Friday, April 4, 2014


USPTO director and Former ibm-ER, David J. Kappos, mentored secretly by NSA Advisor & Leader Technologies’ first patent counsel

Contributing Writers | OPINION | AMERICANS FOR INNOVATION | Updated Apr. 05, 2014, published Apr. 04, 2014 | PDF
Summary of Motions, Appeal, Petition, Evidence, Analysis, Briefings in Leader Technologies, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 08-cv-862-JJF-LPS (D. Del. 2008), published as Leader Techs, Inc. v. Facebook, Inc., 770 F. Supp. 2d 686 (D. Del. 2001)
Update, Apr. 9, 2014—A complete Leader v. Facebook document library with full citations has just been released. CLICK HERE. The "Grand Bait and Switch" that perverted justice in this case becomes quit apparent with the benefit of hindsight. A conclusion of judicial malfaesance is unavoidable. It is very apparent that an entire echelon of judges, bureaucrats, lawyers, bankers and politicians have been working together to protect their beloved Facebook (in addition to using the platform to manipulate the LOFO vote, stock markets, banking and establish a global surveillance system). Since certain quarters like to accuse their adversaries of unfounded "conspiracies," let's call it "pathological cronyism" instead. A duck is still a duck, no matter what you call it.
David J. Kappos
Fig. 1—David J. Kappos, former director of the U.S. Patent Office, ordered the unprecedented third reexamination of Leader Technologies' U.S. Patent No. 7,139,761 after Facebook had been found guilty of infringing the patent on 11 of 11 counts. Kappos failed to disclose (1) his close association with Leader's first patent attorney, Professor James P. Chandler, III, President, National Intellectual Property Law Institute; (2) his establishment of a USPTO Facebook page during the Leader v. Facebook proceedings; and (3) his $1 million Vanguard holdings, one of the biggest pre-IPO Facebook stockholders.

Why didn't he disclose these obvious conflicts of interest? Because he likely already knew that the outcome was a foregone conclusion, orchestrated by his mentor, Professor Chandler, for the benefit of the NSA and its global surveillance strategy to exploit social networks.

(Apr. 4, 2014)—The Patent Office continues to stonewall requests for basic background information on former Patent Office director, David J. Kappos, and the judges and staff that he assigned to his unprecedented third patent office reexamination of Leader Technologies’ patent for social networking, U.S. Pat. No. 7,139,761.

Those Patent Office people are Stephen C. Siu, Meredith C. Petravick, James T. Moore, Allen R. MacDonald, Deandra Hughes, William J. Stoffel, James C. Payne and Kathryn W. Siehndel. See Request for Congressional Intervention for more detail.

The Patent Office appears to be hiding damning evidence.

What does the U.S. Patent Office consider so secret about Director Kappos’ biography that they are willing to claim Executive Privilege to hide it?

We asked veteran research librarians to find out more about David J. Kappos. While Kappos touts his 25+years at IBM, little is actually known about his personal activities. Despite Kappos’ high profile positions, including IBM Corporate Counsel and assistant general counsel, these librarians concluded that “the web has been cleansed of Mr. Kappos’ history."

Veteran Researchers: The web info on David J. Kappos "has been cleansed"

These librarians are part of a prestigious library system. They do research for top government, education and business clients every day. They were suspicious of the complete lack of information about Mr. Kappos. “It’s too clean,” they concluded. “Someone doesn’t want us to know about Mr. Kappos.”

This is the third person's activity prior to certain dates that has been cleansed from the web. The first was Mark Zuckerberg's 2003-2004 activity that went "missing." The second was John P. Breyer, the shadowy Chinese venture capital figure behind son, James W. Breyer, Facebook's largest shareholder and managing partner of Accel Partners LLP, Fenwick & West LLP's client. Wehave documentation that know that John P. Breyer founded IDG/Computer World and is a Hungarian refugee contemporary of George Soros. Ironically, despite Breyer's high profile association with Computer World, the world's computers seem cleansed of him.

The researchers then started consulting their archivist sources in Washington D.C. This is when the inquiry got interesting. One source confirmed that Mr. Kappos had been heavily involved with The National Intellectual Property Law Institute in the passage of the Federal Trade Secrets and the Economic Espionage Acts in 1996.

Warning: “Be careful . . . this is being watched at high levels.”

NSA domestic syping tramples on inalienable American rights to privacy and property.

NSA domestic spying tramples on inalienable American rights to privacy and property

Then, in a turn right out of a Grisham spy novel, this Washington source cautioned the inquirers to “be careful’ because queries about Kappos’ involvement “are being watched at high levels.” This source also said that at least three similar inquiries had occurred in the last few months. This person would not elaborate on what “high levels” meant. We posit this tidbit of information as a data point for the reader.

Of course, to us journalists, such warnings are like throwing red meat to a dog.

The librarians consulted Kappos’ Senate confirmation hearing. GPO Summary | HTML | PDF (40MB). Surprisingly, Kappos failed to disclose his association with The National Intellectual Property Law Institute and its founder, Professor James P. Chandler, III, in his Senate testimony. This is a material nondisclosure. It appears to be an intentional omission.

Testimony about Professor Chandler figures prominently in the Leader v. Facebook trial transcript since Professor Chandler was Leader’s chief patent counsel. We contacted Leader Technologies who confirmed that to their knowledge Professor Chandler was an important outside intellectual property counsel to IBM, and that Professor Chandler had initiated contact between Leader and IBM during the engagement. Leader said nothing ever came of the introduction, at least as far as they were concerned.

Kappos also continued his failure to disclose this conflict of interest when he ordered the unprecedented third reexamination of Leader’s well-tested seven-year old patent. This patent had already been thoroughly tested at trial where Leader proved that Facebook infringed on all 11 of 11 claims, and there was no prior art.

Yet magically, in the third patent reexamination, Facebook produced the same worn out prior art on which they had lost at trial and in two prior reexaminations. But this time, the patent examiner, Deandra Hughes, had an epiphany so clear and bright that she and the three-judge Board of Patent Appeals and Interferences (BPAI) panel invalidated the entire patent with the stroke of their administrative pens, without a hearing, and without a shred of legal justification. This action killed the other 24 claims of Leader's patent that had not been asserted at trial. The whitewash was complete.

Social media has a creator, and deserves to be paid for their property.

The strategy is now clear. In their hubris, the Facebook cartel doesn't want Leader Technologies' patent rights to be associated with social networking. They want to give it away for free. And, they will corrupt any person or law necessary to achieve that objective. The trouble is, they are breaking the law, and we are a nation of laws, not of people and their often fickle notions.

Kappos also failed to disclose his substantial Facebook holdings.

IBM – The original “patent troll”

IBM has been highly criticized for prosecuting many of its “crappy patents” in the late 1990’s.

In Patently-O, on May 4, 2009, Dennis Crouch, Associate Professor, University of Missouri School of Law, wrote on his reservations about Kappos’ nomination by President Obama:

“Patent pundit Greg Aharonian has oft complained about Kappos and his tendency to talk about patent quality and then charge forward with junky IBM patent applications.”

“Unfortunately, in the past 25 years, Kappos may have forgotten that most of the world does not operate like IBM. Thus, when he says that ‘people no longer innovate individually’ or that ‘many new innovations require investments of unprecedented size,’ I worry that his vision is skewed."

Greg Aharaonian implied that David Kappos was the original patent troll when he wrote:

“Last week IBM was issued its usual batch of patents, many of which are crap - crappy patents whose sole value is to clog the PTO's patent examination pipelines to the detriment of everyone else. A patent application policy actively embraced by David Kappos.”

What are these facts telling us?

A commenter asked last week, “Who’s side was Professor Chandler on?” Simple geometric logic says that Chandler was deeply involved in IBM’s litigation of “crappy patents” before Leader Technologies came along. Is the modern “patent troll" actually the brainchild of Professor Chandler’s advice to IBM? As the commentators point out, this strategy was good for IBM’s revenues, but bad for the individual inventor who doesn’t have the PR machine or influence or large prescense at the Patent Office to fight the pejorative “patent troll” moniker. Further evidence of this practice was revealed with IBM sold 750 "crappy patents" to Facebook on Mar. 22, 2012, and on Jan. 31, 2014, IBM sold Twitter sold 900 more "crappy patents."

What good would these old patents be to Facebook and Twitter except to continue Professor Chandler's big infringer patent trollism, on steriods?

Facebook's opening PR salvo against Leader Technologies, after Leader filed the Leader v. Facebook patent infringement lawsuit on Nov. 19, 2008, was that Leader was a patent troll. As is typical for unscrupulous people and companies, they accuse the victim of their crimes and force them to prove a negative. Ahhm. Leader proved it.

IBM has a dubious history with state surveillance

This would not be the first time that IBM has been centrally involved in collecting information about a citizenry. IBM was prominent in collecting information about Jews and others in Nazi Germany.

IBM’s Founder Thomas J. Watson, Sr.’s was willingly complicit in the secret collecting of census data about German Jews using IBM machines for Adolf Hitler. Hitler created the German Eagle Order medal during this time, and Watson was the first to receive it.

Thomas J. Watson, Jr., wrote in his autobiography, Father, Son, and Company, on page 55:

“At the end of the Congress [of the International Chamber of Commerce in Berlin in June 1937]…the Nazi government gave Dad [Thomas J.Watson, Sr.] the Merit Cross of the German Eagle. This was a medal that had just been created for ‘honoring foreign nationals who have made themselves deserving of the German Reich.’ I was present at the ceremony at which Hjalmar Schacht, Germany’s economic minister, draped the thing around Dad’s neck. It was a white cross framed in gold and decorated with swastikas…” “Dad willingly accepted it at the time, but in 1940, after Hitler had taken over much of Europe, Dad sent the medal back with an angry note …”

NOTE: This sidebar was contributed by an American businessman who had six relatives who were murdered in Nazi concentration camps after being tagged by Hitler's IBM computers.

The smoking gun

It appears that Professor James P. Chandler, III may have been David J. Kappos’ mentor. The $64,000 question is: “Did Chandler throw his client, Leader Technologies, under the bus to enable his clients like IBM, Microsoft, Fenwick & West, and other big infringer allies to steal Leader Technologies’ innovations under some misguided notion of the greater good?

Is this close association between Professor Chandler and David J. Kappos the “smoking gun” that the Patent Office is hiding? Since not a single Patent Office biography of an employee associated with the Leader v. Facebook reexaminations has been produced, this seems likely. Because, in the late 1990's, our sources knew from first hand experience that Congress required that Chandler consult to Congress, the White House, the Judiciary and even foreign governments on implementation of the Federal Trade Secrets Act. Political associations with Chandler would certainly have been sought by Kappos, corporate types being politically predictable that way.

Professor Chandler's association would also explain why the White House claimed executive privilege to stonewall the Patent Office FOIA requests. They would rationalize the need to preserve Chandler's association with national intelligence strategies. However, once the researchers verified Kappos's membership in Chandler's National Intellectual Property Law Institute from two independent sources, this verified that Professor Chandler's associations were public information.

Ohio innovator Leader Technologies did not fit Kappos’ (and Chandlers?) vision of “people no longer innovate individually.”  This Freudian comment contradicts mountains of patronizing Kappos verbiage about his supposed priority for the individual inventor. His only priority seems to be to wrest control of small inventor creativity for the benefit of his deep pocket cronies. Patenting in American has become little more than a way for big firms like IBM to influence the USPTO, for lawyers on both sides to generate billable hours, and for the judges to help their lawyer friends.

IBM created the "patent troll" pejorative as a hoax to deceive Congress into passing the America Invents Act—the greatest enemy to true innovation ever conceived.

The numbers and facts don't lie. IBM proudly claims its leadership as the highest achieving patent recipient in the U.S. for the past twenty-one (21) years! Their huge footprint at the USPTO certainly gives them leverage and may even "crowd out" the little guys like Leader, and their opportunities to earn patent approvals. If there are about 250 working days at the USPTO per year, this means that EACH DAY they allowed over 27 patents per day to IBM ALONE. Facebook's investor Microsoft was awarded 2,660 in 2013.

Kappos and U.S. CTO Aneesh Chopra championed the America Invents Act which packed the law with volumes of IBM-friendly bludgeons against the small inventor. Tellingly, both Kappos and Chopra held volumes of Facebook interests before the Facebook IPO. Chopra gave his approval over the claim in that Leader's social networking invention is "open source." This deception casts a deathly pall over the entire Obamacare implementation.

Kappos assigned former Microsoft employee, Stephen C. Siu, as lead judge in the third Leader Technologies reexamination. Hmmm.

Professor Chandler’s 1995 Congressional testimony reveals his close association with the NSA and the intelligence community. This is confirmed in his online biography where he discloses that he was appointed to the “National Infrastructure Assurance Council (NIAC), a council established by Executive Order in July 1999.” 

Both Kappos and Chandler are alumni of the University of California, Davis.

Leader’s first director was Major General James W. Freeze (Army, ret.), former #3 at the NSA (See Footnote 1). Leader confirmed that General Freeze introduced Leader to Professor Chandler in about 2000.

Are all these connections just coincidental? Mathematically, the odds of this are now nearly zero.

Facebook—a more cost-effective spy machine

Eric Snowden revealed intimate associations among the NSA and Facebook, Google, Verizon, AT&T, etc. As expected, now that the ties are public, people like Zuckerberg act out their hollow denials like Shakespeare’s Queen Gertrude in act III, scene II of Hamlet: “The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

Fenwick & West LLP’s associations with In-Q-Tel, the CIA’s venture capital arm, are well known. Equally well known in Washington D.C. is Bill Fenwick’s association with Professor Chandler, confimed by numerous sources. Leader Technologies has confirmed in various interviews that they had engaged Fenwick & West LLP in 2002-2003 at Professor Chandler's recommendation.

Leader Technologies: thrown under the bus by crony lawyers—is this what the violation of Leader's patent property rights was all about?

Was Ohio innovator Leader Technologies thrown under the bus by their lawyers? It appears that the intelligence world had grand designs for Leader's invention. It appears that Leader’s lawyers Chandler and Fenwick may have given Leader's invention source code to Fenwick & West LLP’s client, James W. Breyer, Accel Partners LLP, Palo Alto, CA, to exploit.

A match founded in unconstitutionality

National Intellectual Property Law Institute (NIPLI)
National Security Agency (NSA)

Besides Facebook, Breyer and Accel Partners appear to have also been central in the establishment of the Russian social network VKontackt and the Chinese social network Baidu, which all look and operate similarly. Is this because these networks were all given Leader Technologies’ source code at the same time by Fenwick & West LLP?  

Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov, a Lawrence “Larry” Summers Harvard creation and partner of Facebook underwriter Goldman Sachs, owns a majority stake in VKontakt. Baidu’s CEO, Robin Y. Li, was appointed CEO in Jan. 2004, the same month that Mark Zuckerberg allegedly created Facebook in “one to two weeks.” Robin Li holds his Baidu stock in a Cayman Island company named "Handsome Reward."

Former Fenwick junior associate, Parker Zhang, was recently elevated to “Head of Patents” at Baidu. Two of the three largest investors in Baidu are T. Rowe Price and Baillie Gifford, which just so happen to also be the largest investors in Facebook.

Fenwick’s sister law firm in these crimes, Gibson Dunn LLP, withheld 28 Zuckerberg Harvard hard drives and emails from Leader Technologies’ during discovery. They said they were lost, yet they magically reappeared on July 18, 2012, one day after the Leader v. Facebook Federal Circuit denial.

NSA/Facebook spying: Take advantage of the unsuspecting

It appears that Facebook was the brainchild of an intelligence world, championed by Professor James P. Chandler, III, that was over-eager to fulfill their dreams of simultaneous global surveillance using Leader Technologies' innovations.

Too bad these actors had to steal real American innovations and tarnish respect for cherished American ideals of property in the process.

Now it's time to fix these injustices and provide the appropriate compensation to the true creators of the technology.

* * *

Postscript: AFI readers are encouraged to do your own digging, and to share these perspectives immediately with your elected representatives and in the comments. We also ask you to notify us immediately with any inaccuracies. This article contains opinion. As with all opinion, it should be independently verified.



    JIMMY WALES new that facebook was stolen and deleted info from his site wikipedia, jimmy wales calls Snowden a HERO well let me tell you what a hero is jimmy wales. A hero is man who is admired for his brave or noble deeds : NOT YOU JIMMY WALES wikipedia degrades our knowlege freedom and truth. THE FACEBOOK CLUB was organized and controlled by lawrence larry summers soon to be Obama's chief economic advisor, vote rigging THIS WAS THE PAY OFF that lawrence larry summers got from Obama summersnew that facebook was stoen

  2. Email comment by: Chris P.

    In 1961, in his farewell address, President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about what IBM, the Facebook cartel and their crony law firms are doing:

    "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist."


    Are you friggin kidding me? We appear to have been overtaken by white collar organized crime. These judges jail car thieves for 10 years. What sentence is appropriate for their criminality?

  4. I see more and more people that are on Facebook complaining about how they are being censored. A second amendment rights activist is being targeted almost on a daily basis. She posted this about her blog sight on Facebook "They have been limiting our posts so that no more than 7% of our friends see our posts.

    1. I say spying like this is a bridge to far
      you need less and more smart ideas
      so whos running the country ??

    2. Email comment by "hoppy"

      Remember when Zuckerberg and Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn - another Facebook look alike) declared the "death of privacy" years ago? They clearly knew a lot more than we did about how we were being spied on, with their help and assistance. This is a widespread collusion of unscrupulous people who have no respect for human decency or morals. Their life purpose is more like "I manipulate therefore I am." President Obama seems to be their puppet.......

    3. THE FACEBOOK CLUB was organized and controlled by lawrence larry summers soon to be Obama's chief economic advisor, vote rigging THIS WAS THE PAY OFF that lawrence larry summers was hopping to got from Obama, BUT HE LOST HIS PUPPET OBAMA

    4. FACEBOOK—A MORE COST-EFFECTIVE SPY MACHINE Robert Muller FBI know and new that facebook was stolen and used facebook for spying. But Robert Muller did not wont the NSA in on this and he sad that in an EMAIL??

  5. Mike, I have known you for almost 20 years and I have been a Leader investor for almost 10. This blog has become an embarrassment and you have really stepped over the line with this last post. Chandler, one of the instrumental forces in putting together Leader, was now involved in a global conspiracy? I suspect he is already prepping his libel lawsuit. We don't need this.

    Having known you for many years I know this type of lashing out is part of your personality. But it needs to stop. You are driving Leader toward yet another libel lawsuit, just like you did with the Zacks/Detwiler blog.

    The company put up a good fight. But for god's sake it is over. It was over 2 years ago. I know you wish it were different but Leader is not the center of the universe. We didn't invent social networking. Nobody stole anything. The world is not out to control the universe using our patent. We were never at the center of a massive global conspiracy to reform the currency system. We were trying to build corporate collaboration software, which had absolutely nothing to do with social networking. Mark Zuckerberg came up with a completely new idea where part of the back end happened to store data in the same manner described in the patent. But the meat of Facebook, the concept of friend sharing, has absolutely nothing to do with our company. Come on now. The conspiracy theories you have been posting here are an utter and escalating embarrassment for Leader.

    I appreciate the effort. We tried. We lost. The last thing the company needs is yet another lawsuit.

    1. Cynthia, your fake sincerity betrays you. What the hell is a Zacks/Detwiler blog anyway? Somebody feeling heat? Attorneys don't know how to do real work. They just threaten people with lawsuits. Yawn. These people are flushing the American justice system down the toilet.

    2. I found out what the Zacks/Detwiler blog is. Some friends in New Jersey said Zacks and Detwiler were two disgruntled ex-employees of Leader. Zacks is an attorney. They filed serial harassment lawsuits against the company after they were let go - something like a half dozen. The company wasn't getting anywhere in the courts, so they outted the misconduct in a blog for shareholders. Not surprisingly, Zacks/Detwiler filed a defamation suit. It all amounted to nothing.

      My friend guessed this all happened between 2005-2006 and 2011-2012. She was a little fuzzy on the dates since it went on for so long. Isn't it interesting that this parallels all the Facebook illegal conduct. Could there be a connection?

  6. Dear "Cynthia" - Speculate all you like. This case has mushroomed on you. There are many of us advocating for you now (if you really are a Leader shareholder, which we doubt). We have reported verified facts and expressed our opinions about those facts. Your pseudo-rational corrective letter to "Mike" (presumably Mike McKibben of Leader) is laughable. This fight has spread well beyond Leader. Some of us Americans DESPISE what you Facebook types are doing. I know that it hard for you in your hubris to fathom.

    And besides, if you really are a Leader shareholder, then you should be mad as hell that your invention has been stolen by judicial corruption. Those are facts, as inconvenient as they may be to you. Taking your words at face value, you seem to know a remarkable amount about Zuckerberg's true intentions. Did you participate in the collusion? Wouldn't that have been a problem for you as a Leader shareholder? We're taking bets about whether "Cynthia Bellman" is a real Leader shareholder.

    Bad guys love to decry "conspiracy theories." Benghazi, IRS, etc. Yawn. These scandals don't happen without real people conspiring to do improper acts. Call it what you like, it's still wrong. Quoting Shakespeare above. The lady doth protest too much, methinks."

    If Chandler is not involved, then the questions raised by the Patent Office's continued stonewalling and the threats to our researchers can be put to bed with dispatch. Your assertions and sweeping pseudo-knowledge is not convincing.

    Our contributing writers present the facts. You decide what they mean. Don't rely on our opinions.

  7. K. Craine's comment (above) is a very serious concern for our country.

    President Eisenhower's speech writer for his farewell speech was Malcolm Moos, who later became the President of the University of Minnesota. I had the honor of being a student in a U.S. History course when he spoke to our class about his firsthand experiences with Eisenhower. Moos told us that he invented the term "military industrial complex" for the speech when he was looking at a list of the then current list of jobs held by former members of the military. Many of them were in firms that were selling to the Department of Defense. This raised concerns about undue influence over our government.

    Unfortunately, the problem had magnified exponentially. And it includes more than just the defense industry. In his 2013 book, Our Town, journalist Mark Leibovich writes about this influence. Christopher Buckley's NY Times review of the book states:

    President Obama’s first year in office was the best year ever for the special interests industry, which earned $3.47 billion lobbying the federal government. Ka-ching — your change, sir. There’s a phrase in journalism-speak called 'burying the lede,' which Leibo­vich appears to do by waiting until Page 330 to cite this arresting figure (previously reported by The Atlantic): in 1974, 3 percent of retiring members of Congress became lobbyists. 'Now 50 percent of senators and 42 percent of congressmen do.' No one goes home anymore. Cincinnatus, call your office."

    We clearly have major problem in our country. It's high time that we citizens gather together to fix it. Legislation needs to be passed and enforced to preempt this kind of hand in the cookie jar behavior.

    God bless AFI and Leader for their leadership in pointing out the injustices that have happened in their unfortunate situation. Let's hope actions will be taken soon to fix their plight.

  8. “Cynthia”, we, the actual investors of Leader Tech, are not quite sure why Professor Chandler would be contemplating a libel suit. There are many investors, who have asked this question about his motives. He spoke up, on his own, during an investors meeting and stated that he would "personally" go after “anyone” who would violate Leader’s rights. Why has he been suspiciously quiet during this whole process? Since he was not allowed to testify at trial, surely, we would have heard something from him. Yet he still remains silent. What questions are raised by his continuing silence? His achievements are a testament to his career, so to try and suggest that he just “screwed up” while advising Leader during the patent process doesn’t pass the smell test. As has been pointed out, overwhelming facts have been presented of corruption in the judicial system and financial industry. AFI needs to continue the fight and expose it. If we do nothing then your freedoms along with everyone else will be in the hands of people who do not have your best interest in mind, just their pocket books! History backs me up on this!!!!

    1. Cynthia you say Mark Zuckerberg came up with a completely new idea; but you new that Mark Zuckerberg stole
      the idea facebook; You know and new that facebook was stolen. and that Leader's innvention source code was stolen
      Zacks and Detwiler were two disgruntled ex-employees of Leader. Zacks is an attorney who stole the source cod and
      new that the idea FACEBOOK was not Mark Zuckerberg idea Zuckerberg stole the idea with the help lawrence larry
      summers soon to be Obama's chief economic advisor Facebook is founded on a series of betrayals, fueled by the
      unappeasable craving for friends Zuckerberg is a villain an antihero, a flawed human whose deep need for acceptance
      becomes the driving force behind the stolen idea Web site that offers the illusion of it. It’s crazy because all of a sudden
      Mark becomes this person who stole Facebook to get girls an to gain power looking for LOVE but never got it, Yes zuckerberg
      got a girlfriend and he did this by walking up to her and asking her do you wont to go out with me, and that was it, but
      before this he tried the same on Jessica Alona (FAIL) I'm CEO…bitch" on his business card.he called “Jessica Alona is a bitch
      and then there were girls on graigs-list or as zuckerberg put it looking for a new bitch

  9. Emailed Comment: WWII Veteran

    I can personally verify the use of IBM computers by the Nazis to catalog Jews during WWII. We seized a number of Nazi computer centers as my division rolled across Germany. I am a Jew, so it was quit a sensitive subject to me. Frankly, I didn't find my Christian buddies any less horrified. The Nazis were brutally efficient in their cataloging of Jews in Europe. Thankfully, we stopped them from finishing their task.

    The current surveillance of Americans by the NSA is not what I fought for and many of my buddies died for. Such abuses must stop, I implore everyone to speak up, otherwise history will repeat itself.

  10. The Winklevoss Bitcoin Trust, currently moving towards regulatory approval, could be approved by the end of 2014
    But you cant get regulatory approval if you got a criminal record or can you, the Winklevoss new how Mark Zuckerberg
    had stolen the idea facebook but instead of telling the truth extorted millions out of Facebook Bitcoin Trust ha

    Winklevoss say the idea facebook was their idea but was not, and in 2004, Chang says he entered into business partnerships with Cameron and Tyler Winklevoss that gave him a chunk of two companies, ConnectU, a social networking site facebook for college students, .Part of the deal, according to Chang, involved integrating i2hub features with ConnectU to get the idea facebook up and running but the idea facebook was not zuckerberg idea nor was it the Winklevoss idea Chang. The Winklevoss forgot to pint this out when they extorted millions out of

  11. Report: NSA secretly exploited devastating Heartbleed bug for years (Update: NSA denies)

    04.11.2014 5:13 PM

    News of the Heartbleed bug has brought the Web to its knees, and Bloomberg says the NSA has been exploiting it for at least two years.BUT THAT NOT ALL THE NSA KNOW AND NEW THAT FACEBOOK WAS STOLEN and exploited mark zuckerberg FB.. ROBERT MULLER NEW THAT FACEBOOK WAS STOLEN but wonted facebook for a Global Surveillance Scheme this is why they went with mark zuckerberg: lawrence larry summers soon to be Obama's chief economic advisor new that facebook was stolen its called selfish greed

    ROBERT MULLER was asst to do an investigation into the stolen idea facebook by the owner. But ROBERT MULLER wonted facebook for a Global Surveillance Scheme but did not wont THE NSA in on this but the national security agency (NSA) NEW THAT FACEBOOK WAS STOLEN and so did VKONTAKE and BAIDU and BILL GATES and LAWENCE SUMMERS....and others. Like lisa simson on a video disk ZUCKERBERG openly admitted ;saying that facebook was not his idea lisa simson got a court order to get the video disks and distorted the sound track on the disk in a deliberate act to hid the fact zuckerberg stole the idea facebook one of the disk was from Robert Mueller at the FBI. MARK ZUCKERBERG STOLE BY STEALTH the idea facebook the name facebook the concept and the execution of facebook and Leader's invention source code was stolen as well.

    Morgan Stanley received approx. $32 billion in U.S. Taxpayer bailout funds. When U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley demanded an accounting, they admitted sending some $6 billion overseas. Goldman Sachs’ Moscow partners Alisher Asmanov, Yuri Milner, DST, and Digital Sky Technologies then invested up to $3 billion in private Facebook stock to become the second largest shareholder. They did not even ask for a board seat or any normal participation by a large investor.

    Accel Partners invested in Facebook on or before May 2005 (definitely through surrogates like Peter Thiel and Reid Hoffman in 2004). Breyer became chairman of Facebook in 2005. Fenwick started filing for patents for Zuckerberg in August. 2006. Fenwick received an astounding one-day turnaround from the S.E.C. who allowed Facebook to ignore the 500- shareholder rule on August 14, 2008. Fenwick emerged as lead counsel for the Facebook IPO in May 2012. A long term scheme to steal Leader Technologies’ inventions

  12. VKONTAKE and BAIDU and BILL GATES and LAWENCE SUMMERS.... [Harvard President at the time facebook was stolen] PETER THIEL and REID HOFFMAN GOLDMAN SACHS They all new that facebook was STOLEN and Leader's invention source code was stolen as well. Russian oligarch Alisher Usmanov, a Lawrence “Larry” Summers Harvard creation and partner of Facebook underwriter Goldman Sachs, owns a majority stake in VKontakt. Baidu’s CEO, Robin Y. Li, was appointed CEO in Jan. 2004, the same month that Mark Zuckerberg allegedly created Facebook in “one to two weeks.” Robin Li holds his Baidu stock in a Cayman Island company named "Handsome Reward, all new that facebook was stolen and Leader Technologies’ inventions " DAVID KIRKPATTICK NEW FACEBOOK WAS STOLEN Fenwick’s sister law firm in these crimes, Gibson Dunn LLP all new that facebook was stolen and Leader Technologies’ inventions and Orrick Herrington LLP

    The 2008 finance crisis was caused by LARRY SUMMERS?, and GOLDMAN SACHS Larry Summers + friends chief economic advisor Larry Summers Henry Paulson of Goldman Sachs and Geithner to pay Goldman Sachs 100 cents on the dollar Paulson and Bernanke ask congress for $700 billion to bail out the banks. BUT NO BAILOUT FOR LEHMAN BROTHERS GONE AND THE ORDERS CAME FROM GOLDMAN SACHS TO LARRY SUMMERS NOT TO BAIL THEM OUT?? just so Goldman Sachs can be number ONE? Paulson was a dick who did not know how to work out shit if someone stuck a spade up his ass

    Facebook Sued Over Interception of Private Messages
    TORONTO, April 9, 2014 /PRNewswire/ - A class action lawsuit commenced today in the Ontario Superior Court alleges that Facebook illicitly ... intercepted its users' private messages for its own commercial gain.

  13. Ping Li (Accel Partners, Zuckerberg handler) Jim Swartz (Accel Partners; Zuckerberg handler) Sheryl K. Sandberg (Facebook, Summers protégé; SUCK UP Facebook director)James W. Breyer (Accel Partners LLP; Facebook director; client of Fenwick & West LLP since the 1990's; apparently received technology from other Fenwick clients that was shuffled to Zuckerberg, incl. Leader Technologies' inventions) Yes Fenwick stole Leader Technologies' and gave it to mark zuckerberg but zuckerberg was not the first to get this stolen Technologies

    Yuri Milner know and new that the idea facebook was stolen(DST aka Digital Sky, Summers protégé; former Bank Menatep executive; Facebook director): Alisher Asmanov (DST aka Digital Sky; Goldman Sachs Moscow partner; Russian oligarch; Friend of the Kremlin; Became the Richest Man in Russia after the Facebook IPO) Goldman Sachs know and new that the idea facebook was stolen: Marc L. Andreessen (Zuckerberg coach; client of Fenwick and Christopher P. King; Summers' sponsor during Instagram-scam; Facebook director): Peter A. Thiel know and new that the idea facebook was stolen and Leader’s source code (Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; Facebook director) and new PayPal the payment idea concept is stolen: Reid G. Hoffman know and new that the idea facebook was stolen and Leader’s source code (Zuckerberg coach; PayPal; LinkedIn; Facebook director)and new PayPal the payment idea concept is stolen

    42. David Kilpatrick was the second person out side of facebook that was informed and got Emails on how facebook was stolen(Business Insider; "The Facebook Effect;" PR cleanse-meister re. Facebook origins) The first person out side of facebook that was informed and got Emails on how facebook was stolen was henry bloget Business Insider

    43. Zynga know and new that the idea facebook was stolen/Groupon concept and execution of the idea Groupon stolen /Instagram know and new that the idea facebook was stolen the concept and execution of the idea, and Leader’s source code was stolen ("Facebook Money/Credits" feeder companies Linked-In/Square/Groupon /Instagram ): Marc L. Andreessen (Zuckerberg coach; client of Fenwick and Christopher P. King; Summers' sponsor during Instagram-scam; Facebook director) Instagram the concept and execution of the idea, Instagram is stolen the makers of instagram were informed and got Emails on how facebook was stolen, but did not tell the truth and stole the idea Instagram.

  14. Microsoft Bill Gates know and new that the idea facebook was stolen and Leader’s source code (virtually controls the The Federal Circuit Bar Association and the Federal Circuit Clerk of Court Jan Horbaly, along with Gibson & Dunn's Thomas Hungar)

    . Goldman Sachs know and new that the idea facebook was stolen thanks to Larry Summers (received US bailout funds; then invested with DST in Facebook private stock via Moscow; took Facebook public; locked out American investors from investing) and then rip of American investors with the jack up IPO, Facebook cajoled employees to sell their stock in no-questions-asked $3 billion transactions facilitated by Goldman Sachs’ partner in Moscow, Russia, Alisher Asmanov/Yuri Milner/DST/Digital Sky.The 2008 finance crisis was caused by LARRY SUMMERS?, and GOLDMAN SACHS Larry Summers + friends chief economic advisor Larry Summers Henry Paulson of Goldman Sachs and Geithner to pay Goldman Sachs 100 cents on the dollar Paulson and Bernanke ask congress for $700 billion to bail out the banks. BUT NO BAILOUT FOR LEHMAN BROTHERS GONE AND THE ORDERS CAME FROM GOLDMAN SACHS TO LARRY SUMMERS NOT TO BAIL THEM OUT, More money for Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley to invested up to $3 billion in private Facebook stock

    46. Morgan Stanley (received US bailout funds; took Facebook public; probably participated in oversees purchases of Facebook private stock before IPO) Morgan Stanley received approx. $32 billion in U.S. Taxpayer bailout funds. When U.S. Senator Chuck Grassley demanded an accounting, they admitted sending some $6 billion overseas. Goldman Sachs’ Moscow partners Alisher Asmanov, Yuri Milner, DST, and Digital Sky Technologies then invested up to $3 billion in private Facebook stock to become the second largest shareholder. They did not even ask for a board seat or any normal participation by a large investor, they new that Mark Zuckerberg was a puppet?? Facebook boy-puppets Mark Zuckerberg Chris Hughes Dustin Moskowitz Eduardo Saverin

    Microsoft Bill Gates has the Federal Circuit Bar Association in his back pocket :: Larry Summers has Goldman Sachs Morgan Stanley and Russia, Alisher Asmanov/Yuri Milner/DST/Digital Sky and Harvard Crimson coverage in his back pocket :: James W. Breyer has Accel Partners LLP/ Linked-In/Square/Groupon /Instagram /Zynga and more in his back pocket ::


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