real road map.
    Even non believers find a sense of security in his brilliant teachings . He says we should love one another. But he also knew that he would die and also that we might die for our faith. If we don't defend ourselves , we will perish. If we let his goodness evaporate, evil will fill the void.

    Our Christ never asked us to kill non believers. He never asked our wives and children to strap on a bomb and blow themselves up to kill non believers. As a matter of fact, it was just the opposite. He strapped on a bomb and gave his life, not mine.

    In your post David A, I am not certain of what you proffered. David , the biblical hero, , the major author of Psalms , was a very tough guy , and a man willing to fight for his nation and his faith. Perhaps David was the greatest of the Old Testament heroes. We are lacking a hero today, at a number if levels.

    I pray, every day, for humankind. We are in real need of some sanity. The idiots that are leading our country today are as crazy as bat poopoo. We must overrule their attempt to eradicate our faith, and our way of life. We must follow the teachings of Christ and we must defend ourselves against those that want to rid planet earth of our Christian way of life.

    Keep up the good fight, folks. Evil is lurking. Make an effort , while you are here on earth, to fight a good fight . And if all else fails. come to Texas. We will all secede together.

    Have a great day, TEX


    SQUARESPACE is trying to dazzle unsuspecting potential customers to start hosting their webpages. Don't be fooled. SquareSpace is funded by James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP. This company is a wolf in sheep's clothing. Changing metaphors, their slick ads are attempting to put lipstick on a very corrupt pig, as this blog proves.



  13. SQUARE is the equally ugly pig, also funded by the Facebook Cartel.


    Morgan Stanley
    Goldman Sachs
    Silicon Valley Bank
    Barclays Investment Bank
    JP Morgan Chase & Co.

    Grab your wallets and your identities and RUN.

  14. Email comment by TEX:

    When we issue a debt instrument , we actually create a way to consume our future NOW. If and when we pay it back , we reduce our ability to consume at that particular time in the future. The USA now has over $120 trillion in committed but unfunded obligations . That's HALF of the total wealth in the world. We have spent our future. When we set a standard of ignoring our borders today, we make them unimportant in the future. When we tax our citizens today at "burdensome" levels and provide incentives to folks that can but don't work, we create a future of dependency that might not be stoppable in the future without anarchy. If the best option provided by our DHS in case of a local terror attack today is to run and hide when they open fire in a mall, then our future looks pretty bleak. If our President can , outside of his authority , issue mandates now that restrict our individual and personal freedoms, then our future looks bleak. If a "junior varsity " terrorist group can grab and behead American citizens at will with no " overwhelming response" from our government, then our future looks bleak. When I see a future of hate filled lunatics ( Iran) given a path to build weapons of massive and final destruction, combined with a substantial reduction in our own military capability, I have to believe our future is jeopardized.

    Why is TEX bent out of shape on such trivial matters ? The consistent theme in what Hussein Obama has done is " to transform our future". I see my grand kids quite often and I look at what we are doing to America and it breaks my heart. I now see the government grab for controlling the internet, I see the attack on family, the diminishment of Judeo/Christian ethics and morals, and even a determined effort to disarm innocent citizens, I look at my sweet grand kids and know they are going to have to face a challenge greater than any generation before them.

    I look at the preparation that these children are being handed. The schools have become a place to memorize things and tests are graded by teachers that require a student to regurgitate the PC crap that the teacher foments in class. Very little, if any , time is spent on the great masters of logic and cognitive thinking ( Plato, Socrates, Aristotle, St Thomas Acquinas, etc.) . Challenging classes on math and science creative thought is non existent. Phys-ed has been replaced with the IPad, kids are taught that the government is the only answer to everything including self protection, the military is bad, girls and boys are exactly the same, and the government is a better parent than mom and dad. They literally have no chance to overcome the future we will hand them .

    And now we have Hillary looming in the weeds to become the next purveyor of America's reconstruction. Her qualifying attributes? Well she has female organs, she is a wife of a President of substantial immorality, and she is a born-again socialist. Please read her college thesis on Saul Alinsky, look at her path of lying and cheating, and study her speeches. The only remaining reason to possibly vote for her is her female parts. Is that a qualifying standard for President? If that's our goal, we have 150 million other women from which to pick a president, including a beautiful new woman, Bruce Jenner.

    Stay in the game folks. Like the song says, "if given the chance, get up and dance".
    Have a great day, TEX

  15. American Commitment’s suggested letter to your elected officials on Obama's "net neutrality" RAMROD.



    Dear Representative NAME,
    Dear Senator NAME,
    Dear Senator NAME,

    I am outraged that President Obama ignored the clear mandate from the American people for smaller, less intrusive government and has convinced the FCC, which is supposed to be an independent agency, to reduce the Internet to a government-controlled "public utility."

    FCC "public utility" regulation of the Internet will devastate private investment, undermine competition, and stall innovation. It will undo a broad, bipartisan consensus in favor of an unregulated Internet that has been amazingly successful for decades.

    The liberal groups calling for "public utility" regulation are extremists, including the group Free Press whose founder has openly called for the destruction of the capitalist economy.

    These groups have deceived many Americans into thinking that the way to keep the Internet they know and love is to impose draconian, unprecedented new regulations. I strongly disagree.

    Reclassification would also impose massive new taxes on Internet service without a vote of Congress; it would be a dereliction of your responsibilities to allow that to happen.

    I urge you to pass language in an upcoming must-pass vehicle blocking any move to turn the Internet into a public utility, and, if the FCC persists, to seriously consider legislation eliminating the FCC altogether.

    Please respond to this letter with a clear commitment to act on this issue.



  16. Email comment by TEX, PART 01:
    On most occasions, when we climb into the family station wagon, we know our destination. At least in our mind we have our route planned. If we get lost, our navigation systems or smart phones can put us back on track. As a career business builder, I believe that it is imperative that my team understands our destination ( our corporate mission ). Our timelines and budgets must be defined accordingly. Without knowing the final destination, companies flounder and fail. The same is true for almost every human endeavor imagined.......faith, education, sports, medicine, and even sex.

    It's also very human to anticipate and prepare for detours , diversions, and " black swans". ( I know Eric Holder would think that calling a swan black is racist . Deal with it......). When these occur, and they certainly do, we don't change our " destination" , we change our road map, our strategies, and even our tactics. What do we have to do , that's legal and morally acceptable, to complete our vision ? Sadly, a new mantra has emerged in our formerly great nation that omits part of that last question......the legal and moral part. It reads " the ends justifies the means". Period !!!! In elitist minds, the destination is all that matters. If they have to cheat , lie, obfuscate, or deceive , and if it is perceived to be for the greater good or, more importantly , for their own good , then it's ok . This strategy for the allegedly smarter elitists goes back 100 years to the Woodrow Wilson years. We, the dummies, they believe, need their help to get to the goal line because, well, we just can't get there on our own.

    This brings me to the recent news on this post. Much of what is alleged is almost impossible to accept. In a sense, it is surreal. I find it incomprehensible that our justice system could be this manipulative and corrupt. It would be sickening to me if "only half " of these accusations are real....however, I must admit, I believe that the core arguments for this historical heist are absolutely real. What started out as a small , secretive plan to divert Leaders invention became a monster of a scheme that, with each additional step, became bigger, deeper, and more complex. No one , in the beginning , imagined the powerful importance of social networking , even though Leader did commit thousands of engineering hours and tens of millions of dollars to the belief that it was pretty darn important. By lining up investors ( Summers, Russian mobsters ) that looked past the integrity of the original startup group, the Zuckster got past his first hurdle . Evidently, no thought was given to due diligence by early investors prior to the funding of this vision. Do you remember how secretive the financial structure of Facebook was for the longest time ? Even their method of " going public" was designed to minimize disclosures . Many lawsuits were filed early by aggrieved participants yet the juggernaut kept advancing. Wouldn't that be a red flag ? Then as the " destination" became worth more and more money and power, the judicial path miraculously became tainted with dishonest key players. The first line of judicial determination saw clearly that Zuckerberg violated Leaders patents. The appellate system, especially appeals involving patents, is evidently easier to corrupt. That's the final defense necessary to prevail. The appeal wiped out a clear victory for Leader on a whimsical claim by the defendants.

    ----------END of TEX comment, Part 01--------

    1. ------------BEGIN, Tex comment, Part 02 ---------

      The more powerful the players, the more attractive this pot of gold became to the " big" banks. Seems that a little bit of due diligence might have caused JP Morgan to be concerned and maybe they were, but it appears that money and power ruled the day. The same holds true with the Obama administration, top to bottom. And if, for one second, you don't believe how deeply Obama and his team is in bed with the players in Silicon Valley, I suggest you follow the contribution stream of cash that got this incompetent man elected twice. He announced his candidacy on Facebook. The USPTO punch was also spiked, so to speak, just in the nick of time for Facebook to circumvent the rules in that Obama patent office. A crony appointee of Obama came and left , but not before fixing a problem for the cartel.

      One would think that the small , ignorant minions on this blog would finally give up. Not so fast Batman. Dr. A is giving the elitists more than they bargained for. She is connecting the dots. Not sure , but I suspect that she is more than just a nuisance. It is people like this little package of dynamite that made our country great. It is her opposition in this task ( the corrupt erudites) that will cause our country to fail if they continue to prevail in " the ends justify the means". I applaud her heroic efforts. Perhaps her brave "bulldoggidness " will inspire one of you staffers that didn't get rich or gain power to come forward ......not to frighten anyone but it is happening now . We are about to see some real Texas two stepping from a number of complicit collaborators. Stay tuned.

      I may try to call Jamie Dimon this afternoon to bring him up to date. I feel certain that he will apologize profusely and make it all right ......perhaps we can have a martini lunch in Manhattan tomorrow. If he won't answer my call, then the twins will hang around their lobby until he does. I hope they don't have a revolving door, the girls have gained a little weight.

      Have a great day, TEX =

  17. FORMER CBS INVESTIGATOR SHARYL ATTKISSON EXPOSES an error-riddled propaganda article about her by The Washington Post writer Alyssa Rosenberg:

    1. Shading facts to fit false narrative.
    2. Multiple fact errors demonstrate recklessness.
    3. Repeating false narrative.


  18. Email comment by TEX:

    I follow a number of journalists and not all are conservatives. I consider Sharyl Attkisson neither a progressive nor a conservative thinker/writer. My evaluation is that she states truthful facts and honestly tries to uncover hidden agendas from all sides of an issue. She has been a thorn in Obama's side because she approaches journalism as an old fashioned journalist. But she also has exposed conservative goons as well. Indeed, exposing lies and deceit of this administration is not that difficult if legitimate efforts are made and fear of political repercussions are set aside. This lady is brave and real smart.

    A review of Ms Attkisson 's resume and vast experience shows a rich past of investigative reporting , editing, producing, reporting, and teaching. Nary a challenge to her integrity and journalistic skills existed until she challenged the lies and manipulative deceptions of Obama's machine. And then it all began. They tried to " neutralize" her including tapping into her computer files. Can we not see the pattern here?

    This Alyssa Rosenberg , reporter wannabe, comes from a very different path. She has been a progressive gadfly her entire ( ?) career. She has been a non-stellar producer of a blog on " pop culture" for Thinkprogress.com, and the feckless socialist periodical, The Atlantic. Now she is trying to gain notoriety by writing falsified articles about a real journalist , Ms Attkisson. One would think that wandering into a new world , a reporter would fact check each and every posit in an article challenging an Emmy Award winner , best selling author, and investigative bulldog. Not so in this case. Ms Rosenberg, this is quite a feather in your cap. Total incompetence. You are about to find out that veracity of work is the only legitimate path to ensure journalistic longevity. You are off to a short career.

    I guess if a person receives a degree in Humanities from Yale, they don't have to consider such things as truth, due diligence, and hard core facts. My country bumpkin mind is about to show itself, but why in the world would a person get a degree in Humanities? Oh now I remember, to attack the basics of our civil American society and transform our future. Even the Washington Post must evaluate the failure of this Obama sycophant and call it what it is......." The means justifies the end" journalism. The Fourth Estate is on its death bed.

    Have a great day, -TEX

  19. Email comment by Peter Smith


    In case you missed this story on Saturday, March 21, 2015, 12-year old Coreco "CJ" Pearson posted a short video on Facebook agreeing with former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani that President Obama does not love America. Shortly after the young Pearson’s post, Facebook censored it with now familiar censorship excuses about “suspicious activity.” This government censorship places America squarely in the historical frame of the former Soviet Union where free speech was labeled “anti-Soviet” and those who gave voice to those thoughts were censored and persecuted by the Soviet KGB secret police, just like this young man is being censored. It is pretty sad when the government starts censoring 12-year old children.

    Here’s the original video on YouTube (no at 1.5 million views and climbing):


    Here’s the Fox interview with 12-year old Coreco "CJ" Pearson


    1. Email comment by Peter Smith:

      Hopefully, now you know that our government is no longer that kind little government you used to know.


    Meet the Man Who Exposed the Obamacare “Stupidity of the American Voter” Videos



  21. Affidavit: First IRS Tech to Inspect Lois Lerner Hard Drive Was Blind


  22. Email comment by TEX:

    These next two political years are going to be quite entertaining, indeed. Thus far , the main stream media (MSM) has been predictable. The attack on the GOP early front runners has been focused on Jeb 's last name, and on Scott Walkers non collegiate education. On the DEM side, the MSM is adoring Hillary's every move even though she is once again awash in slimy scandal after slimy scandal. Nonetheless, they have put her up for an early Emmy, and Nobel Peace Prize. Her integrity will not be questioned because she has a great last name, and , of course, female body parts. And, oh yes, she is a loving grand mom.

    American's have lost the sense of enormity when it comes to national politics. Have no doubt, politicians ( if they can avoid jail), will most likely leave office rich. There are over 12,000 registered lobbyists in DC . They have a mandate to allocate , to their causes, $ 3.2 billion this year. Why would TEX think that us little hard working tax payers are getting hosed by these wonderful folks? Here's a short list to begin the conversation :
    - Obama was broke in the early 2000's . Today he is worth more than $25 million and counting. If he saved every penny, nickle, dime of his government salary since entering politics ( paying no taxes) , he might have saved $2 million. How can he be that rich?
    - Obama bought a lot and a house for several hundred thousand from Tony Rezko , currently serving time in prison. Rezko was Valerie Jarrett's business partner in a slum lord scheme. Ms. Jarrett was Michelle's first boss. Obama bought Rezko's property at less than 50% of appraised value. Hmmmmm.
    -Obama's college applications and transcripts are still sealed. Why?
    - the Illinois governor that supported Obama, Rod Blagojevich, is in prison for shady deals that included Jarrett, Rezko, and probably Obama. Of the last seven governors of Illinois, four are in prison. Valerie Jarrett was born in Iran ( just threw this in )
    - # 2 behind Obama is "Mr Grab a woman and grope away". Biden is a liar , a fraud, and maybe a pervert. In 1988, as a presidential candidate, he plagiarized, verbatim, a speech from a politician in Europe. His campaign ended. To show how stupid he is , he did it previously in 1980 as well. He mimicked a speech that Churchill had made and claimed that he had not seen the Churchill speech. This guy is a gaffe machine, waiting to erupt. Why ? Because he is stupid and horny .
    - John Kerry self inflicted a wound while in Vietnam to force his return to the States. He was awarded a contested Purple Heart. He returned home to announce that US soldiers were killing babies in Vietnam. Why? He is a liar and a coward.
    - and now to Hillary. This alleged lady has not an ounce of integrity or decency. Please do our country a favor and become knowledgeable about the following scandals:
    - Whitewater real estate
    -$100,000 profit on a $1,000 investment in beef futures. ( Tyson Foods)
    - Rose Law firm billing scandal
    - death of Vince Foster
    - Travelgate
    - a sniper shot at me in Bosnia
    -Monica Lewinsky
    - Benghazi
    - the missing $6 billion in her State Department during her tenure
    - millions of dollars of " donation" from corporations, foreign dignitaries, and notorious
    countries around the world into the Clinton Foundation
    - her claim that she was dead broke when she left the Senate. The Clinton's are
    magically worth nearly $200 million today.
    And now her email scandal......

    Well, let's get past this integrity thing because we need a " first woman president" . It could be Pocahontas Warren, I guess. She's a good liar . Hello, America......anybody home?

    Have a great day, TEX=

  23. Email comment from THE EVENING TRIBUNE::

    "Zuckerberg and his minions embody a particular form of evil that must be resisted and defeated." -- Paul Argentieri


    Ceglia's lawyer calls Facebook creator a 'liar, cheater and computer hacker'

    HORNELL, NY - Paul Celia's case against Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook took a new turn in United States District Court on Friday.

    United States District Judge Vernon S. Broderick signed an order granting Ceglia a pair of subpoenas against Zuckerberg prior to the Wellsville native's criminal trial.

    As a result, Zuckerberg and Facebook must produce documents to Ceglia's defense team by noon on March 16.

    Ceglia's criminal trial is set to begin on May 4, where he will face the U.S. District Court in New York regarding an alleged attempt to interfere with the justice system.

    "Zuckerberg is now in a position that he never fully considered when he engineered the arrest of Paul Ceglia by falsely promoting a narrative not supported by authentic evidence," Argentieri said from California Friday.

    According to the subpoena, Zuckerberg and Facebook must produce "all written contracts, agreements and addendums" between Mark Zuckerberg and Paul Ceglia between Jan. 1, 2003 and July 29, 2004. Communications between companies managed or owned in some form by Zuckerberg and Ceglia in that time period are also included.

    "In a cruel twist of fate, Zuckerberg must prove a case based upon his testimony, under oath, that will simultaneously subject him to the perils of perjury," Argentieri said.

    Argentieri noted that the subpoena will force Zuckerberg to give up documents he didn't have to produce in previous cases, including the case involving Cameron and Tyler Winkelevoss that was portrayed in the film "The Social Network."

    Based upon his privileged life to date, he has never been subject to a court order demanding him to disclose all his evidence," Argentieri said.

    Ceglia's case against Facebook was dismissed in March of last year after U.S. Magistrate Judge Leslie Foschio recommended it due to believed fabrications on documents used.

    The subpoena could have an impact on the case Facebook filed against several firms and lawyers in October of last year. Paul Argentieri & Associates was one of the firms named in the suit and Argentieri & Associates was one of the firms named in the suit and Argentieri didn't mince his words to The Evening Tribune at the time.

    “Zuckerberg and his minions embody a particular form of evil that must be resisted and defeated," Argentieri said in October. "This is a fight I feel very comfortable in and have trained for a very long time as a trial lawyer."

    Argentieri then demanded a trial by jury via a denial filed by the New York County Clerk on Nov. 17, 2014 and called Zuckerberg "an individual with a well-documented history as a lear, cheater and computer hacker."

    Argentieri believes the subpoena in Ceglia's case could have a major impact on the case he faces against the social media giant.

    "Consider another two rails in a railroad track," Argentieri said. "We have Paul Ceglia's litigation and we have the lawyer litigation but it's the same track. The information that's gathered in one will be connected to the other. There's a seamless parallel there."

    * * *

    Source: Papaserge, R. (Feb. 22, 2015). FACEBOOK COURT BATTLE - Argentieri says evidence gives him confidence. The Evening Tribune


      Paul Ceglia's cases against Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook have received ZERO objective reporting from the mainstream media lemmings. For example, the Facebook thugs accused Ceglia of forging his agreement with Zuckerberg, yet Zuckerberg has never produced the alternative agreement he claims to have signed. The prosecutors based their case solely on the expert testimony of Facebook experts, who have also never seen Zuckerberg's claimed version. They based the arrest solely on a scanned bitmap image found on Ceglia's computers which they seized when they arrested him. Both judges hold substantial stock in Facebook interests, and the U.S. Attorney who had Ceglia arrested, Preetinder Bharara, worked previously at Gibson Dunn LLP -- Facebook's lawyer!

      The shams just keep piling up for the Facebook Cartel of attorneys and federal judges. As anyone with a working knowledge of computer knows, scanned images are not originals.

      We encourage our readers to forward this article on to opinion influencers. Paul Ceglia's right to fair and impartial tribunals has been obliterated by crooked judges and colluding law firms like Gibson Dunn LLP. The judges who have been assigned to Ceglia cases are all well invested in the Facebook Cartel, so we know who pulls their strings.


  24. This post undresses how the Facebook Cartel pulls off their wild valuations. This dirty money has destroyed the normal American capital markets with funny money sloshing around offshore, just waiting for some new stock scheme to push their dubious cash into while the SEC looks the other way. No liquidity for anyone except those in this massive Ponzi scheme where Peter in Dubai invests in Facebook who sells advertising to Paul who takes money from Mary in Beijing.

    Mark Cuban just sounded this alarm too:

    Dashiell Bennett (March 05, 2015). Mark Cuban: We're in a Tech Bubble—and It's Worse Than 2000. Bloomberg News.


  25. Email comment by TEX:

    Have you watched a demolition crew bring down an old building by strategically placing dynamite blast caps inside and around the structure? It is imperative that all load bearing walls and pillars are destroyed. KABOOM ! Down it comes. Many hours of planning culminates in a meticulous pile of rubble that is easily removed. Once cleared, the underlying land is used to give rise to a " fundamentally transformed" structure.

    Now let's play a game of wild imagination. I had this nightmare. Suppose that our goal is to " fundamentally transform" America. Where would we place the blast caps? We would have to start with our strongest pillar, the Constitution. That might take several caps. We would want to obliterate it. Then , in no certain order of importance, we would do the following . We would take total control of the media, both traditional and the Internet. We have to control the messaging. Then the next strongest pillar might be the military. We want a military that would enforce our new agenda , so changing out senior commanders that don't play ball would be really important. As a blast cap to confuse the logical thinkers that might oppose our military takeover, we will call our enemies our friends, and friends our enemies. When a friend came to town , we would chastise him . We would slowly dismantle our defenses, reduce our weapons, and tell the world that we no longer want to be the beacon of freedom.

    We would ridicule the notion of oversight by two other branches and make each as feckless as possible. Congress must be seen as useless ( say 10% approval) and the court system must become an arm of our coercion. It might take a few years but proper placement of less than neutral judges could be a final blast cap. Congress could self destruct without much help. We would want to disarm our citizens by taking their weapons or their bullets, or both. It would be a real concern that there over three hundred million weapons in the hands of US citizens and they have a history of resisting loss of freedoms.

    Other pillars of our great country must also be blown apart . Our youth must be convinced by their teachers and professors ( whom we must control) that mom and dad are just too old fashioned to see the need for this great ' transformation" . In doing this we can destroy other bothersome traditions such as family, faith, and patriotism. The economic system must be blown up and rebuilt to be " more fair". Income equality, sexual equality, racial equality, must be used as our blast caps. Innovation, productivity, and competition must not be tolerated. To do this , we would put our country so deep into debt that it could not possibly survive. We would need the majority of Americans to come to the feeder trough of entitlements. And as a final and lasting blow, let's collapse our sovereign borders. After all , if we want to be ordinary, we must remove all extraordinary remains of this failed experiment.......America.

    But, this could never happen to the land of the free and the home of the brave. Wake me up when this nightmare is over.

    Have a great day, TEX

  26. Hey Folks, in compiling data for AFI investigators, discovered this curious sequence of events in the life of our new President Obama and his homies in 2008:

    Nov. 19, 2008 - Leader Technologies filed suit against Facebook

    Dec. 01, 2008 - Eric H. Holder, Jr. nominated to be Attorney General

    Dec. 05, 2008 - Donald K. Stern, Cooley Godward LLP appointed to advise Obama on Justice Department appointments

    Dec. 12, 2008 - FISA Court makes sweeping changes to wire tapping laws giving Attorney General (Holder) almost dictatorial powers which ushered in the NSA abuses of privacy.

    Remember, Leader's patent attorney, James P. Chandler, coached Holder and the Justice Department of national security and intellectual property. What better person to coach them on a clever way to steal it from his client?

    Cooley's Stern recommended Judge Leonard P. Stark to the Leader v. Facebook case

    Cooley replaced White & Case LLP as Facebook's Leader v. Facebook trial lawyers

    The skids on justice and fairplay weren't rigged. Nawwwwww.

    Here's proof:

    HOLDER: http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/2008-12-01-Eric-H-Holder-Jr-Nominated-as-Attorney-General-White-House-Blog-The-White-House-accessed-May-03-2014.pdf

    STERN/COOLEY/STARK: Http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/2008-12-05-Cooley-Partner-Donald-K-Stern-Named-Advisor-to-US-Department-of-Justice-Transition-Team-Cooley-Godward-Kronish-Dec-5-2008-accessed-Jun-15-2013.pdf

    FISA: http://www.fbcoverup.com/docs/cyberhijack/2008-12-12-Foreign-Intelligence-Surveillance_Court-Supplemental-Opinion-from-the-FISC-allowing-content-authorization-Dec-12-2008.pdf


    George Will on the Clintons: "could find a loophole in a stop sign."


    The same can be said for the other Facebook Cartel lawyers who are cut out of the same cloth of corruption:

    1. Fenwick & West LLP
    2. Gibson Dunn LLP
    3. Cooley Godward LLP
    4. White & Case LLP
    5. Perkins Coie LLP
    6. Blank Rome LLP
    7. The Chandler Law Firm Chargered
    8. Weil Gotshal LLP
    9. Orrick Herrington LLP


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